Speak NowWorkbook 4.pdf






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Speak Now Workbook
:.1 i,.,1:i I ir:il!.,:,ur,flr f,#NgtPESf&?,+-a:xE,1r1t,t:,:,-,1,:.-:j.:h IJaIOX-FORD193 Madison aenueNs lork,NY 10016 USAcreat clarerdon sfuei t,oxford,o 12 6 D p,U;ted KrsdomOxao.d UDjrersity l.es is a depeLment oatne Univ.Eiiy ofofoidIt nrtncs$c Udve6jq,!objedirt old.tnm.c in Escr.n,s.holarhip,ard edD.trtion ly publisni.E reorldvlde.Oxaorn ir r rAin.red frdemrrk,r b I j:r,DPi.r nu7idi.o-.u.in!o Oxf.rd Urnverrity?le$.o131te DoGl rehh ol dE auth.r!av.bccn a$ertenNo nnrdnoi4ii photoopling,l ngnb rcsNed.No part ofdris l!li!:tior Eaybe rcpr.d!.!d,stoEdin a FtieEl snci o!nansmitred,jr ary rnm or by rny neatu,withoutthe pno.pemissior in uitiry ofoldord Lr,iversil,?r6s,or as eilrcslylemifted by hw,5y .e or mder temx al.Teed wnL dre approp;aterepr!8inlni.sliglGo*anizrtion Enqniries.on en lgrlrod!.tionouilidcfte scotc ofur.aboe slould be senr to the l,T tighr Dcpmenr,Ol_fordUniv.siry PL*s.ai the:d&ess aLovelor mnn not.imlat.ihis work i!any olrrer ia,m md yon mui jDposctlnssde.ondirionon ya.quner.odirdDrfrv,b:.I04 p.Lryu!o!.,3.m.rid orfonMtiotro y.OyJorddirclaimrrnyrcslolsibiljrrfo.ihe ateriabor.DPdin.n.I rd od_.1,.r.r.-i!.cend:LMdigeq Aruiur IIr:I:uLr!etu:orElQrire PnnlidiE MtuEse.:E.il crnd.rs.!,tso.itrre ldito.Hd3 YooA$ociate Fditor:tisr.D ClJldDiie.oi,;lr1,:srsasa;s!Ercativ.Desi8n ll:nrg.!:M.iBriti Hag:rcdAsso.iate Design Managc.Mi.htr.l stennroL.haase Narassr:Tnsha Ma*dsonArt Editoi loe e*sdrElectmnic lrddndion Mea+.Fric Amstronstuodudioniii$:Eri;isairtostrod!.tiotr c;.diuo.BRd Ttrcr.c.rsnN:9?3o194.3oss7 lroRx.o(P.irtcdilcliu.1ris bool is p.intcd on I)aI.r nonr certined and wrllrumg.d sontesCd.a tsilJr MoIy(S.anlonlllrft.tioE lr:Barb Bas!i34(cnn.rh Bxtelnan Buna,IlLrrtcL ieil Jeftey.Javic.Jotrquin,liacey xnilrr,Tony rkndazzo,CIi.tcc.e.Heidi S.hmid r,SKILLSt*oi.t 5-SOC1ALLZIN.GLFES-|YIE!aARiEhs,FEEI.INGSlfsoni 21-24POP lU TTUREfleading rnd Wriliiti.,i,.,-.-.,.:,-.r.,:.-,-:,.;r.;35;.37r39i41Video aomprehpn;on.-.,.,7525.-r8lRAVE(,:r.rIN THNEWS.:Vocabulary!-esson tPart 1Wl ite the oids from the box to complete each phrase.1.2_3. risha changcopportunity tox challergePart 2Write the completed exprcssions tiom Part I to complete the col1.ersatiolls.Use eacil eapressior oJlce.You may hae to change the torms ofthe lvords.In class,practice the conversations with a partner1.A:I hear that Nlxtteo ovrcamean obstacle last!eek.B:Yeah.Hc has been r.antiuit to2.A:B:3.A:Oh,thai reminds me.leDdy tells me tirat)-ouYeah!I was olt r cruise and I ms rcallv sick.I had a hard tnDc enjoying m).ncatiorlCo1lin tclls me Lhar st.re4.A:I hear you are.What are you going to do difcreni?B:Urell,Im going to move ovelseas.1ts onc ofthe lnost cxciting lhings I,e ever done-5.-.:Hi,Carlos.I hear that yolrgo back to college,and you graduated I?.:r-I had no idea you lrcre studyirg and l,rorkingrt the samc timcl CongratulationslB:Thar*s.In my company,weit.It was hard,blrt ir turred out to be the best tlring Ive ever done.6.A:B:I hear that youa fery years ago,but itt really payilg offnorr.looking er1orgh.Instcad ofletting ttlal slop hnn,Nlalleo worked o11 his hcial.*p.essjon!,and the i.:-:people rrho told hin he l.asrit good lookiDg cnolrgh hired hin)!acllng,but peoplc told hiln hc rLasn t!.-.:during your!a.aiio:Thai!lbr su1c.He diddt gcr Lhe t)romotion he w.rs cxpccting.He said it 1las onc ofthehc.s ever faced bcca$e hea been lrorking toward the new position for to years.Thalt ght-It was scary ai the time,but ittr.ned out to be$orth the uncertainlvL!r*E:Reading&WritingPart 1R.ad thc arricle belol!.Have you ever had a setback turn into abrq trieJl7 Trat u hrt happened to FredH.Conrad Conrad is a fhotoqtapher.Onedav,he hdd evcr,r worl aserqnmEnts.Fr.st,hc had to take a portraitola chef,nLlrnhettaf.And pottrarts requ re a lot olh.rvv equipnrent.Tlien hc had to rrr,clto Drooklyn to photograph a.lincr.Bothplaces are in Newyork,so he gotaroundby tiking the subway.That,s when hehad somc b.d uck.Thc train he boardeddidni go to Brooklyf.l1e got as far as thct p oi l4anhaftan belore he reaTized hj5misrake.Then he had to!o backto qeton.o.l-t,;r m.i,-J,g rqa.ot r.,ldv,photogrrph.equipment.A5 he 5rr n thel.l.r1L the srrterlrerts T(true)or F(fatse).1 Co rad is a chet.2.lou needllror.ell l)lnnt lo maLe i phobsnphj.portmit thxn 1,ort do for orlrer liinas ol phoLos.-.(lorrad had ro trar-el hom lirooktyr lo l:1rtija1ran.l He clracl up on the rirong sLibrar-5.He hird to go bi.k to aoother sratron.-6.He sar a n-Iafl dclileri gdozeDsoffloers.-7.Ihe pi.turc he tooktas published jn lhe I4hsrrlgt,lio-!r.8.Ile missed rh train hc was supposcd to ta1:c.E;PAIR woRK I)iscuss rhc quesrbrs.:.Do stories lihc rhis onc oflcn get i rhe nc1!s?ilri or Ntrv nor?:llo voLr think pcople rrnt.Ort.urun tu.tiH?lt 1.or eler bcen ln thc righl pla.e afthc I ight rinle?Urhal hapfenc.i?Part z,-riLe an articlc about x storv).ou kror!r.hen someoflc hail a bia brcakPart 3E:.haogc)our artjcle ilh a classuare_ Are rher.an1!imilaritirrs?station waiting for the aoffect tralr,now lateand frlrstrated,he saw a wonderful sight.A.ross the platfonn fronr him,waitingior a train going in the other drrection,sa1a man completely surrounded by b.rloons.Conrad couldnt even see the man,onlydozcns olb,g ttly colored bal oof5.Forlunately,he had ever),thing he needed totake a great photo.so he did.The photo u/asso good dtat it v,as pub ished jn the ruel1,lbr*r,?er the very next day.Then thc l/,er(overed the storyofthe pl.ture.il turnedor L tu bp the besr thtng rhat e,.r I.rpr-,ct)tdro lr m.0f.ourse fia inq thc LIFl.ision totake t re picture had its cio,/nside-Conradmlssed his tra irr Ir_lIPart 1Match the words on the left with rheir meanings on rhe ght.a.to change or be affected by sometlingb.to give iiformation to someonec-a pe6o rho sees something happefid.to hurt somethioge.to do or say somcthing because somelhing else first happened6r,witness.f.to not be arvake so you don t know what is happeniDg around 1ouFart 2.,r.Write the bold rvords from Part I to complcte the dialogue.You may hare to change the fonns oftheworils In clas3,piactice the conversation with a partnc.A:He1 did you hear about thc man who$as saved by n bear?B:No.What happencd?,d:He ras out in ihe lroods vhcn.r r(,oi1attacked hnr.Before he cor dE:Oh,ro!Sd r.hat did he do?(r)A:Well,he loesnt really remember anlthing e1se.lle ust haveo)(3)I meaD,ihe wolfattacLcd limlA:An).rray a rvomau rras hiking nex.b.-Shclo rhe nNns s.re,rDs for Ielptr)B:So the woman was aShet the one whocr.er1hing to the nwspaper.Shes aLnost as famous as the manto ever)thing?Thats amazing.alier what happened.(6)the rLolf bii Lir:;B:Because he wasA:Yeah,probably.B:Poor go)lIl:You mear she ran over to thc turn,cYCn though thc rvolf rvas ther e?L:Yeah.She said a big bear camc up ai the same time the wolfwas biting the man.The bear scared the Noiiaway and then walked away,as if nothing had happencd.(s)Lessorn 2:Reading&WritingPa rt lRcad the article beLol.Did you evcr hear the story ofKitty Genovese?lt became famoLrs overnight.She was a youngv,.,oman who lived in a big city NewYorkCity.Onc night slte v,/as attacked.Accordingto the story18 peoplc heard her screaming,tlut no one tesponcied and no one tepoftid it to the nolice.This tcrrible incident lcd psychologGts to nudy thebystander effect.Bystafders l,ritness events,butthey are not involved-They stand bywhile something happens.So why don,t people he plPsycholog sts Wdnted to lcarn more about v/hy pcople declde to help or why theyjust watrlt and donothing.They have learned thatthere-re a number offa(tors detcrmining whether we will help or not.Flrst,is lt an emergency?People are more llkely to react ln a helpfullvay,hen the situationis life threatenifg.Second,how many people are around?Th more people there are,the lessresponslbllity ea(h pe6on has-lfa bystander i5 alone,hc or she is more likely to help than if50mething happens in a crowd.d place.Third,rrhere doer it happen?peoplc are less likely rohe p in clties and more Iikely to help in sma I to,vn5 where pcople probably kno!,/ea.h otiter.Andin.lrarealedfactor:howconnectedorsinilar drerrepFof,ie nvo veLIl lf witnfs5e!feel that ihep:rson in danger is somehow like them,they are mrch more llke y to take action.a.rrplcte the sentcnces 1iill wjrds from the articlc.1.KilLr Geirolesc Las atta.Lcd inpeoplt hcard tle arLackI ii ltan.iers ar teoPlc!,hoe!e.ls bul are not in.ol!ed.-feopLe ar c morc likery to ltclp r1&en thr situation-Ir more people rrho ititness an iilcid.nt,the lcssce.h ferson hxs to do somethirig:!-,nandcrs arc nore iiLcly to he,irtlun n1ri:1itncss is sinrilar to a pcrson jn trouble,lhen he or she is more likel,v to$eeta wonX liscuss the qlrcslioN.-iral incidents do 1.ou know about l.hcrc bystanders did not help?hat do).ou thiflk are tilc mosr important reasons r,hI pcoplc do not heb?hat most hflueDces you 1o takc xcrion to help suleone else?Part 2l-iink abolrt an eveDt ir the ncws or in,vour prsonal expcrience rificn someonc did or did nol gel:i:ded help.irite a descriplion ofr,hat hatp.r!ed.Part 3hr.hargc lour dcscriptiotls r.ith a classmate.rhar plrrls oi the story agree rirh the rcsearch?Vas.r.i,thLrtg surpr;sirg?on 3:VocabularyPart lMatch the$ords on the lelr witL their definitions or the:i:.-:.1.arrogrnt2.chelr3.etiquette4.ignore5.interrupt6.leave8.sttrreFart 2D.rut,r.rrrir g n,-ll.PlotJi-c,lo-l.in3.r.ln.orec il.l.-:d.not politec.thc rutes xboot tlat is good and bad behaliorI to look at someone or somcthing for a long thre.rr1.n:i:-:-:g.believtug 1rcu are bctter than other PoPleb.to malte food smaller.is you eat itUse the bold i,ords fro1n Part I to conlflcte each sentcn.c.You ma ha1e lo chrlgc t1!.r.r:i.:r.1.I lt.Ll.it lrhcn pcoplcme r.hen Ih speaking.2.i cadt stand li rvhen people preterd ljkc In1 rot e,dr lhere,just3.It bug5 rr1e wh.r peopledirly dishcs in the sink.4.It gers on tny ne1.es r,Jren peoplewith their mouihs opens.It bugs me thai he is air.a,vs so6.I cadt slard it rlhir mI sister just at nle blankl)rather thell.rrN1r.rj i,:.7.Hc is so-.H.allr.als lhinks hes riglrt anii e,erlone else is lrong-Th:i:.8.Nost peore dorit har-e good rnanners anymore.They ail nced to go toPart 3urhat things bofier|ou?Use the told rvords fronr Part 1 to rank them fron 1 Grost anDoying)to S(least anno).ing).In class,compare,1.our ideas in s allgroups.Synpathize1!ithIourPalrntlr.tiI-1talk about Uhat bothers thcm.t.!lieed the blog belori:Petes Pet PeevesServi(e these daysl,.,ut Froronyi.o.ominoolrr.,i r ro,.r o.r.on.d.:,ietr,i-d llrl.,p,d6.wo.l oL,dredll.L6p.Ir.t,4 l,1Jgooo.,*.,-,*rra n employes llerc ar m/suqqesr otrr:t.Remembei the customer.lcan,l stand il whcn Iarn in a store or ar.5ldL.nd.ha,l.rl o.e|vet ignore5n!.,o ILrdD,.onorl.h6p.o.r.r.bu b.r,tlre,pdr-onlyt.v.c,.r_.u,.,.d.oT,.r.),r.cyour conversations with ao workers until your break.2.Be(ourteous.Another lhing that gets on my nerves i5 poor etiquette.Acustomcr service representative should not bc eatinq,driflklng,o;chewing!um when talkln!to me.He or she should gret me respectijly,and thaikme for nry busincss-Some servj.e profersio;als tlrink it L okay io be rLrdc.3.Know yorrr stuff.Evcn ifyou worl(jn n coffee shop,ycu need to benlornred_ bu should know/hai the business seiIs,vihether it is.offueI-r l.or.o.bJg.,ei.J.r.,erv.r,o.indor-.J.l or,.lr r a,Lr.dIao.hl:r,o.o,.,n Io 1.i,aroo.r wl.rtlel,vo tl.i rdniarlLl.d.rFt.,1.w nE.d-itr.)onccand Kenynn coflee.Please do me the coultesy of ansv,/erinq my questions.riie Lhc uuubcr.rirhe suglesriorl aftcr each derajlrlle difhrcrL.e betleerr collee bcansI rh.r i|g gum_-sxl lharlr louthr.ustolner corlcs lirst _:l.:nibrmcd7.answer qoes rns.irversations r,ith co.r.ori(ers8.poo.etiquettets pxa wonx ptscuss rHE euEsrroNs.:Li.h sltggesrion do).ou think is rhc most irnporrant?,h),?I hat.an)ou lell about the wr;rer fro his suggesrions?r.,-l.tlrnJ olproblerns har.e youhrd jthleoplcin(he scfl.ice j dustn.?Ho(,do.ou thinL lheI b(.r b.-oid.Part 2,lit.about onc of)-oLrr ircl pccves 1,j(h serr.icc pcople.Girr s!ggesrio s.Part 3E.haL1gc r.our l,rlting,irh o classmale.Did).o,n rire ebo!t the sarne prol)ie-.?Urhar is si,itar and hat is diftare.r?Lesson 4:VocabularyPart 1UDscramble the words belolv to match the correct rvords in thc box1. pu jht1angh otu iwhtwaradwitPart 2ritc tI c vords frorn Par t I aDd yorll offil atrj to comPlere tb e cotrvcrsalions You er-ha1 io#;i;k,.a i,.p r.r as,Pracrice the conelsarions f ith a Partue1.A:B:B:tr4y triendirg.Lbort r1le.Ir re eL t(rtrs lo stofher?Navbe vou cor.d talk to her sometime _hn i:s-:=:Hm,Im not really sure that$ould l!ork shct realard likcs to be in.o:2.A:B:B:B:l hait not x bad idea.Tb;inks.I dont know hat to d(:.I told ay frieud abig sccret bulshe told Neryoneh must hale been reallythe nerit timc You salY her.Yeah,it was.And ater that I really-.-.-.-her lor betlaying meI cant talk with her about it dght Dow because she isniI dont knov how yoyour si.ter.Shei to contlollmgHave yor thoughl aboutwo ofyou.Did you ever te1 her?You might wait to ihir*about txlkiug to her about itWell,lhen you nfghi lan!to corNidelThats$.orlh thinking abott.ThxnksI koow,but I dodt krowhxr to doYoo might wartt to consider telking$ith her about itDo you really thinli thais a good idea?She mighi gel cven orse!Yourc right.well,another idea isThat might lYork.Ill give it a lry.3.A:B:B:B:Part Ii.:;,1 the lettcrs bclo$,.Dear Smartypants,I have just about had itwith one ofmyfurellds;let!call her Oueen Bee.I have knovrnBee since!,/e were little giris.When we gott!h ql school,she began to changF Shcbiaame very popula bccause she is Drettend outgoing.Hovrevel I am not as succe;sfltlso(ially.feelawkward in large groups ofpeop e Be.ause ofthis,Bee doesnt hang outt.th me as much as she Used to.She spendsnrostofhertimewith the othcr coolkids_ Sheused to be really nice,but now she is unl(indlo the less popular klds,and that sometimesin.ludes me.ld I ke to talk to her about ourfriendshlp,but I dont want to be puthy.l,miiartinq to resent herDisurdgedDear Discouraged,Friendshlps.an change over time.h isnot ufcommon for people to fird new social.ircles when they movc on to high schoolor col ege,or cven whe|they are out in thepo-.()1$o J-o.t,ino.l.f.o la.rlpcople involved must work at it.You say youdont want to be pushy,but have you trledconfronting Bee?You dont have to be angry orunkind,justtell herhowyoufeel.Herreactio|(an show you a lot aboLtr vrhat kind of Friendshe is.lf shc taker your concerns seriously andnlakes morc oF an eflort,!hE may be a fricndto keep.Howevct you dont lraveto put upv/lth Beejust becauseyou/erefricnds ongago.lf shr rea.ts negatively,you might y/ant toconsider finding sonre better friends.Sfianypants-r.:i er dre,lueslions.1i io is Discouraged h!ing a problc!iLh?l.r.,.il-r.-Lr L lee fofrrIir?.ho does Bcc spend rure rflth?;.rr:has llee charged?.,.Lai docs Snlxrtl?ants suggest?-i-hrt should Discouragcd do ifBcc reacts negatir.cll?E Petn wonx D;scuss ttre questions.:.Do)ou ihink the Li-i!er describes a comnloD problem?Urh,v or tI no

