Part I Writing r-o:ffil.li1tffltttJt-RUUI:,511:fii:lm:l11=1tlUUtlfl,t:.,-tom I I I-I A Proposal for the Speech Contest:,-,-r-o;ffi2.liA1l-fflnilt11=lt(J(J13:11-ffl ttmtffl,iJt!Yi:!lOfiiJf&:o J I -I I,-,I I I -Oi ffi3&ti/iJUt-x.Jffi;IJWlo l-A Proposal for the Speech Contest Dear Sir or Madam,(ll In the current global context,the abllity to tell Cldnese stories in English is?y important.Therefore,as a junior,I propose that(2 a college-wide English speech contest with the topic of Chinese Wisdom should be held(3 J The suaested details are as follows.(4 J First of all,undergraduates are eligible for the contest and graduates,if necessary,should be organized in a different group.(5 Next,two sessions should be included in the contest:the 3-minute prepared speech and a 2-minute impromptu speech based on the topic assigned right after the prepared speech.Such an arrangement is to check not only the content,pronunciation,eloquence,but also the response capacity of the contestants.(6 Finally,it is of great importance to have a panel from the ESL(English as Second Language)faculty as judges and among all contestants,six are awarded,with one champion,one first runner-up,one second runner-up and three honorable mentions.(7 Im looking forward to the activity and sincerely hope that my proposal will be adopted.i!iiJj:Yours sincerely,Li Ming logic-u1 11-ffllltl-ttff:J:,sl w,tttJI-Ji 1 a 1rJ ftUIUJUi iilt:/ff II Mc (2-II di 4S 3:g tlil-lilt itW.(3J:Jf:!rttA1l-fflA;,.(4!Jij First of all sl tflffi;IJffi-1$il:-f-W!Bftlf.&ffl*(5-ftij Next 51 tfl ffi;IJffi=-t-iJ,ttJHAtffl*JFil ii:I.(6-tJ:ij Finally 51 iliffi;IJffi.:1;,fllffi.ijl*titfl?Sl.l7l tam:i5J$fi.11t7Xm;1JWJ*#11 Ii:!B ll!it*.critical thinking tltt:EMUl strategies and skills tt:l.5 round(ltW),f.u.preliminary contest fJJW award presentation ceremony Hfi;!IIHL 2021.12/38(jfi 2;ff)微信公众号:英语四六级真题win the first/second prize-!-=candidate 32il.A.jury(-(S)itJ_v competition 1:t,it-Part Listening Comprehension Section A Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard(l)A 22-year-old Chinese woman who suffered from a persistent cough was shocked to learn that she had a piece of chicken bone lodged in her lung.The unnamed woman,from the province of Shandong,started to have coughing problems when she was 7 or 8 years old.For 14 years,she made numerous hospital visits.However,no doctor could identify any problem.Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery.Finally,the woman got a full body scan at a hospital in the city of Qingdao.This special medical procedure revealed she had a chicken bone stuck in her lung.(2)Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone.The simple procedure went smoothly and the woman has recovered fully.With the bone finally removed from her lung,the woman is very happy that she no longer suffers from that annoying cough.1.What was the womans problem?B)ffffil-$1-;li!i.ffi rig 3f:JdiIJ,-uI.22 tm*-.-T(S!iii$.l!i.lftRJ,*lRtm1fi1.lit,*B).2.How was the womans problem eventually solved?C)ffffil-$1-;li!i.ffirig!l!iJ,l!:l:1-f-*#7*!ili$(S.*.lit.*C).Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.(3-1)A white sheep named Prickles that ran away from an Australian farm during the 2013 bushfires,recently returned home.According to farmer Alice Gray,Prickles was only a lamb when she ran away.The bushfires that hit the area back then destroyed a large part of her familys massive property.They thought Prickles had died in the fire.But instead,(3-2)the young sheep escaped into a 200-acre forest near the farm.Once the fires were over,(4)the family had to fix the damage done to the farm,as it was such a large property.This included rebuilding about 50 kilometers of fencing.It was this huge fencing that prevented Prickles from finding her way back.Over the years,the family spotted her a few times.They even recorded her with cameras installed to monitor deer activity.But while they knew Prickles was alive,they couldnt find her and never expected her to return by herself.Seven years later,they were proven wrong.-3.What does the news report say about the white sheep Prickles?D)fflff)$ffirilJ!.jrrig-iJ,-,R.P4tf-.!E 1lWrtms-.$2013&tmLA*)E,R.1J$IJTi!itm*_m 2;1.lft,*D).4.What did the family do after the bushfires?A)fflffil$ffi1111i!i.ffirig rftiJ,:k!l 微信公众号:英语四六级真题8.Why does the man have his conversation with the woman recorded?B)UlllffiJ 1:Ht;ff lt.W.sit-lJ_JmiJlJ_Jm1;1-f!.:iF:;1!:ilto;I -I I,-I I -O:ffi3E!:ffi1:fl-ffiT lt.W.lJ_J*JElllffllo I I I-I I I:,-,L-0:ffi4E!:fl-ffi T;.t lt.IElJ_Jvflifl 0:-ii.I:D)emergence l:f:l,H;H)position:l&il;il;I)precision ffllife(ji),ltlife(tt);K)quality:lb,Ii;L)scarcity:iF,._,ffi:,ffij;M)senior tit 4.-fHt9.A.i#J ii.I:A)captured ffi#*E,Jlt-J.ill:11(A*;ff1l!Slll9,lit Jltlife L)scarcity o 29.(,al mtRmo H)(ffijt,Jifil-mf;fW social,f.Jft-Eil:11iAIIJ o J.ill:11iAlffJ o(i.itJl.,iJllil*1Dli:mi,5 tt.W.ll9t:S:lffl(i.if Jl.,.Jlrl*1Dli:icm,i1:;i!lit;l!_:is:89:1616 4.4 23 S 0 however-fflE89f _;fik:iF;l!:ilt,lffi-1-.l.t1ii ffe1r*1iJ-qmfffii!ft1J 895 t.W.89A ffli.A.89JLr o lit:fr%ffiill9 noble the son of a-U:1:f:11:.S:lffl:iFaJJWnltx-1 tto mwt&,tt.W.leather trader AJ,:i!WfffiltjlilljlitJ 89tt:l&2021.12/44 JTffi:JtOO-X.HJJJi J:f=tftUIIXtlflla.Rif B)classical,itiiAX,liJJltflW;t B)classical.32.al-tJft/rffl.M)iiJ!Jlrl:s!mftrifWWtt!lto.ft his,m!Jlt:s!mliilJIA-t.ilSl.J!Jlil.2fs:1U;lt:fi&Rif.t:k,18#a.t Tltfi&_.A#ffl -.liJ1ij;(tey.Jltffl -lt81t*:e.1t QA#.mi51t.!IEJlta.t 18#,Nrffl .-J.iilMlt51t.!IE.*A#,liJJltfftW M)senior.33.al-tJft/rffl.D)ilJ!Jlrl:s!mftrif-tJB&m Shakespeares,mi Jtt:s!mliilJIA-t ilSl.Jlrl,2fs:1ijjf:50CJJSJJatllJ 16 tttta 90 tttJJ5 lt.!IE:tEMIJ*_ z AffJ-xNr.fflX:kjf,A ff181t.!IE:tE-tzmm11r It$mi:tEJlt z ft!z lf 1,-Nr -a.t mm:l!8 1t.!IE-tzmr,f81.11t:s!mliilJ.a A-$if tf:IJJl!;t:Jl-t,1E JltfaW D)emergence.34.al Jftlrlli.A)lilJ111r1 t1r1UrNfey,:s!mNr:t1:1Ur tR1fflffi.Jtt:s!mliilJIA.ilSl.J!Jlrl.2fs:1Uil:tE 20$a.t.m.f1&m-sn*m._ AmM ffi*.-&t:l!,51tX*IB:e.ltM TAMffi*Jtt:s!mliilJIA-$1fIB.MJl.liJ JltfeW A)captured.35.al-tJftlrffl.I)iiJ!Jlrl:s!mftr1fJl!f a,m!Jlt:s!mliil JIA-t.lt1Sl.11r1.2fl:1Urt=:tE 20$a.t.m.fi&m-sn*4-*-fntatffl.-TAmMffi*.2fs:1U:1!5 1t.!IE lib W 1ft.that remains sharp today:I!iJ 5 1t.!IEMA*M*n 5:t.fiBni:t:l!+,rufft,m1.11t:s!mliil JlA-$1f1lfB;f;iJl-t,liJ JltflW;t I)precision.*Jtfi&-tfmffi sharp f!J t81Jlt1 0 Afrliii-A,ffijcmMrJ*ffiff AJ!tlt 5 lt.!IEr 1564.4 J 23 8 tllTXfiiJIBfffi ffl.fil;N;eyfm:iliktllfftWBM.IBH,fi&r 4 JJ 26 B 311:ffl;,:tEJI.JLfillif;Z ft!,)l#ffi.=:*.mi,51t.!IE?Et:a M:l!fAW:il:1616 4 JJ 23 a.f1&$52#,.=:.ftril!Jffi-1im1-1f MIJt5 lt.!IEEif 38 WMIHJf-MJtjjf!_t:e.Jttlr,filrfi&ffl JL3R1f Ii#,0 IBrn,.JE.IEfiBttjf!I)ii,f1B:ft1.!Ja,mi-Bl1fi.1DiAJLr 0 tplt.!IEeyfmgtfffi-x.:tE!l!fi&JTffi:JtOOiiAx.fi&Rif.t:k.18#a.tT ltfi&:kl.ffl -.fi&ff11f ll9r,iY.m50C.lffilJJa*tl!J:ffi*il!lffi.50C.lffil JJatll l6tt!:ta 9o tttJJ51t.!IE:tE*SAff1-xNr.:tE 20$a.t.m.f1Bm-sn*4-*-fntatffl.fBll:Jll!fT Amfflffi*iE:mtffi:kliila.tftff AffiMIJ*Nr:fi&JB&r-a.tft,miJB&ril:i&.2021.12/45 aJ:t.us#ilm111*)tJt;i.t7 tliiiJ.5!1-1-Mltl9.A.,xil uslffltl9-&fl!IJUttt:17-t!U&o C):AL B)mtllm9nlt:/5,i1.i,1:-1-AjNfx!MJ,ITOflaJ)d:l:tl:iEAffiftJ!:-:ifl!o:-c(C)D)i!:ctfFi!faJfJJj5lx;f-f:!mMtEi!Sift:lt14J!flaJ,W,0:I I I I-I,-,-C:EL F)i!:cti31ffl*El:iieJ%11.JHifDY:llfimaJ$1i-ttt.it1?Ri!S:!1iflo;I I I -I I J_0;GL H)i!:cti31ffl*W-t *eJJJl!ii,pfflTiltl,t:.,fmit-1-A:!4:o I I-:,-,-ci I)ffltll.fla)J.ttttJl.fi;!t;filt!t;fmi:o:,_ _ _,I:,-,:c:1)-L)ai!:ctsl m:n1t!$1raJ1ilfJlJ11!.ill:T*ttfijjf Pfii!f,itxtJJit m;i-:B,J:x;fJJ3t*jfiaf1tJf;,i,1:-1-J.:ftffl,flo:-:,-,-C:M)&xrXilHf,g,ia.ffitllx;ft!J.Jl:00-J.EaJ-ttt.itj!J,A.x;f Bo,_ _ _,36.(f:y:)Eh i!I-=f IP aJ Pirson,ordinary things;ffl miraculously interesting J.EftJJ F)ffi.=.,lm1U o B)(ffiffil 11m:ffl.J.Eur1Utf!1J,:tlll*1$X51 mrntl.AeJM1L-jlj,AaJris.$-ti1i,lf A ffi r ff iJt P aJ l;f-1.i!I-=f i:p aJ stimulate others curiosity x;j Eillm:t i:p aJ arouse someones curiosity,i!I-=fi:paJ make their life enjoyable x;ffiil J6tj(i:paJ brighten someones day,1t(B).F)lffiffil FitJJli!I.J.Eur1Uit!JJ,Et:iii-Ax 1MlaJ$ffi11Tfm-JLmx!MJ mf:JMIVJaJjt.i!I-=f i:p aJ ordinary things x;f Eil 1m)(ip a boring things,i!I-=f i:p aJ miraculously x;f Eil 1m X i:p aJ miracles,1&F).37.(f:y:)Eh i!I-=f i:p aJ listen to the other party;ffl attentively J.EftJJ J)ffi-=1U.J)(ffiffil FitJJli!I.J.Eur1Uif!1J,JH!l!it1?Ri!S JJ$.*ttllfi-aJ-*ili-=f i:p aJ To make a conversation interesting x;f Eillm)(!:pa having a conversation thats interesting to both parties,i!I-=f i:p aJ listen to the other party attentively x;f fiillm:t i:p aJ Paying attention to the listener,1&J)38.(f:y:)Ehi!I-=fi:paJ stimulate others curiosity I),:&.make their life enjoyable J.Eft!J B)mffi-=1U.39.(f:y:)Eh i!I-=f i:p aJ certain unique qualities;ffl a TV program producer J.EftJJ Dffi-=1U.I)(ffiffil 11 Ja i!I.J.E ft 1U tf!1J,-ft it!11 fFAiA-1-ffeJAff-1-fflaJtteJ.x;f-!t;fJ.Eftffl.i!I-=f IP aJ a TV program producer x;f Eil 1m X i:p aJ she,ill Mt mf X IP if!J aJ Television veteran Audrey Morrissey,executive producer of NBCs The Voice,i!I-=fi:paJ certain unique qualities x;ffiil J6t)(i:paJ individuality f),:&_r-1U1PeJAflil:Having a strong point of view,signature style,or being a super-enthusiast in a particular field,1&2021.12/46 Cffi 2)微信公众号:英语四六级真题*D.40.flLJ Ea:fm-=flF(i(J Be interested-in others.&they are sure to be interested in you&JIJ M)&mim-tu.M)5ffil IPJJltHt:tm.&-tuil!JIJ,flkA*ili-,flkfrJ-tl!-fPJ-ft-*ili-.:fm-=f IF(i(J Be interested in others x,j J.ill.I Jt IF(i(J Show some interest in them,:fm-=f IF(i(J they are sure to be interested in you J.ill.MJt IF(i(J they will definitely show some in you,Uc1lf M).41.flLJ Ea:fm-=f IF(i(J The author,himself,usually ffl good at conducting conversations&JIJ C)&=-tu.C)Ulffil ffil13fiM.&-tuJIJ,fl:#i-A B-t-IUl i?R(l(J A.Di-=f IF(l(J The author ffi himself J.ill.fflJt1F(i(J I,M-=f IF(l(J usually JJ.ill.ffl.Jt IF(l(J Ordinarily,R-=f IF(i(J good at conducting conversations j J.ill.I Jt IF(i(J a good conversationalist,Uc1lf*C).42.flLJ EaR-=flF(i(J Interesting people,always ffi full of curiosity&JIJ G)&JU-11.G)ffffil jRjj(R.&-tuJIJ,:fi(l(JA.1t:flf,i:.,.R-=f IF(i(J Interesting people j J.ill.M Jt IF(i(J People who are interesting,R-=f IF(i(J always x,j J.ill.MJt IF(i(J persistently,M-=f IF(i(J full of curiosity t J.ill.MJt IF(i(J curious,Uc1lt;t G)43.flLJ Ea R-=f IF(i(J Falling into a routine ffi an utter bore&JIJ A)J1iffili1U.A)Ultffil laJJlR.&-tuJIJ,:l:trllJilt:ft#xll.M-=f1F(i(J Falling into a routine J.ill.MJt1Fif(J too much of a routine,lfi-=f IF(i(J an utter bore x,j J.ill J Jt IF(i(J make you incredibly boring,Uc1lt;t A).44.flLJ Ea M-=f IF(i(J One strategy,a good conversationalist ffl motivate your partner to tell their own stories&JIJ K)&:ll.1-11.K)(ffffil iRJJlli.&1Uil!JIJ,JUf!iUA.M r-ijl,iJ:iUA.it:ft-ft-t-ili tf(J-t?R tic 1,-t-j!tlfitiJ:JIJA.i?RflkfrJ B.lfi-=flF if()a good conversationalist J.ill.M Jt IF if()you re a sparkling conversation partner,li!i-=f IF(l(J motivate your partner to tell their own stories J.ill.ffiJt1F(i(J get others to talk about themselves,U(1lf;t K).45.flLJ Ea li!i-=f IF(i(J Interesting as it might appear,a made-up conversation ffl dull&JIJ E)&ffi-11.E)Dlffil iRJJlB.&1Uil!JIJ,Jm:fi A.iEtE!liHi-tl!ilF lt:fitf(J,-flll:flf tf(J:.M-=f lF(i(J Interesting as it might appear JJ.ill.fflJt IF(i(J might be interesting,R-=f IF if()a made-up conversation t J.ill.ffl Jt IF(i(J making up some conversation,B-=f IF if()dull t J.ill.ffl Jt IF(i(J not going to land well,Uc1lf*E).1mfiiJJlffl:iF,cJMI A)AJJffltf(JF!fw.frra:Jl.3L.-#*E.mf1111tiJ:B.1:;IJfli!J:i!-m.a 11t 11tt1:m WJ-tt-*ktff:9J-:i!-:niiil:#:fi m.43)m.:ctr kl-&il:-ft-ft#11tx11.mi,ll A.:l:t#xll(l(JiiJ.ffiffld tf(J ffl,9.l-WWIS1;J 11!11:flf J:flf(l(J ffl.B)i#.,:fi(l(JA.1-fikflJtf(JJVJIFJ!tdl!.(38):!lll*-ft-xiJl;mJUA.(l(J:flf,i:.,9.l;JBlEIUA.tf(J ffl,-ft-tl!i.lfA.Mr:fi R.(tJttf(Jfl:I.ffii*-#-ft-tf(JfflitJltJf,mi-ft-3cfiffMlf*E.:-ft-B1ll*Z1-.r:i!-*-iJ:ll*J!)ffl(l(J1J.C):11:ilc,;(Effi iRJtf(J-?XJiIF,fl A.fiilft,-ft-;ff a1Jft 2,.flirt if()11 Ill?(41)ii#*Yt,fti-A.-t-llfttf(J A.$i;,(l(J I fl:it A.3c111i:,Ytflkfl1 tf(JU(.9.,lt jflkflJ tf()Jti.Sl.i*-txfiliffllJ(l(J fiilli!i O Pl-iJ:ftlj!J tf(JJJt ffij1lf ffili(l(J-*JL tf(JffUJtffi!W.&JtJri-t-.t.-(l(Jilffi PU(l(Jli!J-tEi-RlxJt tf(JR.2021.12/47(ffi 2)微信公众号:英语四六级真题D)lM!,-1PE,JIG B ffl,JclMJ T?ffiitl tt:i2Dl,$lt,$i!iJi,-fllt J(.aJjJ:i:-.;%:f:ftffJ aJ)Jj *1tf1!.AJ!i!3l.JdHf:ftffJ ffl,1fIW1J:.it.ftx-tr-1 a%.$1:.715 9-tr-Ji$If 1W Jls it ffi.tE:k!Jm9HJlJ!1ft,ffl-aJ$!f,il1if$.qll;i!,mH.f:ftW*J!:bnx.E)iJFMJtmff:,*ffl,tl:ffl.ffi.A tt1tfJ.!l!aJlt,$iliJi:(45)1!D*1f AiEtE:ii-if1if ltiff aJ-m,-1-1f1!:M-IW*.:ft.3UA-flltJtfr:iiaJX-t-maJ.%,A ffJ-1-llt:bn A 1Jx-f-m9.F):fil;fIWA#-1:JlJIM*,flr#J,f!lfz:bt*t!G ftaJA.lt,$i!&,ffl&,f1!.ff1:J1$tN,-tr-JI$!f?l/aJ A.36)f1!.iJi:Ji 1/t*iJi,JcJMJ aJ$1 AJ!-/4UL il1-1 JclMJ.il1 if B ffJ il1F _tf1!1J aJit.fflft-X-tr JlJ lllttt 3l ff:.%.$lli*-ft-llfr 1J aJ;(faJt&$!ilGft-li tJJ 1W$lf-,ft-AJ 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2ft7-tf$Ttttr9o ftki-A,J.itzHEJWJtl j r-0 I m,:i!lf.l!bfll!ilY HEM A:i!Bl:eslkl:liJf!lJ!itJ!,.#-lf.l!brftk ffHi?:.lli(fi 11 I I*)t:ftffl7tt:x-1