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公众号:葱哥说考研 考研资料免费分享 2015年考研英语一真题【公众号:葱哥说考研 考研资料免费分享】 2015 考研 英语 一真题 公众 葱哥说 资料 免费 分享
绝密启用前英语(一)英语(一)(科目代码:201)考生注意事项1.答题前,考生须在试题册指定位置上填写考生编号和考生姓名;在答题卡指定位置上填写报考单位、考生姓名和考生编号,并涂写考生编号信息点。2.考生须把试题册上的“试卷条形码”粘贴条取下,粘贴在答题卡的“试卷条形码粘贴位置”框中。不按规定粘贴条形码而影响评卷结果的,责任由考生自负。3.选择题的答案必须涂写在答题卡相应题号的选项上,非选择题的答案必须书写在答题卡指定位置的边框区域内。超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题册上答题无效。4.填(书)写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔书写,字迹工整、笔迹清楚;涂写部分必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂。5.考试结束,将答题卡和试题册按规定交回。(以下信息考生必须认真填写)考生编号考生姓名2015 年全国硕士研究生招生考试Directions:Section I Use of English Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(lOpoints)Though not biologically related,friends are as related as fourth cousms,sharing about 1%of genes.That is 1 a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has 2 The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1,932 unique subjects which 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers.The same people were used in both_5_ While 1%may seem 6,it is not so to a geneticist.As James Fowler,professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego,says,Most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our kin.The study_9_ found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity.Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now.10 as the team suggests,it draws us to similar environments but there 1s more 11 it.There could be many mechanisms working together that 12 us in choosing genetically similar friends _D functional kinship of being friends with 14 One of the remarkable findings of the study was that the similar genes seem to be evolving 15 than other genes.Studying this could help 16 why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years,with social environment being a major 17 factor.The findings do not simply explain peoples-18 to befriend those of similar 19 backgrounds,say the researchers.Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction,care was taken to 20 that all subjects,friends and strangers,were taken from the same population.-1-1.A when2.A defended3.A for4.A compared5.A tests6.A insignificant7.A visit8.A resemble9.A again10.A Meanwhile11.A about12.A drive13.A according to14.A chances15.A later16.A forecast17.A unpredictable18.A endeavor19.A political20.A seePart A Directions:B whyC howD whatB concludedC withdrawnD advisedB withC onD byB sought C separatedD connectedB objectsC samplesD examplesB unexpectedC unreliableD incredibleB missC seekD knowB influenceC favorD surpassB alsoC insteadD thusB Furthermore C LikewiseD PerhapsB toC fromD likeB observeC confuseD limitB rather thanC regardless of D along withB responsesC missionsD benefitsB slowerC fasterD earlierB rememberC understandD expressB contributoryC controllable D disruptiveB decisionC arrangement D tendencyB religiousC ethnicD economicB showC proveD tellSection II Reading Comprehension Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)-2-Text 1 King Juan Carlos of Spain once insisted kings dont abdicate,they die in their sleep.But embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down.So,does the Spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days?Does that mean the writing is on the wall for all European royals,with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyles?The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy.When public opinion is particularly polarised,as it was following the end of the Franco regime,monarchs can rise above mere politics and embody a spirit of national unity.It is this apparent transcendence of politics that explains monarchs continuing popularity as heads of state.And so,the Middle East excepted,Europe is the most monarch-infested region in the world,with 10 kingdoms(not counting Vatican city and Andorra).But unlike their absolutist counterparts in the Gulf and Asia,most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure.Even so,kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside.Symbolic of national unity as they claim to be,their very history-and sometimes the way they behave today-embodies outdated and indefensible privileges and inequalities.At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth,it is bizarre that wealthy aristocratic families should still be the symbolic heart of modem democratic states.The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways.Princes and princesses have day-jobs and ride bicycles,not horses(or helicopters).Even so,these are wealthy families who party with the international 1%,and media intrusiveness makes it increasingly difficult to maintain the right image.While Europes monarchies will no doubt be smart enough to survive for some time to come,it is the British royals who have most to fear from the Spanish example.It is only the Queen who has preserved the monarchys reputation with her rather ordinary(if well-heeled)granny style.The danger will come with Charles,who has both an expensive taste of lifestyle and a pretty hierarchical view of the world.He has failed to understand that monarchies have largely survived because they provide a service-as non-controversial and non-political heads of state.Charles ought to know that as English history shows,it is kings,not republicans,who are the monarchys worst enemies.-3-21.According to the first two paragraphs,King Juan Carl of Spain A eased his relationship with his rivals.B used to enjoy high public support.C was unpopular among European royals.D ended his reign in embarrassment.22.Monarchs are kept as heads of state in Europe mostly A to give voters more public figures to look up to.B to achieve a balance between tradition and reality.C owing to their undoubted and respectable status.D due to their everlasting political embodiment.23.Which of the following is shown to be odd,according to Paragraph 4?A Aristocrats excessive reliance on inherited wealth.B The role of the nobility in modem democracies.C The simple lifestyle of the aristocratic families.D The nobilitys adherence to their privileges.24.The British royals have most to fear because Charles A fails to adapt himself to his future role.B fails to change his lifestyle as advised.C takes republicans as his potential allies.D takes a tough line on political issues.25.Which of the following is the best title of the text?A Carlos,Glory and Disgrace Combined B Charles,Anxious to Succeed to the Throne C Carlos,a Lesson for All European Monarchs D Charles,Slow to React to the Coming Threats-4-Text2 Just how much does the Constitution protect your digital data?The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling,particularly one that upsets the old assumption that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest.It is hard,the state argues,for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.The court would be recklessly modest if it followed Californias advice.Enough of the implications are discernable,even obvious,so that the justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police,lawyers and defendants.They should start by discarding Californias lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone-a vast storehouse of digital information-is similar to,say,going through a suspects purse.The court has ruled that police dont violate the Fourth Amendment when they go through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant.But exploring ones smartphone is more like entering his or her home.A smartphone may contain an arrestees reading history,financial history,medical history and comprehensive records of recent correspondence.The development of cloud computing,meanwhile,has made that exploration so much the easier.Americans should take steps to protect their digital privacy.But keeping sensitive information on these devices is increasingly a requirement of normal life.Citizens still have a right to expect private documents to remain private and protected by the Constitutions prohibition on unreasonable searches.As so often is the case,stating that principle doesnt ease the challenge of linedrawing.In many cases,it would not be overly burdensome for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents.They could still invalidate Fourth Amendment protections when facing severe,urgent circumstances,and they could take reasonable measures to ensure that phone data are not erased or altered while waiting for a warrant.The court,though,may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled to more freedom.But the justices should not swallow Californias argument whole.New,disruptive technology sometimes demands novel applications of the Constitutions protections.Orin Kerr,a law professor,compares the explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use as a virtual necessity of life in the 20th:The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then;they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.-5-26.The Supreme Court will work out whether,during an arrest,it is legitimate to A prevent suspects from deleting their phone contents.B search for suspects mobile phones without a warrant.C check suspects phone contents without being authorized.D prohibit suspects from using their mobile phones.27.The authors attitude toward Californias argument is one of A disapproval.B indifference.C tolerance.D cautiousness.28.The author believes that exploring ones phone contents is comparable to A going through ones wallet.B handling ones historical records.C scanning ones correspondences.D getting into ones residence.29.In Paragraphs 5 and 6,the author shows his concern that A principles are hard to be clearly expressed.B the court is giving police less room for action.C phones are used to store sensitive information.D citizens privacy is not effectively protected.30.Orin Kerrs comparison is quoted to indicate that A the Constitution should be implemented flexibly.B principles of the Constitution should never be altered.C Californias argument violates principles of the Constitution.D new technology requires reinterpretation of the Constitution.-6-Text3 The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process,editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today.The policy follows similar efforts from other journals,after widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many published research findings.Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal,writes McNutt in an editorial.Working with the American Statistical Association,the journal has appointed seven experts to a statistics board of reviewing editors(SBoRE).Manuscripts will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journals internal editors,or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers.The SBoRE panel will then find external statisticians to review these manuscripts.Asked whether any particular papers had impelled the change,McNutt said:The creation of the statistics board was motivated by concerns broadly with the application of statistics and data analysis in scientific research and is part of Sciences overall drive to increase reproducibility in the research we publish.Giovanni Parmigiani,a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health,a member of the SBoRE group,says he expects the board to play primarily an advisory role.He agreed to join because he found the foresight behind the establishment of the SBoRE to be novel,unique and likely to have a lasting impact.This impact will not only be through the publications in Science itself,but hopefully through a larger group of publishing places that may want to model their approach after Science.John Ioannidis,a physician who studies research methodology,says that the policy is a most welcome step forward and long overdue.Most journals are weak in statistical review,and this damages the quality of what they publish.I think that,for the majority of scientific papers nowadays,statistical review is more essential than expert review,he says,but he noted that biomedical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine,the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical review.Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyse data,but statistical errors are alarmingly common in published research,according to David Vaux,a cell biologist.Researchers should improve their standards,he wrote in 2012,but journals should also take a tougher line,engaging reviewers who are statistically literate and editors who can verify the process.Vaux says that Sciences idea to pass some papers to statisticians has some merit,but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify the papers that need scrutiny in the first place.-7-31.It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that A Science intends to simplify its peer-review process.B journals are strengthening their statistical checks.C few journals are blamed for mistakes in data analysis.D lack of data analysis is common in research projects.32.The phrase flagged up(Para.2)is the closest in meaning to A found.B revised.C marked.D stored.33.Giovanni Parmigiani believes that the establishment of the SBoREmay A pose a threat to all its peers.B meet with strong opposition.C increase Sciences circulation.D set an example for other journals.34.David Vaux holds that what Science is doing now A adds to researchers workload.B diminishes the role of reviewers.C has room for further improvement.D is to fail in the foreseeable future.35.Which of the following is the best title of the text?A Science Joins Push to Screen Statistics in Papers B Professional Statisticians Deserve More Respect C Data Analysis Finds Its Way onto Editors Desks D Statisticians Are Coming Back with Science-8-Text4 Two years ago,Rupert Murdochs daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions.Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of a collective acceptance that the only sorting mechanism in society should be profit and the market.But its us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit.Driving her point home,she continued:Its increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose,of a moral language within government,media o

