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REN21 可再生能源 2023 全球 状况 报告 75 WN5
RENEWABLES 2023 GLOBAL STATUS REPORTENERGY DEMAND?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?COLLECTION2023群内每日免费分享5份+最新资料 群内每日免费分享5份+最新资料 300T网盘资源+4040万份行业报告为您的创业、职场、商业、投资、亲子、网赚、艺术、健身、心理、个人成长 全面赋能!添加微信,备注“入群”立刻免费领取 立刻免费领取 200套知识地图+最新研报收钱文案、增长黑客、产品运营、品牌企划、营销战略、办公软件、会计财务、广告设计、摄影修图、视频剪辑、直播带货、电商运营、投资理财、汽车房产、餐饮烹饪、职场经验、演讲口才、风水命理、心理思维、恋爱情趣、美妆护肤、健身瘦身、格斗搏击、漫画手绘、声乐训练、自媒体打造、效率软件工具、游戏影音扫码先加好友,以备不时之需扫码先加好友,以备不时之需行业报告/思维导图/电子书/资讯情报行业报告/思维导图/电子书/资讯情报致终身学习者社群致终身学习者社群关注公众号获取更多资料关注公众号获取更多资料EXECUTIVE DIRECTORRana Adib REN21PRESIDENTArthouros ZervosREN21 MEMBERSMEMBERS AT LARGEMichael EckhartDavid Hales Kirsty Hamilton Peter RaeArthouros ZervosGOVERNMENTSAfghanistan AustraliaAustriaBrazilDenmark Dominican RepublicGermanyIndiaMexicoNorwayRepublic of KoreaSouth Africa South Australia SpainUnited Arab EmiratesUnited States of AmericaSCIENCE AND ACADEMIAAEE Institute for Sustainable Technologies(AEE-INTEC)Council on Energy,Environment and Water(CEEW)Fundacin Bariloche(FB)International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis(IIASA)International Solar Energy Society(ISES)National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL)National Research University Higher School of Economics Russia(HSE)South African National Energy Development Institute(SANEDI)The Energy and Resources Institute(TERI)University of Technology Institute for Sustainable Futures(UTS)World Resources Institute(WRI)INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONSAfrica Minigrids Developers Association(AMDA)Alliance for Rural Electrification(ARE)American Council on Renewable Energy(ACORE)Associao Lusfona de Energias Renovveis(ALER)Associao Portuguesa de Energias Renovveis(APREN)Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association(CREIA)Clean Energy Council(CEC)Euroheat&Power(EHP)European Heat Pump Association(EHPA)European Renewable Energies Federation(EREF)Global Off-Grid Lighting Association(GOGLA)Global Solar Council(GSC)Global Wind Energy Council(GWEC)Indian Renewable Energy Federation(IREF)International Geothermal Association(IGA)International Hydropower Association(IHA)RE100/Climate Group RES4Africa Foundation SolarPower Europe(SPE)Union International de Transport Publique(UITP)World Bioenergy Association(WBA)World Wind Energy Association(WWEA)INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONSAsia Pacific Energy Research Center(APERC)Asian Development Bank(ADB)ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency(ECREEE)Electric Power Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States(EPC)European Commission(EC)Global Environment Facility(GEF)International Energy Agency(IEA)International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA)Islamic Development Bank(IsDB)Organizacin Latinoamericana de Energa(OLADE)Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency(RCREEE)United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO)World Bank(WB)NGOSAssociation Africaine pour lElectrification Rurale(Club-ER)CDP CLASPClean Cooking Alliance(CCA)Climate Action Network International(CAN-I)Coalition de Ciudades Capitales de las Americas(CC35)Energy CitiesEuropean Youth Energy Network(EYEN)Fundacin Renovables(FER)Global Forum on Sustainable Energy(GFSE)Global Womens Network for the Energy Transition(GWNET)Greenpeace International ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies(ISEP)International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)Jeune Volontaires pour lEnvironne-ment(JVE)Mali Folkecenter(MFC)Power for All Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership(REEEP)Renewable Energy Institute(REI)Renewables Grid Initiative(RGI)SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable,Low Carbon Transport Solar Cookers International(SCI)Sustainable Energy for All(SEforAll)The Global 100%Renewable Energy Platform(Global 100%RE)World Council for Renewable Energy(WCRE)World Future Council(WFC)World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF)RENEWABLES IN ENERGY DEMANDFOREWORDA lot has changed in a decade.The past ten years have brought significant shifts in the renewable energy landscape.Renewables,once an emerging trend,have become a global necessity.Decision makers are finally acknowledging that a world fully energised by renewables is not only desirable but essential to bringing about prosperous economies,sustainable societies and equitable human development.This report presents the first modules of the eight-piece Renewables 2023 Global Status Report(GSR)Collection.The Energy Demand modules on Buildings,Industry,Transport and Agriculture are a testament to the crucial role that energy-consuming sectors play in driving the transition to renewable energy.They underscore the importance of looking beyond the supply side and installed capacities,and recognising that accelerating the demand for renewables across these four sectors is critical.Without substantive progress on the demand side,it will be impossible to achieve the structural transformations needed to shift to a renewables-based energy system,economy and society.With this report,REN21 continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the transition to sustainable energy sources and in bridging the gap between(renewable)energy supply and demand.The findings presented in the GSR Energy Demand modules represent an important step forward in understanding the full potential of renewables in meeting the worlds energy needs,as well as the persisting barriers.Renewables are the only energy sources compatible with the vision to“leave no one behind”.Demand sectors are steadily discovering that clean,affordable,secure and accessible energy is key to leveraging for impact.For the first time,the world is using renewable energy solutions to overcome multiple global challenges simultaneously:economic instability,unprecedented energy crises,threats to peace and democracy,and the devastating socio-economic consequences of a global pandemic.We need to harness the political momentum to accelerate this transition.We must build on each other to ensure that renewables are never left out from sustainable development conversations.We must make 2023 the year of renewables.REN21,in its role as knowledge broker for the renewable energy sector,is ambitiously spearheading this global wave of change.Our goal is to amplify the voices of the multi-stakeholder community that we proudly represent.The GSR Energy Demand modules represent a collective effort of hundreds of collaborators who have worked meticulously to paint an accurate picture of renewables today.I extend heartfelt thanks to the REN21 team,authors,special advisors and contributors who have brought their knowledge,time and dedication to producing this report.Your insights,passion and commitment have been instrumental in making the GSR Energy Demand modules a reality.I am confident that this report will serve as a valuable resource for policy makers,industry leaders and other stakeholders to inform decision making and drive the transition to a sustainable future for all a future powered by renewable energy.Sincerely,Rana Adib Executive Director,REN213RENEWABLES 2023 GLOBAL STATUS REPORT-RENEWABLES IN ENERGY DEMANDModule Overview .17Policy .20Investment .24Market Developments .25Challenges and Opportunities .27Module Overview .29Policy .31Investment .32Market Developments .32Challenges and Opportunities .37Module Overview .39Policy .41Investment .44Market Developments .46Challenges and Opportunities .49Module Overview .51Policy .53Investment .54Market Developments .55Challenges and Opportunities .57Foreword .03 Acknowledgements .08 RENEWABLES IN ENERGY DEMAND:GLOBAL TRENDS .10 BUILDINGS IN FOCUS AGRICULTURE IN FOCUS1650?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSPORT IN FOCUS38?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?INDUSTRY IN FOCUS28?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?4R Energy Units and Conversion Factors R Data Collection and Validation R Methodological Notes R Glossary R List of Abbreviations Reference Tables can be accessed through the GSR 2023 Energy Demand Data Pack at R http:/ and questions are welcome and can be sent to .DISCLAIMER:REN21 releases issue papers and reports to emphasise the importance of renewable energy and to generate discussion on issues central to the promotion of renewable energy.While REN21 papers and reports have benefited from the considerations and input from the REN21 community,they do not necessarily represent a consensus among network participants on any given point.Although the information given in this report is the best available to the authors at the time,REN21 and its participants cannot be held liable for its accuracy and correctness.The designations employed and the presentation of material in the maps in this report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever concerning the legal status of any region,country,territory,city or area or of its authorities,and is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory,to the delimitation of international frontiers or boundaries and to the name of any territory,city or area.REPORT CITATION REN21.2023.Renewables 2023 Global Status Report collection,Renewables in Energy Demand(Paris:REN21 Secretariat).ISBN 978-3-948393-07-6Endnotes .58 Photo Credits and Impressum .73FIGURESSNAPSHOTSLINKS TO MICROSITEFigure 1.Renewables in Energy Demand .10Figure 2.Number of Countries with Renewable Energy Regulatory Policies,by Demand Sector,20122022 .15Figure 3.Renewable Share of Total Final Energy Consumption in Buildings,2010,2019 and 2020 .18Figure 4.Energy Consumption in Buildings by Major Country/Region,2020 .18Figure 5.Energy Consumption for Heating in Buildings,by Source,2011 and 2021 .19Figure 6.Regulatory Policies in Buildings,by Building Type,as of End-2022 .22Figure 7.Renewable Share of Total Final Energy Consumption in Industry,2010,2019 and 2020 .30Figure 8.Renewable Energy Share and Electrification Rates in Selected Industry Sub-Sectors,2020 .33Figure 9.Renewable Share of Total Final Energy Consumption in Transport,2010,2019 and 2020 .40Figure 10.National and Sub-National Renewable Biofuel Mandates and Targets,as of End-2022 .41Figure 11.Targets for Renewable Power and Electric Vehicles,as of End-2022 .42Figure 12.Investment in Electric Vehicles,by Major Country,2018-2022 .45Figure 13.Renewables in Transport by Region,2010-2019 .46Figure 14.Renewable Share of Total Final Energy Consumption in Agriculture,2010,2019 and 2020 .52Figure 15.National and Sub-National Renewable Energy Targets and Fiscal/Financial Policies in the Agriculture Sector,as of End-2022 .53Europe .21China .23South Africa .34Pakistan .36US-China .44Spain .48India .56TABLE OF CONTENTS?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 2023 COLLECTION Renewables in ENERGY DEMAND5RENEWABLES 2023 GLOBAL STATUS REPORT-RENEWABLES IN ENERGY DEMANDREN21 is the only global community of actors from science,governments,NGOs and industry working collectively to drive the rapid uptake of renewables now!RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY NETWORK FOR THE 21st CENTURYREN21 works to build knowledge,shape dialogue and debate,and communicate these results to inform decision makers to strategically drive the deep transformations needed to make renewables the norm.We do this in close co-operation with the community,providing a platform for these stakeholders to engage and collaborate.REN21 also connects with non-energy players to grow the energy discourse,given the economic and social significance of energy.The most successful organisms,such as an octopus,have a decentralised intelligence and sensing function.This increases responsiveness to a changing environment.REN21 incarnates this approach.Our more than 4,000 community members guide our co-operative work.They reflect the vast array of backgrounds and perspectives in society.As REN21s eyes and ears,they collect information,share intelligence and make the renewable voice heard.REN21 takes all this information to better understand the current thinking around renewables and change norms.Our publications are probably the worlds most comprehensive crowd-sourced reports on renewables.Each is a truly collaborative process of co-authoring,data collection and peer reviewing.6RENEWABLES 2023 GLOBAL STATUS REPORTENERGY DEMAND?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?MODUL OVERVIEWPOLICYINVESTMENTMARKET DEVELOPMENTSCHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?COLLECTION2023CROWD-SOURCED DATA AND KNOWLEDGERENEWABLES GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 2023 COLLECTIONCROWD-SOURCED DATAAND KNOWLEDGESince 2005,REN21s Renewables Global Status Report(GSR)has spotlighted ongoing developments and emerging trends that shape the future of renewables.It is a collaborative effort involving hundreds of experts.This years edition(18th)has evolved in design and structure to reflect the fundamental changes in the global energy landscape.The new structure is in the form of a collection of five publications.In addition to presenting the trends in renewable energy supply,it also dives into the energy demand sectors,with dedicated modules on buildings,industry,transport and agriculture.It includes a publication on energy systems and infrastructure with renewables,as well as a publication on renewables for economic and social value creation,acknowledging the key role that energy plays across economies and societies.Collectively these five publications offer readers a systemic global overview of the current uptake of renewables.This new structure makes the GSR a key tool in expanding the renewable energy discussion into key sectors and ecosystems,developing a shared language and driving a stronger integration of supply,demand,infrastructure,market and investment.For more information,see the Methodological Notes section on data collection and validation.REN21s data and knowledge collection method is built on a global multi-stakeholder community of experts.It is validated in a collaborative and transparent open peer-review process.It is made openly available to develop a shared language that shapes the sectoral,regional and global debate on the energy transition.7RENEWABLES 2023 GLOBAL STATUS REPORT-RENEWABLES IN ENERGY DEMANDACKNOWLEDGEMENTSREN21 DATA AND KNOWLEDGE TEAMJad Baba Toma Cigut Yuko Komazawa Nathalie Ledanois Hend Yaqoob SPECIAL ADVISORSAdam Brown Janet L.SawinCHAPTER AUTHORSHind Couzin Lydia El Bouazzati Duncan Gibb Fanny Joubert Paloma Ruiz Kristin

