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obtain bten v.取得,获得persuade pswed v.说服,劝服request rkwst v./n.请求I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。Lesson 72tragedy trddi n.悲剧,灾难volunteer vlntr n.志愿者 v.自愿去做They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy.他们遭受了一场巨大的个人灾难。001awareness wrns n.意识;明白It is assumed that you are interested in achieving greater self-awareness.假定大家都想变得更有自知之明。due du adj.到期的;应得的n.应得之物Council members are due to have informal discussions later on today.委员会成员定于今日晚些时候进行非正式讨论。002efficiency fnsi n.效率engagement nedmnt n.参加;订婚;承诺He had an engagement at a restaurant at eight.他8点钟在一家餐馆有一个约会。legislation,ldslen n.立法a letter calling for legislation to protect womens rights.呼吁立法保护妇女权利的一封信。prejudice prdds n.偏见prestigious prstds adj.有名望的There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countries went to war.早在两国交战之前就有了根深蒂固的种族偏见。Its one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.它是该国设备最好、最有声望的学校之一。rob rb v.抢劫;非法剥夺robotic robtk adj.机器人的;自动的Criminals robbed a bank 罪犯们抢劫了一家银行003capital kptl n.资本;首都 adj.首要的confer knf v.授予;给予An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2001.牛津大学于2001 年授予他荣誉学位。decade dked n.十年,十年期descendant dsndnt n.后代,后裔dropout drpat n.中途退学;辍学学生;辍学They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers.他们是最初的英格兰和苏格兰移民的后裔。His dropout upsets me very much.他的辍学令我非常不安。attach tt v.系上,依附We attach labels to things before we file them away.我们在把东西归档前先给它们贴上标签。Any help he gave you would be a gift with no strings attached.他给你的任何帮助都只是礼物,没有附加条件。004词根:-nerv-/-neur-神经nerve nv n.神经enervate enrvet v.使失去活力;使衰弱 adj.无活力的enervation,en:vein n.失去活力;衰弱enervated en:veitid adj.无活力的;衰弱的neural nrl adj.神经(系统)的;神经中枢的neuralgia nrld n.神经痛neuritis njrats n.神经炎neurology nrldi n.神经(病)学neurosis nross n.神经病neurotic nrtk adj.患神经病的;过于神经质的n.神经病患者elite lit,elit n.精英justify dstfa;dstfa v.证明公平,合理nervous nrvs adj.紧张不安的;神经性的No argument can justify a war.没有任何理由能证明一个战争有理。The party has become deeply nervous about its prospects of winning the next election.该党对其赢得下一届大选的前景极其紧张。Only the educational elite goes to Oxford or Cambridge.只有学业上的精英才能上牛津或剑桥大学.005silicon slkn n.硅specialist splst n.专家trait tret n.特性,特征portray prtre v.描绘portrait prtrtn.肖像;描写Peckham,himself a cancer specialist,is well aware of the wide variations in medical practice.佩卡姆本人就是个癌症专家,非常清楚医疗实践中的广泛差异。The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood.这项研究发现一些酗酒者早在孩童时就表现出明显的个性特征。wisdom wzdm n.智慧emission mn n.(光,热等的)发出epidemic pdmk adj.流行的 n.流行病epitome ptmi n.缩影;典范Many people have expressed doubts about the wisdom of the decision.许多人都已经对这个决定是否明智表示了怀疑。A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.一场流感正席卷莫斯科。He is the epitome of a modern young man.他是现代青年男子的典范。payment pemnt n.支付;报酬physician fzn n.(内科)医生retain rten v.保留,保持revolution rvlun n.旋转;革命The interior of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere.那家商店内部依然保持着19世纪的格调。The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil.自革命以来的这一段时期是一个政治动荡的时期。006bare br adj.赤裸的;光秃的v.露出console knsol v.安慰;慰藉She likes to walk around in bare feet.她喜欢光着脚走来走去。Nothing could console him when his wife died.他妻子去世后,什么事情也不能使他感到宽慰。adolescent,dlsnt adj.青春期的n.青少年advocate dvket v.鼓吹,提倡 n.提倡者It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can confide.一个青春期男孩应该有一个他能倾吐心声的成年人,这是很重要的。Mr.Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.威廉斯先生是一位提倡减少政府对商业的控制的保守人士。007emergency imrdnsi n.紧急情况enrollment nrolmnt n.登记;入伍He deals with emergencies promptly.他迅速地应对突发事件。feed fid v.喂(养);以为食investment nvstmnt n.投资literary ltrri adj.文学(上)的,书面的oppose poz v.反对,对抗Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.她的文学批评集中于伟大文学作品表达思想的方法。Mr.Taylor was not bitter toward those who had opposed him.泰勒先生并不仇恨那些曾经反对过他的人。008

