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FREE 高考 英语 课堂
free主编陶然公众号 NMET_BJBilibili账号 Free高考英语NMET_BJ高考小课堂 Dont leave my youth blank,I dare to imagine it will open.A foot is short;an inch is long.Things are not enough;wisdom is not clear.英语英语.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮目录目录第一章 动词时态第一章 动词时态时态小知识点1四种条件句 2时态考察方式:8+2+1 32020 年谓语动词真题4第二章 非谓语:3+6+1第二章 非谓语:3+6+1非谓语是什么 53+6+1 的解释 6祈使句 8非谓语解题思路 9北京卷非谓语真题 102020 非谓语真题11第三章 英语句式第三章 英语句式英语句子构成 12从句四条解题路径 13强调句型 242020 从句真题 25第四章 连词第四章 连词基础连词 FANBOYS262020 连词真题45连词短语 46第五章 情态动词第五章 情态动词情态动词基础 62情态动词的本意 66第六章 阅读理解第六章 阅读理解七选五 71.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-1-FREE 高考英语小课堂FREE 高考英语小课堂动词时态动词时态1、意在描述某个特定时间发生的动作,更多在强调个别事件,事件不普遍have done/has donehave done/has done:过去+现在diddid:过去2、意在说明事件普遍性,没有时间要求do/doesdo/does:所有时间在写作文的时候文章结尾类似“我明白了一个重要的道理”的语句,可能就不会再纠结到底是 I learned animportant lesson 还是 I learn an important lesson 了吧。没有人能无时无刻明白道理,在那个特定的时间里发生了,肯定要 learned 或 have learned。had donehad done 过去完成时,只有过去的两件事要强调先后顺序的时候,才会用4、过去到现在喜欢考察的点在于 have/has done在语法填空中慎重选择慎重选择 have/has been doing5、在句子中有精准的时间时,就可能需要考虑一下进行时,以下几组相互分辨:did 和 was/were doing、do/does 和 am/is/are doing、will do 和 will be doing例:句子中若有精准的时间,就要考虑进行时:周五晚上 10 点、我见到她的时候、昨天下午的某个时间点 都意在暗指进行时6、现在时描述将来时需要小心:do/does 描述将来,常用于第一条件句,即主将从现,一定看空格是否在从句中We will staywill stay at home if it rainsrains tomorrow.am/is/are doing 描述将来,主要用于计划中的动作he is coming 或 Im leaving7、过去将来时 would do 考察几率很低,句子要满足俩时间“过去”和“将来”。8、英文中所说的虚拟语气主要是:现在、过去现在虚拟现在虚拟表示强烈的意愿和需要,或者迫切的要求urge、insist、order、command、advise、suggest、propose、demand、require、request、desire、ask、recommend+(should)do例:I demanded that she(should)walk away.过去虚拟过去虚拟表示非真实的情况 或 内心中实际或不实际的希望wish、as if/as though:过去 had done、现在 did、将来 would dowish、as if/as though:(be 动词只用这三种形式)过去 had been、现在 were、将来 would be例:Dont handle the vase as ifas if it were made of steel.I wishwish I had finished the essay last night.If If I were a woman,I would choose that color.wish 的例子:希望过去的事:I wish I had finished my essay last night.wish 的例子:希望现在的事:I wish they were not always late.wish 的例子:希望将来的事:I wish I would pass the final teat tomorrow.9、英语中的语气一共四种:陈述、虚拟、祈使、条件陈述、虚拟、祈使、条件陈述语句:描述真实的情况,日常大多数情况虚拟语气:描述愿望、可能性等不真实的状况祈使语气:描述命令、请求、允许、禁止、警告、建议等条件语气:描述一种情况的可能性要依赖某种情况才可能成立,咱们常说的“如果”在高考中重点考察的就是条件语气条件语气,句子主要结构“主句+if 从句”,可以分成“零条件句”、“第一条件句”、“第二条件句”、“第三条件句”这样的四种.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-2-四种条件句讲解:四种条件句讲解:零条件句零条件句构成方式:If 从句一般现在时,主句一般现在时针对时间:任何时间任何时间所谓的零条件句,就是不需要任何条件,这里所描述的事实一贯如此,普遍发生,普遍存在。这两个例子都是一般现在时,不强调某个特定时间。eg:If you heat the water,it boils.If I see a spider,I scream.第一条件句(主将从现)第一条件句(主将从现)构成方式:If 从句一般现在时,主句将来时针对时间:将来将来这里描述的是在将来很可能发生的事情,所以主句从句都是在针对将来的某个情况或某种可能性,此外,主句的将来时还可以通过情态动词或祈使句来体现。eg:If Lisa wins the prize,she will be very happy.If I see Sam,I will ask him to give you a call.Come to me if you want.第二条件句(与现在相反)第二条件句(与现在相反)构成方式:If 从句一般过去时,主句 would(could/should)do针对时间:现在或将来现在或将来和第一条件句其实是相反的,第二条件句描述在将来不太可能发生的事情或者和现在相反的情况,比对一下看出其实就是第一条件句时间都往前推了一格。eg:If I won the lottery,I would travel around the world.If you were here now,you would understand what I tell you.第三条件句(与过去相反)第三条件句(与过去相反)构成方式:If 从句过去完成时,主句 would(could/should)have done针对时间:过去过去第三条件句主要是描述与过去截然相反的情况,因为过去都已经无法改变,所以这里肯定是一种虚假的情况,一般体现的都是一种后悔、惋惜、不甘心这样的感受。eg:If I had woken up on time,I would have taken the bus.If it hadnt rained yesterday,we would have enjoyed the trip.综上所述:综上所述:1、当我们要表示“如果”这样的意思时,会用到 if 从句2、用到 if 从句的时候,我们有两种选择,一种是说真实的情况,另一种是说虚假的情况3、说到真实情况,可选择的时间:任意时间就选(零)、将来(一)4、说到虚假情况,可选择的时间:现在或将来(二)、过去(三)ps:需要的条件越多,就越不太可能是真事,所以第二、三条件句都是不太可能的以至于虚假的情况。.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-3-FREE 高考英语小课堂FREE 高考英语小课堂时态考察方式:8+2+1时态考察方式:8+2+1一、八种基本时态考察重点一、八种基本时态考察重点 一般时:句子是否强调一段时间内的习惯动作进行时:句子中是否强调精准时间概念例:I was thinking about my career when I walked past their door.(精准时间)You are always knocking into things.(习惯动作)have/has done have/has done 一定要同时强调过去和现在两个时间,注意句子谓语需要什么时间例:We have to walk upstairs.The elevator has broken down.(电梯从过去到现在都出现故障)Now he has returned to the university.(回去上学是过去,句中强调现在)一般现在时描述普遍存在情况,不强调任何时间,整句内容与时间因素无关。例:The temperature drops drastically in the mountains at night.(普遍情况)If you heat the water,it boils.(普遍情况)had done 描述在明确的过去时间之前发生的动作,强调二者先后顺序例:This experiment had been conducted in Europe before the Second World War.(先The doctor agreed to operate on the young man after he had received his parents permission.得到许可,再同意)将来的时间除了用 will 表现以外,在第一条件句(主将从现)中用现在表将来,在很快要发生的计划性动作中用进行时表将来。例:If this situation lasts,we will never finish the assignment on time.(主将从现)The supermarket is closing in 5 minutes.(计划动作)二、两种特殊时态很少考察二、两种特殊时态很少考察 除虚拟语气以外,过去将来时 would do 要求句中同时涉及过去和将来同时涉及过去和将来两个时间例:He told me the ceremony would be held next Friday.(在过去说下周五的事)现在完成进行时 have/has been doing 描述从过去到现在一直在做的事情,请优先考虑现在完成时have/has done例:I have been writing my essay since last night and Im still working on it.(从过去到现在一直在写)三、一个特殊考点虚拟语气三、一个特殊考点虚拟语气 和 if 等条件句有关的,第二条件句和第三条件句,根据空格所在当前句的时间判断动作时间例:If these measures had been taken into consideration,the river would not be polluted so seriously now.(如果过去考虑,现在就不会污染)If I were you,I would consider his suggestion.(如果我现在是你,我现在就会考虑)和 wish/as if 等从句有关的虚拟语气,根据从句的时间作出判断例:I wish he hadnt made such a terrible mistake.(希望过去的事不要发生)The shop assistant behaves as if he owned the grocery.(好像现在是这种情况,但实际不是)虚拟语气只需要正确理解句意即可。虚拟语气只需要正确理解句意即可。.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-4-2020 谓语动词真题:2020 谓语动词真题:(20 北京卷)(20 北京卷)1、Oliver is a host of a TV programme on food.He says food _(play)a big role in his life.2、Single-use plastic bags are used at most a few times before they _(throw)away.3、The Neanderthals _(live)alongside human ancestors in Europe for thousands of years,beforedying out about 40,000 years ago.(20 全国卷)(20 全国卷)4、The unmanned Changee-4 probe(探测器)-the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess-_(touch)down last week in the South Pole-Aitkenbasin.5、“This really excites scientists,”Carle Pieters,a scientist at Brown University,says,“because it _(mean)we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon _(construct).(20 全国卷)(20 全国卷)6、This is why decorating with plants,fruits and flowers _(carry)special significance.(20 全国卷)(20 全国卷)7、When he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the legendary(传奇的)artist,they smiled and _(point)down the river.(20 新高考卷)(20 新高考卷)8、The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane,for example,_(form)the core collection of theBritish Museum which opened in 1759.9、The parts of a museum open to the public _(call)galleries or rooms.Often,only a small partof a museums collection _(be)on display.Most of it is stored away or used for research.(20 新高考卷)(20 新高考卷)10、Because the number of possible topics _(be)practically limitless,we focus on a sample ofthe most interesting and useful applications and tools and explain the basic principles of technology.11、Readers _(encourage)to continue exploring the digital world with the guidance of ourFurther Resources section featured in each volume.答案:答案:1、plays2、are thrown3、live/had lived4、touched5、means;is construed6、carries7、pointed8、formed9、are called;is10、is11、are encouragedps:第 10 题中 the number of sth“某物的数量”(单数)a number of sth“许多某物”(复数).QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-5-FREE 高考英语小课堂FREE 高考英语小课堂非谓语:3+6+1非谓语:3+6+1谓语:受时间影响,主被动和状态作为辅助非谓语:不受时间影响,只能用来描述状态和主被动非谓语动词一定与时间无关!非谓语动词一定与时间无关!不强调某些动作的时间,我们就不把它看成是动作。在英文中,动词会受到哪些影响发生变化呢?在英文中,动词会受到哪些影响发生变化呢?时间:过去、现在、将来状态:一般、进行、完成语态:主动、被动语气:陈述、虚拟、条件、祈使如果把这几个影响排个重要性的优先级的话,那最重要的一定是时间,因为这是动作发生最基本的条件。在此基础上通过状态细化动作情况,通过语态确定动作发出者,再配合语气把需要的情景反映出来,就成了一个个的英语句子。对动作最重要的时间影响,即时态。时态二字,顾名思义就是时和态二者的结合呗。“时”当然是时间,而“态”则指状态和语态。如果句子里有些动作不受时间影响,该怎么办?例如:第二天,他让让我去问问问问考试结果怎么样。ps:“让”的动作明显是第二天他做的动作。而“问问”呢?过去我一定没有问,现在或将来问了没有也不知道,这个动作会不会发生都不一定,这种动作,就是我们所说的不受时间影响的动作。还有些情况下,我们根本不强调某些动作的时间,因为我们根本不把它看作动作。例如:清晨,我们举着举着志愿者的旗帜骄傲地出发出发了。ps:这句话的主干是“我们出发了”,而“举着”的动作是在出发的同时我们做的动作么?是,但是我们更想用它来强调出发的时候的状态,和后面的“骄傲地”其实功能没什么不同。这个时候,“举着”就失去了原来描述动作的功能。以上这些问题的解决,就都要靠我们接下来的主题非谓语了。我想,现在各位应该能明白这东西为什么叫“非”谓语了,它和谓语的功能性有本质区别。谓语:受时间影响,主被动和状态作为辅助。非谓语:不受时间影响,只能用来描述状态和主被动。谓语:受时间影响,主被动和状态作为辅助。非谓语:不受时间影响,只能用来描述状态和主被动。换句话说,句子里的动词分成两类:和时间有关系的,都成了谓语,表现为各种时态。和时间没关系的,都成了非谓语。非谓语动词与时间一定无关!在考虑非谓语的时候千万别想过去现在将来!非谓语动词与时间一定无关!在考虑非谓语的时候千万别想过去现在将来!.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-6-1、三种基本形态:doing/to do/done1、三种基本形态:doing/to do/done doing:描述主动和进行状态(已发生)done:表示被动和完成的状态(已发生)to do:表示未发生的动作,描述目的或目标结果(未发生)2、六种扩展形态:2、六种扩展形态:being done:正在被,描述进行的被动 being done:正在被,描述进行的被动例:The silence of the library is sometimes broken by a sudden cough or the sound of pages being turned.书正在被翻才能听到声音being done:在主语或宾语的位置上,只是 doing 动名词的被动形势being done:在主语或宾语的位置上,只是 doing 动名词的被动形势例:Being educated in a top-level university abroad is what many students wish for.(做主语)(作宾语)The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without being recognized.to be done:将要被,描述未来发生的被动 to be done:将要被,描述未来发生的被动考试中可能会要求分辨 to be done 和 to do:句中就一个动作发出者,语言从简性,就用 to do 就行:句中就一个动作发出者,语言从简性,就用 to do 就行:例:With some books to buy,he went into the bookstore on the way home.With some urgent business to attend to,Mr.Smith has decided to put off his journey to Paris.I need something to drink.With a lot of work to do,he returned home earlier than usual.The tour will provide you a tent to live in.句中若要强调动作发出者,to be done 就不可以省略成 to do句中若要强调动作发出者,to be done 就不可以省略成 to do例:With a lot of work to be finished by Tom,Kate asked him to return home earlier than usual.having done/having been done:为文章的阅读和写作层面服务 having done/having been done:为文章的阅读和写作层面服务having done 是主动形式,having been done 是被动形势having done:了以后(完成的主动)having been done:被了以后(完成的被动)having done:了以后(完成的主动)having been done:被了以后(完成的被动)动作与句子中另一个动作有明显的先后顺序,一个完成以后,另一个才开始。例:Having received some necessary medical check,the astronauts boarded the spaceship.在接受一些必要的医疗检查后,宇航员登上了太空飞船。The astronaut received some necessary medical check andand boarded the spaceship.使用 and 把两个动作链接起来,但是注意 and 表示两个动作先后发生The astronauts received some necessary medical check beforebefore they boarded the spaceship.The astronauts boarded the spaceship afterafter they received some necessary medical check.使用 before/after 把两句话连接起来,当然也是可以的,这两词也承担了动作发生的先后顺序。.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-7-FREE 高考英语小课堂FREE 高考英语小课堂ps:ps:使用 having done 的要求有明显的先后顺序,也就是两个动作之间没有交集,一个完成以后,另一个才开始。如果二者是同时发生,或者是伴随状态,使用 doing 或 done 就可以。例:Living in the country,we had few social activities.(living 和 had 两个动作同时)Having checked the address,Tom sent the email to his teacher.(having checked 先检查,sent 再发送)having been done 和 done 二者基本等同的,done 本身就包含了被动和完成的感觉,所以从语言的从简性上来说,done 也可以视作 having been done 的简化版。to have done/to have been done to have done/to have been done未发生的一个动作,在原句动作之前be believed/known/thought/said/reported/considered to 据了解、据报道、据说、被认为be believed/known/thought/said/reported/considered to 据了解、据报道、据说、被认为 等意思,需要注意,例:Nearly half a million people are believed toare believed to have left their homes as a result of the disaster.China is known tois known to have changed greatly in terms of its cultural values over the past few years.以上这两句话中的 to have left 和 to have changed 可不是非谓语中的 to have done,我们可以把这两个结构作为插入语,如果把这两个插入部分去掉,原来的两句话就变成了:Nearly half a million people have left their homes as a result of the disaster.China has changed greatly in terms of its cultural values over the past few years.ps:ps:在这个结构后面只可能出现两种情况,一种是 do,一种是 have done,区分方法是:只要这个动作发生了,就用 have done;这个动作没发生,就用 do。只要这个动作发生了,就用 have done;这个动作没发生,就用 do。被动就是 have been done(发生了)或者 be done(没发生),例:Napoleon is famously said to have declared,“when China wakes,it will shake the world.”(is said to,已经宣告过了)All the books offered by the students are reported to have been sent to the children in the countryside the otherday.(are reported to,已经发送过了)3、一种特殊形态:3、一种特殊形态:原型动词 do,某些特殊情况需要省略 to do 里的 to例:have/let/make sb do sth 让某人做某事see/watch/hear sb do sth 感知到某人做某事.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-8-祈使句:祈使句:Doand/orDoand/orwillwill前面是一个祈使句,中间用连词 and 或者 or 相连,后面就是一个将来时的句子。祈使句中,用动词原型。例:Keep a diary every day andand youll improve your writing.Compare the designs,andand you will find what problem there is with yours.ps:这两个句子中有逗号断开,或者没有逗号断开,其实都是无所谓,逗号的意义在于句子阅读时的语气停顿,如果后面的句子很长,用逗号断开会方便阅读。Please turn down the music,or or our neighbours next door will be disturbed.Dont give up regardless of difficulty and failure,or or youll never achieve your goals.ps:or 在于体现前后相反的两个逻辑关系,and 体现前后一致的逻辑关系。Have one talk with the student,I believe,andand you will find Tom is very outgoing.(谈话之后就会发现)Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs or or you could have problems.(不要关电脑否则就会出现问题)ps:祈使句是用来表示命令、建议或请求的,而将来时作为补充的另一句话描述前面的命令、建议或者请求,如果实现了就用 and,没有实现就用 or。从正反两方面强调结果,可以增强祈使句本身的说服力。Give me a chance andand Ill never let you down.(是不是很想给他机会?)Stop talking or or Ill be angry.(是不是不敢说话了?)ps:我们现在看到的这个动词原型 do 的句子,一定要和另外一种题型分开:MendingMending the light in the hall will take more than money.这句话感觉也像是后面有个将来时的句子,但是我们仔细观察,会发现根本就不存在连词 and 或 or,所以这里就没有两句话,需要用非谓语,主动用 mending。OfferingOffering people food,housing and jobs is what a government should first consider after a natural disasterhappens.这句话中能看到有个 and,但是这个 and 并不是连接两个句子的,而是并列三个名词“食物、住所和工作”。这里同样只有一句话,所以仍要非谓语的形式,主动用 offering。综上所述:综上所述:句中有 and/or 或者其他连词连接两个句子 前一句是祈使句表示要求或建议 后一句用将来时或者将来含义表示建议的结果 祈使句+and+将来时(正面结果)祈使句+or+将来时(反面结果).QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-9-FREE 高考英语小课堂FREE 高考英语小课堂非谓语解题思路:非谓语解题思路:第一步:确定主被动第一步:确定主被动主动选项:doingdoing/to doto do/having done被动选项:donedone/being done/to be done/having been doneps:主被动的判断一定是观察名词和动词的关系,动词是我们要填的动作,而名词的位置则飘忽不定,一般而言:当空格前面有名词空格前面有名词的时候,看前面的核心名词n V V 当空格面前没有名词空格面前没有名词的时候,看逗号隔开的另一句话的主语,或句中与动作有直接关系的核心名词n,V V 或 V V,n 当空格前面没有名词空格前面没有名词,且没有逗号隔开的另一句话没有逗号隔开的另一句话的时候,主动选择 doing,被动选择 being doneV V 或 prep V V(介宾)陶然老师内心 os:判断主被动还有个省力的办法,可以有效涵盖绝大部分的考题:如果空格的后面紧跟上来一个名词空格的后面紧跟上来一个名词,则该动作对后面的名词发出的可能性非常大,选择主动主动;如果空格的后面紧跟上来一个介词空格的后面紧跟上来一个介词,则该动作被发出的可能性非常大,选择被动第二步:判断是否附加特殊状态被动第二步:判断是否附加特殊状态未发生的动作加 to加 to动作强调先后顺序加 have加 have描述生动形象的“正在被”的场景选择 being done选择 being doneps:判断句中的特殊状态,主要是靠原句中的已知动作和已知副词或副词短语,因为句意都比较直接,所以判断过程应该很简单。第三步:观察是否出现特殊短语词汇考察第三步:观察是否出现特殊短语词汇考察陶然老师内心 os:就是靠平时积累,考试出了看命综上所述:非谓语动词解体思路如下主被动 特殊状态 特殊词汇综上所述:非谓语动词解体思路如下主被动 特殊状态 特殊词汇.QQ;1463917907 最新课程讲义,免费包邮-10-过往的几道非谓语题目:(2010 北京 21、25 题)过往的几道非谓语题目:(2010 北京 21、25 题)1、_(look)at my classmates faces,I read the same excitement in their eyes.2、Im calling to enquire about the position _(advertise)in yesterdays China Daily.(2012 北京 23、27、32 题)(2012 北京 23、27、32 题)3、One learns a language by making mistakes and _(correct)them.4、_(use)with care,one tin will last for six weeks.5、Birds singing is sometimes a warning to other birds _(stay)away.(2013 北京 21、24、29 题)(2013 北京 21、24、29 题)6、Volunteering gives you a chance _(change)lives,including your own.7、_(find)the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level.8、When we saw the road _(block)with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home.(2014 北京 25 题)(2014 北京 25 题)9、Last night,there were millions of people _(watch)the opening ceremony live on TV.(2015 北京 21 题)(2015 北京 21 题)10、_(catch)the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.(2016 北京 28 题)(2016 北京 28 题)11、_(order)over a week ago,the books are expected to arrive any time now.(2017 北京 27、30 题)(2017 北京 27、30 题)12、Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online _(save)their valuabletime.13、The national park has a large collection of wildlife,_(range)from butterflies to elephants.(2018 北京 3、10 题)(2018 北京 3、10 题)14、_(travel)along the old Silk Road is an intere

