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1809 作业 综合 前三章 34
作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:8385041综合综合(前三章前三章)1、Which analysis technique is used to determine the basic underlying reason for a variance,defect or risk?A.Root cause analysisB.Schedule baseline analysisC.Cost variance analysisD.Problem analysis若要确定偏差、缺陷或风险的基本潜在原因,应使用下列哪一项分析技术?A根本原因分析B进度基准分析C成本偏差分析D问题分析2、Understanding the Halo effect is very important,because there is such kind of tendency:AThe interior promotionBHires the bestCPromotes those who excel at respective area of technology to be project managersD Promotes those who have had project management training experience to be projectmanagers了解光环效应非常重要,因为有这样一种趋势:A内部提拔B聘用最优秀的C提拔那些在某技术领域优秀的人作为项目经理D提拔那些受过项目管理培训的人作为项目经理3、At what point during the project would the project manager review control measures?AIn the planning stageBIn the initiation and execution stagesCContinually during the projectDDuring project closure stage在项目的什么时间点,项目经理将会审查控制措施?A在计划编制阶段B在启动和执行阶段C在项目过程中持续审查D在项目收尾阶段4、When a project manager approaches the end of their companys big project,the companys organizational structure,objective and Strategies have changed.What should the projectmanager take from the following methods?A.Speak with the line one manager to ensure the whole resources should continue to completethe task which assigned before.B.Check if there is budget available to continue the project following the master schedule.C.Disregard the change in goals and strategies and continue to run the end.作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:8385042D.Inquire with the project sponsor as to whether or not the project still fits the companysStrategies.在项目经理快要结束公司的大型项目时,公司的组织结构、目标和战略发生变化。项目经理必须采取下列哪一项措施?A.与一线经理谈话保证所有资源能够继续完成之前分派的任务。B.检查预算是否足以让项目总进度表执行。C.忽视在目标和战略方面发生的变化、继续运行项目,直至项目结束。D.询问项目发起人,看项目是否符合公司的战略。5、The main focus of life cycle costing is to:A.estimate installation costs.B.estimate the cost of operations and maintenance.C.consider installation costs when planning the project costs.D.consider operations and maintenance costs in making project decisions.生命周期成本法的重点是:A估算安装成本。B估算营运和维护成本。C规划项目成本时,考虑安装成本。D作出项目决策时,考虑营运和维护成本。6、During project executing,one of the electrical engineers informs the project manager that thelife cycle cost of the new heating and air conditioning system is higher than the life cycle cost ofanother heating and air condition system.What should the project manager do?A.Determine if there is room in the project budget for the additional cost.B.Select the product with the lower life cycle cost.C.Select the product with the best life cycle cost to earned value ratio.D.Select the product with the lowest maintenance cost to life cycle cost ratio.项目执行过程中,一电气工程师告诉项目经理,某一新空调系统的生命周期成本比另外一空调系统的生命周期成本要高。项目经理应该怎么做?A.确定项目是否有足够的费用支付这项额外成本。B.选择生命周期成本较低的产品。C.选择挣值比率中生命周期成本最佳的产品。D.选择生命周期成本比率中维修费用最低的产品。7、Which of the following attributes is true for a competency?A.It is a smallest unit of dimension of competence.B.It affects only a minor part of ones job.C.It correlates with performance outside the scope of the job.D.It can be improved through training and development.对于资格来说,下列哪一项特征是正确的?A它是功能最小的单位或维度。B它只能影响到一个人工作较小的一部分。C它与工作范围之外的绩效有关。D它可以通过培训和发展得以提高作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:83850438、Your management has decided that all orders will be treated as projects and that projectmanagers will be used to update orders daily,resolving issues and ensuring that the customerformally accepts the product within 30 days of completion.Revenue from the individual orderscan vary from U.S.$100 to U.S.$150,000.The project manager will not be required to performplanning or provide documentation other than daily status.How would you define this situation?A.Because each individual order is a temporary endeavor,each order is a project.B.This is program management since there are multiple projects involved.C.This is a recurring process.D.Orders incurring revenue over$100,000 would be considered projects and would involveproject management.你的管理层觉得所有订单都看作项目,项目经理需每日更新订单情况,以便随时解决问题确保客户在完工后 30 天内接受产品。每个订单收入在 100 美金到 150,000 美金之间。项目经理只要每日更新项目状况,不需要执行计划或提供文件。你如何定义此种情况?A因为每个订单都是临时努力,每个订单就是一个项目。B这是多项目管理,因为涉及到很多个项目。C这是个重复的过程。D订单收入在 100,000 美金之上的才可称作项目,才能运用到项目管理。9、Project management methodology is used internationally;project will achieve aim best whenit is agreed upon or accept by?AProject managerBProject teamCFunctional managerDProject sponsor项目管理方法论在国际范围内被广泛应用,当谁认同和接受这些方法时,最有利于实现项目目标?A项目经理B.项目团队C.职能经理D.项目发起人10、An organization is considering developing and using a maturity model for projectmanagement.What is the major reason for using this type of model?A.Help the organization improve its project processes and systemsB.Satisfy governmental regulationsC.Satisfy financial regulationsD.Help the organization compete in the global marketplace一个组织正在考虑开发并使用一个成熟模型进行项目管理。使用这种模型的主要原因是什么?A帮助组织改善项目过程和系统B符合政府法规C符合财务制度D帮助组织在全球市场竞争作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:838504411、A companys management team wants to hire a resource to manage a software update tothe companys existing product;the product is one of several in a department that has otherimportant activities.Which of the following candidates should be selected to manage thesoftware update?AExperienced software developerBExternal consultantCDepartment managerDPart-time project manager一家公司的管理团队希望雇佣一名资源,来管理对公司现有产品的软件升级。该产品是某个部门多个产品的其中一个产品,且该部门还有其它重要活动.那么应该选择下列哪一个候选人来管理软件更新?A经验丰富的软件开发人员B外部顾问C部门经理D兼职项目经理12、All of the following are the responsibility of a project manager EXCEPT?A.Maintain the confidentiality of customer confidential information.B.Determine the legality of company procedures.C.Ensure that a conflict of interest does not compromise the legitimate interest of the customer.D.Provide accurate and truthful representations in cost estimates.下列哪项不是项目经理的责任?A.为客户的信息保密B.决定公司的程序是否合法C.确保利益冲突不会损害客户的合法利益D.在估算成本中提供准确可信的说明13、Who is ultimately responsible for quality management on the project?A.Project engineerB.Project managerC.Quality managerD.Team member谁最终为项目质量管理负责?A.项目工程师B.项目经理C.质量经理D.团队成员14、Which of the following BEST describes the project managers role during the contractingprocess?A.Project manager has only inner involvement.B.Project manager should be the negotiator.C.Project manager should supply an understanding of the risks of the project.作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:8385045D.Project manager should tell the contract manager how the contracting process should behandled.下列哪项最好的说明了项目经理在签订合同时的职责?A.项目经理很少参与B.项目经理必须是谈判代表C.项目经理应表示理解项目的风险D.项目经理应告诉合同经理签订合同过程应如何处理15、During the delivery of a key product,an issue is identified that will delay the project by twoweeks.While assessing the issue,it becomes clear that a team member was aware of this risk amonth earlier but did not escalate it to the project manager.Who is responsible for notidentifying this project risk?A.Project risk managerB.Project sponsorC.Project team memberD.Project manager在交付一个关键产品期间,识别到一个问题将会延迟项目二周时间.在评估该问题时,很清楚的是,某个团队成员一个月前已经注意到这个风险,但是没有向项目经理上报.谁应该为没有识别到这个项目风险负责?A.项目风险经理B.项目发起人C.项目团队成员D.项目经理16、Two project managers have just realized that they are in a weak matrix organization and thattheir power as project managers is quite limited.One figures out that he is really a projectexpediter and the other realizes he is really a project coordinator.How is a project expediterdifferent from a project coordinator?A.The project expediter cannot make decisions.B.The project expediter can make more decisions.C.The project expediter reports to a higher-level manager.D.The project expediter has some authority.两位项目经理认识到他们处于弱矩阵组织中,且权力非常有限。其中一位认为自己其实就是一名项目联络员,另一位则是一名项目协调员。项目联络员不同于项目协调员之处在于?A项目联络员不能做决定。B项目联络员可以做很多决定。C项目联络员向更高级经理汇报。D项目联络员拥有一定权力。17、The project manager determines that there is a lack of understanding of the overallexpectations.What should the project manager do during initiating and planning phases?AObtained approval from the functional managers for resource assignmentsB.Establishing and published the project schedule and the work breakdownC.Developed a human resource management plan with the director of human resource作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:8385046D.Communicated the project management plan in the project kick-off meeting项目经理意识到缺乏对项目以及总体期望的了解。在启动和规划阶段,项目经理应该采取什么措施?A获得职能经理对资源分配的批准B制定并公开项目进度计划和工作分解结构C与人力资源总监一起制定资源管理计划D.在项目启动大会上沟通项目管理计划18、The project manager scheduled a kick-off meeting with five stakeholders.Each stakeholderhas a different responsibility in the organization.What are the stakeholders roles at the kick-off meeting?A.Sign-off on the projectB.Demonstrate commitment to project successC.Provide input into resource allocationD.Identify risks to the project项目经理安排了五名项目相关方召开的启动大会。每名项目相关方在组织中承担的职责不同。项目相关方在启动大会中的作用是什么?A.正式签署同意该项目B.对项目成功做出承诺C.为资源分配提供意见D.识别项目风险19、The project manager is starting a new project and is preparing the kick-off presentation slides.The project manager is worried about what information put in the presentation.Which itemshould the project manager discard from their presentation?A.Project scheduled activitiesB.Resource assignments for the different project phasesC.Risks associated with project implementationD.Lessons learned项目经理开始管理一个新项目,并着手准备项目启动会议上的幻灯片演示文稿。项目经理对演示什么内容甚是忧虑。下列哪一项内容不应包含在项目经理的演示文稿中?A.项目计划好的活动B.不同项目阶段的资源分派C.与项目实施有关的风险D.经验教训20、Which of the following is true?A.An experienced Project Manager will avoid project that contain uncertaintyB.There can be a project life cycle stage before the actual and approval to proceed with theprojectC.Risk is always highest toward the end of a project when time is running outD.A project doesnt really finish because the product and/or services that were delivered needsupporting下列哪项是正确的?作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:8385047A.一个有经验的项目经理会避免含有不确定性的项目B.在实际决策和批准项目进行之前可以有一个项目生命周期阶段C.项目在接近结束时的风险总是最高D.因为所交付的产品或服务需要支持,所以一个项目没有真正的结束21、A project manager,who works in a rapidly changing environment,prioritiesrequirementsand schedules work so that the highest-priority deliverables can be finished in 3 weeks periods.The project manager is using which project life cycle approach?A.IntuitiveB.PredictiveC.AdaptiveD.Iterative在一个快速变化环境中工作的项目经理,将收集到的需求清单按照优先顺序进行分组排序。让优先级最高的可交付成果在 3-4 周内完成。项目经理正在使用哪一种项目生命期方法?A直觉B预测C适应D反复22、A consulting firm was awarded a mega credit card processing system revamping project.Having failed to deliver the expected product within budget the last two mega projects,whatapproach should the consulting firm take in the initial stages of the project to avoid past failures?A.Allow employees to work overtime.B.Move its best employee from smaller projects to this mega oneC.Divide the project into multi-phases projectD.Hire additional technical employees from oversea market一家咨询公司获得一个大型信用卡处理系统改进项目。在过去已经有两个大型项目未能按预算交付预期产品的情况,为避免再次发生这种失败,该咨询公司应该在项目初始阶段采取哪种方法?A允许雇员加班工作B将其最好员工从较小的项目调进大型项目中C将项目分成一个多阶段项目D在海外市场雇用额外技术工人23、The projects team members report to the project manager.After the closure of the project,the team is released and allocated to another project.The organization follows which of thefollowing structures?A.CompositeB.FunctionalC.ProjectizedD.Strong matrix项目团队成员向项目经理汇报工作。项目收尾之后,项目团队解散并被分配到另一个项目中去。这种组织属于下列哪一种组织结构?A.复合型组织作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:8385048B.职能型组织C.项目型组织D.矩阵型组织24、The project manager of chain of stores is considering opening a new store in either location Aor location B.The project manager delivered the following information.Project location A:payback period is 18 months,NPV is-250.Project location B:payback period is 24 months,NPV is 300.Which project would be recommended to the selection committee by the project manager?A.Project location A,because the payback period is shorter than the payback for project locationBB.Project location B,because its NPV is a positive numberC.Project location A,because its NPV is a negative numberD.Project location B,because its payback period is greater than the payback period一家连锁店的项目经理目前正考虑在地点 A 或地点 B 开一间新店。项目经理给出以下信息:项目地点 A:投资回报期为 18 个月,净现值为-250。项目地点 B:投资回报期为 24 个月,净现值为 300。项目经理将会向选择委员会推荐哪个项目?A项目地点 A,因为投资回报期比项目地点 B 短B项目地点 B,因为净现值为正数C项目地点 A,因为净现值为负数D项目地点 B,因为投资回报期比项目地点 A 长25、You are a project manager for a large consulting firm.Your superior has just asked for yourinput on a decision about which project your company should pursue.Project A has an internalrate of return(IRR)of 12 percent.Project B has a predicted benefit cost ratio(BCR)of 1.3.ProjectC has an opportunity cost of U.S.$75,000.Project D has a payback period of six months.If youhad to choose based on this data,which project would you select?A.Project AB.Project BC.Project CD.Project D你是一名大型咨询公司的项目经理,你的上司要你提供公司应采纳哪个项目的意见。项目 A的内部收益率(IRR)为 12%,项目 B 的预计投资收益率(BCR)为 1.3,项目 C 的机会成本为 75,000美元,项目 D 的投资回收期为 6 个月。假如你要根据上述信息做出选择,那么你会选择哪个项目?A.项目 AB.项目 BC.项目 CD.项目 D26、在项目早期阶段,项目经理被要求编制项目发布文件,项目经理应优先处理哪些重点?A.了解项目目标和项目范围B.获得管理委员会的认可作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:8385049C.确认项目团队成员的分配D.计划召开项目启动会议27、You are halfway through a major network rollout.There are 300 locations in the United Stateswith another 20 in England.A software seller has just released a major software upgrade forsome of the equipment being installed.The upgrade would provide the customer withfunctionality they requested that was not available at the time the project began.What is the BEST course of action under these circumstances?A.Continue as planned,your customer has not requested a change.B.Inform the customer of the upgrade and the impacts to the projects timeline andfunctionality.C.Implement the change and adjust the schedule as necessary because this supports thecustomers original request.D.Implement the change to the remaining sites and continue with the schedule.你已经铺设了一半的网络。在美国有 300 个地点,另外 20 个在英国。一软件卖方对一些正在安装的设备刚刚发布了一主要的软件升级,升级可以给客户他们所需的功能,这些功能在项目开始时是不具备的。在这种情况下,采取的最好措施是什么?A继续按计划进行,你的客户没有要求变更B告诉客户升级和其对项目时间以及功能的影响C实施变更并必要调整进度,因为这符合客户的最初要求D在剩余的地点实施变更,继续按计划进行28、A project manager is working on a critical,high revenue project.They find that the customeris conducting some illegal business and the project could be indirectly affected.These facts areshared with top management,but the top management insists upon continuing the project todeliver in the interest of the company.What should the project manager do?A.Request top management to release them from this project and work on another projectB.Resign as top management is not listening to them though they are honest on the customersbusinessC.Continue on this project as top management is fine with customers business.D.Continue on this project as top management has taken the decision in the interest of thecompany项目经理目前正在从事一个关键的高收益项目。他们发现客户正在开展一些非法业务,且项目可能会间接受到影响,这些事实已经通知高层管理,但是高层管理坚持继续从事项目,为了公司的利益交付项目。项目经理应该怎么做?A.请求高层管理让其退出这个项目,从事另一个项目。B.辞职,因为高层管理不听取他们的意见,即使他们如实汇报客户的业务。C.继续这个项目,因为高层管理对客户的业务很满意。D.继续这个项目,因为高层管理是以公司的利益做决定的。29、A project manager is developing a project for a client working on a time-and-materialcontracts.They have performed an earned value analysis and verified that the project can becompleted earlier and under the original estimated budget.The development team,however,作业-综合(前三章)创新 专业 高效 进取 共赢IT 管理智慧 ITNEEQ:83850410was contracted by the project managers company under a f

