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32 译文 老师 笔记
1.那些能促进新知识和新技能发展的工作——不管这种发展是通过行业专门培训,还是对沟通技能、领导技能和管理技能的培养——都能够使学生展示他们的潜能,以及拥有一个更有产出性和更加令人满意的事业。 Jobs that promote the development of new knowledge and skills -- whether in the form of (1.以……的形式)industry-specific training (2.行业专门培训)or the development of communication, leadership and management skills -- will allow graduates to manifest(3.展示) their potential and have a more productive (4.更有产生性)and satisfying career.    1- in the form of  词典释义: form 2.N-COUNT   可数名词 (存在的)形态,形式 When something can exist or   happen in several possible ways, you can use form to refer to one   particular way in which it exists or happens.   【搭配模式】:with supp •Valleys often take the form of   deep canyons...山谷经常以深峡谷的形态存在。 •They received a benefit in the form of   a tax reduction...他们获得了减税优惠。 •In its present form,   the law could lead to new injustices.以其目前的形式而言,这项法规可能会带来新的不公。  in the  form of sth •People are   bombarded with information in the form of TV advertising.电视广告信息对着人们狂轰滥炸。 •Vitamin C can be   taken in capsule or tablet form .维生素 C 有胶囊和片剂两种形式可以服用。 •A typical training   programme takes the form of a series of workshops.一般的培训计划都采用举办系列讲座的形式。  外刊例句: The essential product of insurance—protection, usually in the form of money, when things go   wrong—has few obvious substitutes. () 在事情出错时提供保护(通常以金钱形式)是保险业的核心产物,且甚少显而易见的替代品。    2- industry-specific training specific可以跟在n后面构成形容词性的合成词“n-specific”,表示“专为n(服务)的”。  词典释义: industry ['ɪn.də.stri] noun    TYPE OF WORK 行业     ESSENTIAL  countable    ■the people and activities involved in one type of   business 行业 •the gas/electricity industry燃气业/电力工业 •the tourist industry旅游业 •manufacturing industries制造业 •The computer industry has been booming.电脑行业已经日益蓬勃起来了。   specific 3.ADJ 形容词   特有的;独特的;只与…有关的 Something that is specific   to a particular thing is connected with that   thing only.   【搭配模式】:usu v-link ADJ to n •Send your resume with a cover letter that is specific to that particular job.寄出你的简历并附上一份针对那个特定工作岗位的附函。   Specific is also used after nouns. (亦用在名词后) •Most studies of trade have been country-specific.有关贸易的多数研究都是针对某个具体国家的。   •...a job-specific course.岗位课程   外刊例句: The postgraduate and post-experience degree has diversified   over the past few years to offer industry   specific training for accountants, public-sector workers, lawyers and   even footballers. () 研究生课程和具专业知识继续教育课程在过去几年已花样百出,给会计、国营部门工作者、律师,甚至是足球员等职业提供专门的职业培训。   学生错误表达: (1)   special   industrial training 点评:没有industrial   training的说法,此外,special含义是“特殊的”,不符合原句的意思。    3- manifest  词典释义: manifest ['mæn.ɪ.fest] formal    verb transitive    LIST OF PEOPLE    ■to show something clearly, through signs or actions 显示;表现;表明 •The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction   in a series of strikes.工人决定藉一连串罢工来表达他们的不满。 •The illness first manifested itself in/as   severe stomach pains.这种疾病最初表现为严重的胃痛。 •Lack of confidence in the company manifested itself   in a fall in the share price.人们对公司缺乏信心,股价下跌正好显示此情况。   外刊例句: The ECHR drew on Article 9 of the European Convention on   Human Rights which asserts the individual's right to manifest a religion. () 欧盟人权委员会缓引了欧洲人权宣言的第九条条约,该条约声明了,每个人都有权展示自己的信仰。   替换表达:display / demonstrate / show     4- more productive  词典释义: productive   [prə'dʌk.tɪv] adjective     IMPROVER     ■having positive results 富有成效的   •We had a very productive meeting - I felt we sorted   out a lot of problems.我们开了一个极有成效的会议——我觉得我们解决了很多问题。 •Theirs was a very productive partnership.他们之间的合作很有成效。   外刊例句: He is not alone in saying that companies would invest in   new equipment and be more productive   if only there was higher demand for British goods and services from its   domestic businesses, consumers and the international community. () 并不只有他认为:除非英国的国内公司和顾客及其他国家都对英国商品和服务有着更大需求,否则公司投入更多到新设备也难以更具生产性。     Q:will allow graduates to manifest their potential and   have a more productive and satisfying career.这里前面是their   potential,后面是have a ...career,为什么后面用单数? A:这里a career是泛指“职业”,含义等同于careers,have a productive and satisfying career泛指“有一个高产出和令人满意的职业”。   Q:老师,“促进新知识和新技能发展”,我用了 boost the development of new   knowledge and skills。boost可以用在这里表促进吗?如果用boost是不是要把 development去掉呀?我看到字典上说的boost的意思本身就是 further the development of   sth.谢谢老师! A:boost the development这一用法没问题,《经济学人》中有这样的句子:The government hopes that, as in China, SEZs will boost the development of   infrastructure and manufacturing.     Jobs that promote the development of new knowledge and   skills -- whether in the form of industry-specific training or the   development of communication, leadership and management skills -- will allow   graduates to manifest their potential and have a more productive and   satisfying career.   [分析]本句的主干是Jobs…will allow graduates to manifest their potential and have a more   productive and satisfying career。其中,主语部分是Jobs及修饰它的that 定语从句,直到第二个破折号结束,在这个定语从句中还包含了一个由whether…or…引导的让步状语从句(两个破折号之内)。谓语是will allow,宾语是graduates,其后的两个动词不定式共同作宾语补足语。   2.为了最大限度地提升成功的机会,求职者应该使用他们手头可用的所有工具,特别是互联网。通过上网寻找求职信息,求职人员可以节省时间,获取最新信息,以及扩大他们找工作的范围。 To maximize their chances of (1.最大限度提升他们……的机会)success, job seekers should use all the tools at their disposal(2.手头可用的,可供支配的), especially the Internet. By seeking employment online, job-hunters can save time, stay up-to-date(3.获取最新信息), and increase their reach.      1- maximize their chances of   词典释义: maximize ●○○○○ in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用   maximise 1.VERB 动词 使增加至最大限度;充分利用(或重视) If you maximize something, you make it as great in amount or importance as you   can.   【语法信息】:V n •In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output...为了获得最大利润,这家公司会把产量增至最大。   •They were looking for suitable ways of maximising their   electoral support.他们正在寻找合适的途径来最大限度地获得选民的支持。   外刊例句: It perhaps explains that while Wales have been talking   about the need to break into the top four of the world rankings before May’s   World Cup draw to maximize their   chances of escaping another difficult pool, the Wallabies said it was not   something they had thought about, concerned only about ending a poor year on   a higher note. () 这也许可以解析,为何在威尔士大谈球队需要在5月份的世界杯之前冲到世界前四,以尽可能避免分到“死亡小组”时,澳洲橄榄球国家队会说,他们没想过这事,只是想着以尽可能高的排名结束这糟糕的一年。   替换表达: maximize their opportunity for   学生错误表达: (1)       improve the   chance of ... to the utmost extent 点评:表达过于冗长,可以改为maximize   their chances of    2- at their disposal   词典释义: disposal UK [dɪ'spəʊ.zəl] US [-'spoʊ-] noun uncountable     ADVANCED     ■when you get rid of something, especially by throwing it   away 清除;处理;抛弃 •waste disposal废物处理 •the disposal of hazardous substances危险物质的处理   at sb's disposal formal    ■available to be used by someone 可供(某人)使用 •I would take you if I could, but I don't have a car at my disposal   this week.我会尽可能带你去,但是这周我没汽车可用。 •Having sold the house she had a large sum of money at her disposal   (= to spend as she wanted).卖掉房子后,她手头有一大笔钱可用。   外刊例句: Many parents in America are either ignorant of the tools at their disposal or too busy or lazy   to use them. () 许多美国父母要么就是对手上的工具置之不理,要么就是因为太忙或者太懒了而不用。   替换表达:   at/on/in hand   3- stay up-to-date 这里stay是系动词。   词典释义: stay ●●●●● 3.V-LINK   连系动词 保持;维持   If someone or something stays in a particular state or situation, they continue to be in it.   【语法信息】:V adv/prep   【语法信息】:V adj   【语法信息】:Also V n •The Republican candidate said he would 'work like crazy to   stay ahead'.共和党候选人说他将“拼命保持领先优势”。 •munity care networks that offer classes on how to stay healthy...开设养生课程的社区保健网络   •Nothing stays the same for long.任何事情都不会长期保持不变。   up-to-date   [ˌʌp.tə'deɪt] adjective     ADVANCED     ■modern, recent, or containing the latest information 现代的;最近的;包含最新资讯的 •Great trouble is taken to keep our database up-to-date.我们花了很大力气不断更新资料库。   外刊例句: The company also works with the Swedish defence ministry on   various digital-imaging products in order to stay up-to-date. () 这家公司也与瑞典国防部有合作,帮助更新他们的各种数码成像产品。   替换表达:keep up-to-date / get the latest information     Q:查到 up-to-date是做形容词表示的。 在这里   stay up-to-date是语法有错误吗?这里修饰谁呢?应该是拆开吗? A:stay在这里是连系动词,后面可以接形容词,例如stay   healthy / stay awake / stay hungry, stay foolish,stay   up-to-date也是同样的道理。   3. 那些能上网的求职者随时能够接触到上百份甚至上千份工作信息。这些职位中很多都是在网络上独家发布,或者在其他地方很难搜寻到。 Job-hunters who are connected to the Internet have access to hundreds or even thousands of jobs at their fingertips(1.随时可供使用的). Many of these positions are posted exclusively (2.在网上独家发布)online or would be difficult to track down (3.搜寻到)elsewhere.     1- at their fingertips   词典释义: fingertip UK ['fɪŋ.gə.tɪp] US [-gɚ-] noun countable    ■the end of a finger 指尖   •Use your fingertips to gently flatten the pastry.用指尖轻轻地把油酥面团弄平。   UK ['fɪŋ.gə.tɪp] US [-gɚ-] noun countable    at your fingertips    ■If you have something at your fingertips, you can get it   and use it very easily 近在手边;很容易得到;随时可供使用   •He has all the latest statistics at his fingertips.他手头上有所有最新的统计值。   外刊例句: In the past they would have written something down on a   piece of paper for a patient or carer. Now they have the whole world at their fingertips.() 他们在过去会用纸把病人的情况记录下来,而现在他们手上拥有着全部信息。   替换表达:readily available     2- are posted exclusively   词典释义: post 6.VERB 动词   发布,公布(信息) If you post information on the   Internet, you make the information available to other people on the Internet.     【语法信息】:be V-ed   【FIELD标签】:COMPUTING 计算机 •A consultation paper has been posted   on the Internet inviting input from Net users.一份征询意见书已贴在了因特网上,欢迎网络用户发表意见。   exclusive 3.ADJ 形容词   (新闻报道)独家的 If a newspaper, magazine, or broadcasting   organization describes one of its reports as exclusive, they mean that   it is a special report which does not appear in any other publication or on   any other channel.   【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n •He told the magazine in an exclusive   interview: 'All my problems stem from drink'.他在接受一家杂志社的独家采访时说:“我所有的问题都是饮酒造成的。” An exclusive is an exclusive article or report. 独家报道;独家文章 •Some papers thought they had an exclusive.一些报纸认为自己是独家报道。   外刊例句: Executives say they will be looking for "enthusiastic   and energetic" crew-members who want to take part in "demolishing   one of the most controversial constructions of the 20th century". All   job positions will be posted   exclusively on www.hotrecruit.co.uk. () 该管理负责人称,他们会一直寻求致力于“拆毁这20世纪最具争议性建筑群”的热心员工。而所以的工作岗位信息都将刊登于www.hotrecruit.co.uk上。   学生错误表达: (1)       exclusive   release/issue 点评:exclusive是形容词,这里要改为副词才能修饰动词,此外,issue一般指“发布(声明、命令);正式发行(邮票、股票等)”,用在语境中不合适。这里可以改为 are posted/released exclusively     3- track down   词典释义: track down   1.PHRASAL   VERB 短语动词 追踪到;追查到;搜寻到 If you track down someone or something, you find them, or find information about   them, after a difficult or long search.   【语法信息】:V P n (not pron)   【语法信息】:V n P •She had spent years trying to track down her parents...她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父母的下落。   •I don't know where that old story came from, I've never   been able to track it down.我不知道这则旧传闻的出处,我从来没能考证出结果。   外刊例句: In the first such study in Brazil, 100 census-takers from   FIPE, a research centre, tried to track   down every homeless person within the city boundary.() 在巴西进行的最早实验里,100多名来自FIPE研究中心的调查员竭尽全力搜寻于该城市边界游荡的无家可归者。   替换表达:find / dig up / hunt down     Q:请问魏老师,句子什么时候用may, could, would可以像例句一样用来调整句子的语气,谢谢 A:句子中would be difficult to track down,其中用would来更加客气地表明观点,这一点可以参考下面剑桥词典的解释:   [wʊd]   [wəd]   [əd] modal verb    OPINION 观点     ESSENTIAL  (also 'd)    ■used to express an opinion in a polite way without   being forceful (用于礼貌地表明观点) •I would imagine we need to speak to the headteacher about   this first.我猜想我们需要先去问问校长有关这件事的意见。 •It's not what we would have expected from a   professional service.这可不是我们期望从一所专业服务机构得到的服务。   关于may/could/would这几个情态动词更加详细的用法,可以参考张满胜的《英语语法新思维》的中级教程。   4. 尽管看起来,拥有更加强大的财政资源的大型企业与他们的小同行相比能够提供更好的工作稳定性,但事实并非总是如此。如今,大公司通常在经济危机初期就开始裁员,甚至能一次就解雇上千名员工。 Although it may seem that large organisations, equipped with stronger financial resources, would be able to provide better job stability than their smaller counterparts(1.同行), this is not always the case(2.事实并非总是如此). Nowadays, large-scale firms often downsize (3.裁员,紧缩编制)at the first sign of economic trouble and may even lay off (4.解雇)thousands of employees at once.     1- counterparts   词典释义: counterpart ●●●○○ 1.N-COUNT 可数名词   职能(或地位)相当的人;对应的事物 Someone's or something's counterpart is another person   or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.   【搭配模式】:with supp •The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.外交部长致电意大利外长表示抗议。   •The Finnish organization was very different from that of   its counterparts in the rest of the Nordic region.芬兰的这一机构和北欧其他国家的同类机构迥然不同。   外刊例句: In venture capital, the larger funds of the 1990s tended to   perform better than their smaller counterparts   in the 1980s. () 在风险投资行业里,上世纪90年代的大型基金要比那些80年代比他们小的基金做得好。   替换表达:than smaller companies in their trade   学生错误表达: (1)       peers 点评:peer是指“同龄人”,而原句要求我们表达“同行业的公司”,因此不能用peers (2)       fellows 点评:fellow同样是指人,例如:Wooderson's courage earned him the respect of his fellows.伍德森的勇气赢得了同事的尊敬。它不能用来指公司。     2- this is not always the case   词典释义: be (not) the case 17.PHRASE   短语 是这样;是这种情况 If you say that something is the case, you mean that   it is true or correct.   【搭配模式】:V inflects •You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing.   If this is the case, give her plenty of liquids...你可能会注意到她吞咽有困难。要是这样的话,让她多吃流食。 •Consumers had hoped the higher prices would mean more   goods in stores. But that was not the case.消费者本来以为,物价上涨了,店里的商品会增多;但是情况并非如此。   外刊例句: The British debate about Europe has long been weakened by a   tendency of pro-Europeans to avoid grand arguments and to concentrate on   practical advantages. This was not   always the case. () 挺欧风气一直削弱着英国人关于欧盟的讨论,使其避免了激烈争论,只谈实际好处。然而,事实并非总是如此。   学生错误表达: (1)       the actual is   not always like this 点评:actual是形容词,这里应该改为名词actuality     3- downsize   词典释义: downsize ['daʊn.saɪz] verb intransitive or transitive    ■If you downsize a company or organization, you make it   smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, and if it downsizes,   it becomes smaller in this way (使)减员,(使)(公司或组织)瘦身   •to downsize your workforce/company减少你的劳动力人数/实行公司减员 •The plight of the Asian economy is forcing businesses to downsize.亚洲经济所处的困境正迫使企业进行裁员。   外刊例句: This dramatic downsizing   is just the latest chapter in Kodak's transition from its traditional   business of film-and-paper photography to that of the film-less digital sort.  () 柯达意图从传统的影像及图像拍摄公司转型为数码摄影公司,而这次大规模裁员便是这次转型的最新阶段。   替换表达:cut back on staff / prune back their workforce / scale down their   workforce / slim down   学生错误表达: (1)       cut overheads   点评:overheads是指企业的运营费用,例如:We are having to

