外外交交学学院院英英语语语语言言文文学学专专业业2003攻攻读读硕硕士士学学位位研研究究生生入入学学考考试试翻翻译译试试卷卷参参考考答答案案1 英英译译汉汉Passage one1)美军历史上最大规模的三军联合军事演习近期结束.一万三千五百名军人及平民参与了这场耗资 2 亿 5 千万美元,历时 3 个星期的演习,演习在美国境内 9 个实弹射击场地内进行,同时还进行了 18 场电脑模拟演练.这场模拟战斗两年前已开始准备,演练的结果主要用于制定作战计划以应对未来敌人.2)在这场名为 2002千年挑战的演习中,负责搜集资料的军官们对新的空中通讯方式赞不绝口.该方式使指挥官能够与远程部队,即便是在跨洲际前往战地的飞行中,保持密切联系,这是前所未有的.他们还强调了将美军毁灭性力量与对网络攻击,同时展开外交攻势三者相结合的重要性.3)负责组织和实施这场演习的美三军司令部主席威廉 F 科尔曼将军说,这场演习展示了常务联合部队指挥部在战时协调三军的重要性.他说,该样做是为了避免过去临时拼揍战时指挥部的情况出现.常务指挥部将为未来战争培养一批指挥官,他们既有极高的军事素养,又对地区复杂的形势有准确的把握.4)敌机与敌舰连绪几天不间断地进行战术调动,其集结看似不构成威胁,实际上其部队已进入指定位置,可随时进行突袭.当宣礼塔发布晨祷的训号时,用代码下令,开始突袭.Passage 25)6 年前我听了著名的历史学家亚设?史勒辛格关于他历史三十年一循环的理论的讲座.然后他回答了观众提出的几个问题.最后一个问题是:“为什么我们要研究历史?”我顿时陷进椅子里,因为对这种问题的回答要么是一堆陈辞烂调,要么就是大肆引用班克罗夫特,桑塔亚那或伍德罗威尔逊的话.可是史勒辛格却低着头,煞有介事地回答:“首先,历史很好玩.”6)我顿时又有了精神;好玩可不属于学术圈子。这个圈子体现的是有益,重要和精华,可就是没有好玩的份。好玩把严肃的事情当成鸡毛蒜皮的小事,阻碍人的心智成长,还是对清教徒严格自律传统的挑衅。毕竟中学里历史和社会学教学的初衷是为国家培养有责任感的公民,一件非常严肃的事情。7)我感到无所遁形,因为史勒辛格发现我在说谎。我没当历史老师是因为我觉得历史很重要;我当了历史老师是因为没有什么比历史更好玩了。我想避开一生中最大的恐惧:单调,我可不愿自己一辈子都在讲述人类的故事。8)当然,我也试着掩饰自己从那些视教书为使命的人身上得来的乐趣,因为工作时谈笑风生是不严肃的,会被人怀疑道德有问题。而且我也不想让一心赚钱的亲戚朋友们感到难堪。史勒辛格肯定了我的意愿,从此,我再也没怀疑历史应该是什么样子2 汉汉译译英英9)Deep in my heart,I feel rather uneasy at prefacing for other peoples book.Before long I heard a master said that it means you are short of imagination,less keen on observation and not so good on expression to end up prefacing for other people.But this time I am willing to preface for Ding XiaoWens book-Watching fun in America.And Im quite confident that my preface will be meaningful,since he and I have something in common:Im also fond of watching fun and I once did so together with him in America.10)Ding was a graduate from China Foreign Affairs University attached to China Foreign Ministry,a young,introverted,industrious and studious diplomat.In his hometown HaiAn,JiangSu as well as in mine,a saying goes like this:connoisseurs appraise and appreciate whereas laymen stay and watch the fun in the crowd.Roughly looking through his book,I found out that Imost of the time just watch the fun while Ding appraises and appreciates.This is where our differences lie and it can be proved by his chose and record of so many interesting and inspiring things from what we usually turn a blind eye to.11)Take business card for example.We all are familiar with it.Its said that the card of a manager of some township enterprise is quite peculiar.Before his name,there is a long list of prefixes,including central committee of CPC,state council,provincial,prefectural and even village level titles.One officials title is vice section chief,but on his card he gave a clear indication behind the title that section chief unavailable.A vice director general parenthesized on his card that he enjoys director generals treatment.Ding didnt spend a long time in America and had few chance to take a look at American peoples business card.But he did find out and mark the terseness and perspicuity of their cards,which accentuate the characteristics of related institutions or enterprises.And thats worth of pondering.Passage 412)China is a big power in Asian,and Egypt in Africa.They not only exert peculiar influence in regional businesses,but also play important roles in international affairs.In 21st century,the main trend is peace and development,but we still have to face many problems:Concerning the setup of the world,a multi-polar world rather than a unipolar one fits the need of so many developing countries to democratize international relations and enable them to effectively take part in the decision of international affairs.13)Economic globalization set the majority of developing countries in the lower hand and put their economic security even sovereignty in serious challenge.After Bush swore in,the American government in Middle East still supports Israel and stands aloof from peace progress.In Asia,it sold weapons to Taiwan and claimed in public to protect it.Its spy plane crashed down Chinas fighter jet off the coastal waters.What kind of influence would these behaviors bring to the international situation?14)UN must undergo reform and play its proper role.China and Egypt,two countries with ancient civilizations,have reached general consensus on current international problems.In front of such complex international situation,its very necessary for China and Egypt,two friendly and responsible countries,to keep in close relation with each other.And its in the fundamental interests of both countries to negotiate and coordinate their viewpoints and positions on certain problems.Passage 5 15)Todays situation forces us on one hand make compromise with foreign powers,on the other hand carry out political reforms.Since the failure of the reform by ShangYang(361 BC)in Qin Dynasty,the late emperors stuck to what they considered ancient laws and never thought of changing it.Now all countries carried out reforms and became more prosperous every day except for China,which still blindly submits to the old laws even to the very end with no regret.Who shall we blame for this,the Heaven or the men?外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 考试科目:翻译 翻译 代码为:404 This test paper consists of two parts,namely,English into Chinese translation andChinese into English translation.The total hours of work is 3 hours.1015150 points Part One:English into Chinese Translation Directions:Translate the following 2 passages into Chinese;read the whole textscarefully to get a general impression of the contents and give your translationsin the sheets locally provided.To facilitate grading,the texts have been brokeninto groups of sentences,each group being given a serial number,therefore,whe nyou write your versions,you MUST QUOTE the serial number also,put the number beforeeach version.Please write neatly and intelligibly.Passage 1:The new environmental health problems are multiple-created by radiation in allits forms,born of the never-ending stream of chemicals of which pesticides are apart,chemicals now pervading the world in which we live,acting upon us directlyand indirectly,separately and collectively.Their presence casts a shadow thatis no less ominous because it is formless and obscure,no less frightening becauseit is simply impossible to predict the effects of lifetime exposure to chemical an dphysical agents that are not part of the biological experience of man.“We all live under the haunting fear that something may corrupt the environmentto the point where man joins the dinosaurs as an obsolete form of life,”says Dr.David Price of the United States Public Health Service.“And what makes thes e thoughts all the more disturbing is the knowledge that our fate could perhaps besealed twenty or more years before the development of symptoms.Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease?We have seenthat they now contaminate soil,water,and food,that they have the power to makeour streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless.Man,howevermuch he may like to pretend the contrary,is part of nature.Can he escape a pollutionthat is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world?We know that even single exposures to these chemicals,if the amount is larg eenough,can precipitate acute poisoning.But this is not the major problem.Thesudden illness or death of farmers,spraymen,pilots,and others exposed toappreciable quantities of pesticides are tragic and should not occur.For thepopulation as a whole,we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbingsmall amounts of the pesticides that invisibly contaminate our world.Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effectsof chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time,and that are hazard to th eindividual may depend on the sum of the exposures received throughout his lifetime.For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored.It is human nature to shrug off what may seem to us a vague threat of future disaster.“Men are naturally mostimpressed by diseases which have obvious manifestations,”says a wise physician,Dr.Ren Dubos,yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.Passage 2:Longer-range assessments need to disentangle the short-term preoccupations andactions and impose some kind of framework of explanation without becomingunnecessarily distracted by the short-term or immediate actions.Decisions,whichare the component parts of policy,have a context.It is essential therefore toanalyse whether a similar move or decision has been made by that country before orwhether it is an apparent departure in policy.Again,an assessment of the importance of a high-level visit must not only takeinto account the level at which it was conducted,the extent to which the visi twas perhaps largely ceremonial and the scope of the agenda,but also measure itagainst what,if anything,was achieved in the last analogous visit.In journalistic assessments,preoccupation with the day-to-day aspects of foreign policy inevitably affects the metaphors of explanation.For example,the metaphorof the United States playing the China card is often used in the context ofSino-American relations.Assessments of Russian Federation policy tend to focus excessively on leadershippolitics,attempting to see splits between conservatives and reformers.Metaphors of this type have the effect of obscuring other more probable or complexreasons for behaviour such as organizational,bureaucratic,historical and externalinfluences.Foreign policy is often conducted at multiple levels.The audience canbe internal or external,regional or international,public or private.Part Two:Chinese into English Translation Directions:Translate the following 3 passages into English;read the whole text scarefully to get a general impression of the contents and give your translationsin the sheets locally provided.To facilitate grading,the texts have been brokeninto groups of sentences,each group being given a serial number,therefore,whe nyou write your versions,you MUST QUOTE the serial number also,put the number beforeeach version.Please write neatly and intelligibly.Passage 3:(9)我见到的多数美国人,通情达理,对中国挺友好,但也有少数人对中国有偏见。丁孝文记下一段他与一位自称当过美国大使的老太太的对话,寥寥数笔刻画出美国少数搞政治的人的傲慢与自以为是。(10)美国是发达国家,先进的东西比较多,中国的东西能得到美国人的称赞本来是件好事。中国也有理由为自己悠久的历史和改革开放最新的成果感到自豪。但总有少数人,过分热衷于用外国人,特别是美国人的一些说法来抬高自己,这实在大可不必。(11)外国的说法,不管多么中听,如果要引用,也最好稍稍考证一下。美国大兵人手一册孙子兵法参加海湾战争,西点军校高挂雷锋像,这些说法曾为许多人津津乐道,丁孝文经过核实确认,这不是事实。读读本书中“美国人的说法就那么重要?”也许会有些启发。Passage 4:(12)半个多世纪前,我们的先辈曾经聚集在一起,建立了联合国。58 年来,联合国在维护世界和地区和平,推动人类进步发展方面的成就有目共睹。联合国宪章中“彼此以善邻之道,和睦相处”,“促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生”等精神,已被国际社会广泛认同。(13)中国认为,在当前的形势下,应该继续坚持和切实遵守联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,并最终实现国际关系民主化和法制化,实现世界各国的共存共嬴。联合国是这个世界的缩影,一个强有力的联合国是世界希望之所在。为了建立人类美好的未来,首先应该把这里变成一个相互合作的舞台,而非彼此指责的角斗场。(14)任何国家都不是由圣人组成的,都没有权利向他人投出偏见的石子。为此,我们应该抛弃一切傲慢、隔阂和狭隘,让和谐、理解与宽容,成为这个大厅里永恒的主旋律;让“海纳百川,有容乃大”的精神,成为每一个成员国的座右铭。(15)凡与西人论事,总要先将条款看明,自占地步,乃与争辩;我持论既正,不妨且直视之,而又稍留余地,俾其有机可转,自无不了之事;若一意随和,彼此谓得计,反滋论端矣。外人情性欺弱畏强,喜直忌曲;我真自强,彼已心折,我只率直,彼亦心说而服之亦。知其故耶?参考答案 外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 考试科目:翻译 翻译 代码为:404 This test paper consists of two parts,namely,English into Chinese translation and Chinese into English translation.The total hours of work is 3 hours.1015150 points Part One:English into Chinese Translation Directions:Translate the following 2 passages into Chinese;read the whole textscarefully to get a general impression of the contents and give your translationsin the sheets locally provided.To facilitate grading,the texts have been brokeninto groups of sentences,each group being given a serial number,therefore,whenyou write your versions,you MUST QUOTE the serial number also,put the number beforeeach version.Please write neatly and intelligibly.Passage 1:The new environmental health problems are multiple-created by radiation in allits forms,born of the never-ending stream of chemicals of which pesticides are apart,chemicals now pervading the world in which we live,acting upon us directlyand indirectly,separately and collectively.Their presence casts a shadow thatis no less ominous because it is formless and obscure,no less frightening becauseit is simply impossible to predict the effects of lifetime exposure to chemical an dphysical agents that are not part of the biological experience of man.各式各样的辐射导致多种新的环境健康问题。大量的化学物质是产生辐射的元凶,而杀虫剂便是其中之一。化学品充斥着我们生活的世界,或直接或间接,或分散或集中,影响着我们。随之而来的是不祥的阴影,因为化学品是无形的。化学品和物理因子不是人类生理生活的一部分。当人一生都曝露在化学品和物理因子之下,它们对人体造成的影响无法预测,正因为如此才更令人觉得恐怖。“We all live under the haunting fear that something may corrupt the environmentto the point where man joins the dinosaurs as an obsolete form of life,”says Dr.David Price of the United States Public Health Service.“And what makes these thoughtsall the more disturbing is the knowledge that our fate could perhaps be sealed twentyor more years before the development of symptoms.美国公共健康中心的大卫普林斯博士说:我们都战战兢兢地活着,生怕环境恶化到人也像恐龙一样被灭绝的地步。让我们的这些想法更加令人不安的是,我们知道,在环境急剧恶化之前的二十几年,人类的命运就被注定了。Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease?We have seenthat they now contaminate soil,water,and food,that they have the power to makeour streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless.Man,howevermuch he may like to pretend the contrary,is part of nature.Can he escape a pollutionthat is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world?杀虫剂是如何造成环境危害的呢?我们已经看到,杀虫剂污染了土壤,水和食物,它甚至使水中无游鱼,园林无飞鸟。然而,不管人类如何不愿承认,他依然是自然的一部分。当我们的世界污染肆虐,难道人就能逃脱此劫吗?We know that even single exposures to these chemicals,if the amount is larg eenough,can precipitate acute poisoning.But this is not the major problem.Thesudden illness or death of farmers,spraymen,pilots,and others exposed toappreciable quantities of pesticides are tragic and should not occur.For thepopulation as a whole,we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbingsmall amounts of the pesticides that invisibly contaminate our world.我们知道,即使只是在这些化学品中呆一会儿,如果药剂份量够重的话,一样会使人身中剧毒。但这还不是主要的问题。农夫,药剂喷撒员,飞行员和其他人员,因为曝露于大量杀虫剂之下而突然生病或死亡的悲剧是不该发生的。就整体人口而言,我们更该关注的是在无形中污染世界的微量杀虫剂所造成的影响,而这种影响在短时间内又不会显现出来。Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effectsof chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time,and that are hazard to theindividual may depend on the sum of the exposures received throughout his lifetime.For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored.It is human nature to shrugoff what may seem to us a vague threat of future disaster.“Men are naturally mostimpressed by diseases which have obvious manifestations,”says a wise physician,Dr.Ren Dubos,yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.负责的主管公共健康的官员已经指出,化学物质对人体的影响是通过长期累积产生的。对个人造成的伤害主要在于人体曝露在化学品中的总时间。出于这些原因,人体所面临的危险被忽略了。出于天性,人总是无视可能对未来造成重大伤害的细微的威胁。勒内杜波博士,一位睿智的内科医生,说:“天性使然,人只重视显现出的灾难,然而他们最大的敌人已经毫不客气地摸到身边了”Passage 2:Longer-range assessments need to disentangle the short-term preoccupations andactions and impose some kind of framework of explanation without becomingunnecessarily distracted by the short-term or immediate actions.Decisions,whichare the component parts of policy,have a context.It is essential therefo
- 资源描述:
外外交交学学院院英英语语语语言言文文学学专专业业2003攻攻读读硕硕士士学学位位研研究究生生入入学学考考试试翻翻译译试试卷卷参参考考答答案案1 英英译译汉汉Passage one1)美军历史上最大规模的三军联合军事演习近期结束.一万三千五百名军人及平民参与了这场耗资 2 亿 5 千万美元,历时 3 个星期的演习,演习在美国境内 9 个实弹射击场地内进行,同时还进行了 18 场电脑模拟演练.这场模拟战斗两年前已开始准备,演练的结果主要用于制定作战计划以应对未来敌人.2)在这场名为 2002千年挑战的演习中,负责搜集资料的军官们对新的空中通讯方式赞不绝口.该方式使指挥官能够与远程部队,即便是在跨洲际前往战地的飞行中,保持密切联系,这是前所未有的.他们还强调了将美军毁灭性力量与对网络攻击,同时展开外交攻势三者相结合的重要性.3)负责组织和实施这场演习的美三军司令部主席威廉 F 科尔曼将军说,这场演习展示了常务联合部队指挥部在战时协调三军的重要性.他说,该样做是为了避免过去临时拼揍战时指挥部的情况出现.常务指挥部将为未来战争培养一批指挥官,他们既有极高的军事素养,又对地区复杂的形势有准确的把握.4)敌机与敌舰连绪几天不间断地进行战术调动,其集结看似不构成威胁,实际上其部队已进入指定位置,可随时进行突袭.当宣礼塔发布晨祷的训号时,用代码下令,开始突袭.Passage 25)6 年前我听了著名的历史学家亚设?史勒辛格关于他历史三十年一循环的理论的讲座.然后他回答了观众提出的几个问题.最后一个问题是:“为什么我们要研究历史?”我顿时陷进椅子里,因为对这种问题的回答要么是一堆陈辞烂调,要么就是大肆引用班克罗夫特,桑塔亚那或伍德罗威尔逊的话.可是史勒辛格却低着头,煞有介事地回答:“首先,历史很好玩.”6)我顿时又有了精神;好玩可不属于学术圈子。这个圈子体现的是有益,重要和精华,可就是没有好玩的份。好玩把严肃的事情当成鸡毛蒜皮的小事,阻碍人的心智成长,还是对清教徒严格自律传统的挑衅。毕竟中学里历史和社会学教学的初衷是为国家培养有责任感的公民,一件非常严肃的事情。7)我感到无所遁形,因为史勒辛格发现我在说谎。我没当历史老师是因为我觉得历史很重要;我当了历史老师是因为没有什么比历史更好玩了。我想避开一生中最大的恐惧:单调,我可不愿自己一辈子都在讲述人类的故事。8)当然,我也试着掩饰自己从那些视教书为使命的人身上得来的乐趣,因为工作时谈笑风生是不严肃的,会被人怀疑道德有问题。而且我也不想让一心赚钱的亲戚朋友们感到难堪。史勒辛格肯定了我的意愿,从此,我再也没怀疑历史应该是什么样子2 汉汉译译英英9)Deep in my heart,I feel rather uneasy at prefacing for other peoples book.Before long I heard a master said that it means you are short of imagination,less keen on observation and not so good on expression to end up prefacing for other people.But this time I am willing to preface for Ding XiaoWens book-Watching fun in America.And Im quite confident that my preface will be meaningful,since he and I have something in common:Im also fond of watching fun and I once did so together with him in America.10)Ding was a graduate from China Foreign Affairs University attached to China Foreign Ministry,a young,introverted,industrious and studious diplomat.In his hometown HaiAn,JiangSu as well as in mine,a saying goes like this:connoisseurs appraise and appreciate whereas laymen stay and watch the fun in the crowd.Roughly looking through his book,I found out that Imost of the time just watch the fun while Ding appraises and appreciates.This is where our differences lie and it can be proved by his chose and record of so many interesting and inspiring things from what we usually turn a blind eye to.11)Take business card for example.We all are familiar with it.Its said that the card of a manager of some township enterprise is quite peculiar.Before his name,there is a long list of prefixes,including central committee of CPC,state council,provincial,prefectural and even village level titles.One officials title is vice section chief,but on his card he gave a clear indication behind the title that section chief unavailable.A vice director general parenthesized on his card that he enjoys director generals treatment.Ding didnt spend a long time in America and had few chance to take a look at American peoples business card.But he did find out and mark the terseness and perspicuity of their cards,which accentuate the characteristics of related institutions or enterprises.And thats worth of pondering.Passage 412)China is a big power in Asian,and Egypt in Africa.They not only exert peculiar influence in regional businesses,but also play important roles in international affairs.In 21st century,the main trend is peace and development,but we still have to face many problems:Concerning the setup of the world,a multi-polar world rather than a unipolar one fits the need of so many developing countries to democratize international relations and enable them to effectively take part in the decision of international affairs.13)Economic globalization set the majority of developing countries in the lower hand and put their economic security even sovereignty in serious challenge.After Bush swore in,the American government in Middle East still supports Israel and stands aloof from peace progress.In Asia,it sold weapons to Taiwan and claimed in public to protect it.Its spy plane crashed down Chinas fighter jet off the coastal waters.What kind of influence would these behaviors bring to the international situation?14)UN must undergo reform and play its proper role.China and Egypt,two countries with ancient civilizations,have reached general consensus on current international problems.In front of such complex international situation,its very necessary for China and Egypt,two friendly and responsible countries,to keep in close relation with each other.And its in the fundamental interests of both countries to negotiate and coordinate their viewpoints and positions on certain problems.Passage 5 15)Todays situation forces us on one hand make compromise with foreign powers,on the other hand carry out political reforms.Since the failure of the reform by ShangYang(361 BC)in Qin Dynasty,the late emperors stuck to what they considered ancient laws and never thought of changing it.Now all countries carried out reforms and became more prosperous every day except for China,which still blindly submits to the old laws even to the very end with no regret.Who shall we blame for this,the Heaven or the men?外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 考试科目:翻译 翻译 代码为:404 This test paper consists of two parts,namely,English into Chinese translation andChinese into English translation.The total hours of work is 3 hours.1015150 points Part One:English into Chinese Translation Directions:Translate the following 2 passages into Chinese;read the whole textscarefully to get a general impression of the contents and give your translationsin the sheets locally provided.To facilitate grading,the texts have been brokeninto groups of sentences,each group being given a serial number,therefore,whe nyou write your versions,you MUST QUOTE the serial number also,put the number beforeeach version.Please write neatly and intelligibly.Passage 1:The new environmental health problems are multiple-created by radiation in allits forms,born of the never-ending stream of chemicals of which pesticides are apart,chemicals now pervading the world in which we live,acting upon us directlyand indirectly,separately and collectively.Their presence casts a shadow thatis no less ominous because it is formless and obscure,no less frightening becauseit is simply impossible to predict the effects of lifetime exposure to chemical an dphysical agents that are not part of the biological experience of man.“We all live under the haunting fear that something may corrupt the environmentto the point where man joins the dinosaurs as an obsolete form of life,”says Dr.David Price of the United States Public Health Service.“And what makes thes e thoughts all the more disturbing is the knowledge that our fate could perhaps besealed twenty or more years before the development of symptoms.Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease?We have seenthat they now contaminate soil,water,and food,that they have the power to makeour streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless.Man,howevermuch he may like to pretend the contrary,is part of nature.Can he escape a pollutionthat is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world?We know that even single exposures to these chemicals,if the amount is larg eenough,can precipitate acute poisoning.But this is not the major problem.Thesudden illness or death of farmers,spraymen,pilots,and others exposed toappreciable quantities of pesticides are tragic and should not occur.For thepopulation as a whole,we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbingsmall amounts of the pesticides that invisibly contaminate our world.Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effectsof chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time,and that are hazard to th eindividual may depend on the sum of the exposures received throughout his lifetime.For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored.It is human nature to shrug off what may seem to us a vague threat of future disaster.“Men are naturally mostimpressed by diseases which have obvious manifestations,”says a wise physician,Dr.Ren Dubos,yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.Passage 2:Longer-range assessments need to disentangle the short-term preoccupations andactions and impose some kind of framework of explanation without becomingunnecessarily distracted by the short-term or immediate actions.Decisions,whichare the component parts of policy,have a context.It is essential therefore toanalyse whether a similar move or decision has been made by that country before orwhether it is an apparent departure in policy.Again,an assessment of the importance of a high-level visit must not only takeinto account the level at which it was conducted,the extent to which the visi twas perhaps largely ceremonial and the scope of the agenda,but also measure itagainst what,if anything,was achieved in the last analogous visit.In journalistic assessments,preoccupation with the day-to-day aspects of foreign policy inevitably affects the metaphors of explanation.For example,the metaphorof the United States playing the China card is often used in the context ofSino-American relations.Assessments of Russian Federation policy tend to focus excessively on leadershippolitics,attempting to see splits between conservatives and reformers.Metaphors of this type have the effect of obscuring other more probable or complexreasons for behaviour such as organizational,bureaucratic,historical and externalinfluences.Foreign policy is often conducted at multiple levels.The audience canbe internal or external,regional or international,public or private.Part Two:Chinese into English Translation Directions:Translate the following 3 passages into English;read the whole text scarefully to get a general impression of the contents and give your translationsin the sheets locally provided.To facilitate grading,the texts have been brokeninto groups of sentences,each group being given a serial number,therefore,whe nyou write your versions,you MUST QUOTE the serial number also,put the number beforeeach version.Please write neatly and intelligibly.Passage 3:(9)我见到的多数美国人,通情达理,对中国挺友好,但也有少数人对中国有偏见。丁孝文记下一段他与一位自称当过美国大使的老太太的对话,寥寥数笔刻画出美国少数搞政治的人的傲慢与自以为是。(10)美国是发达国家,先进的东西比较多,中国的东西能得到美国人的称赞本来是件好事。中国也有理由为自己悠久的历史和改革开放最新的成果感到自豪。但总有少数人,过分热衷于用外国人,特别是美国人的一些说法来抬高自己,这实在大可不必。(11)外国的说法,不管多么中听,如果要引用,也最好稍稍考证一下。美国大兵人手一册孙子兵法参加海湾战争,西点军校高挂雷锋像,这些说法曾为许多人津津乐道,丁孝文经过核实确认,这不是事实。读读本书中“美国人的说法就那么重要?”也许会有些启发。Passage 4:(12)半个多世纪前,我们的先辈曾经聚集在一起,建立了联合国。58 年来,联合国在维护世界和地区和平,推动人类进步发展方面的成就有目共睹。联合国宪章中“彼此以善邻之道,和睦相处”,“促成大自由中之社会进步及较善之民生”等精神,已被国际社会广泛认同。(13)中国认为,在当前的形势下,应该继续坚持和切实遵守联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,并最终实现国际关系民主化和法制化,实现世界各国的共存共嬴。联合国是这个世界的缩影,一个强有力的联合国是世界希望之所在。为了建立人类美好的未来,首先应该把这里变成一个相互合作的舞台,而非彼此指责的角斗场。(14)任何国家都不是由圣人组成的,都没有权利向他人投出偏见的石子。为此,我们应该抛弃一切傲慢、隔阂和狭隘,让和谐、理解与宽容,成为这个大厅里永恒的主旋律;让“海纳百川,有容乃大”的精神,成为每一个成员国的座右铭。(15)凡与西人论事,总要先将条款看明,自占地步,乃与争辩;我持论既正,不妨且直视之,而又稍留余地,俾其有机可转,自无不了之事;若一意随和,彼此谓得计,反滋论端矣。外人情性欺弱畏强,喜直忌曲;我真自强,彼已心折,我只率直,彼亦心说而服之亦。知其故耶?参考答案 外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 外交学院 2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 外国语言学与应用语言学专业 考试科目:翻译 翻译 代码为:404 This test paper consists of two parts,namely,English into Chinese translation and Chinese into English translation.The total hours of work is 3 hours.1015150 points Part One:English into Chinese Translation Directions:Translate the following 2 passages into Chinese;read the whole textscarefully to get a general impression of the contents and give your translationsin the sheets locally provided.To facilitate grading,the texts have been brokeninto groups of sentences,each group being given a serial number,therefore,whenyou write your versions,you MUST QUOTE the serial number also,put the number beforeeach version.Please write neatly and intelligibly.Passage 1:The new environmental health problems are multiple-created by radiation in allits forms,born of the never-ending stream of chemicals of which pesticides are apart,chemicals now pervading the world in which we live,acting upon us directlyand indirectly,separately and collectively.Their presence casts a shadow thatis no less ominous because it is formless and obscure,no less frightening becauseit is simply impossible to predict the effects of lifetime exposure to chemical an dphysical agents that are not part of the biological experience of man.各式各样的辐射导致多种新的环境健康问题。大量的化学物质是产生辐射的元凶,而杀虫剂便是其中之一。化学品充斥着我们生活的世界,或直接或间接,或分散或集中,影响着我们。随之而来的是不祥的阴影,因为化学品是无形的。化学品和物理因子不是人类生理生活的一部分。当人一生都曝露在化学品和物理因子之下,它们对人体造成的影响无法预测,正因为如此才更令人觉得恐怖。“We all live under the haunting fear that something may corrupt the environmentto the point where man joins the dinosaurs as an obsolete form of life,”says Dr.David Price of the United States Public Health Service.“And what makes these thoughtsall the more disturbing is the knowledge that our fate could perhaps be sealed twentyor more years before the development of symptoms.美国公共健康中心的大卫普林斯博士说:我们都战战兢兢地活着,生怕环境恶化到人也像恐龙一样被灭绝的地步。让我们的这些想法更加令人不安的是,我们知道,在环境急剧恶化之前的二十几年,人类的命运就被注定了。Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease?We have seenthat they now contaminate soil,water,and food,that they have the power to makeour streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless.Man,howevermuch he may like to pretend the contrary,is part of nature.Can he escape a pollutionthat is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world?杀虫剂是如何造成环境危害的呢?我们已经看到,杀虫剂污染了土壤,水和食物,它甚至使水中无游鱼,园林无飞鸟。然而,不管人类如何不愿承认,他依然是自然的一部分。当我们的世界污染肆虐,难道人就能逃脱此劫吗?We know that even single exposures to these chemicals,if the amount is larg eenough,can precipitate acute poisoning.But this is not the major problem.Thesudden illness or death of farmers,spraymen,pilots,and others exposed toappreciable quantities of pesticides are tragic and should not occur.For thepopulation as a whole,we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbingsmall amounts of the pesticides that invisibly contaminate our world.我们知道,即使只是在这些化学品中呆一会儿,如果药剂份量够重的话,一样会使人身中剧毒。但这还不是主要的问题。农夫,药剂喷撒员,飞行员和其他人员,因为曝露于大量杀虫剂之下而突然生病或死亡的悲剧是不该发生的。就整体人口而言,我们更该关注的是在无形中污染世界的微量杀虫剂所造成的影响,而这种影响在短时间内又不会显现出来。Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effectsof chemicals are cumulative over long periods of time,and that are hazard to theindividual may depend on the sum of the exposures received throughout his lifetime.For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored.It is human nature to shrugoff what may seem to us a vague threat of future disaster.“Men are naturally mostimpressed by diseases which have obvious manifestations,”says a wise physician,Dr.Ren Dubos,yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.负责的主管公共健康的官员已经指出,化学物质对人体的影响是通过长期累积产生的。对个人造成的伤害主要在于人体曝露在化学品中的总时间。出于这些原因,人体所面临的危险被忽略了。出于天性,人总是无视可能对未来造成重大伤害的细微的威胁。勒内杜波博士,一位睿智的内科医生,说:“天性使然,人只重视显现出的灾难,然而他们最大的敌人已经毫不客气地摸到身边了”Passage 2:Longer-range assessments need to disentangle the short-term preoccupations andactions and impose some kind of framework of explanation without becomingunnecessarily distracted by the short-term or immediate actions.Decisions,whichare the component parts of policy,have a context.It is essential therefo