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彩蛋 长难句 总结 讲义
1 长难句总结讲义长难句总结讲义 沪江网校:沪江网校:小林老师,小林老师,微博:英语小林老师微博:英语小林老师 一、非谓语动词一、非谓语动词 分词做状语分词做状语 A.条件:从句的主语和主句的主语一致条件:从句的主语和主句的主语一致 B.省略方式:(连词省略方式:(连词)+ving/ved C.位置灵活(可放句首,句中,句尾位置灵活(可放句首,句中,句尾)Hearing the news,they immediately set off for Shanghai.Having written an important letter,I litsened to the music for a while.While talking to you,your could-be employer is deciding whether your education,your experience,and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your wares and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.参考译文参考译文 在跟你谈话的时候,可能成为你的雇主的人就一直在衡量你的教育、经验和其他资格是不是值得他雇用你,而你的商品和能力一定要以一种有条不紊而且合情合理的相互关联的方式被展示出来。Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect,extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.参考译文参考译文 持极端观点的人认为,人与动物在各相关方面都不相同,所以对待动物无须考虑道德问题。Being interested in the relationship of language and thought,Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought.参考译文参考译文 沃尔夫对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣,因此他逐渐形成了这样的观点:一 2 个社会中,语言的结构决定习惯思维的结构。Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no mother tongue,he told the nurses to keep silent.参考译文参考译文为了发现在没有听到母语的情况下小孩会说什么,他吩咐护士保持安静。Im not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view,but what I was afraid of was how Id go,because Ive watched people die in the hospital fighting for oxygen and clawing at their masks.(1997 年阅读第一篇)参考译文参考译文从精神角度来说,我并不惧怕死亡。但我惧怕的是如何走向死亡这个过程,因为我看到过病人在医院死亡之时因缺氧而抗争并抓住面革的情形。sked if she opposed immunizations,she wanted to know if vaccines come from animal research.When asserted that they do,she replied,Then I would have to say yes.Asked what will happen when epidemics return,she said,Dont worry,scientists will find some way of using computers.(2003 年阅读第二篇)参考译文参考译文当问到她是否反对接种时,她问疫苗是否来自动物实验。当被告知的确如此时,她回答道:“那么我不得不说,是的,我反对接种。”当问到瘟疚爆发怎么办时,她说:“不用担心,科学家将会用计算机找到一些解决问题的办法。”0 Feeling threatened,companies responded by writing ever-longer warning labels,trying to anticipate every possible accident.(1999 年阅读第一篇)参考译文参考译文由于面对这样的威胁,公司的反应是写出无比冗长的警告标签,以尽量预见所有可能的事故。But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant,instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding 3 forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd.(2002 年阅读第二篇)参考译文参考译文但是人的大脑能够扫描一个快速变化的场景,并且 迅速排除 98%的不相干的物体,立 即聚焦于森林中蜿蜒道路旁 的一只猴子,或者人群中的一张可疑的脸。When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.(2000 阅读第一篇)参考译文参考译文当美国在二战后进入一个辉煌的历史时期时,它拥有比任何竞争对手大八倍的市场,这为其各种行业提供了前所未有的经济规模。独立主格结构独立主格结构 A.条件:逻辑主语和主句主语不一致条件:逻辑主语和主句主语不一致 B.省略方式:(省略方式:(with)+名词名词/代词(主格)代词(主格)+v-ed/V-ing/adj 短语短语/介词短语介词短语/to do C.位置灵活(可放句首,句中,句尾位置灵活(可放句首,句中,句尾)She sat there thinking,(with)her eyes looking straight upward.Emily come into the classroom,a hat worn on her head.(Emily 走进教室,头上戴着一顶帽子)Emily come into the classroom,with a book in her hand.Mary coming back,they discussed it together.(=When mary came back)玛丽回来后,他们一起讨论了那件事。Health and persistence given,one can do great things.(=If health and persistence are given)4 有健康的身体和顽强的毅力的话,一个人能做出伟大的事情。The moon having risen,they took a walk in the fields.(=When the moon had risen)月亮升起后,他们在田野里散步。So much time having been spent,the work is only half done.(=Though so much time has been spent)虽然花了这么多时间,这项工作才做了一半。Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance,with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect,and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.参考译文参考译文 对药品的依赖性首先表现为不断增长的耐药量,要产生想得到的效果所需要的药品剂量越来越大,然后,表现为当停止用药后,令人不快的停药症状的出现。But with homework counting for no more than 10%of their grades,students can easily skip half their homework and see very little difference on their report cards.参考译文参考译文但是由于作业在成绩中所占的比例不超过 10%,学生很可能少做一半的作业,而在他们的成绩单上也不会有什么差别。二、比较结构比较结构 1.As.as.和和.一样一样 People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as Vos Savants because the scores are obtained through different computational procedure.(2007 年 text2)由于计算过程不一样,人们现如今已经不能像 Savant 一样高的智商分数了。5 2.Not so/as.as 和和.不一样;不如不一样;不如.,不像,不像.The definition term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score,even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be.参考译文参考译文 人类智力的界定词语似乎仍然是智商分数,及时智商测试不像过去一样那么经常使用。3.Not so much A as B 与其说与其说 A 不如说不如说 B For the women of my generation who were urge to keep juggling through the 1980s,down-shifting in the mid-1990s is not so much a search for the mythical good life(-growing your own organic vegetables,and risking turning into one-)-as a personal recognition of your limitation.(2001,text5)参考译文参考译文 对于我们这一代在 80 年代被伦敦搏击生活的女性来说,90 年代中期放慢节奏的生活,与其说是对神秘的美好生活的追求-自己种植有机蔬菜以及冒险进入一个神秘生活-倒不如说是对个人局限性的自我认识。4.Not so much as.甚至不甚至不.,甚至没有甚至没有.He did not so much as ask me to sit down.他甚至没有请我坐下。5.More than+数词数词 多于多于.,.以上以上 In the past decade,the Japanese divorce rate,while still well below that of the United States,6 has increased by more than 50 percent,and suicides have increased by nearly only one-quarter.参考译文参考译文在过去的 10 年中,日本的离婚率,尽管仍远在美国之下,已经上升了 50%多,而自杀事件则增加了近 1/4.More than+名词名词/动词动词 不只不只是;不仅仅是是;不仅仅是 参考译文参考译文 They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries,but most of them make little or no independent reflection on human problems which involved moral judgment.(2006,翻译 50)参考译文参考译文 老师可能擅长教书,而且不仅仅专注于赚钱,但是大部分教室对涉及人类道德判断的问题很少或没有进行独立的思考。More than+形容词形容词/副词副词/分词分词 及其,非常及其,非常 The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years,and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniform to fit the growing number of bigger,longer frames.(2008,text3)参考译文参考译文 近年来,参加重大职业体育比赛者的身体发生了巨大的变化,并且经理人一直十分愿意强调队服以便适应日益增加的更强壮、更高队员身材。7 6.7.more than.can.难以难以.;完全不能完全不能.The cold was more than the children could bear.7 More A than B A Than 连接肯定形式的从句时,该从句译为否定句连接肯定形式的从句时,该从句译为否定句 The complexity of the human situation and the injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches.参考译文参考译文 人类社会形式的复杂性和社会制度的不公正性要求对社会基本结构进行彻底变革,而一些政客口头上是不不愿意承认这一点的。B 在比较的基础上表示“选择关系”时,译为“与其说在比较的基础上表示“选择关系”时,译为“与其说 B 不如说不如说 A”It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent,and that the so called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more apparent than real.参考译文参考译文看来,这两门学科是相互依存的,因为理论科学家和应用科学家之间,与其说实际存在着所谓的区分,不如说这种区分只是表面存在的。C 进行同类比较时,译成进行同类比较时,译成“比“比更更”In addition,far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.(2000 年 text4)参考译文参考译文而且,与其他 10 个被调查的国家的工人相比,更多的日本工人对他们的工作表达不满。8 8No more.than.(not.any more than.)表表示同类否定比较时,意思为:不比示同类否定比较时,意思为:不比.更更.,两者都同样两者都同样.不不.He is no more diligent than you.他不勤奋,你也不勤奋(两者都不勤奋)表示比喻关系时,译为:正如表示比喻关系时,译为:正如.不不.,.也不也不.But his primary task is not to think about the moral code,which governs his activity,any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.(2006,翻译 49)参考译文参考译文 但是,他的首要任务并不是考虑支配自己行动的道德,都如同不能指望商人专注于探索行业规范一样。9.no less than 其后跟数词其后跟数词 表示表示“多达多达”其后跟名词其后跟名词“简直是,实在是简直是,实在是”It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price.如此索要高价,简直就是敲诈。10.No less.than.不但不但.而且而且.,两者都两者都.China always insists on the need for self-reliance,no less in economic policies than in making revolution.参考译文参考译文 中国始终坚持独立自主,不但在进行革命方面,而且在经济政策方面亦是 9 如此。11.Just as.,so.“正如正如.,.也也.”Thus just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continent,so hot spots may explain their mutability(inconstancy).(1998 年 text5)参考译文参考译文 正如以前的理论解释了大陆移动,热点理论也可能解释大陆的不稳定性.三、三、分割结构分割结构 1,Nervous politicians should be comforted that,at a time when cars and components all resemble one another,a national identity has become a vital part of the brand.参考译文参考译文 神经过敏的政客应该感到安慰的是,在一个各种型号的汽车及其零部件都极为相似的时代,国家标记成了品牌至关重要的组成部分。2,Nor,if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect,is management to be blamed for discriminating against the“odd balls”among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who work well with the team.参考译文参考译文 假如像学术论文反映的那样,科学家们期望看到与某种标准模式符合的规律性和一致性。那么,管理者们如果歧视研究者中的另类者,而喜欢善于合作的比较按常规思维的人,这也是无可指责的。10 3,I have discovered,(as perhaps Kelsey will discover after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress,)that abandoning the doctrine of“juggling your life”,and making the alternative move into“downshifting”brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.参考译文参考译文 我发觉,放弃那种“日夜操劳的生活”信念而选择“放慢生活的节奏”会带来比金钱和社会地位更大的回报。凯尔西在长期经受巨大压力后,从惹人注目的 女性杂志编辑部退出之后,恐怕也将与我有同样的感觉。4,That fact,let alone the current division between the 11 euro countries and the four,(led by Britain),that have not joined,is likely to mean that the Union should become a multi-system entity,with some countries signing up to everything and others choosing only some things.参考译文参考译文 这一事实可能意味着欧盟将成为一个多体系的实体,其中一些国家对每一件事都表示赞同,而另一些则不尽然;更不用说以英国为首的尚未加入欧洲统一货币 11 体系的四国和已经加入这一体系的十一个欧元国家之间目前已存在的分歧了。5,In light of all the concerns associated with this new well of genetic information,supporters of the research stress that the benefits of the new drafts,such as improved screening for diseases,personally tailored medication and a better scientific understanding of the human body,should not be overlooked.参考译文参考译文 鉴于基因信息的新来源所引起的种种担忧,这项研究的支持者强调,不应忽视新基因草图给人类带来的好处:某些疾病的发生可以得到更有效的预防,病人可以得到更适合个人的治疗方法,人们对人体有了更科学的了解。6,Science has become so important in the modern world,(with its procedures so highly standardized and so widely accepted,)that it is included among modern social institutions.参考译文参考译文 随着科学研究程序达到高度标准化并被广泛接受,在当今世界上,科学已变得如此重要,以至被纳入现代社会制度之中。7,In what sense does a novel dealing skillfully and realistically with a society and its standards,which are dead and gone forever,have value in our very different world today?参考译文参考译文 以娴熟的技巧和现实主义的手法描写一个永远逝去的社会及其准则的小说,在何种意义上对我们今天已发生沧桑巨变的世界仍然具有价值?四、倒装结构四、倒装结构 12 五、强调结构五、强调结构 六、虚拟语气六、虚拟语气 补充:状语从句中的主谓省略补充:状语从句中的主谓省略 在以 if、when、though、unless、as、as if 等引导的状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,而且从句的谓语是 be 动词,可以将状语从句的主谓省略。He will not come unless(he is)invited.除非被邀请他才肯来。Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago,todays people especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S.for many generations apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s.参考译文参考译文尽管现代的人通常地比 140 年前高两英寸-特别是出生在几代都生活在美国的家庭中-他们明显在 20 世纪 60 年代早期达到了他们的极限。For example,they do not compensate for gross social inequality,and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.参考译文参考译文例如,测试并不弥补明显的社会不公;因此,它们不能说明一个物质条件差的年轻人,如果在较好的环境下成长的话,会有多大才干。七、七、and with it 结构:结构:Until these issues are resolved,a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected,and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.(02 年翻译)13 参考译文参考译文如果这些问题得不到解决,研究行为的技术手段就会继续受到排斥,解决问题的唯一方式可能也随之继续受到排斥。As families move away from their stable community,their friends of many years,their extended family relationships,the informal flow of information is cut off,and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed/and will be trustworthy and reliable.参考译文参考译文由于搬家,人们离开了稳定的社区、多年的老友和邻里街坊,非正式的信息流通被切断了,而那种在需要时就能得到真实可靠信息的信心也就丢失了。八、八、并列省略结构并列省略结构 Not getting enough sleep can harm your mood,memory,ability to learn and concentrate,and job performance,and shorten your life.It can even kill you and others if you fall asleep while driving or operating machinery.参考译文参考译文睡眠不足会破坏情绪、损害记忆、降低学习能力、分散注意力、彩响工作,更有甚者缩短你的寿命。如果你在开车或操作机器时睡着了,就可能害自己或他人的生命 Youngsters should also be wanted to never approach a dog they do not know or tease or play 14 roughly with a dog,and to curl into a ball with their head covered an the ground if knocked down by a dog.参考译文参考译文还应该提醒青少年,不要接近不认识的狗,不要欺负狗,与狗玩耍时动作不要粗野;如果被狗扑倒在地,就把身体蜷成一团,抱头躺在地上。There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.参考译文参考译文所谓方法是指一般历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史探究中各个具体领域适用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of historic sources,and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.参考译文参考译文这种谬论同样存在于历史传统派和历史社科派:前者认为历史只是史学界内部和外部人士对各种史料来源的评论;后者认为历史的研究是具体方法的研究。The growth of part-time and flexible working patterns,and of training and retraining schemes allows more women to take advantage of employment opportunity 参考译文参考译文兼职工作和弹性工作这些工作方式的增多,以及培训、再培训计划的增加,使得更多妇女享有就业就会。What is called modern civilization is not the result of a balanced development of all mans nature,but of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life.参考译文参考译文所谓“现代文明”并不是人的天性平衡发展的结果,而是累积的知识应用到实际生活中的结果。

