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英国 国际 技术 战略 2023 60 WN5
The UKS International Technology StrategyCP 810群内每日免费分享5份+最新资料 群内每日免费分享5份+最新资料 300T网盘资源+4040万份行业报告为您的创业、职场、商业、投资、亲子、网赚、艺术、健身、心理、个人成长 全面赋能!添加微信,备注“入群”立刻免费领取 立刻免费领取 200套知识地图+最新研报收钱文案、增长黑客、产品运营、品牌企划、营销战略、办公软件、会计财务、广告设计、摄影修图、视频剪辑、直播带货、电商运营、投资理财、汽车房产、餐饮烹饪、职场经验、演讲口才、风水命理、心理思维、恋爱情趣、美妆护肤、健身瘦身、格斗搏击、漫画手绘、声乐训练、自媒体打造、效率软件工具、游戏影音扫码先加好友,以备不时之需扫码先加好友,以备不时之需行业报告/思维导图/电子书/资讯情报行业报告/思维导图/电子书/资讯情报致终身学习者社群致终身学习者社群关注公众号获取更多资料关注公众号获取更多资料The UKs International Technology strategyPresented to Parliament by the Foreign Secretary and the Secretary of State for Science,Innovation and Technology by Command of His MajestyMarch 2023CP 810CP 810 Copyright 2023This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.To view this licence,visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3.Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.This publication is available at www.gov.uk/official-documents.ISBN 978-1-5286-3539-4E02764955 03/23Printed on paper containing 40%recycled fibre content minimumPrinted in the UK on behalf of the Controller of His Majestys Stationery OfficeContentsForeword4Priority actions6Executive summary7Chapter 1.Britain as a technology leader8Chapter 2.Our six strategic priorities122.1 Priority technologies and data142.2 International partnerships for global leadership342.3 Values based governance and regulation392.4 Technology investment and expertise for the developing world422.5 Technology to drive the UK economy452.6Protecting our security interests49Chapter 3.Technology as a diplomatic tool544 Foreword from Secretary of State for Science,Innovation and TechnologyThe new Department for Science,Innovation and Technology was established in February 2023 to deliver on the ambition to make the UK a science and technology superpower.The creation of this Department reflects the need to address the opportunities and challenges brought by rapid technological change,and areequipped for tackling a future shaped by technological advancement beyond our current imagination.The Integrated Review 2023 reiterates our commitment to science and technology to drive growth and ensure the security of the British people.My department will oversee the UK Science and Technology Framework,which sets out our overarching approach and vision.Now this International Technology Strategy provides the vehicle to deliver the UKs technology ambition on the world stage.This country is home to extraordinary technology expertise,with a flourishing tech sector,world-leading strength in cutting-edge technologies and a reputation for global leadership in developing forward thinking,agile legislation and regulation.We will continue to prioritise innovation in technology that will boost economic growth creating jobs,increasing productivity,stimulating investment and catalysing trade.Technology is fundamentally global digital services and critical supply chains operate across borders.To create the free,secure,prosperous world we want to see,and we want our children to live in,we cannot act alone.It is pivotal that we work with our international partners and allies to support our shared growth,address global challenges and build momentum behind a digital and tech future that reflects our values.This strategy sets out our path to realise that vision.5Foreword from the Foreign Secretary New technologies are revolutionising our world.Empowering people across the globe with new freedoms,knowledge and opportunities.The tech sector is also a national asset that gives us an economic and strategic edge.We are proud to be Europes top tech investment destination and home to the fourth largest number of tech unicorns in the world.Authoritarian regimes have an alternative vision of harnessing technology for their own ends.Our Strategy sets out how the United Kingdom will work with our allies and partners to ensure global technology standards are shaped by the free world.So that technology is the positive engine of opportunity and economic growth that we want it to be.It sets out how we are intensifying work with like-minded nations like the United States,Japan and Australia to promote the open,responsible,secure,and resilient development and use of technology.How we will protect our security from new and emerging threats such as cyberattacks and theft of intellectual property.And how we will stay on the frontier of the technological revolution.Through our proactive approach,we can shape the technologies that will define the coming decades,including artificial intelligence,quantum and engineering biology.To realise our ambition we are investing in our capabilities and expertise across the UKs overseas network.We will draw on the best of British from industry,finance,academia,and civil society and unleash the UKs full potential as a science and technology superpower,and harness the power of technology for the good of all.6Priority actions1.Use international levers to support delivery of the UKs Science and Technology Framework,developing a cross-government implementation plan informed by engagement with priority nations.2.Embed our principles throughout HMGs technology strategies,delivery plans and partnerships,and deliver values-based technology leadership that provides a liberal alternative to authoritarianism.3.Create a new Technology Centre of Expertise,part of British Investment Partnerships,providing access to UK expertise to support sustainable economic growth around the world.4.Create the worlds most extensive and capable technology diplomacy network,increasing the number of UK Tech Envoys,increasing our tech expertise across our global network,and uplifting the capability of our diplomats through training,secondments and recruitment.5.Shape the global governance of technologies,including championing the OECD Global Forum on Technology,building on the success of the UKs Future Tech Forum.6.Establish a prioritised set of technology-based partnerships with key partners around the world,delivering mutually beneficial objectives and unlocking new opportunities.7.Build on the UKs successful election to the International Telecommunication Union(ITU)Council,working together with partners to deliver an ITU that works for all its members,increases worldwide connectivity,and bridges the global divide.We will continue to shape the global technical standards ecosystem in line with our principles and values.8.Develop technology solutions to global challenges through FCDO investment in mission-driven Research and Development(R&D)and technology development.9.Coordinate across government to progress work to make the UK the best place to invest for technology and promote exports of leading UK technologies.10.Promote the best of British technology expertise and leadership through our embassies and high commissions around the world.Executive SummaryCONTEXTTechnology underpins our way of life:our economic prosperity;our national security and our freedom to live true to our values.In a world of accelerating technological change,increasing reliance on technology and geopolitical instability,the UK,working with partners,must protect and enhance its strategic advantages in technology.The Integrated Review Refresh 2023 laid out our ambitions for science and technology(S&T).The UK is already a technology leader;we seek to build on this and strengthen our commercial success to cement our place as a S&T superpower.We will work with allies to increase freedom,openness and prosperity for ourselves and the world,counter hostile forces and promote liberal values.This strategy sets out how we will achieve our ambitions and our vision of the UK as a centre of excellence,able to build our alliances which can win the global battle for technology influence and enable our values of freedom and democracy to thrive.PRINCIPLESOur international approach will be guided by four principles:OpenResponsibleSecureResilientSTRATEGIC PRIORITIESOur approach will be guided by six strategic priorities:Priority technologies and dataInternational partnerships for global leadershipValues-based governance and regulationTechnology investment and expertise for the developing worldTechnology to drive the UK economyProtecting our security interestsPRIORITYTECHNOLOGIESDataQuantum technologiesEngineering biologyUnderpinned and enabled byAISemiconductorsTelecomsPRIORITY ACTIONS1.Use international levers to support delivery of the UKs Science and Technology Framework2.Embed our principles throughout our strategies and partnerships3.Create a new Technology Centre of Expertise to support sustainable economic growth around the world4.Expand HMGs Technology Envoy network5.Champion the OECD Global Forum on Technology6.Establish prioritised technology partnerships for mutual benefit7.Use the UKs ITU Council seat to deliver an ITU that works for all members and increases worldwide connectivity8.Deliver new solutions to global challenges with FCDO R&D investment 9.Work with industry to promote UK exports and attract Foreign Direct Investment into the UK technology sector 10.Promote the best of British technology around the worldIMPLEMENTATION LEVERSTo achieve our strategic priorities,we will employ the following levers:S&T diplomacyRegulatory diplomacyCyber diplomacyTrade diplomacyDefence diplomacyDevelopment diplomacy 8Chapter 1.Britain as a technology leaderWhy is being a technology leader important?1.Technology underpins our way of life:our economic prosperity;our national security and our freedom to live true to our values.In a world of accelerating technological change,increasing reliance on technology and growing geopolitical instability,the UK,working with partners,must seek to protect and enhance its strategic advantage in technology.2.The UKs Science and Technology Framework(S&T)sets out the ambition for the strength of the UK S&T system to be recognised internationally;by 2030,polling by the government will demonstrate that the UK is seen as one of the top three S&T nations in the world,and the leader in Europe.However,being a S&T superpower does not just mean challenging the global rankings,but collaborating more deeply with other leading nations and investing in the application of S&T to tackle the urgent global challenges facing our planet.3.In a geopolitical climate that is increasingly adversarial,technology can be used for both benefit and harm.Autocratic regimes use technology to gain advantage in the world,suppress freedoms domestically and export authoritarian precepts.They do not subscribe to our ethical or social norms and seek to influence the development of technologies.This strategic competition between authoritarian and liberal values will define how technologies shape our future.How will we approach this challenge?4.The International Technology Strategy(ITS)positions the UK to thrive in the face of an uncertain future,reinforcing our capacity to shape how technologies will develop for national and global good.Central to this is ensuring that technology promotes our shared values of freedom and democracy.By putting our principles at the heart of our work we ensure technology develops in a way that our society values.5.The strategy describes our core principles for technology open,responsible,secure and resilient.Through these principles,we will bolster our international influence,reap the economic benefits which technology brings,and promote democracy,stability,personal freedom and privacy internationally.9Chapter 1.Britain as a technology leaderOur four core principlesOpen we will promote the design,development and use of technologies which support personal freedom and democratic values and champion standards which enable innovation,data free flow with trust1,exchange of ideas,and trade.Responsible we will support the design,development and use of technologies which support sustainable growth and are consistent with the rule of law and human rights.We will ensure data is used responsibly,in a way that is lawful,protected,ethical and accountable.Secure we will ensure technologies and data sharing systems are secure by design so they are safe and predictable.Using tools to protect the UK against threats to national security,we will create a secure environment for technology to flourish.We will safeguard personal privacy and property rights,including intellectual property.Resilient we will make sure technology is reliable and can be trusted by the public,that UK innovation and critical systems are protected and that we are promoting a stronger UK and a safer world by applying proportionate controls on sensitive technology.Why do these principles matter to the UK?These principles are derived from our national identity and are fundamental to the international systems we seek to shape and be part of.Promoting these principles globally is what drives our pursuit of strategic advantage.They underpin the strength of our S&T sector at home and drive innovation to tackle some of the worlds greatest challenges.These principles will guide our international engagement,the partnerships we build and the actions we take on individual technologies.1.G7 Roadmap for cooperation on Data Free Flow with Trust10 Chapter 1.Britain as a technology leaderWhat is our vision?6.The UK is ready to seize the S&T opportunity.We are home to four of the worlds top ten universities,ranked fourth in the Global Innovation Index,highest in Europe for tech unicorns and a world-leading fintech hub,representing roughly 11%of the global market share and attracting 11.6 billion dollars of investment in 2021.This represents a 217%increase in investment compared to 2020.7.Governments cannot act alone.To achieve the ambition of this strategy,we will draw on industry,finance,academia and civil society to drive innovation,provide thought leadership and tackle global challenges.We will create stronger links between governments and the technology companies who now have global influence and will lead the way on developing emerging technologies.8.Regulation must provide protection and promote innovation,agreed through coalition,not intimidation.In a world where technology development threatens to outpace the speed of regulation,we must be agile.We will strengthen our existing partnerships and build new alliances to influence international norms,rules,regulations and technical standards,based on our principles.We will engage internationally to reduce unnecessary barriers and harness technological innovation for the benefit of all.9.UK citizens and businesses will thrive.We will include technology in our Free Trade Agreements,such as with Australia and Japan;driving exports of UK technology;and encouraging inward investment into UK businesses and venture capital funds,including from sovereign wealth funds.We will promote the UK as a global technology hub for Initial Public Offerings(IPOs)and work to attract global tec

