Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.All rights reserved.The contents,or parts thereof,may be reproduced in print form for non-profit educational use with McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders provided such reproductions bear copyright notice,but may not be reproduced in any form for any other purpose without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,including,but not limited to,network storage or transmission,or broadcast for distance learning.Send all inquiries to:McGraw-Hill EducationTwo Penn PlazaNew York,New York 10121Printed in the United States of America2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DOD 17 16 15 14 13 12 B ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_FMGrade:KPDF Pages0ii_0vi_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page ii 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user0ii_0vi_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page ii 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Table of ContentsTeacher Introduction ivBenchmark Test 1Assessment 1Teacher Script 11Answer Key 16Benchmark Test 2Assessment 19Teacher Script 29Answer Key 34Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_FMGrade:KPDF Pages0ii_0vi_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page iii 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user0ii_0vi_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page iii 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Benchmark AssessmentBenchmark Assessment is an integral part of the complete assessment program aligned with McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders and the Common Core State Standards(CCSS).Purpose of Benchmark AssessmentBenchmark Assessment reports on the outcome of your children s learning.The results of Benchmark Assessment serve as a summative assessment by providing a way to measure children s progress through the CCSS-aligned curriculum.The results of the assessments can be used to inform subsequent instruction,aid in making leveling and grouping decisions,and point toward areas in need of reteaching or remediation.Benchmark Assessment tests provide students valuable practice in preparing for the type of high-stakes testing they will begin to encounter as they progress through school.Focus of Benchmark AssessmentBenchmark Assessment focuses on key areas of English Language Arts as identified by the CCSS:comprehension of literature and informational text,phonics and decoding skills,and recognition of high-frequency words.Administering Benchmark AssessmentBenchmark Test 1 should be administered mid-year,after instruction for Units 15 has been completed.Benchmark Test 2 should be administered close to the end of the year.Teacher script,including the comprehension selections and all test items,precedes the Answer Key for each test.Make copies of the benchmark assessment for the class.You will need one copy of the Answer Key page that features the scoring table for each child taking the assessment.This table provides a place to list children s scores.The data from each benchmark assessment chart children s progress and underscore strengths and weaknesses.After each child has a copy of the assessment,provide a version of the following directions:Say:Write your name and the date on the top of each page of this test.(When children are finished,continue with the directions.)I will read four stories aloud.I also will read questions.Some of the questions will be about the stories.Some of the questions will ask you about sounds or words.Draw a circle around the correct answer for each question.When we have completed the test,put your pencil down and turn the pages over.We will begin now.Answer procedural questions during the assessment.After the class has completed the assessment,ask children to verify that their names and the date are written on the necessarypages.Teacher IntroductionProgram:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_FMGrade:KPDF Pagesiv Benchmark Assessment Teacher Introduction00i_0viii_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page iv 4/6/12 1:54 AM s-01900i_0viii_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page iv 4/6/12 1:54 AM s-019/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Teacher IntroductionOverview of Benchmark AssessmentBenchmark Assessment consists of two tests.Benchmark Test 1 focuses on skills taught in Units 15;Benchmark Test 2 samples skills from the entire year.Each benchmark assessment is composed of the following:4 comprehension selections 1 sample item 10 items assessing Comprehension Skills 10 items assessing Phonics 5 items assessing High-Frequency WordsComprehension Selections and ItemsEach benchmark assessment features four comprehension selections for you to read aloud to the children.Two selections are fiction,two are informational.Comprehension items in each test assess your children s understanding of the text by use of Comprehension Skills.Reading Foundations ItemsEach benchmark assessment also includes items that assess your children s phonics skills and their ability to recognize high-frequency words.See the list above for the number of items of each type that are included in the assessments.Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_FMGrade:KPDF PagesBenchmark Assessment Teacher Introduction v00i_0viii_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page v 4/6/12 1:54 AM s-01900i_0viii_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page v 4/6/12 1:54 AM s-019/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Teacher IntroductionEvaluating Benchmark Assessment ScoresEach item on the benchmark assessment is worth one point,for a total of twenty-five points per test.The goal of each benchmark assessment is to evaluate children s mastery of previously-taught material and to gauge progress toward year-end goals.The expectation is for children to score 80%or higher on the assessment as a whole.For children who would benefit from additional instruction,assign appropriate lessons from the Tier 2 online PDFs.Use children s results in particular skill categories to guide your assignments.The Answer Keys in Benchmark Assessment provide the information you need to understand your children s performance and plan for their individualized instructional and intervention needs.ItemAnswerContent FocusCCSSComplexity 10boil the sapKey DetailsRI.K.1DOK 1 11soapInitial sRF.K.3aDOK 1Comprehension 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/10%Phonics 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20/10%This column lists the instructional content from the unit that is assessed in each item.This column lists the CCSS alignment for each assessment item.This column lists the Depth of Knowledge associated with each item.Scoring rows identify items by assessment focus and item type and allow for quick record keeping.Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_FMGrade:KPDF Pagesvi Benchmark Assessment Teacher Introduction00i_0viii_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page vi 4/6/12 1:54 AM s-01900i_0viii_CR14_BA_K_FM_127081.indd Page vi 4/6/12 1:54 AM s-019/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON GRADE KBENCHMARK 1Name:Date:S 1 2 Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF PagesBenchmark Assessment Test 1 Grade K1N 1001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 1 3/31/12 6:25 PM s-74user001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 1 3/31/12 6:25 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:3 4 5 Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF Pages2 Grade K Benchmark Assessment Test 12001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 2 6/14/12 5:16 PM s-74user001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 2 6/14/12 5:16 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:6 7 Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF PagesBenchmark Assessment Test 1 Grade K3N 3001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 3 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 3 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:8 9 10 Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF Pages4 Grade K Benchmark Assessment Test 14001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 4 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 4 6/9/12 8:57 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:11 s 12 h 13 f Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF PagesBenchmark Assessment Test 1 Grade K5N 5001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 5 31/03/12 2:16 AM sf-028001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 5 31/03/12 2:16 AM sf-028/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:14 m 15p 16t Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF Pages6 Grade K Benchmark Assessment Test 16001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 6 6/9/12 8:58 PM s-74user001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 6 6/9/12 8:58 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:17 man mat mad18not nap netProgram:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF PagesBenchmark Assessment Test 1 Grade K7N 7001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 7 31/03/12 2:16 AM sf-028001_007_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 7 31/03/12 2:16 AM sf-028/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:19 pat pet pot20red ran rodProgram:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF Pages8 Grade K Benchmark Assessment Test 18008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 8 31/03/12 2:15 AM sf-028008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 8 31/03/12 2:15 AM sf-028/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.GO ON Name:Date:21do my are22see like can23we the toProgram:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF PagesBenchmark Assessment Test 1 Grade K9N 9008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 9 31/03/12 2:15 AM sf-028008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 9 31/03/12 2:15 AM sf-028/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Name:Date:STOP24I and go25with he youProgram:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF Pages10 Grade K Benchmark Assessment Test 110008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 10 31/03/12 2:15 AM sf-028008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 10 31/03/12 2:15 AM sf-028/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Grade K Benchmark Assessment 1 Teacher ScriptTeacher reads all directions,passages,items,and answer choices aloud.ComprehensionYou are going to hear a story.After I read the story,I will ask you some questions.Listen carefully.We will begin now.Cute Little Bugs Have you ever seen a ladybug?Ladybugs are cute little bugs.They are almost round.Most ladybugs are red or orange with black spots.Farmers like ladybugs.Ladybugs eat other bugs.These other bugs are pests.They kill the plants that farmers grow.So the ladybugs help farmers.In the winter,ladybugs sometimes go inside houses.You may find them on a wall or window.They do not hurt people or houses.But you may want them to stay outside.Turn to the first page.Check to see that all the children are on the correct page.Point to the row of pictures where you see the letter S.Hold up page 1,pointing to the S for children to see.I will read a question.Listen to the question as I read it aloud:What shape are ladybugs?Look at the three pictures in the row.Choose the picture that shows the answer to the question and draw a circle around it.What is the answer?Have a child provide the answer.Yes,the first picture shows a round shape.The story says that ladybugs are almost round.Check to see that children have circled the correct picture.Does anyone have any questions?Now I will read the story again.Listen carefully.Read the story aloud again.Now point to the row of pictures next to the number 1.Check to see that all the children are at the correct place.Now I m going to read two more questions.Listen to each question as I read italoud.1 What is this story mostly about?Look at the pictures.Draw a circle around the picture that shows what the story is mostly about.2 Point to number 2.Look at the pictures.Which picture shows who gets help from ladybugs?Draw a circle around the picture that shows who gets help from ladybugs.Program:Core ReadingVendor:AptaraComponent:BA_T1Grade:KPDF PagesBenchmark Assessment Test 1 Grade K 11008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 11 6/9/12 8:58 PM s-74user008_018_CR14_BA_K_T1_127081.indd Page 11 6/9/12 8:58 PM s-74user/Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENT./Volumes/110/GO00975_BA_R1/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/BENCHMARK_ASSESSMENTCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Turn to page 2.Check to see that all the children are on the correct page.Now I will read another story.Then I will ask you some more questions.Listencarefully.Ben s New Friend Ben loved free time at school.His favorite thing to do was play withblocks.One day a new girl came to Ben s class.The teacher said the girl s name was Molly.At free time,Molly started playing with the blocks.Ben was upset.Ben tried making a ball out of clay.He tried drawing with crayons.Then he went over and stood next to Molly.“Do you want to help me build a castle with blocks?”asked Molly.“Yes!”said Ben.He sat down next to Molly and picked up a block.3 Point to number 3.Look at the three pictures about the story.Where does this story take place?Draw a circle around the picture that shows where the story takes place.4 Point to number 4.Look at the three pictures about the story.Who gets upset?Draw a c