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英语 牛津 上海 高中 三年级 第二 学期
未经允许,不得翻印未经允许,不得翻印The authors and the publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproducephotographs in this book:Getty ImagesEvery effort has been made to contact copyright holders before publication.However,insome cases this has been impossible.If contacted,the publishers will ensure that full creditis given at the earliest opportunity.Acknowledgementsp.2p.3p.11p.15p.18p.19p.36p.52未经允许,不得翻印ContentsModuleUnitReadingGrammar1 Man andanimals1Endangered animals(p.2)Get the facts on wolves(p.2)Conjunctions(p.6)Using English:Differences between casual and formal English(p.34)2 Caring aboutyour future3 It s not just a job(p.36)Finding one s truevocation(p.36)Subject-verb agreement(p.40)Project:Applying for voluntary work(p.68)2 Wonderful seaanimals(p.18)The wonders ofdolphins(p.18)Emphasis using It is/wasIt is/wasIt is/wasIt is/wasIt is/was.that.that.that.that.that(p.22)Other ways of expressingemphasis(p.23)4 Job searching(p.52)Find out about yourfuture(p.53)Ellipsis(p.56)Appendix I Strategies(p.87)Appendix II Notes to reading passages(p.88)Appendix III Grammar glossary(p.95)Appendix IV Word list in alphabetical order (p.96)*3 A taste ofliterature5 The surprising stories of O.Henry(p.70)6 Communicating with Helen Keller (p.77)7 Famous stories retold(p.82)Useful tips(p.104)未经允许,不得翻印ListeningSpeakingWritingMore readingWorking with numbers(p.8)Discussing seriousissues(p.10)Informative writing(p.13)Saving the orang-utan(p.14)For arguments in adebate(p.43)Delivering a speech(p.44)Analyzing a writingtopic(p.46)Have you everthought aboutvolunteer work?(p.47)For viewpoints(p.24)Preparing speeches(p.25)Concluding anarrativecomposition(p.27)The mysteriousworld of sharks(p.29)For advice(p.58)Role-playing a jobinterview(p.59)Letters ofapplication(p.61)Job vacancies(p.62)未经允许,不得翻印2Module1Man and animalsUnit 1 Endangered animalsA What do you know about.?Look at the pictures below and then discuss thequestions.1What do you know about the animals above?2 Why are these animals endangered and in needof protection?3 Can you think of any other animals in need ofprotection?B SkimmingSkim the leaflet.Then do the exercises below.1 Which of these topics are discussed in the article?a a description of wolvesb how wolves benefit man and naturec the history of wolvesd the diet of wolvese the habitat of wolves2 The author wants to explain why wolves should be _.a killedb protectedC ScanningScan the leaflet to find the answers to these questions.1What country has a campaign to help wolves?2 How heavy is a wolf?3 Are wolves dangerous to people?4 What do we call a group of wolves?5 What big animal might they eat?6 How many wolves live together in a pack?Read this leaflet from anenvironmental group tolearn about this fearedanimal.Get the factson wolvesWhere do they live?Wolves live in thenorthern hemisphere,on three continents:Europe,Asia andNorth America.Theyare very adaptable:they can live inforests,on openplains,or in thesnows of the Arctic.What are they like?They resemble bigdogs,with long legs,a wide head and thickfur.In fact,all of ourdomestic dogsprobably came fromwolves many yearsago.Wolves are about1.5 to 2 metres long,and are about threequarters of a metre inheight.So long as awolf gets enoughfood,it will weighabout 4050kilograms.510152025Reading未经允许,不得翻印3Unit 1What do they eat?Although wolves usually prey onsmall mammals such as mice,rabbits and deer,they also hunttogether to kill larger animals suchas moose.When they kill a biganimal,they gorge themselves,andthen may not eat again for up totwo weeks.If they are very hungry,they eat berries and seeds.What is their family life like?Wolves live in groups,which arecalled packs,with about six toeight wolves in a pack.Only onepair of wolves will bear cubs,butall of the members of the pack willhelp feed and protect the cubs.Are they dangerous to people?Since in many stories and filmswolves attack people,it is naturalthat people should think they arefierce and dangerous.However,thetruth is different.There is no proofthat a wild wolf has ever harmed ahuman being.Indeed,usuallywolves run away when they seepeople.Are they in danger from people?Yes,very much so.Whereverpeople have spread in the world,they have killed wolves,usually toprotect their own livestock such assheep and cattle.As a result,thenumbers of wolves have beengreatly reduced.They are extinct inmany countries.In Britain,forexample,wolves became extinctaround 1650.Similarly,there usedto be thousands of wolves inAmerica,but now there are fewerthan 2,000.What is being done to help them?About 20 or 30 years ago,peoplestarted to realize that wolves werethreatened with extinction,andthey slowly began initiatingprogrammes to protect them.Inmany European countries,wolvesare now protected by law.InGermany,for instance,where thereare now very few wolves,acampaign has started to savethem.It has several objectives.Oneis to better publicize the truthabout wolves so people will nothate and kill them.Another aim isto preserve natural habitats for thewolves to live in.This has theadvantage of helping many otherforms of wildlife,as well.A thirdobjective is to work out practicalways in which both people andwolves can live together.In amodern world,wolves cannotmanage on their own withouthuman support.Unless we helpthem in positive ways,they willdisappear forever.3035404550556065707580859095未经允许,不得翻印4Unit 1Understanding the emotional value of wordsWords have emotional value for us.This value comes from our own interests andculture.The same word can have a different value to different people.Writers usewords with emotional value to make their work more interesting and powerful.Learning new words is difficult.One trick?for remembering new words is to thinkabout the emotional value each word has for you.D Key wordsFind the italicized words in the leaflet and circle the best meaning for eachof them.1 Sarah thought her cat resembled a baby tiger when she first brought it home.a looked exactly likec looked different fromb looked similar tod looked at her in the same way as2There is no actual proof that the book belonged to Paul.a reason to thinkc thought in my mindb story to suggestd evidence to show3To succeed in life,you have to have objectives.a the ability to see things in different waysb wealth and possessionsc all the information availabled clear targets you want to achieve4John made a positive contribution to the environment when he opened his naturereserve.a hopefulb certainc usefuld confidentFind words in the leaflet to complete a students essay on why he admireshis brother.D1D2My brother has always cared about nature.Last year he went on a trip to(1)_.Hetook many photos of polar bears.He was very brave because polar bears can be very(2)_ if they think their cubs are in danger.However,my brother went there becausepolar bears are also threatened with(3)_,and he wanted people to know howbeautiful they are.He also said it was freezing cold,but my brother has always been very(4)_ to different environments.(5)_,he never had problems if we movedhouse when we were young.I admire him because he never worries about anything,and alwaysputs the interests of others before himself.Find the words on the following page in the leaflet.Check their meanings ifnecessary.Think about the emotional value of each word.Then,without using theleaflet or the dictionary,use the words in the sentences.D3?trick n.诀窍未经允许,不得翻印5Unit 11The West of the USA is covered in _,which means you can see for very longdistances in many directions.2 Think about any actions in your daily life which might _ the environment,and then try to change them.3 When animals hunt in _,they often have a better chance of catching food.4Cats are perhaps the most common _ animals,but some people keep snakesas well.5 A giant panda is able to _ one or two baby pandas each time.E Read and thinkEach of these sentences is false.Find one sentence or phrase from the leafletwhich proves it is false.The first one has been done for you.1 Some wolves live in Australia._2 Wolves are about two feet long._3 Wolves eat regularly,every day._4 Wolves sometimes attack young children or old people._5 There are still some wolves in Scotland._6 There are thousands of wolves in Germany._7 If people have more information about wolves,they will try to get rid of them._Each of these sentences could be inserted into the leaflet.Find the best placeto insert each sentence,and then fill in the blanks below.1 The wolves in the pack are very friendly towards each other,but will attack otherwolves.Paragraph _ after _.2The biggest population is probably in Canada,where there may still be 50,000 wolves.Paragraph _ after _.3The females are smaller than the males,and weigh less.Paragraph _ after _.4In some countries,such as Italy,a few wolves even live on the edges of towns.Paragraph _ after _.5For example,in“Little Red Riding Hood”?,the bad wolf eats the little girls grandmother.Paragraph _ after _.domestic threaten plains packs bearE1Wolves live in the northern hemisphere.E2?Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽(童话故事)未经允许,不得翻印6Unit 1GrammarConjunctionsCoordinating conjunctionsConjunctions such as and,but,for,nor,or,(and)so or yet are used to join two clauses ofequal importance together into one sentence.A comma is usually used before them.Only one pair of wolves will bear cubs,butall of the members of the pack will helpfeed and protect the cubs.Note:Adverbs or prepositions such as besides,however,nevertheless,otherwise,therefore and moreover can be used like conjunctions to linksentences together.They are usually followed by a comma.It is natural that people should think wolves are fierce and dangerous.However,the truth is different.=It is natural that people should thinkwolves are fierce and dangerous,but the truth is different.Subordinating conjunctionsThese can be used to join an adverbial clause to a main clause.We have studied many ofthese already:KindConcessionConditionMannerPurposePlaceReasonTimeConjunctionsalthough,though,even thoughif,even if,unless,so/as long asas,as if,as thoughso(that)where,whereveras,since,becausebefore,after,while,as,since,until,when,wheneverExamplesAlthough wolves usually prey on small mammals,they also hunt together to kill larger animalssuch as moose.So long as a wolf gets enough food,it will weighabout 4050 kilograms.He behaved as if nothing had happened.One is to better publicize the truth about wolvesso(that)people will not hate and kill them.Wherever people have spread in the world,theyhave killed wolves.Since in many stories and films wolves attackpeople,it is natural that people should thinkthey are fierce and dangerous.When wolves kill a big animal,they gorgethemselves.未经允许,不得翻印7Unit 1When used to start an object clause,that is also a subordinating conjunction.Note:We can only use one conjunction to link two clauses together in asentence.Although she was tired,but she went to work.Although she was tired,she went to work.She was tired,but she went to work.Correlative conjunctionsSometimes conjunctions are paired together to join two words or clauses of equalimportance.Examples include as.as,both.and,either.or,neither.nor,not.but,not only.but also and whether.or.A third objective is to work out practical ways inwhich both people and wolves can live together.Arrange these words to make full sentences.1a carton of/bought/ate it/he/all by himself/the boy/ice cream/and_2 as well/help/you/with her/Julie/already helping/I am/Maths/I can/but_3 too long/the play/was it/not boring/was/nor_4 just the same/a very good actor/the film star/to love him/was not/everyone seemed/yet_5 Sam/needs/members/to get/is forming/an outdoors club/he/so_6 could not/the wind/take off/was/the plane/too strong/for_7 copying/will tell/the teacher/please stop/my Maths homework/I/or_Use the words in the box to complete the following sentences.12as thoughwheneverso long asso thatwherewhilealthoughas1 We could not go to the shops _ it was snowing heavily outside.2 _ he was Chinese,the man spoke English _ he were born in England.未经允许,不得翻印8Unit 1Skills3The boy had to wear glasses _ he could see better.4 The boy painted pictures _ he had the time.5You can make your dreams come true _ you never give up.6_ you are at the wildlife reserve,you should go only _ you areallowed.Connect the following sentences together using the correlative conjunctionsin brackets.Make changes as necessary.The first one has been done for you.1Money cannot make him happy.Possessions cannot make him happy.(neither.nor)_2 She has the loveliest smile.She has the most beautiful heart.(not only.but also)_3 My mother met me at the airport.My father met me at the airport.(both.and)_4 He will learn the song.If not,he will not be able to enter the singing contest.(either.or)_5 Is the Amur tiger?extinct?No,it is endangered.(not.but)_6 He runs fast.A lion runs at the same speed.(as.as)_3Neither money nor possessions can make him happy.A Listening:Working with numbersMany listening tasks involve numbers in some way,and these tasks are often presented ina rather difficult and indirect way.To find the right answer,you may need to do somesimple calculations or combine two sets of data.Listen carefully for expressions such as these:half/twice as expensive as.its shorter/cheaper/quicker than.the lightest/heaviest/newestnot as long/cheap/good as.Look at the tables on the next page and listen to the conversations.Selectthe best answer for each of the questions on the recording.Before you begin,makesure you know the following words.airmail binoculars double period?Amur tiger n.东北虎未经允许,不得翻印胸针9Unit 112Test report on binocularsNameWeightQualityCostMagna400 g990Zoomer500 g875Seefar550 g2,500Goodview250 g660Answer:_3Answer:_Ref.No.DestinationPeriodPrice()578New Zealand7 nights7,500579New Zealand14 nights9,600603Malaysia10 nights6,800644Europe7 nights8,600645Europe14 nights12,500796Antarctica10 nights18,600Nature FilmsRunning TimesNature FilmsRunning TimesDangers of the Deep90 minutesChinas NatureReserves120 minutesLife on the Shore60 minutesMountain Wildlife80 minutesThe Marshes30 minutesLions of Africa85 minutesBirds of China40 minutesSaving the Whale20 minutesAnswer:_4ELEPHANT KEY RINGThis pretty key ring has a lovelylittle silver elephant decoration.3520g2?3 cmDOLPHIN BROOCH?This beautiful silver broochshows the grace of the dolphin.15025g2?4 cmTHE SEAThis beautiful book has the work ofover 100 top writers and artists.300800 g27?25 cmPANDA MUG?This pretty panda mug is just thething for your tea and coffee.50300 g7?9 cmAnswer:_?brooch n.mug n.(带柄的)大杯BIRD-WATCHING HOLIDAY未经允许,不得翻印10Unit 15B Speaking:Discussing serious issuesIn a discussion of any serious issue affecting many people,all facts must be carefullyexamined and different points of view considered before a decision is made.To have a meaningful discussion,keep the following in mind:Answer:_Christmas CardsDesignQuantitySizeCostThe Four Seasons4 cards15 x 17 cm45Father Christmas12 cards9 x 11 cm72Whales6 cards12 x 14 cm48Snow

