讲义_审计_英语特训基础_陈 辉_专题三 审计工作底稿_create.pdf






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讲义 审计 英语 基础 专题 审计工作 底稿 _create
2022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿2022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿 第 1 页 目 录 01 考情分析 02 专业词汇 03 重点、难点讲解 04 同步系统训练 一、考情分析一、考情分析 本部分内容往往和具体审计程序相联系,要注意工作底稿与监盘、函证等具体程序相联系的简答题,如分析工作底稿并纠错。同时需要关注识别特征、审计工作底稿归档前后的变动、归档期限与保存期限等内容。二、专业词汇二、专业词汇 审计工作底稿:Audit documentation/Audit working paper 审计工作底稿的存在形式(纸质、电子介质、其他介质):The forms of audit documentation(paper,electronic,other forms)识别特征:IdentificationIdentification characteristics/Recognition featuresfeatures 审计档案:Audit file 归档:Filing 审计工作底稿归档的期限:Filing Deadline of Audit Documentation 审计工作底稿归档后的变动:The Change of Audit Documentation after Filing 审计工作底稿的保存期限:Storage Life of Audit Documentation 函证:Confirmation 监盘:Supervision of inventory count 三、重点、难点讲解三、重点、难点讲解 .审计工作底稿的性质 .The nature of audit documentation (一)审计工作底稿的存在形式 (一)The forms of audit documentation 存在形式:纸质,电子介质,其他介质 Existence form:paper,electronic,other forms 电子或其他介质形式的应可以通过打印等方式,转换成纸质形式的审计工作底稿,并与其他纸质形式的审计工作底稿一并归档,同时,单独保存这些以电子或其他介质形式存在的审计工作底稿。Electronic and other forms can be converted into paper audit documentation by printing,and filed with other paper documentation,meanwhile,save those electronic and other forms of documentation separatelyseparately.事务所对底稿的控制的目的:The purpose of audit firm controlling the documentation:1.使审计工作底稿清晰地显示其生成、修改及复核的时间和人员;1.To showTo show the timing and staff of producing,modifying and re-checking;2.在审计业务的所有阶段,尤其是在项目组成员共享信息或通过互联网将信息传递给其他人员时,保护信息的完整性和安全性;2.To keep the completeness and safetyTo keep the completeness and safety of the information during any stages of the audit,especially when project members sharing the information or sharing the information to other person via internet;旭晟出品 必属精品关注公众号:旭晟科技 下载各类免费资料考前精准押题微信:27531277212022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿2022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿 第 2 页 3.防止未经授权改动审计工作底稿;3.Prevent unauthorizedunauthorized amending of the audit documentation;4.允许项目组和其他经授权的人员为适当履行职责而接触审计工作底稿。4.Permission of project members and other authorized staff access to the audit documentation when there is a need to perform duties.(二)审计工作底稿通常包括的内容 (二)The content usually included in audit documentation 业务类:总体审计策略、具体审计计划、分析表、问题备忘录、重大事项概要、询证函回函和声明、核对表、有关重大事项的往来函件(包括电子邮件),以及对被审计单位文件记录的摘要或复印件等。Business class:general audit strategies,specific audit plan,analyses table,Issues memoranda,summaries of significant matters,letters of confirmation and declaration,checklists,correspondence(including E-mail)concerning significant matter,abstracts or copies of the entitys records.管理类:业务约定书、管理建议书、项目组内部或项目组与被审计单位举行的会议记录、与其他人士(如其他注册会计师、律师、专家等)的沟通文件及错报汇总表等。Management class:engagement letter,management letter,minutes minutes of project team or project team and auditee,communication documentscommunication documents with other professionals(other CPA,lawyers,specialists)and misstatement summary.(三)审计工作底稿通常不包括的内容 (三)The content usually excluded in audit documentation 审计工作底稿通常不包括 Audit documentation usually does not include 1.已被取代的审计工作底稿的草稿或财务报表的草稿;1.Superseded draftsdrafts of working papers or financial statements;2.对不全面或初步思考的记录;2.Notes that reflect incomplete or preliminary thinking;3.存在印刷错误或其他错误而作废的文本;3.Previous copies of documents corrected for typographical or other errors;4.重复的文件记录等。4.Duplicates of documents.具体项目或事项的识别特征 .Recognition features of specific items 识别特征是指被测试的项目或事项表现出的征象或标志。识别特征通常具有唯一性,这种特性可以使其他人员根据识别特征在总体中识别该项目或事项并重新执行该测试。Recognition features is the signs of the tested project or items.Recognition features are usually uniqueusually unique,this features can help other person identify project or items and to re-perform the test according to the recognition features.(1)如在对被审计单位生成的订购单进行细节测试时,注册会计师可能以订购单的日期和其唯一编号作为测试订购单的识别特征。(1)For example,when performing a detailed test of purchase orders,CPA may use the dates and order numbers of purchase orders as recognition features of purchase order for testing.(2)对于需要选取或复核既定总体内一定金额以上的所有项目的审计程序,注册会计师可以记录实施程序的范围并指明该总体。例如,银行存款日记账中一定金额以上的所有会计分录。(2)For a procedure requiring selection or review of all items over a specific amount,CPA can record the scope of the procedures and indicate the total.For example,all accounting 旭晟出品 必属精品关注公众号:旭晟科技 下载各类免费资料考前精准押题微信:27531277212022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿2022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿 第 3 页 entries of certain amount in bank journaljournal.(3)对于需要系统化抽样的审计程序,注册会计师可能会通过记录样本的来源、抽样的起点及抽样间隔来识别已选取的样本。(3)For a procedure requiring systematic sampling,CPA may use the source recording the samples,starting point and the sampling interval to identify the selected samples.(4)对于需要询问被审计单位中特定人员的审计程序,注册会计师可能会以询问的时间、被询问人的姓名及职位作为识别特征。(4)For a procedure requiring inquiries of specific entity personnel,CPA may use the dates of inquires and the names and job designations of the entity personnel as identification characteristic.(5)对于观察程序,注册会计师可以以观察的对象或观察过程、相关被观察人员及其各自的责任、观察的地点和时间作为识别特征。(5)For an observation procedure,CPA may use the process or matter being observed,and where and when the observation was carried out as identification characteristic.审计工作底稿的归档 .Audit documentation filing (一)审计工作底稿归档工作的性质 (一)The nature of audit documentation filing 在审计报告日后将审计工作底稿归整为最终审计档案是一项事务性的工作,不涉及实施新的审计程序或得出新的结论。The completion of the assembly of the audit documentation after the date of the auditors report is an administrative process that does not involve the performance of new audit procedures or the drawing of new conclusions.如果在归档期间对审计工作底稿作出的变动属于事务性的,注册会计师可以作出变动,主要包括:Changes may,however,be made to the audit documentation during the final assembly process if they are administrative in nature,mainly include:1.删除或废弃被取代的审计工作底稿;1.Deleting or discarding superseded documentation;2.对审计工作底稿进行分类、整理和交叉索引;2.Sorting,collating and cross referencing working documentation;3.对审计档案归整工作的完成核对表签字认可;3.Signing off on completion checklists relating to the file assembly process;4.记录在审计报告日前获取的、与项目组相关成员进行讨论并达成一致意见的审计证据。4.Documenting audit evidence that the auditor has obtained,discussed and agreed with the relevant members of the engagement team before the date of the auditors report.(二)审计工作底稿归档的期限 (二)Filing deadline of audit documentation 已完成审计业务:审计报告日后 60 天内 Finished audit engagement:not more than 60 days after auditors report date 未完成审计业务:审计业务中止后的 60 天内 Unfinished audit engagement:not more than 60 days after the date of audit engagement suspensionsuspension (三)审计工作底稿归档后的变动 (三)The change of audit documentation after filing 变动:旭晟出品 必属精品关注公众号:旭晟科技 下载各类免费资料考前精准押题微信:27531277212022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿2022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿 第 4 页 修改现有审计工作底稿 增加新的审计工作底稿 Change:Amendments of current audit documentation Add new audit documentation 原则:注册会计师不得在规定的保存期限届满前删除或废弃任何性质的审计工作底稿。Principle:CPA cannot delete or abandon any audit documentation before the expiration prescribed.需要变动审计工作底稿的情形 Circumstances of needing changing audit documentation 1.注册会计师已实施了必要的审计程序,取得了充分、适当的审计证据并得出了恰当的审计结论,但审计工作底稿的记录不够充分。1.The auditor has performedhas performed necessary audit procedures and obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence and get the appropriate audit conclusion but the record of audit documentation is not sufficient.2.审计报告日后,发现例外情况要求注册会计师实施新的或追加审计程序,或导致注册会计师得出新的结论。2.After the auditor s report date,exceptional cases are identified to require the auditor performing new or additional audit procedures or lead to situation that the auditor obtains new conclusion.变动审计工作底稿时的记录要求 The recording requirements of changing audit documentation 在完成最终审计档案的归整工作后,如果对工作底稿进行了变动,注册会计师均应当记录下列事项:After final filing,if there is any change of the documentation,CPA should record following:1.修改或增加审计工作底稿的理由;1.The reason of changing or adding audit documentation;2.修改或增加审计工作底稿的时间和人员,以及复核的时间和人员。2.The time,personnel of modifying or adding audit documentation and the time and personnel of review.(四)审计工作底稿的保存期限 (四)Storage Life of audit documentation 已完成审计业务:自审计报告日起至少保存 10 年 Finished audit engagement:at leastat least ten years since the auditors report date.未完成审计业务:自业务中止日起至少保存 10 年 Unfinished audit engagement:at leastat least ten years after the date of audit engagement suspension.连续审计:当期归整的档案中可能包括以前年度获取的资料(有可能是 10 年以前)。注册会计师应视为当期取得并至少保存 10 年。Continuous auditing:current audit files may include previous years information(may be 10 years ago).CPA should treat it as current information and keep it at least ten years.四、同步系统训练四、同步系统训练 A 注册会计师负责审计甲公司 2017 年度财务报表。与审计工作底稿相关的部分事项如下:旭晟出品 必属精品关注公众号:旭晟科技 下载各类免费资料考前精准押题微信:27531277212022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿2022 年注册会计师审计英语 专题三 审计工作底稿 第 5 页 (1)A 注册会计师在具体审计计划中记录拟对固定资产采购与付款循环采用综合性方案,因在测试控制时发现相关控制运行无效,将其改为实质性方案,重新编制具体审计计划工作底稿,并替代原具体审计计划工作底稿。(2)A 注册会计师拟利用 2016 年度审计中获取的有关存货和成本循环的控制运行有效性的审计证据,将信赖这些控制的理由和结论记录于审计工作底稿。(3)A 注册会计师在对销售发票进行细节测试时,将相关销售发票所载明的发票日期以及商品的名称、规格和数量作为识别特征记录于审计工作底稿。(4)审计报告日后,A 注册会计师对在审计报告日前收到的应付账款询证函回函中存在的差异进行调查,确认其金额和性质均不重大,并记录于审计工作底稿。(5)在归整审计档案时,A 注册会计师删除了固定资产减值测试审计工作底稿初稿。(6)在完成审计档案归整工作后,A 注册会计师收到一份应收账款询证函回函,其结果显示无差异。A 注册会计师将其归入审计档案,并删除了在审计过程中实施的相关替代程序的审计工作底稿。要求:针对上述第(1)至(6)项,逐项指出 A 注册会计师的做法是否恰当。如不恰当,简要说明理由。答案:第(1)项,不恰当。注册会计师应在审计工作底稿中记录在审计过程中对具体审计计划作出的任何重大修改和理由。Event(1)is inappropriateinappropriate.CPA shall record any significant modification and reason relating to specific audit plans in working papers during audit process.第(2)项,恰当。Event(2)is appropriateappropriate.第(3)项,不恰当。识别特征应当具有唯一性,发票日期以及商品的名称、规格和数量不具有唯一性/注册会计师应当将销售发票编号作为识别特征记录于审计工作底稿。Event(3)is inappropriate.Features recognized should be unique,invoice date and product name,size and quantity are not unique/auditor shall treat sales invoice numberinvoice number as recognition feature and record it in working paper.第(4)项,不恰当。在出具审计报告前,注册会计师应当对收到的应付账款询证函回函中存在的差异进行调查,并记录于审计工作底稿。Event(4)is inappropriate.Before issuing audit report,auditor shall investigate the shall investigate the variancesvariances existing in account payable confirmation reply letter received,and record these in audit documentations.第(5)项,恰当。Event(5)is appropriate.第(6)项,不恰当。在完成审计档案的归整工作后,注册会计师不应在规定的保存期限届满前删除或废弃任何性质的工作底稿。Event(6)is inappropriate.After finishing audit archives arrangement,auditor shall not delete or discard any audit work papers before the expiration of specified shelf life.旭晟出品 必属精品关注公众号:旭晟科技 下载各类免费资料考前精准押题微信:2753127721

