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13 航道 水印
p i Ca m b r id g e H I cambiudge English_ UNIVERSITY PRESS _ 匕=2=Cambrid ge English paiMiaiACADEMICWITH ANSWERSAUTHENTIC EXAMINATION PAPERS此版本仅限在中华人民共和国境内(不包括香港、澳门特别行政区及台湾省)销售。H C am bridge 國|Cambridge English,UNIVERSITY PRESS,Cambrid ge EnglishLTS73ACADEMICWITH ANSWERSAUTHENTIC EXAMINATION PAPERS上海新航道978-1-108-60420-8 Ac ad emic Stud ents Book with answers with Aud io f or New Oriental Sc hool China reprint ed ition 978-1-108-61941-7 Ac ad emic Stud ents Book with answers with Aud io China reprint ed ition 978-1-108-45049-2 Ac ad emic Stud ents Book with answers 978-1-108-55309-4 Ac ad emic Stud ents Book with answers with Aud io978-1-108-55531-9 General Training Stud ents Book with answers with Aud io China reprint ed ition 978-1-108-45055-3 General Training Stud ents Book with answers 978-1-108-55319-3 General Training Stud ents Book with answers with Aud io 978-1-108-45067-6 Aud io CDs(2)The publ ishers have no responsibil ity f or the persistenc e or ac c urac y of URL s f or external or third-party internet websites ref erred to in this publ ic ation,and d o not guarantee that any c ontent on suc h websites is,or wil l remain,ac c urate or appropriate.Inf ormation regard ing pric es,travel timetabl es,and other f ac tual inf ormation given in this work is c orrec t at the time of f irst printing but the publ ishers d o not guarantee the ac c urac y of suc h inf ormation thereaf ter.Cambridge University Presswww.c ambrid ge.org/el tCambridge Assessment Englishwww.c ambrid geengl ish.orgInf ormation on this titl e:www.c ambrid ge.org/9781108450492 Cambrid ge University Press and UCL ES 2018It is normal l y nec essary f or written permission f or c opying to be obtained in advance f rom a publ isher.The sample answer sheets at the bac k of this book are d esigned to be c opied and d istributed in c lass.The normal requirements are waived here and it is not nec essary to write to Cambrid ge University Press f or permission f or an ind ivid ual teac her to make c opies f or use within his or her own c lassroom.Onl y those pages that c arry the word ing UCL ES 701 UHBHIBV MIM may be c opied.First publ ished 201820 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in China by CNPIEC Beijing Congreat Printing Co.,L td A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British LibraryISBNISBNISBNISBNISBNISBNISBNISBN上海新航道ContentsIntrod uc tion 4Test 1 10Test 2 32Test 3 54Test 4 76Aud iosc ripts 97L istening and Read ing Answer KeysSample answers f or Writing tasksSample answer sheets 136Ac knowled gements 1401181263上海新航道IntroductionThe International English L anguage Testing System(IEL TS)is wid el y rec ognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of c and id ates who need to stud y or work where English is the language of c ommunic ation.These Prac tic e Tests are d esigned to give f uture IEL TS c and id ates an id ea of whether their English is at the required level.IEL TS is owned by three partners:Cambrid ge English L anguage Assessment,part of the University of Cambrid ge;the British Counc il;IDP Ed uc ation Pty L imited (through its subsid iary c ompany,IEL TS Austral ia Pty L imited).Further inf ormation on IEL TS c an be f ound on the IEL TS website www.ielts.org.WHAT IS THE TEST FORMAT?IEL TS c onsists of f our c omponents.All c and id ates take the same L istening and Speaking tests.There is a c hoic e of Read ing and Writing tests ac c ord ing to whether a c and id ate is taking the Ac ad emic or General Training mod ule.AcademicFor c and id ates wishing to stud y at und ergrad uate or postgrad uate levels,and f or those seeking prof essional registration.General TrainingFor c and id ates wishing to migrate to an English-speaking c ountry(Australia,Canad a,New Zealand,UK),and f or those wishing to train or stud y at below d egree level.The test c omponents are taken in the f ollowing ord er:Listening4 sec tions,40 items,approximately 3G minutesAcademic ReadingGeneral Training Reading3 sec tions,40 itemsor3 sec tions,40 items60 minutes60 minutesAcademic WritingGeneral Training Writing2 tasksor2 tasks60 minutesSpeaking1 1 to 14 minutesTotal Test Time2 hours 44 minutes60 minutes4上海新航道IntroductionACADEMIC TEST FORMAT L isteningThis test c onsists of f our sec tions,eac h with ten questions.The f irst two sec tions are c onc erned with soc ial need s.The f irst sec tion is a c onversation between two speakers and the sec ond sec tion is a monologue.The f inal two sec tions are c onc erned with situations related to ed uc ational or training c ontexts.The third sec tion is a c onversation between up to f our people and the f ourth sec tion is a monologue.A variety of question types is used,inc lud ing:multiple c hoic e,matc hing,plan/map/d iagram labelling,f orm c ompletion,note c ompletion,table c ompletion,f low-c hart c ompletion,summary c ompletion,sentenc e c ompletion and short-answer questions.Cand id ates hear the rec ord ing onc e only and answer the questions as they listen.Ten minutes are allowed at the end f or c and id ates to transf er their answers to the answer sheet.ReadingThis test c onsists of three sec tions with 40 questions.There are three texts,whic h are taken f rom journals,books,magazines and newspapers.The texts are on topic s of general interest.At least one text c ontains d etailed logic al argument.A variety of question types is used,inc lud ing:multiple c hoic e,id entif ying inf ormation(True/False/Not Given),id entif ying the writers views/c laims(Yes/No/Not Given),matc hing inf ormation,matc hing head ings,matc hing f eatures,matc hing sentenc e end ings,sentenc e c ompletion,summary c ompletion,note c ompletion,table c ompletion,f low-c hart c ompletion,d iagram label c ompletion and short-answer questions.WritingThis test c onsists of two tasks.It is suggested that c and id ates spend about 20 minutes on Task 1,whic h requires them to write at least 150 word s,and 40 minutes on Task 2,whic h requires them to write at least 250 word s.Task 2 c ontributes twic e as muc h as Task 1 to the Writing sc ore.Task 1 requires c and id ates to look at a d iagram or some d ata(in a graph,table or c hart)and to present the inf ormation in their own word s.They are assessed on their ability to organise,present and possibly c ompare d ata,and are required to d esc ribe the stages of a proc ess,d esc ribe an objec t or event,or explain how something works.In Task 2,c and id ates are presented with a point of view,argument or problem.They are assessed on their abil ity to present a solution to the problem,present and justif y an opinion,c ompare and c ontrast evid enc e and opinions,and to evaluate and c hallenge id eas,evid enc e or arguments.Cand id ates are also assessed on their ability to write in an appropriate style.More inf ormation on assessing the Writing test,inc lud ing Writing assessment c riteria(public version),is available on the IEL TS website.5上海新航道IntroductionSpeakingThis test takes between 1 1 and 14 minutes and is c ond uc ted by a trained examiner.There are three parts:P artiThe c and id ate and the examiner introd uc e themselves.Cand id ates then answer general questions about themselves,their home/f amily,their job/stud ies,their interests and a wid e range of similar f amiliar topic areas.This part lasts between f our and f ive minutes.Part 2The c and id ate is given a task c ard with prompts and is asked to talk on a partic ular topic.The c and id ate has one minute to prepare and they c an make some notes if they wish,bef ore speaking f or between one and two minutes.The examiner then asks one or two questions on the same topic.Part 3The examiner and the c and id ate engage in a d isc ussion of more abstrac t issues whic h are thematic ally linked to the topic in Part 2.The d isc ussion lasts between f our and f ive minutes.The Speaking test assesses whether c and id ates c an c ommunic ate ef f ec tively in English.The assessment takes into ac c ount Fluenc y and Coherenc e,L exic al Resourc e,Grammatic al Range and Ac c urac y,and Pronunc iation.More inf ormation on assessing the Speaking test,inc lud ing Speaking assessment c riteria(public version),is available on the IEL TS website.上海新航道IntroductionHOW IS IELTS SCORED?IEL TS results are reported on a nine-band sc ale.In ad d ition to the sc ore f or overall language ability,IEL TS provid es a sc ore in the f orm of a prof ile f or eac h of the f our skil ls(L istening,Read ing,Writing and Speaking).These sc ores are also reported on a nine-band sc ale.All sc ores are rec ord ed on the Test Report Form along with d etails of the c and id ates nationality,f irst language and d ate of birth.Eac h Overall Band Sc ore c orrespond s to a d esc riptive statement whic h gives a summary of the English language ability of a c and id ate c lassif ied at that level.The nine band s and their d esc riptive statements are as f ollows:9 Expert User-H as fully operational command of the language:appropriate,accurate and fluent with complete understanding.8 Very Good User-H as fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies.Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations.H andles complex detailed argumentation well.7 Good User-H as operational command of the language,though with occasional inaccuracies,inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations.Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.6 Competent User 一 H as generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies,inappropriacies and misunderstandings.Can use and understand fairly complex language,particularly in familiar situations.5 Modest User-H as partial command of the language,coping with overall meaning in most situations,though is likely to make many mistakes.Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.4 Limited User-Basic competence is limited to familiar situations.H as frequent problems in understanding and expression.Is not able to use complex language.3 Extremely Limited User-Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations.Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.2 Intermittent User-No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs.H as great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.1 Non User-Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.0 Did not attempt the test 一 No assessable information provided.7上海新航道IntroductionL istening and ReadingThe Answer Keys are on pages 118-125.Eac h question in the L istening and Read ing tests is worth one mark.Questions which require letter/R oman numeral answers For questions where the answers are letters or Roman numerals,you should write only the number of answers required.For example,if the answer is a single letter or numeral you should write only one answer.If you have written more letters or numerals than are required,the answer must be marked wrong.Questions which require answers in the form of words or numbers Answers may be written in upper or lower c ase.Word s in brac kets are optional-they are c orrec t,but not nec essary.Alternative answers are separated by a slash(/).If you are asked to write an answer using a c ertain number of word s and/or(a)number(s),you will be penalised if you exc eed this.For example,if a question spec if ies an answer using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and the c orrec t answer is blac k l eather c oat,the answer c oat of blac k leather,is incorrect.In questions where you are expec ted to c omplete a gap,you should only transf er the nec essary missing word(s)onto the answer sheet.For example,to c omplete in the where the c orrec t answer is morning1,the answer in the morning1 would be incorrect.All answers require c orrec t spelling(inc lud ing word s in brac kets).Both US and UK spelling are ac c eptable and are inc lud ed in the Answer Key.All stand ard alternatives f or numbers,d ates and c urrenc ies are ac c eptable.All stand ard abbreviations are ac c eptable.You will f ind ad d itional notes about ind ivid ual answers in the Answer Key.WritingThe sample answers are on pages 126-135.It is not possible f or you to give yourself a markf or the Writing tasks.We have provid ed sample answers(written by c and id ates),showingtheir sc ore and the examiners c omments.These sample answers will give you an insightinto what is required f or the Writing test.MARKING THE PRACTICE TESTS8上海新航道IntroductionHOW SHOULD YOU INTERPRET YOUR SCORES?At the end of eac h L istening and Read ing Answer Key you will f ind a c hart whic h will help you assess whether,on the basis of your Prac tic e Test results,you are read y to take the IEL TS test.In interpreting your sc ore,there are a number of points you should bear in mind.Your perf ormanc e in the real IEL TS test will be reported in two ways:there will be a Band Sc ore f rom 1 to 9 f or eac h of the c omponents and an Overall Band Sc ore f rom 1 to 9,whic h is the average of your sc ores in the f our c omponents.However,institutions c onsid ering your applic ation are ad vised to look at both the Overall Band Sc ore and the Band s f or eac h c omponent in ord er to d etermine whether you have the language skil ls need ed f or a partic ular c ourse of stud y.For example,if your c ourse involves a lot of read ing and writing,but no lec tures,listening skil ls might be less important and a sc ore of 5 in L istening might be ac c eptable if the Overall Band Sc ore was 7.However,f or a c ourse whic h has lots of lec tures and spoken instruc tions,a sc ore of 5 in L istening might be unac c eptable even though the Overall Band Sc ore was 7.Onc e you have marked your tests,you should have some id ea of whether your listening and read ing skil ls are good enough f or you to try the IEL TS test.If you d id well enough in one c omponent,but not in others,you will have to d ec id e f or yourself whether you are read y to take the test.The Prac tic e Tests have been c hec ked to ensure that they are of approximately the same level of d if f ic ulty as the real IEL TS test.However,we c annot guarantee that your sc ore in the Prac tic e Tests will be ref lec ted in the real IEL TS test.The Prac tic e Tests c an only give you an id ea of your possible f uture perf ormanc e and it is ultimately up to you to make d ec isions based on your sc ore.Dif f erent institutions ac c ept d if f erent IEL TS sc ores f or d if f erent types of c ourses.We have based our rec ommend ations on the average sc ores whic h the majority of institutions ac c ept.The institution to whic h you are applying may,of c ourse,require a higher or lower sc ore than most other institutions.Further informationFor more inf ormation about IEL TS or any other Cambrid ge English L anguage Assessment examination,write to:Cambrid ge English L anguage

