人事部绩效考核标准(新) (2).pdf






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人事部绩效考核标准新 2 人事部 绩效考核 标准
人事部绩效考核标准一、考核目的1、更好的引导员工行为,加强员工的自我管理,提高工作绩效,发掘员工潜能,调动员工积极性,明确员工导向,保障组织有效运行,同时给予员工与其贡献相应的激励。2、更确切的了解员工队伍的工作态度、个性、能力状况、工作绩效等基本状况,为公司的人员选拔、岗位调动、奖惩、培训及职业规划等提供信息依据。二、适用范围适用于人事部月度工资及年终奖金考核。工资考核基数为每位员工月薪的 10%,年终奖金考核的基数为公司年度总考核数。新进试用期员工、转岗、晋升、降职等特殊阶段员工的考评另行制定,不适合此考评,但可以引用绩效考评结果的客观数据信息,作为决策的依据。三、考核原则公开性、公正性、客观性、差别性四、考核方式每月考核一次,以岗位职责为依据,结合员工日常表现,由上级主管评分。考核内容以工作态度、工作业绩团队协作为主要指标。每月人事主管对每位员工进行考核及汇总,并将结果在每月 5 日前上报给财务。五、考核公式Do the following three main poi nts:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,look s up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widesprea d deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well desig ned programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesse s in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the probl em of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,a nd so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers shoul d know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,proce ss,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide st udents on the basis of the previous accumulati on of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basi cs(a)1,review the main poi nts of Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyi n;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the or der of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowerca se letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentence s with dot to select the corre ct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method 绩效评分(100 分)=工作态度(30 分)+工作业绩(50 分)+团队协作(20 分)六、绩效激励绩效工资=考核基数 *绩效分数%七、考核表明细人事部绩效考核表-行政培训专员被考核人:职务:考核时间:年月考核项指标细化及指标定义考核内容及标准分值评分工作态度30 分出勤率迟到/早退(扣 2 分/次)事假(扣 3 分/次)旷工(扣 5 分/次)10 工作纪律工作时间内做其他与工作无关的事情,第一次提醒,第二次以上(扣 2 分/次)4 按时参加相关工作会议和培训无故缺席(扣 3 分/次)6 上级临时交办事项完成情况未完成或领导不满意完成结果的(扣 2 分/次)不服从领导安排的(扣 5 分/次)5 员工的 5S管理被公司 5S小组通报(扣 5 分/次)5 工作业绩50 分目标达成度未完成月度合理化建议条数(扣5 分)5 完成月度培训小时数、负责制定和实施公司长短期的员工培训计划,合理安排培训内容和培训人(未按计划指标完成扣5 分/次)10 管理层会议完成率统计(未及时统计扣5 分)5 日常工作有效进行小食堂订餐安排(有投诉扣5 分/次)5 未完成办公楼的消费安全设施的点检(扣 5 分)5 本部门的文件,通知的起草、上报及下发工作(未及时完成或编写错误扣5 分/次)10 公司行政类合同流转、评审跟踪、归档工作(缺失、泄密扣 5 分)5 负责协助领导安排公司的对外接待工作。(有投诉扣5 分)5 团队协作20 分部门内与同事、上级沟通顺畅,人际关系和谐10 与其他部门协调对外关系,与相关部门保持良好联系交流10 Do the following three main poi nts:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,look s up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widesprea d deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well desig ned programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesse s in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the probl em of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,a nd so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers shoul d know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,proce ss,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide st udents on the basis of the previous accumulati on of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basi cs(a)1,review the main poi nts of Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyi n;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the or der of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowerca se letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentence s with dot to select the corre ct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method主管领导签字100人事部绩效考核表-劳资专员被考核人:职务:考核时间:年月考核项指标细化及指标定义考核内容及标准分值评分工作态度30 分出勤率迟到/早退(扣 2 分/次)事假(扣 3 分/次)旷工(扣 5 分/次)10 工作纪律工作时间内做其他与工作无关的事情,第一次提醒,第二次以上(扣 2 分/次)4 按时参加相关工作会议和培训无故缺席(扣 3 分/次)6 上级临时交办事项完成情况未完成或领导不满意完成结果的(扣 2 分/次)不服从领导安排的(扣 5 分/次)5 员工的 5S管理被公司 5S 小组通报(扣 5 分/次)5 工作业绩50 分目标达成度未完成每月办公室STOP卡任务(扣5 分/次)5 每月办公信息发布(未及时发布扣5 分)5 每月上报报表(全体人员考勤,QOS 指标、工时统计、病假人员统计、办公用品统计、车辆费用统计、各部门数据统计、带薪休假统计、加班人员统计、借调人员统计、未在食堂吃饭人员统计、快递公司的对账登记。)(未及时发布扣 5 分,未发布扣10 分)10 日常工作办公用品的购买及发放(未及时购买或发放扣5 分)5 负责并监督实施对员工劳动保护用品定额和计划管理工作。(未按计划时间完成扣5 分)5 工伤认定及跟踪(未及时办理成扣5 分)5 新员工的录用及员工离职手续的办理(未及时办理录用和离退手续扣5 分)5 监督和管理保洁、保安的日常工作5 Do the following three main poi nts:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,look s up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widesprea d deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well desig ned programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesse s in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the probl em of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,a nd so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers shoul d know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,proce ss,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide st udents on the basis of the previous accumulati on of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basi cs(a)1,review the main poi nts of Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyi n;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the or der of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowerca se letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentence s with dot to select the corre ct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method(管理不到位扣5 分)劳资纠纷及员工关系的处理(未处理扣5 分)5 团队协作20 分部门内与同事、上级沟通顺畅,人际关系和谐10 与其他部门协调对外关系,与相关部门保持良好联系交流10 主 管 领 导签字100 人事部绩效考核表-行政及外联专员被考核人:职务:考核时间:年月考核项指标细化及指标定义考核内容及标准分值评分工作态度(30 分)出勤率迟到/早退(扣 2 分/次)事假(扣 3 分/次)旷工(扣 5 分/次)10 工作纪律工作时间内做其他与工作无关的事情,第一次提醒,第二次以上(扣 2 分/次)4 按时参加相关工作会议和培训无故缺席(扣 3 分/次)6 上级临时交办事项完成情况未完成或领导不满意完成结果的(扣 2 分/次)不服从领导安排的(扣 5 分/次)5 员工的 5S管理被公司 5S小组通报(扣 5 分/次)5 工作业绩(50 分)日常工作完成公司各种证件、资质、车辆等及时审验工作(未及时完成扣5 分/次)10 研发技术人员知识产权申报相关知识的培训工作(未组织相关政策的宣导及培训扣5 分)5 协调申报专员和公司研发部门,做好项目申报计划、项目资料填写,完成项目申请(未及时办理扣 5分/次)10 项目申报资料的整理,建立完善的项目档案资料库,定期维护更新(未妥善保管或遗失、泄密等扣 10 分)10 公司车辆协调(未协调好或遭投诉扣5 分/次)10 组织开展企业文化建设(未按计划完扣5 分)5 团队协作(20 分)部门内与同事、上级沟通顺畅,人际关系和谐10 与其他部门协调对外关系,与相关部门保持良好联系交流10 Do the following three main poi nts:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,look s up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widesprea d deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well desig ned programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesse s in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the probl em of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,a nd so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers shoul d know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,proce ss,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide st udents on the basis of the previous accumulati on of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basi cs(a)1,review the main poi nts of Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyi n;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the or der of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowerca se letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentence s with dot to select the corre ct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method主管领导签字100 人事部绩效考核表-办公 IT 被考核人:职务:考核时间:年月考核项指标细化及指标定义考核内容及标准分值评分工作态度(30 分)出勤率迟到/早退(扣 2 分/次)事假(扣 3 分/次)旷工(扣 5 分/次)10 工作纪律工作时间内做其他与工作无关的事情,第一次提醒,第二次以上(扣 2 分/次)4 按时参加相关工作会议和培训无故缺席(扣 3 分/次)6 上级临时交办事项完成情况未完成或领导不满意完成结果的(扣 2 分/次)不服从领导安排的(扣 5 分/次)5 员工的 5S管理被公司 5S小组通报(扣 5 分/次)5 工作业绩(50 分)日常工作办公室区域ESC、5S的执行跟踪(未及时完成扣5 分)5 负责公司网站、局域网、公司邮箱、电话正常运行及维护(管理维护不到位5 分/次)10 购买公司电脑、打印机、投影仪等办公设备及其维修(购买或维修不及时扣5 分/次)10 办公电脑和专用软件安装更新(未及时完成扣5 分/次)10 负责公司重大事件的拍摄工作及电视投影的编辑(拍摄不及时或错误编辑扣5 分)5 定期更新公司人员通讯表(未完成扣5 分)5 公司摄像监视系统的维护更新(未维护扣5 分)5 团队协作(20 分)部门内与同事、上级沟通顺畅,人际关系和谐10 与其他部门协调对外关系,与相关部门保持良好联系交流10 Do the following three main poi nts:1 find out the weak.Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand,make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity,but also let the students themselves,look s up the deficiencies.So,we teachers to understand the students knowledge of the situation prior to the review,students not only found widesprea d deficiencies,but also some shortcomings,for these well desig ned programs,reasonable arrangement of time,this review is more targeted and more effective.For example,you can design a form for investigation,understanding students weaknesse s in each knowledge,put it as a review of key,combined with the probl em of textbooks to review,both to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu,and improve the efficiency of review.2,good collation.Through six years of study,students in the basics,reading method,exercises,a nd so already have a certain degree of accumulation,the review stage,teachers shoul d know how to guide the students to label the accumulation,proce ss,form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative,fine,complete,to live,and earnestly do a problem learning a method,class of pass was to get time efficient review results.3,pay attention to use.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use,therefore,review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages,guide st udents on the basis of the previous accumulati on of knowledge to use to the maximum,and really apply what they have learned.Second,review the content and strategy of the first part:the basi cs(a)1,review the main poi nts of Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyi n;accurate spelling pronunciation(after reading cacuminal,nasal sound,light,and retroflex sounds),the correct write consonants,vowels and syllables.2,.main types according to the or der of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order;fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowerca se letters;see phonetic writing words;pinyin to write sentence s with dot to select the corre ct pronunciation of the word;to bring some initial consonants or vowels,word selection.Second,the main types of words(1)Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3)use a sequencer and radical character lookup method 主管领导签字100 鱼知水恩,乃幸福之源也。鱼离不开水,人离不开亲人和朋友,当你处于逆境和灾难时,帮助你一臂之力,渡过难关的人,都是你的亲人和朋友。吃水不忘挖井人,度过苦难,不能忘记援助过你的人。知恩图报,善莫大焉。一个人要想获得幸福,必须懂得感恩。生活需要一颗感恩的心来创造,一颗感恩的心需要生活来滋养。一饭之恩,当永世不忘。顺境里给你帮助的人,不能全部称作朋友,但是能够在你逆境时依然愿意援助你,走出困境的人,一定是你要用一生去感谢和珍惜的人。唐代李商隐的晚晴里有这样一句诗:天意怜幽草,人间重晚晴。久遭雨潦之苦的幽草,忽遇晚晴,得以沾沐余辉而平添生意。当一个人闯过难关的时候,一定要记住那些支撑你,陪你一起走过厄运的朋友和亲人,这个世界谁也不亏欠谁,帮你是情分,不帮你是本分。如古人所说:淡看世事去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。学会感恩父母养育之恩,学会感恩朋友的帮助之情,生活里做一个有情有义的人。你要知道,父母,永远是你最亲近的人,是最爱你的人,不管他们的方法怎么错误?可是爱你的心,都是一样的。千万不要因为自己一时的私心,而忘记感恩。我们常常希望别人都对自己有情有义,可是想得到别人你真情,首先你必须先付出真情。你帮助别人,不要记在

