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考研英语二 考研 英语 万能 建议 演练
【考研英语二】万能建议句+真题演练 英二图表作文的结尾段可以遵循“预测+影响/建议”的写作模式,其中建议性的内容比较有实际意义,很适合押尾和升华全文。从历年真题来看,比较通用的建议对象包括:政府及相关机构、媒体和个人。以21 年题目为例(居民体育锻炼方式),我们可以建议政府投资建设更多的公园和体育设施来促进团体活动的开展;也可以建议媒体针对不同的锻炼偏好,为锻炼者提供有用的信息;还可以建议更多的人参加团体活动,从而建设一个更加融合的社区。下面就针对这三个建议对象,给大家提供结尾段适用的万能建议句,并以 14、15、16、21 年题目为例,分别套用这三个建议句模板,同时给出这几年真题的完整范文。一、针对政府及相关机构提出建议 However/Meanwhile,it is advisable for the government/relevant organizations/(travel/educational)agencies to 然而/同时,建议政府/相关组织/(旅游/教育)机构 1)invest in(urban/public)infrastructure to encourage/improve/support/ensure/guide/address,including 投资(城市/公共)基础设施,以促进/改善/支持/确保/引导/解决,包括 公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食2)develop or subsidize(educational/travel)programs focused on improving/fostering/guiding 开发或资助(教育/旅游)项目,重点提升/促进/指导 二、针对媒体提出建议 However/Meanwhile,media and content creators 然而/同时,媒体和内容创作者 1)should focus on guiding people towards./raising awareness about/promoting 应该注重引导人们/提升意识/促进 2)can effectively cater to such a trend/such a phenomenon/such preferences and provide useful information for.可以有效地迎合这种趋势/现象/偏好,并提供有用的信息 三、针对个人提出建议 However/Meanwhile,it would be(beneficial/sensible/preferable)for individuals/people to(consider/make/participate in),which can 然而/同时,人们可以(考虑/制作/参与),这是(有益的/明智的/更好的)的做法,可以 下面通过真题给大家演示万能建议句的用法:公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食 2014 年真题 范文:The column chart invites our attention to a holistic picture of Chinas urban and rural populations in 1990-2010.As can be seen,an upward trend was visible in the number of urban residents.In 1990,this number stood at 300 million,which jumped to 666 million in 2010.While shifting the focus to the rural population,there was a downward trend in number from 8.34 million to 6.74 million throughout the two decades.该柱状图使我们看到了 1990-2010 年中国城镇和乡村人口的整体情况。如图,城镇人口的数量呈现出上升趋势,1990 年为 3 亿人,2010 年跃升至 6.66 亿人。至于乡村人口,在这 20 年期间,其人数从 8.34 亿人下降到 6.74 亿人。In an up-close analysis,two factors could lead to more clarity into such a phenomenon.First,the governments effort in promoting urbanization is an impetus for the increase of urban population.Second,cities can offer greater job opportunities and public facilities,and resettling in an urban area has become less a problem for many rural residents,thanks to the countrys booming economy that leads to overall societal prosperity.This would translate into an increasing number of rural people moving to cities.进一步来看,两个因素可以使我们更清楚地了解这一现象。首先,政府努力推动城市化进程,这成为城市人口增长的强动力。其次,城市可以提供更多的工作机会和更好的公共设施,而且中国经济的蓬勃发展带来了整体的社会繁荣,所以对公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食于许多农村居民来说,在城市安家已经不成问题。这将使越来越多的农村人口流向城市。As a final observation,we can probably expect to see a persistent growth in the urban population.Meanwhile,it is advisable for the government to invest in urban infrastructure to support the growing needs,including housing,transportation,and public services.总之,我们很可能会看到城市人口的持续增长。与此同时,建议政府投资城市基础设施建设,以支持日益增长的住房、交通和公共服务等需求。我们也可以对媒体和个人提出建议:Media and content creators can effectively cater to such a trend and provide useful information for rural migrants to help them better adapt to the new urban environment.(媒体和内容创作者可以切实针对这一趋势,为外来农业人口提供有效信息,帮助他们更好地适应新的城市环境。)It would be beneficial for rural migrants to actively participate in community activities,which can help them better adapt to a new environment.(一个有益的建议是,外来农业人口可以积极参与社区活动,这可以帮助他们更好地适应新的环境。)2015 年真题 公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食范文:The pie chart invites our attention to the proportions of peoples consumption during the Spring Festival in a certain city of China.As can be seen,the expense on new-year gifts makes up 40%of the total consumption,while those on transportation,gatherings and others are evenly and respectively 20%.该饼状图使我们看到了中国某市居民春节期间的花销比例。如图,新年礼物的支出占了总消费的 40%,而交通、聚会和其他方面的支出平均并且分别占到 20%。In an up-close view,two factors have determined why people spend the most on New Year gifts.First,a generous expenditure on gifts has become less a problem for the Chinese,thanks to the countrys booming economy that leads to overall societal prosperity.Second,an ever-growing and advancing culture of Chinese courtesy encourages people to spend significantly on festival gifts as a way to strengthen bonds between family members and friends.进一步来看,两个因素决定了为什么人们在新年礼物上花费最多。首先,中国经济的蓬勃发展带来了整体的社会繁荣,所以对中国人来说,在购买礼物上的大额支出已经不成问题。其次,不断发展的中国礼仪文化促使人们毫不吝啬地购买节日礼物,这成为增进家人和朋友之间的纽带的一种方式。In the final analysis,we can probably expect to see a persistent growth in gift-related expenses.However,it is sensible for people to consider homemade gifts,which can be more personal and cost-effective.总之,礼物相关费用很可能会持续增长。然而,一种明智之举是,人们可以考虑自制礼物,这样更有心意,而且经济划算。我们也可以对相关机构和媒体提出建议:It is advisable for relevant organizations to develop programs focused on guiding people towards rational consumption.(建议相关机构制定项目,引导人们理性消费。)Media and content creators should focus on raising awareness about rational consumption.(媒体和内容创作者应当注重提高人们的理性消费的意识。)公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食 2016 年真题 范文:The pie chart invites our attention to the travel purposes among college students in a certain university.As can be seen,the percentage stands at 37%when it comes to the purpose of traveling for sceneries,followed by 33%for relaxation,and only a small minority choose to travel for making friends(9%),cultivating independence(6%)and for other purposes(15%).该饼状图让我们关注到了某高校学生的旅行目的。如图,欣赏风景的人占比 37%,其次,33%的人是为了放松,只有少数人选择为交朋友(9%)、培养独立能力(6%)和其他目的(15%)而旅游。In an up-close view,two factors could lead us to more clarity into such choices.First,the ubiquity of internet access leads to the emergence of social media as primary communication channels,thus reducing the option of making friends through travel.Second,social pressure,stemming from a competitive environment,contributes to a higher number of college students choosing stress-free travel for sightseeing.进一步来看,两个因素可以使我们更清楚地了解这些选择。首先,互联网的普及使社交媒体成为主要的交流渠道,从而减少了以交友为目的的旅行。其次,社会竞争压力使更多的大学生选择旅游观光,缓解压力。As a final observation,we can probably expect to see a persistent trend of traveling for recreation.Meanwhile,media and content creators can effectively cater to the needs of college students and provide useful information,such as cost-saving tips for travel.公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食总之,以休闲为目的旅游模式很可能会持续下去。与此同时,媒体和内容创作者可以有效地迎合大学生的需求,并提供一些旅行省钱小技巧等有用信息。我们也可以对政府和个人提出建议:It is advisable for the government to develop or subsidize travel programs focused on improving college students independence and social skills.(建议政府发展或资助旅游项目,重点提升大学生的独立和社交能力。)It would be preferable for college students to make some travel vlogs,which can be a record of beautiful memories.(对于大学生来说,最好是沿途拍摄一些旅游日志,记录美好的回忆。)2021 年真题 范文:The column chart invites our attention to a holistic picture of different ways adopted by residents for doing physical exercises.As can be seen,the percentage stands at a massive 54.30%when it comes to people opting for exercising alone,followed by 47.70%of those doing it with friends.By contrast,only a small minority prefer to exercise with their family(23.90%)or in groups(15.80%).该柱状图使我们对某市居民体育锻炼的几种方式有了全面的了解。如图,选择独自锻炼的人占到 54.30%之多,其次,选择和朋友一起锻炼的人占 47.70%。相比公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食之下,只有少数人选择和家人一起锻炼(23.90%)或参与团体活动(15.80%)。In an up-close view,three factors could lead us to more clarity into the pattern of peoples exercising preferences.First,exercising alone allows people the flexibility to choose their own schedule,which corresponds to the basic needs of most exercisers.Second,the longing for communication propels the chances of doing exercise with friends,but fewer people would choose a family member since they have spent too much time together.Third,group activities are not conveniently available anywhere and anytime.This would translate into a weak number of people exercising in groups.进一步来看,三个因素可以使我们更清楚地了解人们的锻炼偏好。首先,独自锻炼使人们在时间安排上更加自由,这符合大多数锻炼者的基本需求。其次,人们都有交流的愿望,这增加了和朋友一起锻炼的机会,但选择和家人一起锻炼的人数比较少,因为他们平时在一起的时间已经很长了。第三,团体活动对时间和场地都有要求,致使选择团体锻炼的人数很少。我们也可以利用万能原因句从经济角度分析多数人居家锻炼的原因:The availability of exercising tools,such as a running machine,has become less a problem,thanks to the countrys booming economy that powers higher consumption.(经济增长提升了消费能力,所以跑步机等锻炼工具的获得已不成问题。)还可以从文化角度分析和朋友一起锻炼的原因:Chinas ever-growing and advancing culture of making friends encourages many people to exercise with their friends.(中国的交友文化源远流长,促使许多人选择和朋友一起锻炼。)In the final analysis,we can probably expect to see a persistent pattern of diversified ways for physical exercises.Meanwhile,it is advisable for the government to invest in more public parks and sports facilities to encourage group activities.总之,在近些年,体育锻炼的方式仍将呈现多样化的特点,同时,建议政府投资建设更多的公园和体育设施来促进团体活动的开展。公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食我们也可以对媒体和个人提出建议:Media and content creators can effectively cater to such preferences and provide useful information for all types of exercisers.(媒体和内容创作者可以有效地迎合这些偏好,并为所有类型的锻炼者提供有用的信息。)It would be beneficial for more individuals to consider group activities,which can promote a healthier and more socially connected community.(如果更多的人参加团体活动,这将有益于建设一个更健康、更融合的社区。)一般情况下,三个建议对象都可以适用题目。即使临场思维受限,我们应该至少能够想出一个建议方向,这就足以应对考试了。公众号/B站:Fi o n a 的英语美食

