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escape skep n./v.逃跑;逃避evaluate vljuet v.评价;评估eventually ivntuli adv.最后;终于Eventually,the army caught up with him in Latvia.部队终于在拉脱维亚追上了他。Lesson 56facial fel adj.面部的 n.美容familiar fmlj adj.熟悉的fasten fsn v.扣牢He talked of other cultures as if they were more familiar to him than his own.他谈起其他文化就像它们对于他比他自己的文化还熟悉。001fiction fkn n.小说fluency flunsi n.流利Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.移民故事一直是小说的流行主题。foggy fgi adj.有雾的foreigner frn n.外国人forgive fv v.原谅format frmt n.格式 v.格式化I had met with him to explain the format of the programmeand what we had in mind.我已经同他见过面,解释了这个节目的程式和我们的想法。002fragile frdl adj.易碎的;脆弱的The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.几个南部非洲国家脆弱的经济可能会无可挽救地被摧垮。freedom fridm n.自由freezing friz adj.极冷的The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights.联合国秘书长谈到了个人自由和人权的必要性。frequent frikwnt adj.频繁的friction frkn n.分歧;摩擦frontier frntr n.国界;边界;前沿Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains.波尔多位于巴黎至马德里的铁路主干线上,因此有频繁的列车。a customs post on the frontier with Italy 与意大利的交界边境上的海关关卡fundamental fndmntl adj.基础的;基本的furnished frnt adj.配有家具的Our constitution embodies all the fundamental principles of democracy.我们的宪法体现了民主的所有基本原则。003gradual rdul adj.逐渐的graduation grduen n.毕业;毕业典礼grateful retfl adj.感激的gravity rvti;grvti n.重力;(事态、事件等的)重要;严肃Losing weight is a slow,gradual process.减肥是一个缓慢而逐渐的过程。Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity,which brings them down to earth.要不是重力使箭掉落地上,它将会一直沿直线往前飞行。greedy ridi adj.贪婪的greeting rit n.问候He attacked greedy bosses for awarding themselves big raises.他攻击那些给自己大幅涨工资的贪婪的老板们。gallery lri n.画廊geometry dimtri n.几何学gesture dst n.手势 v.用手势表示gifted ftd adj.有天赋的Sarah made a menacing gesture with her fist.萨拉用拳头做了个威胁的手势。.one of the most gifted players in the world.世界上最有天赋的运动员之一。004growth gro n.生长,成长;发展guidance adns n.指导guilty lti adj.内疚的;有罪的.an opportunity for young people to improve their performance under the guidance of professional coaches.一个让年轻人在专业教练指导下提高成绩的机会。I feel so guilty,leaving all this to you.把所有这一切都留给了你,我觉得很内疚。005handle h ndl n.把手 v.处理handy h ndi adj.方便的I turned the handle and found the door was open.我转动把手,发现门是开着的。The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants.这本书提供了关于如何照料室内植物的有用信息。happiness hpns n.幸福hardship hrdp n.艰难Many people are suffering economic hardship.很多人正遭受着经济困难。hopeful hopfl adj.抱有希望的horrible hrbl adj.讨厌的;恐怖的hostess hosts n.女主人hunter hnt n.猎人Her voice sounds horrible.她的嗓音难听死了。immediately midtli adv.立即conj.一就immigration mren n.移居(入境)He immediately flung himself to the floor.他立即扑倒在地。The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.政府已决定收紧其移民政策。indeed ndid adv.的确;确实independence ndpndns n.独立independent ndpndnt adj.独立的Later,he admitted that the payments had indeed been made.后来,他承认说的确是付过款了。Your questions should be independent of each other.你们的问题应该是相互间毫无关联的。hearing hr n.听力;听证会His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent.他的头脑看来依然清醒,而且听力极好。006insect nskt n.昆虫insert nsrt v.插入instruct nstrkt v.指导He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.他从衣袋里掏出一把小钥匙,然后缓缓地将其插入锁孔里。A doctor will often instruct patients to exercise.医生将经常嘱咐病人要锻炼身体。insurance nrns n.保险insure nr v.为投保For protection against unforeseen emergencies,you insure your house,your furnishings and your car.为防止发生无法预料的紧急情况,人们给房屋、家具和汽车投保。inform nfrm v.通知injury ndri n.伤害innocent nsnt adj.无辜的;纯真的He was sure that the man was innocent of any crime.他确信此人是清白无罪的。007invitation nvten n.邀请The Syrians have not yet accepted an invitation to attend.那些叙利亚人还没有接受邀请。intention ntnn n.意图,目的interpreter ntprt n.口译员The company has every intention of keeping the share price high.该公司有将自己的股票保持在高价的意图。Speaking through an interpreter,Aristide said that Haitians had hoped coups were behind them.通过口译员,亚里斯蒂德说海地人希望政变再也不发生了。008

