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2016.06 英语六级 考试 解析
2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题精析(第二套)Part IWriting【范文】With the development of technology,robots are playing an increasingly important part in industry and ourdaily lives and when it comes to the role of robots,opinions vary from person to person.Some hold that the useof more and more robots will lead to greater productivity and facilitate our life,while others are concerned aboutthe potential unemployment crisis it may cause.As far as Im concerned,we should embrace the progress of science and technology that will certainlybenefit humans tremendously.For one thing,these intelligent devices will lay a solid foundation for improvingindustrial efficiency,which to a large extent promotes the development of economy and society.For another,robots can liberate people from tiring household chores and dangerous work,making life much easier and morecomfortable.It cannot be denied that some specific jobs will be eliminated and structural unemployment willoccur,but technological progress actually creates new job opportunities as well.There is no doubt that the wide use of robots has brought about many changes in peoples life and it willcontinue to make an impact.What we should keep in mind is that we should give full play to human wisdom andtake advantage of technological advancement in a wise way instead of becoming too dependent on it.【译文】随着技术的发展,机器人在工业和我们的日常生活中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。当谈及机器人的作用时,人们的观,点各异。一些人认为越来越多地使用机器人会使生产力提高,我们的生活会更便捷,而另一些人则担心这可能会造成潜在的失业危机。在我看来,我们应该拥抱科技的进步,它无疑将给人类带来巨大的益处。首先,这些智能设备将为提高工业效率打下坚实的基础,这在很大程度上会促进经济和社会的发展。其次,机器人能够把人们从累人的家务琐事和危险的工作中解放出来,使生活更加轻松舒适。不可否认的是,一些特定的工作岗位将被淘汰,而且将发生结构性失业,但实际上技术的进步也会创造出新的工作机会。毫无疑问,机器人的广泛使用已经给人们的生活带来了诸多变化,而且还将继续产生影响。我们应该牢记的是,应充分发挥人类的智慧,理智地利用技术的进步,而不应变得对其过于依赖。【要点用法】play an important part inembrace拥抱:欢迎household chores家务琐事在中发挥重要的作用tremendously极大地deny否认come to提及,谈到for one thing首先eliminate淘汰;消失vary有差异,不一致intelligent智能的occur发生;出现hold认为lay a solid foundation formake an impact产生影响productivity生产率,生产力为打下坚实的基础keep in mind记在心里,牢记be concerned aboutefficiency效率;效能give full play to充分发挥对感到担忧,担心to a large extent在很大程度上take advantage of利用potential潜在的,可能的promote促进in a wise way理智地unemployment失业for another其次dependent(on)(对)依赖的crisis危机liberate.from.把从as far asm concerned就我而言,中解放出来,使摆脱在我看来【句法点评】1.With the development of technology,robots are playing an increasingly important part in industry and ourdaily lives and when it comes to the role of robots,opinions vary from person to person.用一个并列长句开篇,引出机器人的作用和影响这一主题。主从复合句的使用为行文增色。92.Some hold that the use of more and more robots will lead to greater productivity and facilitate our life,whileothers are concerned about the potential unemployment crisis it may cause.用宾语从句引出人们的不同观点,为下文阐迷作者的观点做铺垫。并列句、宾语从句和定语从句连2016年6月六级真题(第二套)8用,增强了表达效果。3.As far as Im concerned,we should embrace the progress of science and technology that will certainlybenefit humans tremendously.主体段首句表明作者的观点,引出全文论述的重点,即阐明科技进步给人类带来巨大的益处。4.For one thing,these intelligent devices will lay a solid foundation for improving industrial efficiency,whichto a large extent promotes the development of economy and society.For another,robots can liberate peoplefrom tiring household chores and dangerous work,making life much easier and more comfortable.具体论述机器人的使用给经济、社会以及人们日常生活带来的益处。用for one thing和for another引出两个方面,层次分明,结构清晰。5.It cannot be denied that some specific jobs will be eliminated and structural unemployment will occur,buttechnological progress actually creates new job opportunities as well.本句指出机器人的使用带来的不利之处,论证客观、严谨。主语从句的使用使表达生动、多样化。6.There is no doubt that the wide use of robots has brought about many changes in peoples life and it willcontinue to make an impact.末段首句总结全文,强调机器人的使用对人们的生活产生的影响。同位语从句和并列句的使用使表达富有变化。7.What we should keep in mind is that we should give full play to human wisdom and take advantage oftechnological advancement in a wise way instead of becoming too dependent on it.文章末句进一步强化论点,使用主语从句和表语从句指出人们应理智地运用技术进步带来的成果,避免对其过分依赖。PartListening ComprehensionSectionAConversation One.W:So,Mike,1you managed the innovation project at CucinTech.M:I did,indeedW:Well,then.First,congratulations!1It seems to have been very successful.M:Thanks.Yes.I really helped things turn around at CucinTech.W:2Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation?M:2Yes,yes.I think it was.CucinTech was a company who were very much following the pack,doing;what everyone else was doing,and getting rapidly left behind.I could see there was a lot of talent there,and:some great potential,particularly in their product development.I just had to harness that somehow.W:Was innovation at the core of the project?M:Absolutely.If it doesnt sound like too much of a cliche,our world is constantly changing and its changingquickly.3We need to be innovating constantly to keep up with this.Stand still,and youre lost.W:No stopping to sniff the roses?M:Well,Ill do that in my personal life.Sure.3But as a business strategy,Im afraid there is no stopping.W:What exactly is strategic innovation then?M:Strategic innovation is the process of managing innovation,of making sure it takes place at all levels of thecompany and that is related to the companys overall strategy.W:I see.M:So,instead of innovation for innovations sake and new products being created simply because the technologyis there,the company culture must switch from these point-in-time innovations to a continuous pipeline of.innovations from everywhere and everyoneW:How did you align strategies throughout the company?M:I soon became aware that campaigning is useless.People take no notice.Simply,it came about through good.practice trickling down.This built consent.People could see it was the best way to work.W:Does innovation on this scale really give a competitive advantage?M:Im certain of it,absolutely,especially if its difficult for a competitor to copy.4The risk is of course thatinnovation may frequently lead to imitation.W:But not if its strategic?M:Precisely.W:Thanks for talking to us.M:Sure2016年6月六级真题(第二套)interpreting?W:Thats right.The techniques you use are different.And a lot of interpreters will say one is easier than the other,less stressful.M:Simultaneous interpreting,putting someones words into another language more or less as they speak,soundsto me like the more difficult.W:Well,actually no.8Most people in the business would agree that consecutive interpreting is the morestressful.You have to wait for the speaker to deliver quite a chunk of language before you then put it into thesecond language,which puts your short-term memory under intense stress.M:You make notes,I presume?W:Absolutely.Anything like numbers,names,places have to be noted down,but the rest is never translated wordfor word.You have to find a way of summarizing it,so that the message is there.Turning every single wordinto the target language would put too much strain on the interpreter and slow down the whole process toomuch.M:But with simultaneous interpreting,you start translating almost as soon as the other person starts speaking.You must have some preparation beforehand.W:Well,hopefully,the speakers will let you have an outline of the topic a day or two in advance.You have alittle time to do research,prepare technical expressions and so on.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?6.What does the man think of Danas profession?7.What does Dana say about the interpreters she knows?8.What do most interpreters think of consecutive interpreting?5.A【听前预测】1.四项均为名词性短语。2.两项提到的内容与职业相关(interpreter,professionals),其他两项提到的内容与某项工作的技巧方面的信息相关(proficiency,effective communication)。结论:该题可能考查对话的主题,并且主题可能与工作相关。听音时,应重点关注各选项的关键词(interpreter,stress,proficiency,effective communication),然后根据问题做出进一步的判断。【解析】对话开头,男士提到“今天我请到的嘉宾是唐娜伊万诺维奇,一位拥有20年工作经验的口译工作者”,接下来的内容都是围绕口译工作展开的,因此,选项A应是对话的主题。B项是对话中提到的具体内容,不是主要话题,所以排除;C项和D项在对话中均未提及,故排除。6.B【听前预测】1.四项均为表示主观感受的形容词,可能会考查态度或看法。2.四项均为褒义词,都具有积极意义。结论:该题可能考查男士或女士对某项职业的看法或态度。听音时应重点关注与观,点态度相关的语句【解析】对话中,男士提到“我非常钦佩您所做的工作”,因此,选项B与对话内容相符。其他三项均不是男士对女士工作的评价,故排除。7.B【听前预测】l.四项均以they开头。2.两项提到的内容与语言学习或语言水平测试相关(strong interest in language,language proficiencytests)。3.三项提到的内容与某种能力或学习经验相关(professional qualifications,passed language proficiencytests,studied cross-cultural differences).结论:该题可能考查hy具备的某种语言学习能力。听音时,应留意与能力相关的表达以及与选项的关键词相关的语句。【解析】对话中,男士先提到“很多人认为任何会说超过一种语言的人都能做口译工作”,之后女士对此回应说:“我所认识的口译工作者都拥有专业资格并接受过培训。”也就是说,女士认为她所认识的同行都具备专业资质,所以选项B与对话内容相符。其他三项在对话中均未提及,故排除。8.C【听前预测1.四项均以it开头,且都包含表示比较的词汇。2.四项均表示it的特征。112016年6月六级真题(第二套)结论:该题应考查t的某种特性,同时会涉及与另一方的对比。听音时,应首先确定t所指代的事物,听到问题后,结合选项做出判断。【解析】对话中女士提到“大多数本领域(口译)工作者都认同交替传译更有压力”,因此,选项C与对话内容相符。A项和B项在对话中没有提及,可排除;对话中提到“交替传译会让你的短期记忆面临巨大的压力”,而不是“长期记忆”,所以D项与对话内容相悖,故排除。Section BPassage One【听力原文】9Mothers have been warned for years that sleeping with their newborn infant is a bad idea,becauseit increases the risk that the baby might die unexpectedly during the night.10But now Israeli researchersare reporting that even sleeping in the same room can have negative consequences,not for the child,but forthe mother.Mothers who slept in the same room as their infants,whether in the same bed or just the same room,had poorer sleep than mothers whose baby slept elsewhere in the house.They woke up more frequently,wereawake approximately 20 minutes longer per night,and had shorter periods of uninterrupted sleep.These resultsheld true even taking into account that many of the women in the study were breast-feeding their babies.Infants,on the other hand,didnt appear to have worse sleep whether they slept in the same or different room from theirmothers.The researchers acknowledge that since the families they studied were all middle-class Israelis,itspossible the results would be different in different cultures.Lead author Lyati Sotski wrote in an email that theresearch team also didnt measure fatherssleep,so its possible that their sleep patterns could also be causing thesleep disruptions for mums.11Right now,to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome,theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers not sleep in the same bed as their babies,butsleep in the same room.The Israeli study suggests that doing so may be best for the baby,but may take a toll onmum.9.What is the long-held view about motherssleeping with new-born babies?10.What do Israeli researchersfindings show?11.What does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend mothers do?【整体预测】快速浏览本部分的所有选项,根据mothershealth,infantssleep,infantsdeath,mental distress以及多次出现的sleep patterns等可大致推断,本文与母亲和婴儿的睡眠以及健康有关,再根据sleep with theirbabies/infants,Sleep in the same room等可判断,本文也可能涉及母婴同房睡的问题。听音时需特别注意相关的内容,注重对短文细节信息的提取。9.C【解题思路】1.四项均以It might开头。2.四项描述的都是消极结果。3.两项与mothers有关,两项与infants有关。结论:本題考查的内容可以是一种看法、观,点或某个结论,可能是文章的某个细节,也有可能是文章的主旨。听音时应将重,点放在四个选项的关键信息上(affect mothershealth,disturb infantssleep,increase the risk of infantsdeath,increase mothersmental distress)【解析】文章开头指出,多年来妈妈们都被提醒不要与新生儿一起睡,因为这可能会增加婴儿夜间发生意外死亡的风险。由此可知C项正确。A项与D项在研究中均未提及;B项与研究结论刚好相反,因此均排除。10.D【解题思路】l.四项都提到睡眠:asleep,sleep,Sleeping。2.两项提到有宝宝的妈妈的睡眠问题。3.一项提到妈妈的睡眠模式影响新生儿,一项提到与新生儿在一起睡影响妈妈。结论:本题考查的内容应该是文中的细节,通过对选项的理解,可以进一步推断考查的是新生儿或者妈妈的睡眠问题。听音时应将重点放在与睡眠相关的描述上。【解析】文中提到,以色列研究人员报告称,即使(和婴儿)睡在同一个房间也会引起不良后果,并不是对婴儿(有不良后果),而是对妈妈。因此D项正确。A项和C项文中没有提及,B项与以色列研究人员的报告内容相反,根据报告内容,妈妈们应该是缺乏睡眠,故排除这三项。2016年6月六级真题(第二套)1211.B【解题思路】四项都是祈使句,且三项都与睡眠相关。结论:本题考查的内容应该是某种做法,属于文章的细节。听音时应将重点放在提及需要采取某种做法或某种措施的信息上面。【解析】文章最后提到:“现在,为了减少婴儿发生猝死的风险,美国儿科学会建议妈妈们不要和宝宝睡在同一张床上,而是睡在同一个房间。”所以B项正确。其他三项都不是美国儿科学会的建议,均不能选。Passage Two【听力原文】12The US has already lost more than a third of the native languages that existed before Europeancolonization and the remaining 192 are classed by UNESCO as ranging between unsafe and extinct.13We need more funding and more effort to return these languages to everyday use,says Fred Nawusky ofthe National Museum of the American Indian.We are making progress,but money needs to be spent onrevitalizing languages,not just documenting them.Some 40 languages mainly in California and Oklahomawhere thousands of Indians were forced to relocate in the 19th century have fewer than 10 native speakers.Part ofthe issue is that tribal groups themselves dont always believe their languages are endangered until they are downto the last handful of speakers.But progress is being made through emerging schools,because if you teachchildren when they are young,it will stay with them as adults and thats the future,says Mr.Nawusky,aComanche Indian.Such schools have become a model in Hawaii,but the islanderslocal language is still classedby UNESCO as critically endangered because only 1,000 people speak it.14The decline in American Indianlanguages has its historical roots.In the mid-19th century,the US government adopted a policy ofAmericanizing Indian children by removing them from their homes and culture.Within a few generations,most had forgotten their native tongues.Another challenge to language survival is television.15It hasbrought English into homes,and pushed out traditional storytelling and family time together,acceleratingthe extinction of native languages.12.What do we learn from the report?13.For what purpose does Fred Nawusky appeal for more funding?14.What is the historical cause of the decline in American Indian Languages?15.What does the speaker say about television?【整体预测】快速浏览本部分所有选项,根据native languages,endangered languages,.preserve,American Indians,extinction等词可大致推断,本文内容与语言相关,可能涉及对本土语言的保护,或对颜临消亡的语言的保护或美国印第安人的语言的消亡。听音时需特别注意相关的内容。12.A【解题思路】l.四个选项都提到languages,其中两项说的都是native languages。2.三个选项都提到US。结论:本题考查的内容可能是某处细节,通过对选项内容的理解,可以推断与美国的本土语言有关。听音时应将重点放在与语言相关的信息上。【解析】题目问的是从这篇报道中我们得知什么,属于对文章细节的考查。文章开头提到,在欧洲殖民统治之前存在的美国本土语言中,超过三分之一的语言都已经消失了,这与A项内容表述一致,因此是正确选项。B项文中没有提及;根据美国印第安人国家博物馆的弗雷德努瓦斯基所说的,保护印第安语言的工作正在取得进展,而不是努力白费了,故C项不可选;弗雷德努瓦斯基明确说,需要投入资金,使语言复兴而不仅仅是记载语言,因此D项也不可选。13.D【解题思路】四个选项都是不定式短语,且三项都提到language或languages。结论:本题考查的内容可能是文中的某处细节,可能是做某件事的目的,听音时需注意与目的相关的信息。【解析】文中提到弗雷德努瓦斯基说,我们需要更多的资金和更大的努力来把这些语言恢复到日常使用的状态还需要投入资金,使语言复兴而不仅仅是记载语言。因此D项正确。本题容易误选B项,听音时需注意documenting前面有not just,因此B项是错误的。132016年6月六级真题(第二套)

