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2024考研词汇红宝书 配套练习题及答案解析1 2024 考研 词汇 红宝书 配套 练习题 答案 解析
最新版红宝串质霸引红宝书资火养特楼附超装公咒考研英语词汇必考词+基础词+超纲词微信公众号:djy66配套练习题及答案解析4【记练结合【融会贯通正版图书均有增值服务标签(见大词汇封面)请输入标签上的序列号激活APP和在线音频亦可登陆【红宝书官网】下载考研英语资料APP下载长难句考研英语命题研究组编著西北人学!版利NORTHWEST UNIVERSTTY PRESS【红宝书】考研英语词汇(必考词)一一配套练习题及答案解析必考词微信公众号:djky66第一节(Unit1Unit 7)【顶尖考研祝您上岸)练习一:按首字母填词1.After buying the newest fashion magazine,I ran home and could not wait to a(消遣)myself by reading it.2.Teachers can use some teaching strategies to reduce classroom a(焦虑)of students.3.Electronic reading machine can allow children to touch the screen and hear the sounds of words so as to help them build phonicskill and promote language c(理解).4.C(to previous response,he began to become anxious when the police showed him relevant criminal evidence.5.The Chancellor announced that the exchequer would cut parliament b(预算)to cope with economic problems.6.As Janes boy friend,he is always so c(体贴的),which makes her feel that she doesnt deserve him.7.Some news media intend to dthe reality of news to make it seem more attractive.8.The government gives the veterans special p(such as half-price train tickets,and the free spots visit.9.State Grid Corporation of China(SGCC)is state-owned m(垄断)enterprise.10.University courses are designed to encourage students to develop their i(个人的)insights,练习二:词汇辨析1.Any nation that interferes in the internal affairs of another nation should be universallyAblamedBreproachedC)scoldedDcondemned2.The government willa reform in the educational system.AinitiateBinitialCinitiativeDintimate3.The committee proposed to the U.N.Charter.AcorrectBreviseCamendDedit4.He tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of theletter.Aunanimous BanonymousCinfamousDautonomous5.Dont to lock the door when you leave.AignoreBdisregardCneglectDoverlook6.The goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching,particularly between researchers and teachers.AoverallBintensiveCjointDconcise7.The English languagea vivid saying to describe this sort of situation.AownsBcontainsCholdsDpossesses8.The engine has more than 300made of a number of different materials.AcompositionsBingredientsCcompoundsDcomponents9.Every government that refuses to meet the needs of its people must accept theAconsequences BendingsCresultsDoutcome10.His reputation as a progressive writer is wellAbuiltBestablishedCerectedDconstructed11.According to the American system,one rank below the full professor is theprofessor.AunderBassociateCviceDdeputy12.Food thateasily must reach the market and the dinner table as quickly as possibleAdamageBdecayCspoilDrot练习三:词汇与搭配1.Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25thhonor of the birth of Jesus Christ.2.He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract,and now he has to answerthe consequences.3.In some cases,different approaches the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theories.1必考词(Unit1一Unit7)配套练习题及答案解析4.The law does not discriminateany race,creed and color.5.Corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits their employees and members as well as upon the general public.6.In the prefacethis book,we are given the reason why it has been republished.7.A:good citizen is expected to conformthe law of his country.8.I always hold what I have said.9.True patriotism consists.putting the interests of one country above everything,including ones life.10.We can say good evidence that their work is on the path of sound development.11.Steadily rising prices press most heavilythe poor and the old people with fixed incomes.12.Women have significant advantages over men in space because they need less food and less oxygen and they stand upradiation better.13.He was determined to stick the job until the new cutter worked properly.14.The animal with the biggest head in relation its body is the ant.15.Children are very curious nature.16.This is much inferior the one I bought last week17.The Weather Bureau has repeatedly advised the people to take every precautionthe coming typhoon.练习四:使用括号内单词的正确形式填空in her best suit,the girl tried to make herselfat the party.(dress,notice)2.The matterto your study surely requireswith carefully.(relate,deal)3.Herback all the night without any call made her parents worried a lot.(not come)4.Everything taken intothey believed themselves more and returned to their positions.(consider)5.He missed his hometown too much to enjoy thelife in New York.excite)6.Actually,this plan is easier said thanout.(carry)7.Many famous people in the world attended the Boao Forum because they knew whatfrom the forum.(get)8.There was a famous person at the party whom everyone would liketo themselves.(introduce)9.With the examination arriving,I devoted the whole day tothe English grammar.(review)10.Onceat public,you will be sent to the police immediately.(catch,steal)练习五:语法与词汇1.The gloves were too really too small,and it was only bythem that I managed to get them on.AspreadingBsqueezingCextendingDstretching2.American journalists oftena situation to make the news more stimulating.AexaggerateBinspireCanimateDmisinterpret3.He was not asked to take on the chairmanship of the society,insufficiently popular with all members.Abeing considered BconsideringCto be consideredDhaving considered4.The state of Maine generally has cooler temperatures thanAthere are most other statesBmost other states which haveCmost other states haveDhaving most other states5.If you refuse to do it,you must be ready to take theAconsequenceBeffectCoutcomeDresult6.We desire that the tour leaderus immediately of any change in plans.AinformB informsCinformedDhas informed7.There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer thatin the public mind today.AexistsBexistCexistingDexisted8.As an excellent shooter,Peter practiced aiming at bothtargets and moving targets.AstandingBstationaryCstillDstable练习六:英语知识运用1.Rangoon and Mandalay,the only large cities,boast not a single skyscraper,and in the entire country there are just a handful ofelevators and one escalator,which is boarded up.For 27 years,Burma hasisolated in the world,ruled by a governmentwith fairly conservative views of the world.AsetBstoodCkeptDmaintained2.Much exciting research is going on in an effort to findto these questions.Foremost is the work of Jean Piaget,the Swisspsychologist who pioneered the field and whose theories have had an unparalleled impact on education,especially in Europe.2微信公众号:djky66【红宝书】考研类器词汇(必考词)一一配套练习题及答案长须尖考研祝您上岸)AanswersBsolutionsCresolutionsDconclusions3.Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges,teenagers are especiallyself-conscious and need the that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others.AassistanceBguidanceCconfidenceDtolerance4.It soon becomes clear that the interior designers most important basic is the function of the particular space.Forexample,a theater with poor sight lines,poor sound-shaping qualities,and too few entries and exits will not work for itspurpose,no matter how beautifully it might be decorated.AcareBconcernCattentionDintention5.Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there areprograms that address themany needs of the homeless.AcomplexBcomprehensive Ccomplementary Dcompensating6.They do not provide energy,nor do they construct or build any part of the body.They are needed for foods into energyand body maintenance.There are thirteen or more of them,and if any is missing a deficiency disease becomes apparent.AshiftingBtransferringCalteringDtransforming7.Some canals,such as the Suez of the Panama,save ships weeks of time by making their voyage a thousand miles shorter.Othercanals permit boats to reach cities that are not on the coast,still other canals drain lands where is too much water,helpto irrigate fields where there is not enough water,and furnish water power for factories and mills.AlainBstationedCsetDlocated8.This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate particular smell receptors in the nose.Thesereceptors are the cells which sense smells and sendto the brain.Asigns BstimuliCmessages Dimpulses9.The maximum penalty for trafficking has been changed from 14 years to life imprisonment.This autumn,new laws,modeledUS legislation,will be introduced to loosen banking and privacy regulations to facilitate investigation and seizure ofdrug-earned accounts.,A】aner万人【BponI可行cagainstDon10.In Germanic cultures punctuality is a sign of respect and politeness;being late is rude.Germans believe people should beexactly on time,neither too early nor too late.To the Indonesian,time is an endless pool;why be or hurry?ApressuredBurgedcdepressedDspurred11.More families consist of one-parent households or two working parents;,children are likely to have less supervision athome than was common in the traditional family structure.AcontrarilyBconsequentlyCsimilarlyDsimultaneously12.Nowadays,more people are living closer together,and they use machines to produce leisure.As a result,they find that theirleisure,and even their working hours,become by a byproduct of their machines,namely,noise.Noise is in the news;it has acquired political status,and public opinion is demanding,more and more insistently,that something be done about it.AdamagedBspoiltCdestroyedDinterfered13.For most men,talk is primarily a means to preserve in dependence and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchical social order.This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill,and by center stage through verbal performance such as storytelling,joking,orimparting information.From childhood,men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep attention.AholdingBexhibitingCstandingDplaying14.Nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet.In white bread,for example,the fiber has been removed.Butit is in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables.AcurrentBsubstantialCpresentDessential15.Its such a problem to on the right,isnt it?my wife said.Yes,if only I hadhad a few lessons for practice,I replied.You had better go carefully on the way home,my wife said.Youd be sorry if you had an accident on the first day,wouldnt you?Aremind to drive Bremind drivingCremember to drive Dremember driving16.The columbine flower,to nearly all of the United States,can be raised from seed in almost any garden.AnativeBhow native isChow native is it Dis native17.In the beginning people believed that because meteorites fell from the heavens,they were either gods themselves or fromthe gods.AmessengersBpassengersCmessagesDpassages18.In the 1920s,butin the Depression conditions of the 1930s,the United States experienced a declining birth rate-every thousand women aged fifteen to forty-four gave birth to about 118 live children in 1920,89.2 in 1930,75.8 in 1936,and80in1940.AextraordinaryBspeciallyCespeciallyDspecifically3

