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英语 牛津 上海 练习 部分 高中 一年级 第二 学期
未经允许,不得翻印未经允许,不得翻印ContentsUnit 1 A trip to the theatre1Unit 2 Great minds8Unit 3 Plants15Unit 4 Creatures large and small21Unit 5 Problems and advice28Unit 6 A variety of viewpoints35未经允许,不得翻印未经允许,不得翻印1Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the correct word from each pair.1 beneath/belowa Can you see those trees a few metres _ the top of the hill?b The boat crashed into the iceberg and sank _ the waves.c It is reported that the temperature was _ zero last night.2 wander/wondera At the party,I _ how I could leave as quickly as possible.b The hunter informed the police that he saw the old man _ into the woods.3 release/rescuea The police _ him from jail.b Raoul tried to _ Christine from danger.4 musical/musiciana Even great _ need to practise constantly.b A cello is a _ instrument which is shaped like a large violin.c She began to show great _ talent when she was only three years old.5 machinery/machinea Routine()work has turned her into a _.b The factory does not contain much _.6 restore/recovera Finally,the patient _ from his illness.b The craftsman()has finished _ the famous painting.Complete the sentences with a related form of the words in brackets.1 A new drug has been invented to relieve()cancer patients _.(suffer)2 This room _ as a childrens playroom.(designer)3 The publishing company was _ very small.(original)4 Do you know any famous _?(violin)5 The moment I arrived in the countryside,I was deeply impressed with its great _.(charming)Unit 1 A trip to the theatreABVocabulary工匠日常的减轻未经允许,不得翻印2Each of the following words has more than one meaning.Complete each sentence with thecorrect form of the given word.Then fill in the brackets with its part of speech(for example,n.,v.,adj.,adv.)and its meaning in Chinese.1 rolea The Phantom helped Christine get better _ in the Opera.(_;_)b To some extent,the assistant played an important _ in influencing the managersdecisions.(_;_)2 operaa My best friend Iris is a fan of Puccinis _.(_;_)b Christine saw the horrible face of the Phantom of the _.(_;_)3 lifta My grandma asked me to help her _ the box.(_;_)b You can take the _ to the top floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.(_;_)4 seata The new stadium can _ 100,000 people.(_;_)b She is very shy and tends to _ herself in the last row of the classroom.(_;_)DGComplete the following newspaper article with the correct form of the words or phrases in the box.Cburst incapturekidnaptake them to safetybeneathpull offforcemaskbe shocked atHostages freedYesterday afternoon,the police freed 15 hostages()who(1)_ in a shopthree days ago by a gang of seven armed men wearing black stockings as(2)_.The men(3)_ the shop and(4)_ all 15 of the customers present.The men then(5)_ them to go down into a room(6)_ the shop.However,one brave customer did not obey the men and tried to(7)_ theirleaders mask.His act enraged()the men and they attacked him.The other hostages(8)_ the sight.The men called the Mayor and demanded one million dollars.Luckily,the police found out where the men were.Soon,they surrounded the shop,and asmall group of armed policemen broke into the room,freed the frightened hostages and then(9)_.人质激怒未经允许,不得翻印3Match the activities in Column A with the most suitable statements in Column B.The first one hasbeen done for you.GrammarA1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _Complete the following diary entry with the correct pairs of verbs in the box.Bconsider/gosuggest/visitsuggest/bringenjoy/behate/belove/walklike/spendCollecting stamps is an interesting hobby.AB1 collect stampsa keeps you fit2 speedb is a big responsibility3 run a businessc is dangerous and can cause accidents4 play sports dailyd is not good for your health5 parke is an interesting hobby6 go to bed latef is a problem for drivers in ShanghaiI went shopping at Super Brand Mall yesterday.For months,I had avoided taking such a long tripbecause I had(1)_ there a waste of time.I always imagine standing in astuffy()underground carriage for hours,and I really(2)_ in undergroundcarriages.Last week,my best friend Helen(3)_ the shopping mall for the whole day.I really(4)_ time with her,so I agreed to go.I was surprised at how much fun Ihad.I(5)_ round from one shop to another,and I(6)_ away fromwork.At the end of the day,I said to Helen,Lets come back here again soon.I(7)_ some of our friends next time.闷热的未经允许,不得翻印41 I hope to hear from you soon._2 I will take the exam on Friday.I am worried about it._3 Iris Wang would like to learn French._4 Jack was sorry he was late for the meeting._5 My cousin will not go to the library with me today.She has made up her mind._6 Mum has to cook dinner for ten people this evening._7 The little boy lost interest in his new toy.He stopped playing with it._8 The children could not wait to open their Christmas presents._Before Stellas new health club opened for business,she talked to her staff about how shewould like them to behave.Complete the talk below with the expressions in Box A and the correct formof the verbs in Box B.Rewrite each sentence using a gerund and the most suitable phrase in the box.Capologize forbe excited aboutbe responsible fordecide againstbe afraid ofget bored withbe interested inlook forward toDNow listen,everyone,I want you to behave politely to our new members at all times.Forexample,when you speak to them,dont say,Step on those scales.Say,(1)_ onthose scales?Also,always be friendly.If a member unintentionally puts something back in the wrong place,forexample,dont give him or her a dirty look.Just(2)_.Please dont get impatientwith members who cant use the equipment properly.Some people just(3)_clumsy().However,do make sure that they know what each piece of equipment is for.They should know,for example,that a rowing machine(4)_ the stomach muscles.Please(5)_ them how to use the equipment.It(6)_ this because it willmake them happy and also reduce the chance of accidents.be do show smile step strengthenBcant help be used for be worth keep on spend time would you mindAG笨拙的未经允许,不得翻印5ReadingRead the following excerpt from a leaflet about the famous opera Aida.Choose the word or phrase thatbest fits the context and write a,b,c or d in each blank.1 a musicb songc singingd opera 2 a stageb scenec spotd play 3 a holdsb takes placec happensd started 4 a sentb watchedc kidnappedd taken 5 a defeatb succeedc losed knock 6 a caughtb havec captured hold 7 a relaxb rescuec released meet 8 a noticesb seesc findsd finds out 9 a sob andc butd or10 a Beneathb Onc Besided InAida is a classic(1)_,which was composed()by the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi.It was performed on the(2)_ for the first time in Cairo,Egypt in 1871.Aida(3)_ in ancient Egypt.The main characters are Aida,an Ethiopian princess who hasbeen(4)_ and forced to be a slave in Egypt;Radames,an Egyptian soldier;Amneris,anEgyptian princess who owns Aida;and Amonasro,Aidas father and king of Ethiopia.Aida andRadames love each other.Amneris loves Radames and wants to separate them.Radames and the Egyptian army(5)_ Ethiopia in a war and(6)_ Amonasro,who wastrying to(7)_ Aida.Amonasro is brought back to Egypt.Radames is tricked intorevealing()the Egyptian armys plans.Amneris(8)_ and has Radames arrested.Radames is buried alive in an underground tomb,(9)_ Aida joins him,choosing to be withhim even in death.The final scene is actually two scenes in one.Above is the inside of the temple with itsmagnificent Egyptian architecture.(10)_ the temple is the tomb where Radames and Aida areburied.创作泄露未经允许,不得翻印6Listening Some students are discussing a performance of Carmen.Listen to their conversation and complete the table below with the missing words.Before you begin,make sure you know the following words.EscamilloCarmenDon JoseMicaelaHe sang about(1)_ of a bullfighter.He had a lot of(2)_.She was very(3)_ and(4)_,but she was selfish.She only cared about(5)_.The performer sang(6)_.He was supposed to arrest(7)_,but he let her(8)_.He(9)_ a criminal because he(10)_ Carmen.She took good care of Don Joses(11)_ and tried to give him(12)_ when he was(13)_.rebellious adj.反叛的criminal n.罪犯transform v.转变dignity n.尊严shelter n.庇护tragedy n.悲剧jealous adj.妒忌的Writing Translate the Chinese sentences into English by using the correct form of the words or the suggested grammar in brackets.1“幽灵”对克里斯汀一见钟情。(fall in love with)_ 2 老师对他的行为感到震惊。(be shocked at)_ 3 她非常同情他悲惨的经历。(feel sorry about)_ 4 门突然打开,闯进来一群小孩。(burst in)_ 5 吸烟有害健康。(动名词作主语)_A未经允许,不得翻印7 6 她建议周末去看电影。(动名词作宾语)_ 7 这把刀是专门用来切水果的。(动名词作介词宾语)_ 8 女主持人的话被掌声淹没了。(drown out)_ 9 他在书桌前坐下,开始做作业。(seat oneself)_10 五彩的鲜花可以使沉闷的房间恢复生气。(bring back to life)_ Use the pictures and the plan below to help you write the story of The Phantom of the Opera.BStart like this:Many years ago,.Para.1:Introduce the background and the characters in the storyPara.2:What did the Phantom do to Christine?Para.3:Christines reactionsPara.4:What happened in the end?未经允许,不得翻印8Unit 2 Great mindsVocabularyComplete each word by writing the missing letters.Use the definitions on the right to help you.1 c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a strong desire to know about something 2 t _ _ _ _ _ideas that explain how something works 3 u _ _ _ _ _ _ _all space,including all the stars and planets 4 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _the opinion that people have about a particular person or thing 5 a _ _ _ _ _ _ _the sound of many people clapping their hands 6 l _ _ _ _ _ _a long talk given to a group of people on a particular subject 7 d _ _ _ _ _ _faraway 8 g _ _ _ _ _someone with an unusually high level of intelligence 9 a _ _ _ _ _ _an act of trying to do something10 g _ _ _talentlearn.by heart regard.as let.down sense of humourAJames Smiley has a reputation as one of the best science fiction writers in the world.Some peopleeven(1)_ him _ a genius because he has a special(2)_.This ishis ability to keep readers interested from beginning to end.They always want to know what willhappen next because Smileys stories engage their(3)_.Some readers(4)_his stories _ because they have read them so many times!Smileys latest book does not(5)_ his readers _.In fact,it may be thebest book he has ever written.It is about a nuclear scientist and his(6)_ to killeveryone on Earth.He wants to control the(7)_,starting with Earth and Mars()and then the distant planet Neptune().Smiley is not just a superb writer.He is also an excellent speaker.Last night,he gave a(8)_ about writing science fiction.He has a great(9)_ and the audiencelaughed a lot.However,Smiley is very modest().His theory is that anyone can write sciencefiction if they try.The audience really loved him.When he finished speaking,the(10)_lasted for five minutes.Complete the following passage with the correct form of some of the words in A and the phrases inthe box.BComplete the following sentences with a related form of the words in brackets.1 Some scientists are researching ways to quicken the _ of the human brain.(work)2 It took them three hours to reach the _ city.(distance)CG海王星火星谦虚的未经允许,不得翻印9Each of the following words has more than one meaning.Complete each sentence with thecorrect form of the given word.Then fill in the brackets with its part of speech(for example,n.,v.,adj.,adv.)and its meaning in Chinese.1 energya The teacher asked the students to concentrate their _ on the coming mid-termexaminations.(_;_)b The teacher commented that the little boy was full of _.(_;_)c Nuclear _ should be used carefully.(_;_)2 audiencea The lecture given by the famous science fiction writer drew a large _.(_;_)b J K Rowlings Harry Potter books have reached a wide teenage _.(_;_)3 originala The castle still has many of its _ features.(_;_)b The sculpture is _ in its design.(_;_)4 honoura Our headmaster is one of the guests of _ who have been invited to this importantmeeting.(_;_)b The police _ the boy with a medal for his bravery.(_;_)5 awarda The soldier _ a medal for his bravery.(_;_)b The first prize is an _ of$10,000.(_;_)DGWrite complete sentences with the given words,using infinitives where possible.(1)make/living/from/paint pictures/very difficult.Only a few people manage to do so.So,(2)seem/unwise/take up/as/career/art.However,studying art is another matter.(3)understand/art/essential/if/understand/want/you/life.Great pictures and buildings can inspire us,and develop ourminds and feelings.(4)fully/educated/impossible/if/you/art/ignore.(5)importance/its/underestimate()/mistake.1 _2 _GrammarA3 The writers brilliant lecture deserves _.(applaud)4 His mother told him not to look in the cupboard,but he opened it out of _.(curious)5 This wall is the only _ part of the building that was left after the fire.(originally)6 Professor Li has made many _ about Mars.(discover)低估未经允许,不得翻印103 _4 _5 _Complete the conversation below.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the box.Add not where necessary.Paula:Hi,Mike!I hear that you plan(1)_ your room.Mike:Thats right.I intend(2)_ different colours this timeyellow walls,and green doorsand windows.Paula:Why not red walls?Mike:I just want(3)_ yellow ones.Theyre more cheerful.Paula:What about your furniture?Do you mean(4)_ it?Mike:No,Ive decided(5)_ rid of any of it.I cant afford(6)_ new furniture.Paula:Can you manage(7)_ all the painting yourself?Mike:Why do you ask?Are you offering(8)_ me?Paula:No,I dont know anything about painting.Mike:Neither do I,but I hope(9)_ from this book.Paula:When do you plan(10)_ painting your room?Mike:Saturday morning.And I expect(11)_ by Sunday evening.Paula:Well,I promise(12)_ you a visit at the weekend and give you some encouragement.Mike:Thanks,but I would prefer(13)_ some help.BRewrite the following sentences that Mike said without changing their meanings.The first one hasbeen done for you.1 Peter,could you hold the ladder for me?(ask)_2 Dont touch the wet paint,Cindy!(warn)_3 Yes,Mabel.You can paint the cupboard door.(allow)_4 Dennis,dont forget to clean the brushes.(remind)_He asked Peter to hold the ladder for him.Cbuychangegivehavelearnpayredecoratedofinishgethelpstartuse未经允许,不得翻印11Write sentences to say why people go to the following places,using infinitives.The first one hasbeen done for you.1 a supermarket_2 a bank_3 a bookshop_You go to a supermarket to buy food.EG 5 June,you shouldnt wear your new clothes when painting.(advise)_ 6 Cindy,leave the room at once.(order)_ 7 Im sure everything will be finished by six.(expect)_ 8 Have a look at my room,Paula.(invite)_ 9 You must let me buy you dinner,Paula.(persuade)_10 Im sure your house would look great if you repainted it,Peter.(encourage)_Before painting his room,Mike looked up How to paint a room in a book.Complete the article hefound with the correct form of the verbs in the box.paint protect store prepare get preventHow to paint a room(1)_ a room ready for painting,remove as much furniture as possible.Put the restin the middle of the room and cover it with a cloth(2)_ it.(3)_ ceilingsand walls,remove dirt and old paint,and fill in cracks()and holes.Paint the ceilingfirst,using a roller().(4)_ paint from splashing()on the floor,movethe roller slowly.(5)_ doors and win

