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2016 大学 英语四 答案 解析
2016 年 6 月大学英语四级考试真题(第三套)解析 Part I Writing【参考范文】June 18,2016 Dear Mom and Dad,I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for your many years of selfless love and support.I want to let you know how much I love you and how much I appreciate all that you have given me.You support me not only materially but also spiritually.You have always encouraged me no matter how hard the endeavor.When I succeed,both of you are more excited than me,and you never stop motivating me to do better.When I fail,you always encourage me not to give up.Your encouragement is the best incentive for me to move on.Your selfless contribution made it possible for me to pass the college entrance examination with a high score.I cherish the familial affection you have shown me.I will study hard to be a useful person and wont disappoint you.Love,Jenny Part Reading Comprehension Section A【空词预测】第 26、27、31 题填形容词 第 28 题填副词 第 29、30、33、35 题填动词 第 32、34 题填名词 试题解析【话题分类】科技【文章大意】无线电子设备如 iPad 正在越来越多地被应用到医院的诊疗当中,甚至医学院的课程当中,研究显示这些设备的应用有助于改善医生的工作环境,患者也容易了解自己的病情。【答案解析】26.G)growing。此空为名词 popularity 的限定词,应是一个带有形容词性质的词汇,备选项 A,G,L,N 中只有 G 项 growing 符合题意。本句意为:电子医疗记录普及率越来越高。27.A)dependent。此空为 hospital-based doctors 的表语,且后面与介词 on 搭配,在备选项 A,L,N 中只有 A 项 dependent 符合题意。短语 be dependent on sth.意为:依赖。此处意思是医院里的医生一天到晚 依赖电脑。28.C)fast。此句有一个插入语 which keep doctors from besides,其主语为 desktops,谓语为 give away,用了现在进行时。故此空是修饰谓语的,应为副词。备选项 C 和 K 中,C 项 fast 符合题意。此句意思是让医生离开病床的台式机在很快让位于无线设备。29.F)give。此空为动词原形和 had to 搭配。备选项 F 项 give 符合题意。此句意思是随着日常事务的增加,有些事还必须得办。30.H)launch。此空为 a pilot project 的谓语,且前面和 helped 动词搭配,应为动词原形。只有备选项 H 项 launch 符合题意。launch a pilot project 意为:开展实验项目。31.N)successful。此空为 The experiment 的表语,且为 sothat 句型的一部分,B,D,E,L,N 中只有 N 项 successful 符合题意,意思是实验如此成功,以至于。32.I)policy。此空为名词,作 adopted 的宾语。在备选项 I,J,M,O 当中,和 adopted 搭配且符合题意的为选项 I 项 policy,意为:采取相同的策略/做法。33.B)designed。此空为 lab coats 的后置定语,其后为 pockets。因此,lab coats designed with pockets 符合题意,此句中 designed 为过去分词表示被动。34.O)treatments。此空需要一个和 tests 并列的名词,作 got 的宾语。只有备选项 O 项 treatments 符合题意。tests and treatments 意为:检查和治疗。35.E)gained。此空为 patients 的谓语,后面和 a better understanding 搭配,且时态应为过去时。因此备选项 E 项 gained 在语法和意义上与其搭配,意为:有更好的理解。Section B【话题分类】文学与艺术【文章大意】本文介绍了十大黄金法则论希腊哲学的古老智慧对美好生活的影响这本书所传达的古希腊智慧对幸福生活的正面影响,如:审视自己的生活,不要担心自己无法控制的事情,追求真正的快乐,帮助他人等。【考核技能】综合能力 36.According to an ancient Greek philosopher,it is impossible for us to understand every aspect of our life.【正确答案】D【答案解析】题干大意为:根据古希腊哲学家,我们不可能理解生活的每一面。原文 D 段提到:There is a larger plan in life.You are not really going to be able to understand all of the dimensions of this plan(生活有个更大的规划,你不可能真正了解这个规划的所有方面),题干是对该句的同义转换,故本题匹配 D 段。37.Ancient Philosophers saw life in a different light from people of today.【正确答案】B【答案解析】题干大意为:古代哲学家看待生活跟现代人不同。根据原文 B 段最后一句:The nice thing about ancient philosophy as offered by the Greeks is that they tended to see life clear and whole,in a way that we tend not to see life today(好事是,希腊人的古代哲学总是以清晰、完整的思路看待生活,而我们当代人并不这么看生活)。题干与本句意思相符,故本题对应 B 段。38.Not all your business partners are your soul mates.【正确答案】F【答案解析】题干大意为:并非所有的生意伙伴都是你的精神伴侣。根据原文 F 段的描述:Just because I have a business relationship with an individual and I can profit from that relationship,it does not necessarily mean that this person is my friend(仅仅因为我跟某人有生意上的关系,并能从这段关系中受益,并不一 定意味着这个人就是我的朋友),即并非所有的生意伙伴都能发展为真正的友谊,所以本题选 F 段。39.We can live a peaceful life despite the various challenges of the modern world.【正确答案】A【答案解析】题干大意为:尽管现代社会充斥着各种挑战,我们仍然可以过上和平的生活。原文开篇 A 段就对此提出问题:Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars,terrorism,economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases(有 可能在这样一个世界过上和平的生活吗?这个世界日益受到各种威胁和不确定性的挑战:战争、恐怖 主义、经济危机和传染病的蔓延性的爆发)。作者的回答是肯定的:The answer is yes。所以本题选 A 段。40.The doer of a good deed can feel spiritually rewarded even when they gain no concrete benefits.【正确答案】L【答案解析】根据题干中的关键信息:The doer of a good deed 和 concrete benefits 可将答案定位至原文 L 段:Even if there is no concrete benefit paid in response to your good deed,at the very least,the doer of the good deed has the opportunity to enjoy a kind of spiritually enlightened moment(尽管对你的善行没有具体 的回报,但至少,行善之人有机会享受到一种精神受到启发的时刻),所以 L 段符合本题。41.How to achieve mental calmness and contentment is well worth our consideration today.【正确答案】H【答案解析】根据题干中的关键信息:mental,calmness,contentment 和 consider 可将答案定位至原文 H 段:This is something that is very much well worth considering here in the modern era(这是很值得现代人 考虑的事情)。接着作者认为我们没有花足够的时间去专注获得一种安宁,一种心灵和精神的满足感。所以本题与 H 段相匹配。42.Michael Soupios suggests that we should stop and think carefully about our priorities in life.【正确答案】C【答案解析】根据题干中的关键信息:Michael Soupios,stop,think 和 priorities 等词,可将答案定位到原 文 C 段最后一句:stop and reflect about things like our priorities,our values,and our relationships(停下来并 反思下我们的当务之急、价值观和关系等此类事情),题干的 think carefully 对应原文的 reflect,故本题 选 C 段。43.Ancient philosophers strongly advise that we do good.【正确答案】K【答案解析】根据题干关键词 do good 可将答案定位到副标题为 Do good to others 的段落。本题题干 大意是:古代哲学家强烈建议我们行善事。在此部分的 K 段第一句提到:ancient wisdom urges us to do good(古老智慧竭力主张我们行善事),很显然,本题与 K 段相匹配。44.The wise teachings of ancient Greek thinkers are timeless,and are applicable to contemporary life.【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题题干大意为:古希腊哲学家的智慧教义是无限的,并同样适用于当代的生活。由题 干关键词 timeless 可将答案定位到原文 B 段的第一句:The wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers is timeless(古希腊哲学家的智慧是无限的),第二句:it is as relevant today as when it was first written many centuries ago(它在今天和在数世纪以前第一次写出时一样的中肯),所以本题匹配 B 段。45.Do harm to others and you do harm to yourself.【正确答案】J【答案解析】本题题干大意为:伤人伤己。根据原文 L 段:when you hurt another human being,you hurt yourself(当你伤害他人时,你也伤害了自己)。题干的 do harm to 与原文的 hurt 同义,所以本题与 J 段 匹配。Section C Passage One【话题分类】科技【话题分类】价值观念【文章大意】本文针对无人驾驶汽车进行了讨论,调查证明对无人驾驶汽车态度的不同跟年龄关系不大,学历、地域等因素会对其产生影响。46.【正确答案】D【考核技能】缘由结果【答案解析】根据原文第一段首句:Attitudes toward new technologies often fall along generational lines(对 待新科技的态度往往沿着年龄线而分),即不同的年龄群体对待新科技的反应不同,所以本题 D 项正确。47.【正确答案】A【考核技能】态度信息【答案解析】原文第二段提到:When you look at attitudes toward driverless cars,there doesnt seem to be a clear generational divide(对待无人驾驶汽车的态度,似乎并没有很明显的年龄划分),这与 A 项表达完 全相符,所以本题选 A。48.【正确答案】B【考核技能】缘由结果【答案解析】本题问为什么无人驾驶汽车受到老年人的欢迎,原文第四段对此给出了解释:Older adults,especially those with limited mobility or difficulty driving on their own,are one of the classic use cases for driverless cars(尤其对那些行动受限或者自己开车困难的老年人而言,他们会是无人驾驶汽车的经典 用户),B 项符合原文的解释,故选 B。49.【正确答案】A【考核技能】缘由结果【答案解析】本题问什么原因最可能影响对待无人驾驶汽车的态度;原文第六段和第七段概述了影响无 人驾驶汽车的态度:第六段提到了教育程度;而第七段提到的是:Where a person lives matters,too(一 个人住哪里也会有影响)。选项中 A 项符合其中一个因素,所以本题选 A。50.【正确答案】C【考核技能】主要人物【答案解析】根据答案顺序原则,可将答案优先定位至尾段,根据最后一句:Once driverless cars are actually available for sale,the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them(一旦无人驾驶汽 车真的上市,那么早期的购买者会是那些有支付能力的人),故本题 C 选项 The wealthy(富人)正确。Passage Two【话题分类】健康【文章大意】本篇文章主要讲述了工业革命前后人们饮食习惯的不同,工业化之前的饮食习惯是全部家 庭成员一起吃。随着工业化的出现,不仅食品数量、品种变得越来越丰富,也更加有营养。51.【正确答案】C【考核技能】主旨大意【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 pre-industrial Europe 可将答案定位至第一段。根据 Ken Albala 对这一 段时期生活的描述(youd want to wake up early,start working with the sunrise,have a break to have the largest meal,and then youd go back to work.Later,at 5 or 6,youd have a smaller supper)可推知,人们根 据自然规律调整饮食作息,故选 C。52.【正确答案】B【考核技能】观点意见【答案解析】由题干的关键词 Professor Carole Counihan,以及所描述的时期pre-industrial Europe。由此 可将答案定位在文章第二段。Carole Counihan 说:Meals are the foundation of the family(饭是家庭的基 石)。B 项是对原文的转述。53.【正确答案】D【考核技能】语义理解【答案解析】第三段提到:Since industrialization,maintaining such a slow cultural metabolism has been much harder(自从工业化以来,保持这样一种慢的“文化代谢”非常困难),下面进一步补充:with the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand(午餐的用餐 习惯变成了吃盒饭或到食品摊上买着吃),由此可知 cultural metabolism 指的是生活节奏,故选 D。54.【正确答案】B【考核技能】观点意见【答案解析】第三段提到:Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greater variety and quantity,including a tremendous increase in the amount of animal protein and dairy products available,making us more vigorous than our ancestors(由现代技术生产和运输的食物,品种多样,数量增加,动物蛋白和乳制品丰 富,使得我们与祖先相比,更有活力),由此可知现代科技提供了品种多样、数量充足、有营养的食物,人们的饮食发生了变化,B 项是对原文的概括。55.【正确答案】A【考核技能】观点意见【答案解析】根据题干的关键词 Italians of the old day 可将答案锁定在最后一段,文中提到:but it was also a joy to prepare and eat,由此可知人们喜欢做饭的过程也喜欢吃饭,故推知答案为 A。Part Translation【参考译文】Wuzhen,an ancient watertown in Zhejiang Province,is located on the riverside of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.It is a charming place with many ancient bridges,Chinese-style hotels and restaurants.In the past 1,000 years,the water system and the lifestyle there changed little,and the town is thus a museum of ancient civilization.All the houses of Wuzhen are made of stone and wood.Over hundreds of years,the locals have built houses and markets along the river.Many beautiful and spacious courtyards are hidden among the houses,offering the tourists surprises everywhere they go.

