THE NEW TREND IN AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING,Proliferation of Vehicle Models,Growing Consumer Awareness,Expanding Media,January 18,2006,ITS A GAME OF ONE-ON-ONE.,How many customers did we lose last year?,Is Customer Loyalty Dead?,Its tougherthan ever!,Work on it before your competitors do!,Get the Customers Today!,70%,10%,10%,80%,Traditionally,Returning Customers,Tomorrow is just as important,Today,NEW CUSTOMER,NUTURETHEM,RETAIN FOR LIFE!,Its more cost effective to do business with past customers than to chase new customers.,Winning the Customer for Life,Strategy,Sell Service and Parts.,Sell a Used Vehicle,Sell a New Vehicle,Manage customers individuallynot products and programs.,OURADVANTAGE!,CONVENIENCE,PRICE,PRODUCT,ONE OF THE MAJOR FACTORS,Convenience,NEWSPAPERS,NETWORK TV,CABLE,INTERNET,Mass Media,Convenience for busy lives!,Internet,Convenience,SHOPPING,SALES,CUSTOMERSERVICE,CLEARLY POST OUR PRICES ON VEHICLES AND ACCESSORIESENTIRE INVENTORY ON OUR WEBSITEFREELY PROVIDE PRICES VIA PHONE&EMAIL REQUESTS,EMAIL SALES&SPECIALSON-SITE RENTAL&SHUTTLE SERVICEFAST LANECHECK SERVICE&BODY SHOP PROGRESS ONLINE CAMPUS-TYPE ATMOSPHERESEPARATE CUSTOMER RETENTION CENTER,Its easy to do business with us,FEEDBACK,KEEP EVOLVING&CHANGINGTO GAIN EVEN MORE LOYALTY,APPRAISALS FIRSTELIMINATED THE BACK&FORTHONE PERSON HANDLES THE TRANSACTIONOFFER THE MOST CONVENIENT HOURS IN TOWN,January 18,2006,Thank you!,ITS A GAME OF ONE-ON-ONE.,