定价:7.63元义务教育教科书(五四学制)英语 七年级 上册价格批准文号:鲁发改价格核(2021)607004举报电话:12345绿 色 印 刷 产 品责任编辑:钱 锋 王金洲 王 希封面设计:武 斌 王 琦 丽 子人民教育出版社圣智学习出版公司山东教育出版社编著YIWUJIAOYUJIAOKESHU(WUSIXUEZHI)YINGYUQINIANJI SHANGCE义务教育教科书(五四学制)英语七年级 上册*山东出版传媒股份有限公司山东教育出版社出版(济南市市中区二环南路2066号4区1号)山东新华书店集团有限公司发行山东新华印刷厂潍坊厂印装*开本:787毫米1092毫米 1/16印张:8 字数:128千定价:7.63元(上光)ISBN978-7-5328-7775-12013年7月第1版 2019年7月第2版 2021年7月第9次印刷著 作 权 所 有 请 勿 擅 用 本 书 制 作 各 类 出 版 物 违 者 必 究山东出版传媒股份有限公司教材中心售后服务电话:(0531)82098188编著人民教育出版社圣智学习出版公司山东教育出版社出 版 说 明为了更好地满足五四学制实验区义务教育教学的需要,2003年山东省教育厅决定以全国中小学教材审定委员会初审通过的义务教育课程标准实验教科书为基础,委托山东教育出版社等单位改编、出版一套五四学制的义务教育课程标准实验教科书。该套实验教科书经全国中小学教材审定委员会初审通过后供山东省的烟台、威海、淄博、莱芜等五四学制实验区选用,受到了广大师生的欢迎和肯定。2011年7月,教育部启动了义务教育课程标准实验教科书的修订送审工作,为了做好五四学制实验教科书的修订送审工作,山东出版集团与人民教育出版社签署了合作协议。五四学制教科书的修订、编写依据教育部制定的义务教育课程标准(2011年版),以人教版六三学制教科书为基础,吸取了五四学制实验区多年来在教学实践中探索、积累的丰硕成果。义务教育教科书(五四学制)英语(69年级)是在刘道义、郑旺全、David Nunan主编的人教版六三学制英语(新目标)(79年级)的基础上改编而成的,参加此次改编的人员有刘道义、吴欣、刘倩、高钧、宋纯杰、曹凤华、肖宁、周飞宇、林常青、常晶晶、岳建梅,由刘道义任主编、刘倩任副主编。本套教科书经教育部审定通过,供五四学制地区选用。本书的改编、出版得到了山东省教育厅、山东出版集团、山东省教学研究室、烟台市教育科学研究院、威海市教育教学研究中心、淄博市教研室、莱芜市教研室以及泰安、青岛、济宁等教研单位,特别是人民教育出版社的领导和学科专家的大力帮助和支持,在此表示由衷的感谢。欢迎广大师生在使用过程中提出修改意见和建议,以利于教科书的不断改进和完善。山东教育出版社致同学亲爱的同学:你好!欢迎学习我们精心为你编写的这套英语教材,希望它能成为你初中阶段英语学习的好帮手。作为中学生的你,一定希望进一步提高你的英语运用能力能阅读英语读物,能看懂英语电影,能用英语跟外国人交流那么你需要怎样做呢?让我们给你一些建议吧。首先要有信心,相信自己一定能学好英语。其次还要有热情,积极参与语言实践。教材中设计了各种各样的练习活动,目的就是帮助你培养英语表达能力。只要你带着热情去练习、去实践,你就会感受到成功的喜悦。要养成良好的英语学习习惯,多听、多说、多读、多写。听的时候除了捕捉信息,还要善于模仿。如果语音语调不正确,就不能有效地表达思想和情感。要大胆地说,不要怕犯错误。要养成爱读英文的习惯,因为阅读是获取信息的主要渠道。写能够巩固和强化你的语言知识,所以你还要重视写。你是否发现,英语是有规律可循的?语音与拼法之间是有联系的。看到新单词时,如果知道哪些字母发什么音,你就会比较容易地读出这个单词。并且,听到某个单词的发音你就能比较容易地拼写出这个单词。所以,学英语一定要善于发现规律。教材中的拼读规则练习你可不要忽视啊。词汇学习非常重要,没有词汇的积累就无法进行言语表达。学单词时,要知道它的意义,观察它的拼写,看它由哪些字母组成,试着按规则拼读出来,更重要的是要看它是怎样使用的。学习语法规则能帮助你说出和写出正确的句子。除了听老师讲解和看课本附录中的语法说明外,你还要尝试自己归纳语法规则。但是,只知道语法规则是远远不够的,只有在听说读写中练习运用这些规则,才能真正掌握语法。学习语言离不开学习文化。从教材中你可以看到,不同国家的人们有着不同的生活方式和行为习惯,有着不同的文化成就和遗产。了解中外文化知识会开阔你的视野,会提高你跟外国人交际的能力。英语学习不仅仅限于课堂,也不仅仅限于教材。如果你能把电视、报刊、图书、互联网都当做英语学习的渠道,你的英语世界将是多么丰富多彩啊!学习英语是一项艰辛的劳动,是与无数困难作斗争的过程,这好比攀登险峰,无坦途可循,失败和挫折常与成功伴行。这就要求你具有良好的心理素质,善于自我调控、改善学法、自我激励、磨练意志、树立信心。这样,你一定会成功!祝你在英语学习中不断取得进步!编 者2014年5月IIUnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecyclingWhat does he look like?Page 1PhysicalappearanceDescribe peopleslooksWhat questions Adjectives of descriptionAlternative questionsWhat does he look like?Hes of medium build.Is he tall or short?Hes tall.Do they have straight or curly hair?They have curly hair.handsome,heavy,round,straight,tall,thinactor,actress,eye,face,glasses,mouth,nose describe,putbe of medium height/build,look like,wear glasses,a little,in the endJoe Brown has.Hes about.years old.I like him because.Id like some noodles.Page 9FoodOrder foodwould likeWhat questionssome/anyWhat kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef and tomato noodles,please.What size would you like?Id like a small/medium/large bowl.Would you like any drinks?One large green tea.beef,bowl,cabbage,dumpling,fish,meat,noodles,order,pancake,potato,size,souplarge,popular,specialwould like,take ones order,one bowl of.,blow out.,make a wish,get popular,cut up.,bring good luck to.Numbers 19Is there.?Are there.?The beef noodles are not mine.Theyre hers.How was your school trip?Page 17School tripsTalk about past eventsSimple past tense(I)How questionsYes/No questions and short answersAdjectives of descriptionHow was your school trip?It was great.Did you go to the zoo?No,I didnt.I went to the farm.Were the strawberries good?Yes,they were.countryside,cow,farm,farmer,fire,flower,gift,guide,horse,museum,robot,sunfeed,grow,pickcheap,dark,excellent,exciting,expensive,fast,interested,lovely,slow anything,everythinggo for a walk,milk a cow,ride a horse,feed chickens,take some photos,talk with a farmer,grow apples,in the countryside,all in all,be interested in.great,terrible,interesting,boring,large,cool,hot,lucky,deliciousContentsIIIUnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecyclingWhat does he look like?Page 1PhysicalappearanceDescribe peopleslooksWhat questions Adjectives of descriptionAlternative questionsWhat does he look like?Hes of medium build.Is he tall or short?Hes tall.Do they have straight or curly hair?They have curly hair.handsome,heavy,round,straight,tall,thinactor,actress,eye,face,glasses,mouth,nose describe,putbe of medium height/build,look like,wear glasses,a little,in the endJoe Brown has.Hes about.years old.I like him because.Id like some noodles.Page 9FoodOrder foodwould likeWhat questionssome/anyWhat kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef and tomato noodles,please.What size would you like?Id like a small/medium/large bowl.Would you like any drinks?One large green tea.beef,bowl,cabbage,dumpling,fish,meat,noodles,order,pancake,potato,size,souplarge,popular,specialwould like,take ones order,one bowl of.,blow out.,make a wish,get popular,cut up.,bring good luck to.Numbers 19Is there.?Are there.?The beef noodles are not mine.Theyre hers.How was your school trip?Page 17School tripsTalk about past eventsSimple past tense(I)How questionsYes/No questions and short answersAdjectives of descriptionHow was your school trip?It was great.Did you go to the zoo?No,I didnt.I went to the farm.Were the strawberries good?Yes,they were.countryside,cow,farm,farmer,fire,flower,gift,guide,horse,museum,robot,sunfeed,grow,pickcheap,dark,excellent,exciting,expensive,fast,interested,lovely,slow anything,everythinggo for a walk,milk a cow,ride a horse,feed chickens,take some photos,talk with a farmer,grow apples,in the countryside,all in all,be interested in.great,terrible,interesting,boring,large,cool,hot,lucky,deliciousIVUnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecyclingWhat did you do last weekend?Page 25Weekend activitiesTalk about past eventsSimple past tense(II)What questionsWho questionsHow was your weekend?It was great.What did you do last weekend?I played soccer.Who did you play with?I played with my friend.beach,forest,lake,moon,sheep,snake,surprisenatural,prettyfly,jump,move,shout,stay,wakecamp by the lake,go to the beach,play badminton,stay up late,fly a kite,get a terrible surprise,shout at/to,wake.up,put up.,jump up and downdo homework,go shopping,play computer games,play sports,watch a movie,stay at home,visit friends,study for a test,cook dinner,kind of tiredHow was.?What did you do?Did you have.?Where did you go on vacation?Page 33Holidays and vacations Talk about past events Indefinite pronounsSimple past tense of regular and irregular verbsWhere did you go on vacation?I went to New York City.Did you go out with anyone?No.No one was here.Everyone was on vacation.How was the food?Everything tasted really good!anyone,anywhere,everyone,nothing,someone,something bored,wonderfuldecide,dislike,try,wonder go out,quite a few,of course,feel like,because ofstayed,visited,arrived,went,bought,ate,saw,felt,had,was,were interesting,boring,special,delicious,expensive,cheap,exciting,terrible,friendly,cold,wet,sunny,hotHow was the weather?How often do you exercise?Page 41Free time activities Talk about how often you do things How often?Adverbs of frequencyWhat do you usually do on weekends?I always exercise.What does she do on weekends?She sometimes goes shopping.How often do you go to the movies?I go to the movies maybe once a month.hardly ever,once,twicehousework,junk fooduse the Internet,go online,such as,more than,less than,at leastexercise,watch TV,go shopping,go to the movies,eat fruit/vegetables,drink milk,sleepalways,usually,often,sometimes,neveron weekends,every day,next week,last monthIm more outgoing than my sister.Page 49Personal traits Talk about personal traits Compare peopleComparatives with-(i)er and more both and as.as.Is Tom smarter than Sam?No,he isnt.Sam is smarter than Tom.Does Tara work as hard as Tina?Yes,she does.Whos more hard-working at school?Tina thinks she works harder than me.better,both,fantastic,hard-working,loud,necessary,outgoing,serious,similar,clearly,loudly,quietly,trulyas long as,in fact,be different from,be similar to,the same as,bring out,care aboutsing,run,jump,work,studytall,thin,short,heavy,long hair,short hair,friendly,funny,smart,lazy,popular,quiet,shyfast,early,hardplay the drums,get upVUnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecyclingWhat did you do last weekend?Page 25Weekend activitiesTalk about past eventsSimple past tense(II)What questionsWho questionsHow was your weekend?It was great.What did you do last weekend?I played soccer.Who did you play with?I played with my friend.beach,forest,lake,moon,sheep,snake,surprisenatural,prettyfly,jump,move,shout,stay,wakecamp by the lake,go to the beach,play badminton,stay up late,fly a kite,get a terrible surprise,shout at/to,wake.up,put up.,jump up and downdo homework,go shopping,play computer games,play sports,watch a movie,stay at home,visit friends,study for a test,cook dinner,kind of tiredHow was.?What did you do?Did you have.?Where did you go on vacation?Page 33Holidays and vacations Talk about past events Indefinite pronounsSimple past tense of regular and irregular verbsWhere did you go on vacation?I went to New York City.Did you go out with anyone?No.No one was here.Everyone was on vacation.How was the food?Everything tasted really good!anyone,anywhere,everyone,nothing,someone,something bored,wonderfuldecide,dislike,try,wonder go out,quite a few,of course,feel like,because ofstayed,visited,arrived,went,bought,ate,saw,felt,had,was,were interesting,boring,special,delicious,expensive,cheap,exciting,terrible,friendly,cold,wet,sunny,hotHow was the weather?How often do you exercise?Page 41Free time activities Talk about how often you do things How often?Adverbs of frequencyWhat do you usually do on weekends?I always exercise.What does she do on weekends?She sometimes goes shopping.How often do you go to the movies?I go to the movies maybe once a month.hardly ever,once,twicehousework,junk fooduse the Internet,go online,such as,more than,less than,at leastexercise,watch TV,go shopping,go to the movies,eat fruit/vegetables,drink milk,sleepalways,usually,often,sometimes,neveron weekends,every day,next week,last monthIm more outgoing than my sister.Page 49Personal traits Talk about personal traits Compare peopleComparatives with-(i)er and more both and as.as.Is Tom smarter than Sam?No,he isnt.Sam is smarter than Tom.Does Tara work as hard as Tina?Yes,she does.Whos more hard-working at school?Tina thinks she works harder than me.better,both,fantastic,hard-working,loud,necessary,outgoing,serious,similar,clearly,loudly,quietly,trulyas long as,in fact,be different from,be similar to,the same as,bring out,care aboutsing,run,jump,work,studytall,thin,short,heavy,long hair,short hair,friendly,funny,smart,lazy,popular,quiet,shyfast,early,hardplay the drums,get upVIUnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecyclingWhats the best movie theater?Page 57Your town Discuss preferences Make comparisons Superlatives with-(i)est and most Irregular comparisons:good,better,best;bad,worse,worstWhats the best movie theater togo to?Town Cinema.Its the closest to home.And you can buy tickets the most quickly there.Which is the worst clothes store in town?Dream Clothes.It has the worst service.What do you think of 970 AM?I think 970 AM is pretty bad.close,comfortable,fresh,poor,worse,worstbeautifully,carefully,cheaply,comfortably,seriouslyso far,have.in common,all kinds of,be up to,play a role,make up,for examplenew,big,cheap,expensive,popular,exciting,interesting,creative,boring,funny,beautiful,good,badquickly,well,fast,quietlyPage 65Additional MaterialPage 66Notes on the TextPage 77TapescriptsPage 84PronunciationPage 89GrammarPage 97Words and Expressions in Each UnitPage 106Vocabulary IndexPage 114Irregular VerbsVIIUnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecyclingWhats the best movie theater?Page 57Your town Discuss preferences Make comparisons Superlatives with-(i)est and most Irregular comparisons:good,better,best;bad,worse,worstWhats the best movie theater togo to?Town Cinema.Its the closest to home.And you can buy tickets the most quickly there.Which is the worst clothes store in town?Dream Clothes.It has the worst service.What do you think of 970 AM?I think 970 AM is pretty bad.close,comfortable,fresh,poor,worse,worstbeautifully,carefully,cheaply,comfortably,seriouslyso far,have.in common,all kinds of,be up to,play a role,make up,for examplenew,big,cheap,expensive,popular,exciting,interesting,creative,boring,funny,beautiful,good,badquickly,well,fast,quietlyPage 65Additional MaterialPage 66Notes on the TextPage 77TapescriptsPage 84PronunciationPage 89GrammarPage 97Words and Expressions in Each UnitPage 106Vocabulary IndexPage 114Irregular Verbs1What does he look like?Page PBUNIT 1UNIT 1What does he look like?Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above.Can you find Amys friend?1bSectionALanguage Goal:Describe peoples looks1aMatch the words with the people in the picture.You can use some letters more than once.1.short hair 2.curly hair 3.long hair 4.straight hair 5.tall 6.short 7.medium height 8.thin 9.heavy 10.medium build e1cOne of the people in 1a is your friend.Describe your friend.Your partner will find him/her.A:What does your friend look like?B:Shes of medium height,and she has long straight hair.cgaedhbfIs that your friend?No,it isnt.What does he look like?Is he short or tall?Well,hes really.And he has.UNIT 12Listen again.Fill in the chart.2bDavidSallyPeterisheavyhas 2dRole-play the conversation.Mike:Hi,Tony.Are you going to the movie tonight?Tony:Yes.Were meeting at seven,right?Mike:Yeah,but I may be a little late.My friend David is going,too.Just meet him in front of the cinema first.Tony:Oh,but I dont know him.What does he look like?Mike:Well,he has brown hair and wears glasses.Tony:OK.Is he tall or short?Mike:He isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height.Tony:OK,sure.See you later then.Listen and answer the questions.2a1.Is David tall or short?2.Does Sally have long or short hair?3.Is Peter short or tall?2cStudent A looks at the chart in 2b.Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person.A:What does he look like?B:Hes of medium build.A:Is he short?B:Yes,he is.A:Does he have long or short hair?B:Short hair.3What does he look like?Page PBUNIT 1What does he look like?Hes really tall.What does she look like?She has long straight hair.What do they look like?Theyre of medium build.Do they have straight or curly hair?They have curly hair.Is he tall or short?He isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height.GrammarFo cu s3aWrite these words in the correct box.short hair heavy curly hair thin of medium buildtall straight hair short long hair of medium heightishas3bCircle the correct words to complete the conversation.A:So what do/does your friend Clark look like?B:Well,he is/has thin,and he have/has black hair.A:Really?Is/Does he tall or short?B:He is/isnt tall or short.He is/has of medium height.A:Does he has/have curly or straight hair?B:He is/has straight hair.And he is/has really handsome.3cWr