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地表 作用 盾构 隧道 纵向 机制 试验 研究 梁荣柱
第 42 卷 第 3 期 岩石力学与工程学报 Vol.42 No.3 2023 年 3 月 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering March,2023 收稿日期:收稿日期:20220218;修回日期:修回日期:20220425 基金项目:基金项目:中国博士后基金面上项目(2019M653308);安徽省建筑科学研究设计院科研项目(2018JKY26,202152ZC)Supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2019M653308)and Research Project of Anhui Province Institute of Building Research and Design(Grant Nos.2018JKY26 and 202152ZC)作者简介:作者简介:梁荣柱(1988),男,博士,2011 年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)勘查技术与工程专业,现任副研究员,主要从事盾构隧道施工及保护方面的研究工作。E-mail:。通讯作者:陈峰军(1982),男,现任教授级高级工程师。E-mail: DOI:10.13722/ki.jrme.2022.0160 地表堆载作用下盾构隧道纵向受力机制试验研究地表堆载作用下盾构隧道纵向受力机制试验研究 梁荣柱1,2,3,4,曹世安1,向黎明1,康 成1,陈峰军5,李忠超6,柯宅邦3,4,郭 杨3,4(1.中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074;2.广西大学 土木建筑工程学院,广西 南宁 530004;3.安徽省建筑科学研究设计院,安徽 合肥 230001;4.绿色建筑与装配式建造安徽省重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230031;5.上海建工集团股份有限公司,上海 200080;6.武汉市市政建设集团有限公司,湖北 武汉 430023)摘要:摘要:通过开展室内模型试验,探究地表堆载诱发下盾构隧道纵向受力变形特性。应用 3D 打印技术制作的盾构隧道模型,可以较好地反映真实盾构隧道管片结构特点,克服精细化盾构隧道模型制作困难的问题。首先通过开展盾构隧道模型集中荷载试验,探究盾构隧道纵向等效抗弯刚度变化规律;其次开展地表堆载试验,研究地表堆载诱发下盾构隧道受力与变形特征。试验结果表明:盾构隧道纵向等效抗弯刚度有效率并非一个常量,而是随着集中荷载增大而减小,本试验得到其值在 0.1760.044 范围;在地表堆载诱发下,盾构隧道拱顶沉降呈正态分布曲线形态,主要沉降范围在加载宽度范围内;地表堆载作用下拱顶土压力分布变化特点与拱顶沉降相似;随着地表荷载增加,通过隧道中间环四周土压力监测发现,拱顶土压力增量最大,拱底次之,拱腰最小;受地表荷载作用,盾构隧道衬砌结构发生“横鸭蛋”状收敛变形,其中拱顶位移最大,拱腰次之,拱底最小。试验结果揭示了盾构隧道结构变形特性和地表堆载条件下盾构隧道与地层相互作用机制,对突发堆载下既有隧道的保护提供了参考依据。关键词:关键词:隧道工程;盾构隧道;3D 打印;抗弯刚度有效率;地表堆载;模型试验 中图分类号:中图分类号:U 45 文献标识码:文献标识码:A 文章编号:文章编号:10006915(2023)03073612 Experimental investigation on longitudinal mechanical mechanism of shield tunnels subjected to ground surface surcharge LIANG Rongzhu1,2,3,4,CAO Shian1,XIANG Liming1,KANG Cheng1,CHEN Fengjun5,LI Zhongchao6,KE Zhaibang3,4,GUO Yang3,4(1.Faculty of Engineering,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China;2.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University,Nanning,Guangxi 530004,China;3.Anhui Province Institute of Building Research and Design,Hefei,Anhui 230001,China;4.Anhui Key Laboratory of Green Building and Assembly Construction,Hefei,Anhui 230031,China;5.Shanghai Construction Group Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200080,China;6.Wuhan Municipal Construction Group Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan,Hubei 430023,China)Abstract:Experimental model is conducted to explore the deformation characteristics of shield tunnels when subjected to the ground surface surcharge.In this paper,the 3D printing technology is applied to manufacture the shield tunnel model.The 3D printed shield tunnel model veritably reflects the structural features of shield tunnel 第 42 卷 第 3 期 梁荣柱等:地表堆载作用下盾构隧道纵向受力机制试验研究 737 linings,which overcomes the difficulty of manufacturing elaborate shield tunnel models.The concentrated load test is first carried out to investigate the characteristics of the longitudinal equivalent bending stiffness efficiency of shield tunnel.The ground surface surcharge test is then conducted to study the stress and deformation characteristics of shield tunnel induced by the ground surface surcharge.The results from the experiment test show that the longitudinal equivalent bending stiffness efficiency is not a constant,but decreases with the increase of load.Its value varies from 0.176 to 0.044 in the test.It is observed that normal distribution curve is observed in the tunnel crown when subjected to the ground surface surcharge.The main settlement range is within the width of surcharge.Moreover,the distribution characteristics of the earth pressure on the tunnel crown has a similar pattern as the settlement of the tunnel crown.With the increase of surcharge,the induced earth pressure on the tunnel crow is greatest,followed by the tunnel invert and the induced earth pressure on the tunnel waist is smallest according to the measurement around the middle ring of the tunnel.The shield tunnel lining occurs“horizontal egg”-like convergence induced by the ground surface surcharge.It is found the displacement in the tunnel crown is largest,followed by the tunnel waist and the smallest displacement is observed in the tunnel invert.The experimental tests reveal the deformation characteristics of the shield tunnel and the interaction between the shield tunnel and the surrounding soil layers.It will provide valuable references for protection of existing tunnel when subjected to the sudden ground surface surcharge.Key words:tunnelling engineering;shield tunnel;3D printing;bending stiffness efficiency;ground surface surcharge;model test 1 引引 言言 国内主要大城市如北京、上海、广州、武汉等地的地铁隧道已经逐渐形成密集地下轨道网络,极大地方便了城市通勤和出行。网状的地铁隧道不可避免遭受城市建设施工的影响,如新建隧道穿越、管道铺设、紧邻基坑开挖和地表大面积堆载的影响,其中以地表大面积堆载对地铁隧道的影响尤为严重。以地铁盾构隧道为例,根据邵 华等1的统计,2014 年上海地铁沿线区域发生了 16 次突发地表违规堆载事件。2008 年上海轨道交通 2 号线盾构隧道上方出现了高达 7 m 的地表违规大面积弃土堆载,管环椭圆率达 34.51。2013 和 2018 年某地地铁盾构隧道遭遇 2 次地表大面积土方弃土堆载,累积管椭圆度达 182。而现行规范3规定盾构隧道衬砌结构椭圆度允许值为 6。总结这三起堆载事故发现,大面积地表堆载会造成隧道纵向不均匀沉降、接头防水失效、接头渗漏、螺栓断裂、混凝土崩碎、管片开裂等系列病害1,3,严重影响了地铁盾构隧道的正常运营与结构安全。随着城市轨道交通里程进一步增加和城市建设的发展,邻近地铁隧道的建筑施工弃土的现象将会越来越多,地下盾构隧道的衬砌结构安全将会受到越来越严重的威胁。因此,开展地表堆载下既有盾构隧道的受力变形特征研究,对维护地铁盾构隧道安全运营和衬砌结构修复有着重要的工程意义。目前,国内外学者分别通过理论解析法4-7、数值模拟法8-10、现场实测法10-12和模型试验法13-16对地表大面积堆载下盾构隧道衬砌结构受力变形机制展开了一系列研究。其中,模型试验由

