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22 考研 英语 大小 作文 模板
2021 年考研英语年考研英语(二二)模板模板 考研英语作文可以直接套用模板吗?考研英语作文可以直接套用模板吗?不可以,因为模板作文缺乏精确性,用词不准确,而且每年考研都会有大量的同学考前慌慌张张背几篇模板应付英语作文,重复率是非常高的!但这并不意味着模板不能帮助我们迅速提高作文分数。下面总结了三种话题的模板,每篇模板中,我提供了每段必备的几种句式和“套话”。写作中,你只需要挑选出来自己想要的句式,再结合具体事例,一篇作文就搞定了!考研英语大纲要求大作文字数为 150 字(不包括标点符号),建议写到 200 字左右,分为三段。我们要谨记,大作文写作重在实战。我们具体应该分为三步去进行作文强化:首先,结合材料总结出来自己的一套模板,背到滚瓜烂熟。然后,总结些高级词汇进行替换,形成自己的语料库。最后,根据近十年的作文话题,套用自己总结的模板,将这十年真题全部认真练习一遍,注意时间的不要超时哟!【大作文模板】【大作文模板】首先,我们先来熟悉一下 10 年来,考研英语二真题中考到的话题:2011 年 汽车 2012 年 管理类问题 2013 年 教育文化类 2014 年 人口、经济类 2015 年 居民消费类 2016 年 文化旅游类 2017 年 文化旅游类 2018 年 消费经济类 2019 年 毕业选择 2020 年 手机阅读目的调查 观察近十年的英语二大作文,都是以图表类型的题目展开考察。其实可以将英语二的大作文按照主题可以分为动态类的模板和静态类的模板。同时,英语二作文书写的时候更注重某事物发展的变化规律。所以,英语二大作文开头必须描述图表,将图表反映的变化情况表达清楚,主题变化一定要贯穿全文,反复在作文中提到。图表具体类型表达图表具体类型表达:柱状图:column chat/bar chart/histogram 饼状图:pie chart 曲线图:line graph/line chart/curve diagram 表格:table chart/data graph 常用词汇:常用词汇:急剧的:dramatically/enormously/massively 缓慢的:gradually/slightly/moderately 波动的:fluctuate 稳定的:remain stable/stabilize 占比的:contribute to/account for/take up/comprise/take up/occupy 到达:reach/amount to/peak at 增加:increase/rise/grow/ascend/go up/climb/jump/soar/surge 减少:decrease/decline/go down/fall/drop 一、动态类模板(描述几个事物变化趋势)一、动态类模板(描述几个事物变化趋势)第一段第一段 :描述图表内容描述图表内容 第一句:第一句:简述表格主题简述表格主题 1、What is crystal clear in the above chart is the remarkably(different/similar)trends of ,which implies an astonishing social phenomenon hidden in our daily happenings.上述图表清楚地展现了的(不同/相似)的变化趋势,展示了一个发生在我们身边的令人惊讶的社会现象。第二句第二句:描述表格描述表格 1、The most obvious variation is that of 事物 1,which has(increased/decreased)nearly by 数字 1 from 年份to 年份.事物 1 的变化尤为显著,从年份 1 到年份 2(增加减少)了将近数字 1。At the meanwhile 事物 2(increased/decreased)roughly by 数字 2,presenting an apparent contrast.在同一时期事物 2 大约(增加减少)了数字 2,形成了鲜明的对照。As for 事物 3,it has go through undergone a(significant/slight)(decline/growth)during the same period,(descending/ascending)from 数字 3 to 数字 4.至于事物 3,从数字 3(急剧缓慢地(减少增加)到数字 4。第二段第二段:分析产生原因:分析产生原因 第一句第一句:点明主题点明主题 1、The phenomenon of permeates every corner of the(university/society)and has been too ubiquitous to avoid.的现象在(大学/社会)中已经如此普遍,以致不能忽视。2、Some significant rationales behind this phenomenon are never too difficult to reach.不难提出导致这一现象的几个主要原因。第二第二、三、三句:句:原因分析原因分析 1、(经济角度)First of al primarily,principally,to start with the burgeoning-improved economic system,such as the internet finance,has offered enormous economical convenience,which drives increasing attention on and active participation in the phenomenon of .首先,逐渐完善的经济体系,例如互联网金融,给人们在经济上提供了极大的便利,让人们对现象的关注度和参与度逐渐提升。2、(社会角度)Secondly/additionally,in addition,with the popularity of the internet,some thinking patterns concerning consumption and living styles from the developed countries have been gradually introduced to metropolitans in China,disintegrating the existing conventional ideas.其次,互联网的普及将一些发达国家的消费和生活理念传入到了中国的城市,使得人们的传统观念逐渐被打破,致使在社会中更加偏向于现象的发展。3、(政府角度)Furthermore,a series of improvement policies that have been implemented by the government may have accelerated/boost,quicken,promote the process to a certain extent.除此之外,政府实施的一系列优化政策也在一定程度上加速了这个过程。第三段第三段:提出建议措施:提出建议措施 第一句第一句:提出结论提出结论 1、Based on the analysis/To some up/all in all,it can be safely concluded that the next few years will witness the mature development of among(college students/the public).建立在上述分析的基础之上,我们可以合理地得出结论,在可以预见的这几年,现象将会在(大学生/大众)更加趋于完善。第二第二、三、三句:句:建议措施建议措施 1、I firmly hold the belief that a justified attitude toward is worthy of wide-spread acceptance.我认为,对的合理的看待值得广泛接受。2、Furthermore/besides,the government is paying increasing attention to/devote attention to/put stress on the trend of and making every endeavor to devote itself to the creation of a more civilized social environment.不仅如此,政府也在持续关注现象的趋势,引导其创造更加文明的社会环境。二二、静态类模板静态类模板(描述某一事物(描述某一事物/不同事物各部分比例)不同事物各部分比例)第一段第一段 :描述图表内容描述图表内容 第一句:第一句:简述表格主题简述表格主题 1、As is realistically/vividly revealed/indicate/demonstrate/reflect/replay in the chart,major differences are detected in terms of the proportion of ,among distinct groups.正如上述图表清楚展示的那样,不同类型的的比重差异很大。2、It is generally believed that is a hot topic which is most talked about.人们普遍认为词是人们谈论最多的热门话题。3、the pie chart above clearly reflects in china nowadays.上面的饼状图清楚地反映了当今中国的 第二句:第二句:描述表格描述表格 1、Based on/in the light of/on the ground of the statistics of the chart,事物 1 occupies the dominant position,accounting for 数字 1.事物 2 takes up the percentage of 数字 2,ranging for the(close/distant)second.While事物3 comprises a relatively small proportion of数字3,coming to the last one.根据图表中的数据,物占据了主导地位,占比为数字 1。事物 2 则紧随其后/与其差距甚大),居于第二,占比为数字 2。而事物 3 则占据了相对较小的比例,比为数字 3,排在最后。2、As we can see from the tables,the first table increased decreased sharply from 数字 to 数字 in 时间,while the second table steeply(slowly/slightly)from 数字 to 数字 in 时间.正如我们从表格中看到的,第一图急剧增加/减少从到在时间,此时第二张图急剧(缓慢/轻微)从到在时间。第二段第二段:分析产生原因:分析产生原因 第一句第一句:点明点明、引出、引出主题主题 1、Several drawing factors could contribute to the above-mentioned phenomenon.多种绘图因素可能导致上述现象。2、Different countries are because really has a lot of advantages.不同的国家都在,因为确实有很多优势。第二第二、三、三句:句:原因分析原因分析 1、(经济角度)First and foremost,with the rapid development of national economy and the increase in peoples income,peoples material life quality has a great improvement accordingly.Thus,people in growing numbers could now have the demand for cultural and recreational consumption 首先,随着国民经济的快速发展和人民收入的增加,人们的物质生活质量也相应地有了很大的提高。因此,越来越多的人现在可以有文化和娱乐消费的需求 2、(技术角度)Furthermore,the fact cannot be ignored that technological progression has made mobile payment/electronic commerce/technically guaranteed and feasible among common people.此外,不可忽视的事实是,技术进步已经使移动支付/电子商务/在普通人中在技术上得到保证和可行。3、(个人角度)In addition,we must admit that mobile payment/physicalexercise/indeed features intelligence/convenience/safety,efficiency and health.Thus,此外,我们必须承认,移动支付/实体经济/的确具有智能/便捷/安全、高效和健康的特点。因此,4、(其他角度)Lastly,we may notice,the optimization of/the popularity of /the growing pressure of,which is made based on our national conditions,also exerts a contributing effect.最后,我们可能会注意到,的优化/的普及/的压力越来越大,这是基于我国的国情,也发挥了贡献作用。第三段第三段:提出建议措施:提出建议措施 第一句第一句:提出结论提出结论 1、Undoubtedly,the tendency reflected from the table/chart will undergo a continuous increase/decrease in the near future.The time is right for us to take full advantage for ample existing opportunities.毫无疑问,从表/图中反映的趋势在不久的将来会持续增加/减少。现在是我们充分利用现有大量机会的时候了。2、We do,in fact,have a long way to go to reach our final goal,but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.事实上,要达到我们的最终目标,我们还有很长的路要走,但是实现这个目标仍然是可能的。第二第二、三、三 句:句:建议措施建议措施 1、In conclusion,I suggest the entire society should creat an environment conducive to the happy life of the 总之,我建议整个社会应该创造一个有利于幸福生活的环境。2、I firmly hold the belief that a justified attitude toward is worthy of wide-spread acceptance.我认为,对的合理的看待值得广泛接受。3、Furthermore/besides,the government is paying increasing attention to/devote attention to/put stress on the trend of and making every endeavor to devote itself to the creation of a more civilized social environment.不仅如此,政府也在持续关注主题词现象的趋势,引导其创造更加文明的社会环境。【小作文模板】【小作文模板】2011 年 推荐信 2012 年 建议信 2013 年 邀请信 2014 年 建议信 2015 年 推荐信 2016 年 告示 2017 年 推荐信 2018 年 邀请信 2019 年 介绍信 2020 年 告示 我们可以看出来,推荐信、告示、建议信这三类考的是比较多的,小作文其实类型是有限的,只需要把小作文中常用到的句式熟练掌握即可。一一、推荐信推荐信 Dear:It has always been a great pleasure to write to you since I can never fail to get help,inspiration or enlightenment from you.Now I am writing to recommend to you 推荐人 who wants to pursue 推荐人去干什么.推荐人 was one of students in.University,She was one of the most excellent students in our university as can be seen from her straight a grades on all subjects.After graduation she worked in 工作单位 for three years,which considerably added to her practical experience.It is my belief that with her intelligence,diligence and rich experience,推荐人 has great potential for further development in 学校/单位.Therefore,I recommend her to you with no reservations.If any further information about her is required,please let me know.Yours sincerely,Li ming 给你写信一直是一件非常愉快的事,因为我总能从你那里得到帮助、灵感或启示。现在我写信向你推荐(推荐人)(去干什么)。(推荐人)是的学生之一。大学她是我们大学最优秀的学生之一,这可以从她所有科目的优等成绩中看出来。毕业后她在一所大学工作工作单位三年,这大大增加了她的实际经验。我相信凭着她的聪明、勤奋和丰富的经验,(推荐人)在方面有很大的发展潜力学校/单位。所以,我毫无保留地向你推荐她。如果需要更多关于她的信息,请告诉我。二、建议信二、建议信 Dear,You have asked me for my advice with regard to,and I will try to make some conducive suggestions here.In my humble(谦虚的)opinion,you would be wise to take the following actions:(建议的内容)I hope you will find these proposals useful,and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Good luck with your(祝愿)Yours sincerely,Li Hua 您已经向我征求了关于的建议,我将在此尝试提出一些有益的建议。在我卑微的(谦虚的)意见,你最好采取以下行动:(建议的内容)。我希望你会发现这些建议很有用,我愿意与你讨论此事的进一步细节。祝你(祝愿)三三、告示告示(以学生会发出的中文演讲竞赛为例子)(以学生会发出的中文演讲竞赛为例子)Notice September 16,2020 To improve students ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities,the Student Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese Speaking Contest to be held on Saturday next week(February 10)at the Students Auditorium.Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitors of their classes before next Tuesday.Five professors will be invited to be the judges.The first six winners will be given awards.Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.The Students Union 为提高学生的中文能力及丰富课外活动,中国语言文学系学生会将于下周六(二月十日)在学生礼堂举办全校性的中文演讲比赛。有兴趣参加的人可以在下周二之前和他们班的班长报名。将邀请五位教授担任评委。前六名获奖者将获得奖励。欢迎每个人都来参加比赛。告示的主要格式告示的主要格式:1、标题:实词首字母要大写 2、日期:要求注明,写在标题下一行的右端 3、正文:按照提纲分段、分点写 4、署名:个人、单位(实词首字母大写)四四、询问信询问信 Dear Sir:I would like to inquire about some information on(主旨),I would be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.I shall be grateful if you could have details concerning(主旨)available.we would be grateful for many further information.you may be able to give us about the(主旨).Would you please tell me.I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Li ming 我想查询一些关于(主旨),如果您能尽快回复,我将不胜感激。如果您能提供有关(主旨)可用。如果您能向我们提供更多关于(主旨)。请你告诉我我期待着您在方便的时候尽早给我一个满意的答复。五五、邀请信邀请信 Dear.:I am pleased to invite you to participate in 活动名称 to be held from 时间 to 时间 in 地点.You are welcome to the party.The party will hold a lot of wonderful surprise for you,so make sure you join us then.It will also be an opportunity for all of us to step out of our professional roles and really connect as people.活动名称 is served st 6pm,and there are games afterwards.We hope you can conce,and look forward to seeing you by then.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming 我很高兴邀请您参加,(从几点到几点,在哪里)。欢迎你参加聚会。派对会给你带来很多惊喜,所以你一定要参加。这也将是一个机会,让我们所有人都走出自己的职业角色,真正地以人为本。(活动)晚上 6 点开始供应,之后还有比赛。我们希望你能让步,并期待着那时见到你。期待你的回复。六六、祝贺信祝贺信 Dear:I am extremely glad to hear that you in your.I congratulate you on this achievem-ent.as we all know,you are always intelligence,which is essential to(成就).Moreov-er,your diligence enable you to(成就).I think that is 主题句.There is no doubt that (成就).Having you as a friend,I really feel both proud andlucky because I can often learn so much from you.I am sure,you will continue to challenge your self to ever greater success in your future career.Yours sincerely,Li ming 我非常高兴听到你成就在你的我祝贺你取得这一成就。众所周知,你总是聪明的,这对于来说是必不可少的。此外,你的勤奋使你能够成就。我想是的。毫无疑问的是成就。有你这样的朋友,我真的感到既骄傲又幸运,因为我经常可以从你身上学到很多东西。我相信,你会继续挑战自我,在未来的职业生涯中取得更大的成功。七七、求职信求职信 Dear:I have read your advertisement in 地点 of 时间 for 职位,and should be grateful if you consider me as a candidate for the position.Keenly interested I am in the post of 职位 .you have advertised on the job market because I think my major,right personality and my practical experience particularly matches your requirements of the post.For one thing,.For another,I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience.If my application were taken into favorable consideration,I would be most grateful.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming 我在报纸上看到了你们的广告地点关于时间为职位,如果您认为我是该职位的候选人,我将不胜感激。我对非常感兴趣。你在就业市场上登了广告,因为我认为我的专业、合适的性格和实际经验特别符合你对这个职位的要求。首先,另一方面,我很乐意向您提供有关我的教育和工作经验的任何进一步信息。如果我的申请得到有利的考虑,我将不胜感激。我期待着你的早日回复。八八、申请信申请信 Dear:I am writing to apply for 干什么.My teacher professor 人 strongly recommended that 去干什么,telling me that it would benefit me in many years to come.I have been.Ever since I was in elementary school.I hope I can grow up into a good in your team,I will surely become more creative and enthusiastic.If my application could be taken into favorable consideration,I would be most grateful,I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming 我写信是为了申请。我的老师教授,强烈建议去,告诉我这将在未来的许多年里使我受益.我一直从小学开始。我希望我能成长为一个好的在你的团队中,我一定会变得更有创造力和热情。如果我的申请能得到有利的考虑,我将不胜感激,我期待着你的早日答复。

