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笔记 30 词汇 特训营 高频 讲义
1 30 天词汇特训营天词汇特训营 高频词汇精讲高频词汇精讲(笔记(笔记版版)小林老师小林老师 微博:微博:英语英语小林老师小林老师 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 2 1.Is language,like food,a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life can be starved and damaged?(1993)重点词汇:Critical:Period:词义辨析:Critic:Criticize:Criticism:Critique:同义词总结:同义词总结:important,significant,crucial,essential 2.Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant,whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly.(1993)寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 3 重点词汇:Insensitive:词义辨析:sense sensitive sensible sensational sentimental Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.(2000 年)Program:rapid:同义词总结:prompt swift speedy 3.Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak.(1993)重点词汇:Capacity:同义词总结:Capable Capability Able 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 4 Ability faculty 4.In general,our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic(官僚主义的官僚主义的)management in which man becomes a small,well-oiled cog in the machinery.(1993)重点词汇:Enterprise:同 义 词 总 结:company,firm,business,cooperation,group Oil:词汇深度拓展:firm (1)It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price,thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.(2)Many an old firm was replaced by a limited liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managers.5.The worker and employee are anxious,寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 5 not only because they might find themselves out of a job;they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or interest in life.(1993)重点词汇:Acquire:词汇拓展:acquired acquisition acquisitive 词义辨析:Require Inquire Enquire 真题拓展:(1)Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(2003 翻译)(2)There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 6 historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry。(1999 年翻译)6.Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates(N 下属,下级,下属,下级,adj 下下属的,从属的)属的,从属的)superior 上级的,上级的,N,上级,上级 No morethan 两者否定两者否定 She is no more beautiful than you.你俩都你俩都不漂亮不漂亮 No lessthan 两者。都两者。都 两者肯定两者肯定 重点词汇:Subordinates:词根拓展:词根拓展:Sub-下,次 subsequent(后面的)sequence 序列 consequence N 后果,consequent adj subtitle(副标题)字幕 substitute N 代替者,替代品,V 替代 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 7 subway 地铁 subconscious 下意识的 conscious adj 有意识的,consciousness N 意识,unconscious adj 无意识的 submerge:淹没 merge:V 合并 merger:N 合并 M&A Merger and acquisition Emerge:V 出现 Emerging:adj 出现,新兴的 Emerging economies=poor countries 新兴经济体(反)rich economies=rich countries Old world =Europe New world=America Emergency:N 紧急情况 Emergence:N 出现 submit:V 提交 submission:N 提交,屈服,建议,意见 suburb:郊区的 subscribe:V 订阅,赞同,同意,捐款 (to)寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 8 7.There is,(as Robert Rubin,the treasury(财 政)(财 政)secretary(秘 书)(秘 书),says,)a“disjunction”(脱节脱节)between the mass of(大(大量的)量的)business anecdote(轶事)(轶事)that points to a leap(跳跃,快速增长)(跳跃,快速增长)in productivity(生产力)(生产力)and the picture(景象)(景象)reflected(反映)(反映)by the statistics(数据)(数据).(1998)重点词汇:Disjunction:N 脱节 词义辨析:junction:N 连接点。汇合处。交叉口 conjunction:同时发生,巧合 词根拓展:Dis-否定前缀否定前缀 Disintegrate:瓦解,死亡 V Integrate:融合,团结 V Integration:N 融合,一体化 Man machine integration 人机一体化 Integrated:adj 融合的,集成的 Integrated circuit 集成电路 disadvantage:劣势 discrimination:N 歧视 prejudice N 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 9 pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见 Disorganized:adj 紊乱的 Organize V 组织 organized 有组织的,有条理的 Organization N 组织 dishonor:V 羞辱,使。不体面 disgrace honor:N 荣幸 it is my honor to be here.Honorable:adj 荣幸的 Disappear:消失 Discharge:解雇,解聘,解散(dismiss)Charge:V 充电,收费,控制,指责,控诉 overcharge(收费过高,=overbid)Charge sb with sth=accuse sb of sth 指责,指控 N 电荷,费用,指责,指控,控制 discount:打折 count:数,认为 account:账户,解释,说明 discourage:使。泄气 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 10 Mass:数量,(=number=stock)Mass of 大量的 Massive:大量的 词汇拓展:massive bio-mass:生物数量 Leap:N/V 跳跃,快速增长 8.They give their owners(拥 有 者)(拥 有 者)automatic(科技类文章:自动的(科技类文章:自动的 ATM(automatic teller machine),社会:自动的,),社会:自动的,无意识的)无意识的)credit(信用,分数,肯定,赞(信用,分数,肯定,赞扬扬02翻译翻译give credit for 对。给予肯定)对。给予肯定)in stores,restaurants,and hotels,at home(国(国内)内),across the country,and even abroad,and they make many banking services available(可利用的)(可利用的)as well(也)(也).(1994)重点词汇:Automatic:Available:Availability:N 可利用性 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 11 9.Numerous(大量的,许多的)(大量的,许多的)other commercial enterprises(公 司)(公 司),from theaters(剧院)(剧院)to magazine(杂志)(杂志)publishers(出版商)(出版商),from gas(煤气)(煤气)and electric(电)(电)utilities(利用,设施)(利用,设施)to milk processors(供应商)(供应商),bring better and more efficient(有 效 的,效 率)(有 效 的,效 率)services to consumers through the use of computers.(1994)重点词汇:Efficient:有效的(效率)Effective:有效的(效果)Effectual:有效的(效力)词义辨析:Effect:V 影响,N 作用 Affect:N 作用 affection:喜爱,情感 N 10.In response(相 应 的)(相 应 的),schools are modifying(修正)(修正)their programs(课程)(课程),adapting(调节。适应(调节。适应=adjust)instruction(指 导 方 针)(指 导 方 针)to children who are exceptional(例外的,(例外的,特殊的,异常的)特殊的,异常的),to those who cannot profit(N 利益,福利,利益,福利,寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 12 V 获利,牟利)获利,牟利)substantially(substance 物物质质,substantial adj 大量的)大量的)from regular(常规的)(常规的)programs.(1994)重点词汇:modify:V 修正 Adapt:调节。以适应,改编 词义辨析:adopt,V 收养,采用,采纳 adept:adj 熟练的,adept at doing sth=adept in sth 熟练做。Exceptional:例外的,特殊的,异常的(小孩)exceptional child 异常的小孩 Except:除。之外 Exception:例外,no exception 无一例外 Profit:N 利益,福利,V 获利 Substantial:adj 大量的 substance 物质 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 13 11.These days the Net,(which has already re-made(重塑重塑)such everyday pastimes(休(休闲活动,闲活动,recreation 休闲)休闲)as buying books and sending mail),is reshaping(重塑)(重塑)Donovans vocation(职业,(职业,occupation,profession,pursuit 事 业,事 业,calling,cause,career)as well.(2003)41.The emergence(出现)of the Net has _.A received support from fans like Donovan B remolded(重塑)the intelligence(智力,情报=information)services C restored(恢复)many common pastimes D revived(复活)spying(spy 间谍)as a profession(职业)词根拓展:Re-再 recurring(再现的)react(反应)reaction N reaction recall(回忆)recover V 恢复 recycle:循环 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 14 reform:改革 reform and opening up refresh:更新 repay:V 回报 renew:更新 replace :V 替代,取代 replacement reserve:V 保留 N natural reserve 自然保护区 reserved:(作者态度)持保留态度的 restore:恢复 V rewrite:V 重写 revive:V 复活 remedy:治疗,补救措施(therapy 理疗)12.He experimented(V 做实验)做实验)with antibacterial(抗菌的)(抗菌的)substances(物质)(物质)for nine years before he made his discovery.(1994)重点词汇:Antibacterial:抗菌 Bacteria:N 细菌 Bacterial 细菌的、词根拓展:Anti-对抗,反对对抗,反对 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 15 anti-war 抗战 anti-Japanese war anti-bacteria 抗菌 anti-happy:反快乐 anti-social :反社会的 anti-intellectualism :06 反知识分子主义 anti-smoking:反抽烟 anti-competitive:反竞争的 anti-consumerism:反消费主义 真题延伸:As funding(资金)for science has declined,scientists have attacked(攻击)“anti-science(反科学)”in several books,notably(显著的,明显的)Higher Superstition,by Paul R.Gross,a biologist at the University of Virginia,and Norman Levitt,a mathematician at Rutgers University;(1998)寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 16 13.The innovator 创新者(创新者(innovate V 创新,创新,innovation N 创新)创新)will search for(寻求)(寻求)alternate(adj,替代的)替代的)courses(课程,(课程,方式,方法,途径)方式,方法,途径),which may prove(证(证明)明)easier in the long run(长远看来(长远看来=in the long term,in the short run/term 短短期看来)期看来)and are bound to(be bound to do 注定做某事)注定做某事)be more interesting and challenging(有挑战的)(有挑战的)even if(即使)(即使)they lead to(导致)(导致)dead ends(死胡同)(死胡同).(1995)重点词汇:Alternate:adj 替代的 Course:课程,方式,方法,途径 Be bound to do:注定做 真题延展:His function(功能,职责)is analogous(相似的,相同的)to that(代词,代替前面function)of a judge(法官,V 评判),who must accept the obligation(职责)of revealing(揭示)in as obvious a matter as possible the course(方式,方法方式,方法)of reasoning(推理的方法)which led(lead)him to his decision寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 17 (决定).(2006 翻译)词汇深度拓展:bound 弹跳 1.界线(boundary 边界)n.2.be bound for 前往 3.be bound to 注定(1)Unlike most of the worlds volcanoes(火山),they are not always found at the boundaries(边界)of the great drifting(漂移)plates(盘子,板块)that make up(组成)the earths surface(表面).1998 年 Text 5 (2)He got up late so that(以至于)he missed the plane bound for(前往)Britain.(3)The author is strongly opposed to(反对)the practice of examinations at schools because _.B some students are bound to 注定 fail1995年 Text 4 14.He might fool(N 傻瓜,傻瓜,V 愚弄)愚弄)some people for a little while(短时间)(短时间)through(通过)(通过)misleading(误导的)(误导的)advertising.He will not do so for long(time),for(因(因为)为)mercifully 幸运的是(幸运的是(mercy N 仁慈,仁慈,寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 18 幸运幸运,merciful adj 仁慈的,幸运的)仁慈的,幸运的)the public 公众(公众(the+adj=N 表示一类人)表示一类人)has the good sense(有很好的辨别力)(有很好的辨别力)not to buy the inferior(劣质的,低等的)(劣质的,低等的)article(文章,(文章,物品物品)more than once.(1995)重点词汇:Misleading:Mislead=misguide 误导 Merciful:慈悲的,幸运的 Inferior:劣等的,劣质的 词根拓展:Mis-错误错误 Mis-information(错误信息)misplace(误放)misfortunes(不幸)N fortune:N 财富,运气 fortunate:幸运的 unfortunate adj 不幸的 Misunderstand:误解 Mislead:=misguide 误导 misuse 误用 abuse 虐待,滥用 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 19 15.People have generally(通 常 来 说)(通 常 来 说)viewed personal growth as an external(外在外在的的)result or product(产品,产物)(产品,产物)that can easily be identified(鉴别,鉴定)(鉴别,鉴定)and measured(评估,衡量)(评估,衡量).(1995)V(view,see,dismiss,regard.).as 视作,视作,视为视为 重点词汇:External:Identify:鉴别,鉴定 Identification N 鉴别,鉴定 Measure:N 方式,方法,V 衡量,评估 词根拓展:Ex-向外 exchange(交换)exchange student exclaim(呼喊)claim:V 呼吁,(法律)索赔,民事索赔acclaim:N/V 称赞,欢呼,喝彩 proclaim:宣称 exclude(排除)exclusive:adj 排外的,不兼容的,inclusive:兼容的,兼容并包的 express:V,表达,adj 快速的 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 20 express mail expression:表达,言论 extract:V 提取 abstract:N 摘要,adj 抽象的 concrete adj 具 体 的,N 水 泥 export:出口,import 进口 port:港口,transport 运输 passport 护照 password 16.Do we think were shy and indecisive 犹犹豫不决的(豫不决的(decide 决定,决定,decisive 果断的,果断的,果敢的)果敢的)?Then our sense of timidity(胆(胆小)小)can cause us to hesitate(犹豫不决)(犹豫不决),to move(V 移动,移动,行动,行动,N 行为,决行为,决定)定)slowly,and not to take a step(采取措(采取措施)施)until we know the ground(立场)(立场)is safe.(1995)重点词汇:Indecisive:犹豫不决的 Timid:胆小的 Cause:V 引起,N 原因,事业,寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 21 great cause Ground:地面,范围,理由,原因,根据,立场 groundless:毫无根据的 真题延展:To paraphrase(转述)18th-century statesman(政治家,politician 政客)Edmund Burke,“all that is needed for the triumph(成功,胜利)of a misguided(误导的)cause(事业,事情)is that good people do nothing.”One such cause(事业,事件)now seeks(seek 需求,sought,seek to 致力于做)to end(V 终结)biomedical(生物医学)research because of the theory that(同位语从句)animals have rights ruling out(控制)their use in research.词汇深度拓展:ground 【真题例句】(1)But there are few places where(where 前面有地点名词,where 引导定语从句,翻译成在那里。)clients(顾客)have more grounds(场所)for complaints(抱怨)than America.2014 年 text2 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 22 (2)Railroads(铁路公司)justify(V 判定,认为。合理/合法,判断)rate(N(经济)费用)discrimination against captive(capture V 俘虏,捕获,寻求(05)captive(经济)处于劣势,处于被垄断地位的)shippers on the grounds that(以。为根据,因为)in the long run(长远看来)it reduces(减少)everyones cost.17.The individual(个体,人们(个体,人们=people=folks)now has more information available than any generation,and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant to(和。(和。相关)相关)his or her specific(具体的,特定的)(具体的,特定的)problem is complicated(复 杂 的)(复 杂 的),time-consuming(耗时的)(耗时的)and sometimes even overwhelming(不可抵挡的)(不可抵挡的).(1995)重点词汇:Specific:Complicated:Overwhelming:adj 不可抵挡的,压倒性的 词根拓展:Over-过度,太;外 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 23 Overestimate:高估 Estimate:V 估计(estimation)N,估计的数据 Underestimate:低估 Ultimate:最终的,最后的=eventual=final Intimate:亲密的,私人的 intimate shop 精品店 Imitate:V 模仿 Imitation N 模仿 overstatement(夸张)=exaggeration understatement 低调陈述 state:N 州,国家,状态,V 陈述 statesman 政治家 overcharged(要价过高)=overbid over-funding fund:N 资金,费用 V 出资,出钱(经济类)fine:(经济)罚款,罚金,adj 精细的 fine salt 精盐 privately funded 个人出资的,私人出资 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 24 overflow:溢出 V flow 流动,overcoat:外套 overwork:劳累过度 oversleep:睡过头 overexcited:兴奋过度 under-funding 资金不足 over funding 资金过剩 18.Telecommunications(电讯,(电讯,telecom)developments enable the sending of messages via(通过通过)television,radio,and very shortly(近期)(近期),electronic mail(电子邮电子邮件件)to bombard(炮 轰)(炮 轰)people with multitudes of(许多)(许多)messages.(1995)重点词汇:Telecommunications:Communication:交流,沟通,通讯 Bombard:炮轰 Multitudes;a multitude of=multitudes of =a lot of 许多 词根拓展:Tele-远,电 Telegram:电报 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 25 telephone telescope:望远镜(96)scope;范围,视野所能及的范围 television:TV 电视 telecommunication:电讯 multi-多 multiple:多重的,多样的 multiply(乘,繁殖):by 乘,繁殖 multi-national(s):多国的,多民族的。More than+数字 超过,比,多 More than+V/N 不仅仅,不只是 He is more than my friend.More than+adj/adv/Ving/ved 及其,非常 I am more than willing to help you 我非常乐意帮助你 Be willing to do 乐意做。寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 26 19.In this sense(意义)(意义),the ability to forget can be interpreted(解释说明)(解释说明)to have survived(幸存)(幸存)through a process of(一(一系列的)系列的)natural(nature)selection(选择)(选择)in animals.(1995)20.Nevertheless(然而)(然而),an evolutionary 进进化的化的(evolve V 进化,发展,进化,发展,evolution N 进化进化 interpretation(解释,说明)(解释,说明)might make it difficult to understand how(宾语从(宾语从句)句)the commonly(普通的)(普通的)adj+ly 修饰修饰另外一个另外一个 adj,adj+ly 变成了程度副词,翻译变成了程度副词,翻译成及其,非常的成及其,非常的。Deliciously ironic 极其讽极其讽刺,非常讽刺的是刺,非常讽刺的是 gradual(逐渐的,缓慢的)(逐渐的,缓慢的)process of forgetting survived natural selection.(1995)重点词汇:Interpret:V 口 译,翻 译,解 释 说 明=formulate(formulate,formula N 公式,formulae(复数)公式,formulation(N)解释说明)=account for 解释,说明 寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 27 21.With the start(开始)(开始)of BBC World Service Television,millions of viewers(观众)(观众)in Asia and America can now watch the Corporations(公司的)(公司的)news coverage(报报道道),as well as listen to it.(1996)重点词汇:Coverage:覆盖,新闻报道,news coverage 新闻报道 crude:原油,crude=crude oil 原油 词汇拓展:cover:V,覆盖,掩饰(cloak 掩饰),报导,N:封面)22.The debate(辩论,争论)(辩论,争论)was launched(V 发射,发起,引起)发射,发起,引起)by the Government,which invited anyone with an opinion of(对。有意见)(对。有意见)the BBC(-including ordinary listeners and viewers-)to say what(宾语从句)(宾语从句)was good or bad about the Corporation,and even whether(宾语从句)(宾语从句)是 否是 否 they thought it was worth keeping.(1996)worth doing 值得做。值得做。重点词汇:寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 28 Launch:发射,发起,引起 同义词延伸:Cause(引起),give rise to(引起),initiate(引起)initial:adj 开始的,起始的。Trigger:扳机,V 引起,引发 23.In the last half(后 半 期)(后 半 期)of the nineteenth century“capital”(资本)(资本)and“labor”(劳力)(劳力)were enlarging(扩大)(扩大)and perfecting(perfect adj 完美的,完美的,V 完善)完善)their rival(竞 争 的,竞 争 对 手)(竞 争 的,竞 争 对 手)organizations(组织,机构)(组织,机构)on modern times(现代)(现代)(1996)重点词汇:Enlarge:使。扩大 Perfect:V 完善 词根拓展:en-,em 使成为 Enable:使。能够 encourage:鼓励 enforce:实施 Enlarge:扩大 entitle:有权 empower:授权 ensure 确保 enact:制定法律,颁布法律 enclose :使:使 围绕围绕 encounter:遭遇,遇到 engage:从事,订婚 enhance:加寒假 30 天词汇特训营高频词汇精讲 29 强 enlighten:启蒙,启迪(enlightenment embarrass:使。尴 尬 enroll:入学,登 记 入 册 embark:从事 upon enlist:支持,从军,赞成 24.Such large,impersonal manipulation of capital(资 本)(资 本)and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders(as a class(阶级,阶层)(阶级,阶层),an element(元素,因素)(元素,因素)in national life representing irresponsible(不负责任的,无不负责任的,无责任的责任的)wealth(财富)(财富)which is detached(使。分离)(使。分离)from the land and the duties of the landowners(地主)(地主);and almost equally detached from(脱 离)(脱 离)the responsible management of business(产(产业)业).(1996)重点词汇:Impersonal:非个人的,客观的 Manipulation:操控 Manipulate:V 寒假 30 天词汇

