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journalist dnlst n.新闻记者judgement ddmnt n.判断力;评价;裁决judgment ddmnt n.判断力;评价;裁决In your judgment,what has changed over the past few years?依你看,过去几年里发生了哪些变化?Lesson 57junior dunj adj.年少的justice dsts n.公平,正义A handful of junior officers were made to bear responsibility for the incident.几名下级军官被迫对此事件负责。001词根:juven-=young 年轻juvenile duvnal adj.青少年的juvenal du:vnl adj.雏鸟的,羽毛未丰的juvenilia,duvnl n.少年读物juvenescent,duvnesnt adj.变年轻的rejuvenate rduvnet v.复原;变年轻rejuvenation r,dvnein n.回春,返老还童kindness kandns n.仁慈;友好kingdom kdm n.王国We have been treated with such kindness by everybody.我们受到了大家如此亲切的对待。词根:-dom-:1=tame 驯服;统治 2=house 房子;家;主人后缀:-dom表“情况/状态/身份/性质等”domesticate dmestket v.驯养dominate dmnet v.控制;支配dominant dmnnt adj.支配的,统治的predominate prdmnet v.支配;占主导(或支配)地位predominant prdmnnt adj.主要的;卓越的;支配的wisdom wzdm n.智慧freedom fridm n.自由002latter lt n.后者 adj.后者的laughter lft n.笑声lawyer lj n.律师He tracked down his cousin and uncle.The latter was sick.他追踪找到了他的堂兄和叔叔。后者病了。lecture lkt n./v.讲课;训斥lemonade lmned n.柠檬汽水She then invited him to Atlanta to lecture on the history of art.她于是邀请他去亚特兰大讲授艺术史。He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses.他正往高脚杯中倒冰和柠檬汽水。librarian labrrrn n.图书管理员license lasns v.许可 n.许可证lightning latn n.闪电 adj.闪电般的likely lakli adj.可能的.a proposal that would require the state to license guns the way it does cars.提案要求政府像发驾驶证一样发放枪支许可证。One man died when he was struck by lightning.一个人遭雷击身亡。major med adj.较多的;主要的marriage mrd n.结婚;婚姻The major factor in the decision to stay or to leave was usually professional.决定去留的主要因素通常与职业相关。In a good marriage,both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.在一桩美满的婚姻中,夫妻双方共同致力于解决出现的任何问题。003merciful msfl adj.仁慈的merely mrli adv.仅仅messy msi adj.肮脏的;凌乱的We can only hope the court is merciful.我们只能寄希望于法庭的宽大处理了。She was a good,if messy,cook.尽管有点邋遢,她还是一名好厨师。millionaire,mljnr n.百万富翁mineral mnrl n.矿物,矿物质;adj.矿物的By the time he died,he was a millionaire.到他去世的时候,他已是一位百万富翁。media midi n.媒体medium midim adj.中等的 n.媒介,手段memorial mmrl n.纪念碑 adj.纪念的A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.中等剂量会在几小时内引起严重的恶心。Building a memorial to Columbus has been his lifelong dream.建一座哥伦布纪念碑一直是他一生的梦想。004mistaken mstekn adj.错误的mixture mkst n.混合;混合物I see I was mistaken about you.我明白我错看了你。They looked at him with a mixture of horror,envy,and awe.他们带着害怕、羡慕和敬畏的混合表情看着他。minister mnst n.部长,大臣ministry mnstri n.(政府的)部minus mans prep.减去 n.减号 adj.负的.the Ministry of Justice.司法部。One minus one is zero.一减一等于零。005mobile mobal,mobl adj.可移动的 n.手机monitor mnt v.监视 n.监视器;班长monument mnjumnt n.纪念碑Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.官员们未曾获许监控选举。.a newly restored monument commemorating a 119-year-old tragedy.为纪念一起有着119年历史的惨剧而新修复的一座纪念碑。motivation motven n.动力motorcycle motsakl n.摩托车motto mto n.座右铭Money is my motivation.金钱就是我的动力。Stay true to yourself has always been his motto.“忠于自己”一直是他的座右铭。mountainous mantns adj.巨大的;多山的movement muvmnt n.运动;活动The plan is designed to reduce some of the companys mountainous debt.制定这个计划是为了减少该公司的一部分巨额债务。词根:mon-/monit-提醒;警告admonish dmn v.告诫;劝告premonish primn v.预先劝告;预先警告premonition,prmnn n.(尤指不祥的)预感006nationality nnlti;nnlti n.国籍;民族nationwide nenwad adj.全国范围的Asked his nationality,he said American.问到他的国籍,他说是美国人。neighborhood nebhd n.邻居;社区neighbourhood nebhd n.邻居;社区(英式用法)There is no neighbourhood which is really safe.没有一个真正安全的居住区。muddy mdi adj.泥泞的 v.使沾上泥murder md n./v.谋杀musical mjuzkl adj.音乐的 n.音乐剧The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes.地面仍散发着雨水的气息,他们的鞋沾上了泥巴。007nuclear nukli adj.核武器的;核能的nursery nsri n.托儿所.a nuclear power station.一座核电站。He has painted murals in his childrens nursery.他在他家的育儿室画上了壁画。observe bzv v.观察;遵守Olson also studies and observes the behaviour of babies.奥尔森还研究并观察婴儿的行为。occupation,kjupen n.占有;职业occupy kjupa v.占据;占领;任职I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.我想我那时在寻找一份冒险型职业。There were over 40 tenants,all occupying one wing of the building.有40多位房客,都住在该大楼的一翼。noisy nzi adj.嘈杂的novel nvl n.(长篇)小说 adj.新奇的;新颖的novelist nvlst n.小说家The students on the grass bank cheered noisily.学生们在草堤上喧闹地欢呼。Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.抗议者们找到一种新奇的示威方式来反对石油价格的飙升。008operation pren n.运行;手术;行动;企业operator pret n.操作人员;经营者He dialled the operator and put in a call to Rome.他拨通了接线员,往罗马打了一个电话。official fl adj.官方的 n.官员opening opn n.开始;开幕式adj.开始的According to the official figures,over one thousand people died during the revolution.根据官方数字,有一千多人在革命中丧命。They returned to play in the seasons opening game.他们回来参加了本赛季的首场比赛。009optimistic ptmstk adj.乐观的optional pnl adj.可选的The president says she is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon.总统说,她对很快能达成协议持乐观态度。Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents,and thus it should remain optional.性教育对一些家长来说是个敏感的话题,因此应该还是非强制性的。organisation rnazen n.组织;机构organise gnaz v.组织;筹备organization rnzen n.组织;机构Most of the food for the homeless is provided by voluntary organizations.给无家可归者的大部分食物是由志愿组织提供的。ordinary rdnri adj.平常的;普通的,平庸的I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me.我强烈地感到大多数普通老百姓会赞同我。010

