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自制 简易 帽子 新生儿 头部 保暖 作用 张楼英
儿童保健/论著自制简易帽子对新生儿头部保暖的作用张楼英,徐丽,黄婷诸暨市妇幼保健院,浙江 诸暨 311800基金项目:浙江省诸暨市医药卫生科技计划项目(2020YW064)摘要:目的观察分娩室现有温度环境下,使用纸尿裤制成的简易帽子和采用纯棉小帽子对刚出生新生儿头部保暖的作用。方法选取 2020 年 6 月2022 年 1 月在诸暨市妇幼保健院分娩室出生的 120 例健康足月新生儿为研究对象,根据头部保暖方法的不同分为观察组和对照组,每组各 60 例。对照组新生儿采用市售纯棉小帽子进行头部保暖,观察组新生儿采用纸尿裤制成的简易帽子进行头部保暖,分别监测两组新生儿出生 0.5 h、1 h 及 2 h 体温变化情况,并观察两组新生儿头部小帽子固定情况。结果对照组新生儿妥善固定 35 例,固定率为 58.33%,观察组新生儿妥善固定 47 例,固定率为 78.33%,差异有统计学意义(2=5.546,P0.05)。对照组新生儿出生后 0.5 h、1 h 及 2 h 能维持其所需的适中温度(耳温 36.7 37.3)者分别占48.33%、41.67%及 66.67%,观察组新生儿出生后 0.5 h、1 h 及 2 h 能维持其所需的适中温度者分别占 68.33%、85.00%及83.33%,观察组明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(2=4.937、24.458 及 4.444,均 P0.05)。对照组新生儿出生后0.5 h、1 h 及 2 h 低体温发生率分别为 16.67%、28.33%及 13.33%,而观察组新生儿出生后 0.5 h、1 h 及 2 h 低体温发生率分别为 5.00%、10.00%及 1.67%,观察组明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(2=4.227、6.508 及 4.324,均 P0.05)。结论分娩室对刚出生新生儿采用纸尿裤制成简易帽子对新生儿头部进行保暖,不易脱落和移位,保暖效果好,且操作比较简单,取材方便,成本低,一次性使用,不用反复消毒,符合消毒隔离要求,可减轻工作人员的工作量。关键词:新生儿;体温;自制简易帽子;保暖效果中国图书分类号:715.8文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-4411(2023)05-0829-04;doi:10.19829/j.zgfybj.issn.10014411.2023.05.015The effect of homemade simple hats on the head of newbornsZHANG Louying,XU Li,HUANG TingZhuji Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Zhuji,Zhejiang 311800,ChinaAbstract:ObjectiveTo observe the effect of simple hats made of diapers and cotton caps on the head warmth of newborn newbornsunder the existing temperature environment in the delivery room.MethodsA total of 120 healthy fullterm neonates born in the deliveryroom of Zhuji Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from June 2020 to January 2022 were selected as the study subjects,and were dividedinto observation group and control group according to different head warming methods,with 60 cases in each group.The newborns in the con-trol group used commercially available cotton caps for head warmth,and the newborns in the observation group used simple hats made of dia-pers for head warmth,and the body temperature changes of the two groups were monitored at 0.5 h,1 h and 2 h,and the changes in the fix-ation of the head caps in the two groups were observed.esultsThe control group was properly fixed in 35 cases with a fixation rate of58.33%,and the observation group was properly fixed in 47 cases with a fixation rate of 78.33%,the difference was statistically significant(2=5.546,P0.05).The control group was able to maintain the moderate temperature(ear temperature 36.737.3)required by0.5 h,1 h and 2 h after birth,accounting for 48.33%,41.67%and 66.67%,respectively,and the neonates in the observation groupmaintained the moderate temperature required by 0.5 h,1 h and 2 h after birth accounted for 68.33%,85.00%and 83.33%,respective-ly,and the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(2=4.937,24.458 and 4.444,all P0.05).The incidence rates of hypothermia at 0.5 h,1 h and 2 h after birth in the control group were16.67%,28.33%and 13.33%,respectively,while the incidence of hypothermia at 0.5 h,1 h and 2 h after birth in the observation groupwas 5.00%,10.00%and 1.67%,respectively,which were significantly lower in the observation group than in the control group,and thedifferences were statistically significant(2=4.227,6.508 and 4.324,all P0.05).ConclusionThe simple hat made of diaper is usedin the delivery room to keep the newborns head warm,not easy to fall off and shift,the warmth effect is good,and the operation is relativelysimple,the material is convenient,the cost is low,the onetime use,no repeated disinfection,in line with the requirements of disinfectionand isolation,can reduce the workload of staff.Keywords:Neonatal;Body temperature;Homemade simple hats;Warmth effect新生儿出生 24 h 以内生命体征心率、呼吸频率、血压及体温与日龄较大婴儿相异12。新生儿出生后3 h 内体温波动最大,3 h 后基本升至正常,12 h 之后温度基本平稳34。足月儿新生儿头部面积相对较大,皮肤和皮下脂肪层薄,皮下脂肪层可减少体核温度传至体表的散失量,血管较多,散热速度较快,不具备良好的保温能力58。如不及时对新生儿进行保暖、复温,可造成其体温不升、皮肤硬肿,出现心率减慢、发绀及呼吸困难,严重者甚至导致肺炎、电解质紊乱等症状,严重威胁新生儿健康910。应在新生928中国妇幼保健2023 年 3 月第 38 卷第 5 期Maternal and Child Health Care of China.March 2023,Vol.38,No.5儿刚娩出的瞬间即重视保暖,诸暨市妇幼保健院分娩室既往常规采用的为市售纯棉小帽子对新生儿进行头部保暖,但新生儿头围大小不一,经过反复消毒后,贴合不够紧密,很容易脱落和移位,保暖效果不够理想,为寻找一种更加适合新生儿头部保暖的方法,诸暨市妇幼保健院分娩室自 2020 年 1 月开始采用新生儿纸尿裤经过简单操作,制作成简易帽子对刚出生新生儿进行头部保暖,收到满意效果。本研究主要探讨采用新生儿纸尿裤制成简易帽子对刚出生新生儿头部保暖的效果。1资料与方法1.1资料来源选取2020 年6 月2022 年1 月在诸暨市妇幼保健院分娩室经自然分娩的 120 例健康足月新生儿为研究对象。纳入标准:孕周 37 41 周,无严重产科合并症和并发症;新生儿 Apgar 评分均为 8 10 分;新生儿无先天性疾病;新生儿体质量2 500 g。将新生儿根据头部保暖方法不同分为观察组和对照组,每组各 60 例。两组新生儿一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05),具有可比性。见表 1。本研究获得医院伦理委员会批准。表 1两组新生儿一般资料比较 例(%),xs组别例数性别男女体质量(g)身高(cm)对照组6031(51.67)29(48.33)3 237.00368.0049.701.34观察组6026(43.33)34(56.67)3 262.00312.0049.850.772/t 值0.8350.4010.752P 值0.方法1.2.1观察组头部保暖方法两组新生儿出生前均调节产房温度至 26,辐射床先进行预热,新生儿娩出,断脐、擦干皮肤,先让产妇确认新生儿性别,随即进行瞬间母婴肌肤接触,快速将新生儿抱放于先预热好的辐射式保暖台进行护理,完成以上操作后戴上用纸尿裤制成的简易帽子进行头部保暖。简易帽制作和佩戴方法:由品牌可靠、质地柔软及厚度适中的新生儿纸尿裤制成。根据新生儿头围大小选择合适的纸尿裤规格,纸尿裤前腰部贴在前额(适当往外反折),包裹整个头部,纸尿裤底边置于新生儿颈枕处,翻起平耳垂包裹,撕开腰贴粘贴,将其拉紧,贴在前腰贴的适当位置上,整理好纸尿裤,使之贴服,帽子一次性使用。1.2.2对照组头部保暖方法采用市售纯棉小帽子,经高压灭菌消毒后使用,一人一用,用后消毒处理,新生儿娩出后除头部使用市售纯棉小帽子外,其余常规护理方法均与观察组一致。1.2.3其他操作两组新生儿出生后均于保暖台持续 30 min 保暖,观察新生儿全身情况。待分娩后

