Question wordsHef lo.whats your name?My names 1amie.Whos this?rhis is Alison.lm ftne,thank you.Whot,who ond how ore question words.Who+c=In o question,whot osks obout things ond who osks obout people.We sog How ore gou?when we meet someone.Storter UnitWhos this?1 Motch.t HeLLo-n_1 2 Whots gour nome?,I How ore Uou,t,.4 Whos this?-Im fine,thonk gou.This is Atison.Mg nomes Iomie.HeLLo.Look ond write.Whots How WhosHello.your name?My names Jamie.are you?lm ftne,thank you.Storter UnitHow old are you?How old osks obout oge.Im two.3 Motch.1 How old ore gou?2 How old ore gou?3 How old ore gou?4 How old ore gou?5 How old ore gou?Storter Unit/rnrfu,g&n#,wIm three.Im six.Im five.Im fo u r.4Write.t How od ore gou?Ip P/e2 How old ore-+otr?I,M3 How old ore-?I,M4 How oldI,M5 HowI,MReod ond colour.Colour whot red.Find the hidden word.Colour who bue.Cotour how geow.howhowhowhowhowhowhow whothowwhohowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhow whothowwhohowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhow whot howwhohowhowhowhowhowwhowhowhohow whot howwhohow whot whot whothowhowwhohowwhohow whothowwhohow whot how whothowhowwhowhowhohow whot howwhohow whothow whothowhowwhohowhowhow whothowwhohow whothow whothowhowwhowhowhohow whot howwhohow whot whot whotStorter UnitQuestions with isThe indefinite articleWrite ond motch.t Whots this?z WhotsIts an apple.Unit 1this? this?is o question.We use it tofind out obout things.We con onswer with lts o.druA ond on ore orticles.Theg come before singulor nouns.Its a pencil.Its o book.We use on before o,e,i,o or u.Whats thisZWhats thisz2 Write the words in the correct box.pencit rubber rulerbookoron9e:Its clbog.oron9e.Its book.Its _ opple.ItsUnit 1Its _ penciL cose.4 Write.Remember o or on.u m breoItsq botletephontItsItstroinponet Whots this?2 Whots this?Whots?456Unit L5 Whots this?Drow ond write.oppLe book oronge troin elephontIts o boUnit L 11JPossessive adjectivesPresent simple of be:ctives.Theg sog who owns something.IteddgI Motch.This is your teddy.This is your car.Unit 2This is ball.This is your teddy.Circle mg ond gour.3 Write mg or gour.t Th is is-n!-bo 1,1.2 This is-teddg.3 This is-cor.4 This is kite.s This is-,-troin.4 Write mg or gour ond complete the words.r This is-g-o-ur t i-aln-2 This is te-3 This is c-4 This is-lL-s Thisis,-b-This is my doll.This is your car.Unit 2this your doll?We use is to identifg someone or something.Is comes from theverb be.This is Alison.4s This is my car.Is this.?is o ges/no question.We chonge the word order in questions.StotementQuestionThis is Aour teddy.Is this your teddy?Yes,it is ond No,it isnt ore short onswers.We con use themif the question begins with Is this.?Is this your car?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.isnt=is not5 Motch.Yes,it is.Isthisotro-t Is this o cor?Is this o kite?s Is this o book?Is this oUnit 2No,it isnt.6 Is this o do.-6 Write the words in the correct order.Moke questions.t this Uou r bo Ll,Is3 mU this Is cers puzzle Uou r th is Is?7 Look ond write.Yes,it is.No,it isnt.2 mV doLL ls this.llt;.!i.,:,14 Is kite this gourmg Is troin thisls this your doll?ls this your car?fs this your teddyZfs this your train?ls this your kiteZUnit 2Regular plural nounsPresent simple of be(21Demonstratives/911!Finger is singutor.We use the singulorform when we oretoLking obout one thing or person.Fingers is pluro.We use the pluroLform when we oretotking obout more thon one thing or person.pLuro=singuLor+sF,r-oinh*finnor W fW/onefinger)eightfingL,(/(Ione eye)two eyes I IarmsfacesFinger,flnger,finger.Yes,Aliso n.Three flngers!.one nose)four noses 164 1Complete the tobe.Singular Pluralearleg16 Unit 3NOSES-Tick(/)the correct Jinger-ree fingerst*-/V#ootwo Legstwo Legthree eorthree eors2 How mong noses?4 How mong orms?one foceone focesDDDD0ilt:-r orm Dt:-,ort,D;lcunt ond write.-iow mong foces?-lw mong eors?one hondone hondsDDoD-J,V mongfingers?6 How mong eges?Unit 3I Write the words in the correct order.Then motch.Review Inomes Mg Tomsix Imbooks Fivegou fine Im tho n kfine,_orm t2 Whots t-hlE?Its462 Write questions ond onswers.rubber penr Whots this IIts on eordoor ege20 Review LWrite the words in the correct box.-drt(Pdd)pencils pens bol.L troin cor ptone(ntg:*,*-.rdo Ll/truourfrteddWrite.Yes,it is.No,it isnt.t Is it o bog?NQ,ii rsnlts Is it o window?_,Write This is or These ore.Then motch.r hes-e_-c1E-,-mU eges.bmu nose.m g foce.m9 orms.Is it o window?.,2345Review 1JobsHe ond she ore subject pronouns.We use he whenwe totk obout motes(bogs ond men).Subject pronouns(1)Yes/no questions(1)We use she whenwe tok obout femoles(girLs ond women).We use it when we totk obouto thing or on object.Other subject pronouns or:I,gou,we,theg I Motch.t Shes o nurse.2 Hes o pupil.3 Shes o teocher.4 Hes o doctor.5 Hes o firemon.6 Shes o vet.22 Unit 4Hes a policeman.Whats Mr Jones?Shes a doctor.Whats Mrs Jones?2 Tick(/)the correct one.This is Mr Rogers.Shes o vet.OShes odoctor.housewife.=This is romie.shes o pupil.DM rhis is romie.Hes o pupil.-This is Mrs Smith.Shes o housewife.OThis is Mrs Smith.Hes o housewife.DThis is Mr Rogers.Hes o vet.DThis is Mr Smith.Shes on ostronout.DThis is Mr Smith.Hes on ostronout.D3 Write Hes or Shes,ond o or on.Hes apoicemo n.pil,ot.ostronout.Unit 4Look ond write.Yes,he is.No,he isnt.Yes,she is.No,she isnt.Is she o doctor?,Is she o nurse?5 Write the wordssheIs he o pil,ot?Is she o housewife?Is he o vet?Is he o doctor?she Yes is,-theisnt Noisnt No sheis she Yes,is Yes he,in the correct order.o housewife IsoheIs hedoctorIsteocherIs policemonIssheshe?IsIshefiremonUnit 4Wh-questions(1Prepositions of placethe bog?on the swing.?in the pooL.Atison?u nder the side.1Wheres.?is o wh-question.We con use it to osk obout theptoce or position of something.We con replg with lts.We con olso use Wheres.?to osk obout the ploce or positionof someone.Then we con replg with Hes.or Shes.Wheres.?-Where is.?FFLook ond write.the teddg?in the bog.Unit 5?under the stide.Io m ie?the swing.onIts on the swina.26The teddy is in the bog.The bogis on the swing.The kite is under the slide.On,in ond under ore prepositions of ptoce.Theg tell us where something or someone is.2 Circle the prepositions in,on ond under.Wheres the penciL?Its in the pencit cose.Wheres the doLl?Its under the seesow.Wheres the ruLer?Its in the bog.Wheres the teddg?Its under the sLide.Wheres theIts on thebag?swing.Wheres the boLL?Its in the pool.Unit 5 27!Look ond write the questions.:-ook ond write.the boLL?the swing.the teddg?the bog.Its in the poo.Its under the sLide.Its under the swing.Its on the seesow.24Lts-Itsthe troin?the seesow.the doLL?the swing.the cor?the swing.the kite?the sLide.Unit 5ffiy fmm$flyI ond gou ore subject pronouns.We use Ifor ourselves.We usegou for o person we ore tol.king to.The pronouns ore:Subject pronouns(2Yes/no questions(2PossessivesSinguorI,gou,he,she,itIm=IomI Drow goursef ond write.PturoIwe,gou,theggoure=!ou ofIm Don.You arent my dad!Yes!Im Jamie,your brother.And youre Alison,my sister.30 Unit 63 Write the words in the correct order.1 mg grondpo YoureYoure mg grondpo2 m g g ro nd mo YoureD3 mU sister Youre4 You mg orent sister5 mg Youre mum6 mum You mg orentUnit 6Are you my brother?No,lflI your grandma.Are you my brother?Yes,lm your brother.You are mq brother.-/Are you mg brother?Look ond write.A gou mg sister?mg grondpo?Uouyg=gou oImV grondmo?Are gou.?is o ges/no question.We use it to find out obout people.We chonge the word order in questions.Yes,mAg.,v4Unit 6mg mum!Are you lamies mum?Im Alisons mum too!Im Alisons brother.Circle the possessive s.This is Alisons fomiLg.Iomie isis his mum.Alison s dad is MrGrondpos nome is Ernie.Foow ond write.t Grondmoz AlisonI G randpoALisons brother.AndRobinson.GrondmosMrs Robinsonnome is Cotherine.s tells us who hos something.Its coed the possessives.This is lamies book.This mork is coLLed on opostrophe.q Iamie-s Mumo,e.doLL.penciL cose.Unit 633Write questions.tro in cor tedd g1Its in the pool.2Its on the swing.3Write.DodsMums AtisonsIts under the seesow.Its in the tree.Its under the tree.Its in the bog.doLt7bct kite)4Icnniesdod.mum.bogbook.Review 2 35Yes/no questionsPossessive adjectivesAre theg dressesYes,theg ore.No,theg orent.Are theg hots?Yes,theg ore.No,theg orent.Are theg socks?Yes,theg ore.No,theg orent.Are theg.?is o ges/no question.We con use it to osk oboutmore thon one person or thing.Yes,theg ore ond No,theg orent ore short onswers to thequestion Are theg.?Are theg socks?Yes,theg are.Are they trousers?No,they arent.No,theg orent.=Nc1 Tick(/)the correct short onswer.Are theg shoes?Yes,theg ore.No,theg orent.Are theg coots?Yes,theg ore.No,theg orent.Are theg T-shirtsYes,theg ore.No,theg orent.DDoD?oD?IlIlIIWhat are these?Are they trousers?No,they arent.Theyre shorts.,6Unit 7Write.Yes,theg ore.No,theg orent.look ond write.Alisons or fomies?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Yes,theg Iomies shoes?Are theg Dods socks?-,Are theg Mums hots?-,No,theg orent.Are theg Alisons socks?-,Are theg Jomies shorts?Yes,theu are-3 Is it ALisons hot?_ts Is it Alisons T-shirt?2 Are theg fomies socks?Are theg Iomies shoes?-,Is it Iomies dress?-,_tUnit 75 Write his or her.t Th is is it.,hot.E This isT-shirt.s This is shoe.,A 2 Thisis hot.This is T-shirt.This is shoe.TherJrc his t r I Cl,.,S.!cDUnit 7Where are Jamie and Dave?Are they in the bedroom?Alison?fs she in the living room?Is she in.?is o ges/no question.We con use it toosk if o person or thing is in the poce we think.Wheres Alison?Is she in the living room?Wheres Iamie?Is he in the kitchen?Where are Iamie and Dave?Are theg in the hall?2 Motch.Are theg in the hol,l,?Is he in the Living room?Are theg in the kitchen?Yes,he is.Yes,theg ore.No,he isnt.No,theg orent.Is he in the bothroom?Unit 8u psto irsdownstoirsUpstoirs ond downstoirs ore odverbs.Theg tetl us where someoneor something is in o house.Upstoirs meons of the top of the house.Downstoirs meons of the bottom of the house.Wheres Iamie?Hes upstairs.Its upstairs.Look ond write.t Wheres Jomie?Hes_,_r_ _rl,_.Hes i,i.,r Wheres theWhere are Atison and Mum?Thegre downstairs.Thegre downstairs.Wheres the bathroom?Where are the kitchen and the dining room?Where ore Alison ond Mum?ThegreThegre4 Wheres the bothroom?Itskitchen?s Wheres Dod?6 Wheres the hoil.?Unit 8Have gotIve Eot sogs thot gou hove or own something.gou dont hove or own something.Ive got a sandwich.Its my sandwich.I havent Eot a banana.Ive got=I hove gotI hovent got=I hove not gotl7-nVAlison or fomie?Write A or I.1 Ive got o biscuit.z Ive got two biscuits.3 Ive got a bonono.4 I hovent got o peor.5 Ive got two peors.6 Ive got o drink.7 Ive got on oppLe.8 I hovent got on oppLe.Ive got.Nvo sandwiches.Unit 92 Write the words in the correct order.two Ive-_ l/l.i/o_two got Ive opplesoppte hovent I goto drink got Iveegg on got Ivehovent I two biscuits gotLook ond write.o drink qsor,dwtchon opple o biscuitIve gotI.rlnrlrrr.;r pI hovent gotIve gotgotsct:1.,.,is h g5sondwicheson6I hovent gotUnit 9Have you gotyour lunch box?Have you gotyour booksZHave you gotyour pencil case?Yes,I have.Haveyou gotyour shoesThavent!Hove gou got.?is o ges/no question.We con use it to oskobout the things people hove.Yes,I hove ond No,I hovent ore short onswers.We con usethem if the question begins Hcve gou got.?No,I hovent.=No,I hove4 Motch.t Hove gou got on oronge?Oz Hove gou got gour pencils?Write the words in the correct order.Moke questions.t got Hove gou o unchbox 2 two sondwiches got Hove gc _on egg got Uou HoveUnit 9No,I hovent.Yes,I hove.No,I hovent.Yes,I hove.Uou got o bonono Hove46Look ond write.Yes,I hove.No,I hovent.t Hove gou got abanono?z Hove gou got on egg?I Hove gou got o biscuit?4 Hove gou got o sondwich?s Hove gou got o drink?6 Hove gou got on opple?Look ond write.Hove gou got?Yes,I hove.No,I hovent.Emmo:Jo mie:Emmo:Dove:Io m ie:Emmo:o peor?o peor?Jo m ie:Dove:Dove:o biscuit?,.,.-o sondwich?o sondwich?6 Dove:o peor?Emmo t,Unit 9,O rhis s hts hot.No,theg orent.Review 3I Write This is or These ore ond his or her.o*Mb(3g his socks?Write.Yes,theg ore.Review 3Are theg his socks?_tAre theg her dresses?2|AretheAre theg her shoes?-,Are theg her trousers?_t-,3 Write Ive got ond o word from the box.o o drink o peo r o sondwich o tomoto on orongeLook ond write.Yes,I hove.No,I hovent.45612t456Review 3 49My friendsHes 9ot,shes got ond its got sog thot o person or thinghos or owns something.5hes got a doll.Its her doll.We olso use them to sog how peopte ond things ook.Have got-This is fomies friend.Her nomes Angie.5hehosnt got short hoir.Shes got Long hoir.5hes got green eges.AffirmotiveHes got short hair.Its gotfour sides.NegotiveHe hasnt got long hairIt hasnt gotfour sides.Reod ond circle.t ffifr!is.,/Shes f Hes got four egs.2 fi It/She/He hosnt got Long hoir.t rts/shes f HesUnit 10got three o boLl.Its/Shes f HesIts/Shes f Hes got o hot.It/She/He hosnt got o hot.This is Iomie.Hes got shorthoir.Hes gotbrown eges.2 Look,reod ond write the nomes.1 Shes got long hoir.Ang ieHes got o puzzLe.B illu-JShes got o white dress.4 Hes got o book.5 Shes got o bog.6 Hes got o white T-shirt.7 Shes got block hoir.8 Shes got brown hoir.23Hes o got biscuit.s oot o biscuitr-Jomies friendsBillyWritetrthe words in the correct order.three gotIts sidesItsblock hoir got She hosntbike o Hes gotUnit 10Look ond write.Use Hes got or Shes got ond words from the box.greg trousers o unchbox o blue T-shirto btue hot o gellowT-shirt obogShes oot ono hoir-Look ond write.Use lts got ond words from the box.long short triongle rectongleWhots this?four sides.Its oWhots this?twosides ondside.Its ot3l-,2 Unit 10Whots this?twosides.Its osides ond6 Moke the sentences negotive.L Hes got tong hoir.2 Shes got btock hoir.3 lts got big eues.4 Shes got green socks.5 Hes got block trousers.7 Look ond write.He hosnt oot onq hqirDoveHes got Shes got Its got He hosnt got She hosnt got It hosnt gotdo|.I/x,/xx)(78910The4561.1cotUnit 10Present simple:/ikeAdjectI Like ond I dont like ore present simpte forms of the verb ike.We use the present simple to toLk obout things thot ore true now.Affirmotive I likeNegotive)r dont likeMotch.I like monkeys.dont lile snake:Write I ike or I dont l.ike.ogiraffes.monke5,sUnit 11Like:g Dont Like:Aison()oIomieoMum(oDod(3 Look ond write.r Alison like eepho115.:.snokes.I tike monkegs.2 Jomie:snokes.snokes.3 Mum:mon kegs.4 Dod:eephonts.mon kegs.4 Whot do gou like?Then write obout gou.eephonts.sno kes.246135eephonts.mon kegs.etephontsnokemonkegfrogooooooI tik e zebrasUnit L1Write.big LittLebLueredI reenLong g e LLow short toLl.trfoLse?Write T or F.7 Circle the odjectives.True or-ELephonts ore green.z Giraffes ore short.I Elephonts ore big.+Snokes ore toLt.s Frogs ore Little.Unit 1L57#mnnffiffiy rcemffiDo gou Like+.?=Do you like apptes?Do gou Like.+?=Do gou tike bananas?I Write the words in the correct order.Moke questions.Uou Do Like meotlike Do oronges gou Do gouLike b reod Do U ouDorice Like gou DoLike Do tomotoes gouDo gou like