ASME B16.41830759b70.0072840.4/AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD20.q.SFunctional Qualification Requirementsfor Power Operated Active ValveAssemblies for Nuclear Power PlantsANSB16.41.1983REAFFIRMEDATE:32儿BY:REAFFIRMEDDATE:4BYPUBLISHED BYTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSUnited Engineering Center345 East 47th StreetNew York,N.Y.10017Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical EngineersWed Aug3009:45:062000ASME B16.4183075967000726489CONTENTSForeword.出Standards Committee Roster.:12References.,13 Dofinitions.4 Functional Specification.,.,5 Functional Qualification Requirements.25.1 Qualification of Parent Valve Assemblies.,.,.25.1.1Test Plan.,25.1.2T3ting,。,。,*25.1.3Inspection3514Rep0rts,.,。,.、,5.2 Qualification of Candidate Valve Assemblies.A5.2.1Requirements,:。,:,:g5.2.2Candidate Valve Testing.45.2.3Reports6 Application Report.AppendicesAnnex AValve Leakage Test.,.,.,.,.,:SAnnex BColdCyclic Test.7Annex CHot Cyclic Test.t8Annex DPipe Reaction End Loading Qualification Test.,.,.,.9Annex EExploratory Vibration Test.11Annex FSeismic Loading Test.12Annex GFlow Interruption Capability Test.14Annex HEndurance Test.15Annex JGuidance for Qualification of Candidate Valve Assemblies.16Annex KReferences.21QCopyright by the American Society Of Mechanical EngineersWed Aug3009:45:082000A3EB64h830759白70007e84門0AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDFUNCTIONAL QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FORPOWER OPERATED ACTIVE VALVE ASSEMBLIESFOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS1 SCOPE2 REFERENCES1.1 This Standard establishes the requirements forThe standards or codes referenced in this Standardfunctional qualification of power operated activeare listed in Annex K.The text of this Standard indi.valve assemblies for nuclear power plants.It is notcates whether use of a referenced standard or code isintended that this Standard be applied to power op-mandatory or reference is for information only.erated relief valves and self-operated valves such ascheck and pressure relief valves.It is the responsibil-ity of the plant owner or his designee to identify3 DEFINITIONSthose active valves which require qualification underThe following definitions are provided to assure athis Standard and to identify the functional qualifi-uniform understanding of selected terms as they arecation requirements,as associated with Annexes Aused in this Standard.through H,which shall be met.aging-the cumulative effect of operating cycles andenvironmental and system conditions imposed on the1.2 Functional qualification of a parent valve as-valve assemblysembly consists of testing as specified herein to dem-application report-documentation for a specific ap-onstrate that a valve assembly can perform its re-plication showing that the required pressure ratings,quired function under test conditions.Annex J is aqualification loading levels,and operating conditionguide to provide functional qualification of a candi-capabilities are equaled or exceeded by the corre-date valve assembly by analyses that demonstrate de-sponding pressure ratings,qualification loadings,andsign similarity to a parent valve assembly.Any use ofoperating condition capabilities shown in the Func.Annex J for qualification of a candidate valve for ational Qualification Report(s)specific application in a nuclear power plant shall becold working pressure-the valve pressure rating atthe responsibility of the plant owner or his designee.100F(38design life-the time or operating cycles(or both)1.3 Qualification testing,inspecting,and reportingfor which satisfactory performance is requiredas specified herein shall be performed in accordanceFunctional Qualification Report-documentation ofwith the applicable requirements of ANSI/ASMEtests or analyses(or both)performed in accordanceNQA-1 or its equivalent.with this Standardmaximum motive power-the electrical,fluid,or me-1.4 A Functional Qualification Report(s)is requiredchanical power provided when voltage or actuatorto document compliance with this Standard.An Ap-pressure is at the highest value for which the valve as.plication Report(s)is required to document qualifica-sembly is to be qualifiedtion of a valve assembly for a specific nuclear plantminimum motive power-the electrical,fluid,or me-application.chanical power provided when voltage or actuatorCopyright by the American Society Of Mechanical EngineersWed Aug3009:45:092000A31北Bh6483075967000728519AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDANS1B16,41-1983same test valve assembly.Individual tests within athe qualification test series in accordance with anumerical grouping may be conducted in any se-written Test Plan(see 5.1.1).quence or in any combination with other tests withinthat numerical grouping. Pretest Inspection.Pretest inspection shallbe performed according to the Test Plan for suchGroup 1items as the following:(a)Leakage(Annex A)(a)Control settings(b)Cold cyclic(Annex B)(b)Securing of fastenersGroup 2(c)Motive power drive system(a)Hot cyclic(Annex C)(d)Test equipment calibration(b)End loading(Annex D) Intermediate Inspection.To assist in eval-(c)Exploratory Vibration(Annex E)uation of the test valve assembly,inspections may be(d)Vibration Endurance(Annex H)made at intermediate times during the qualification(e)Seismic(Annex F)testing program.If some condition is exhibited dur-(f)Flow interruption capability(Annex G)ing the sequence of the testing which requires main-Group 3:Cold cyclic(Annex B)tenance or adjustment of a part,acceptance of thetest must be evaluated according to the limitations ofGroup 4:Leakage(Annex A)the Test Plan.Aside from any adjustments or other5.1.2.4 Environmental and Aging Effects.Valveschanges which are required to perform the variouscovered by this Standard are characterized by thetests,no alterations,adjustments,or maintenance areuse of metal for all components which provide theallowed other than those stipulated in the Test Planpressure containing boundaries and operating loadwithout the qualification tests being reinitiated.Anybearing or transmitting functions.The use of nonsuch maintenance or adjustments shall be fully de.metallic materials is confined to applications involv-scribed and evaluated in the Functional Qualifica.ing substantially total confinement in compressuretion Report.loadings,as in stem seal packing and in joint sealing5.1.3.4 Post-test Inspection.The test valve shallgaskets.The use of metal in valve components pro-vides basic assurance against loss of operability frombe disassembled and inspected after completion ofthe group of tests of damage andenvironmental and aging effects,such as radiation,changes shall be recorded and evaluated and be in-elevated environmental temperature,and impingingchemical sprays.Qualification of plastic and elasto-cluded in the Functional Qualification Report de-scribed in 5.1.4.meric materials requires exposure to aging radiationand thermal environments which are equivalent to the5.1.4 Reportsmaximum for which the valve is to be qualified.Thisradiation and thermal aging shall be performed as5.1.4.1.A Functional Qualification Report shallspecified in IEEE-382,followed by tests of the agedbe prepared for each parent valve assembly qualifiedin accordance with this Standard.This report shallspecimens to demonstrate that the specimens are cap-provide complete identification of the valve by type,able of performing their required function.The se-quential testing program required by this Standardsize,pressure rating,actuator,and other data asprovides assurance that the valve assembly can func-appropriate,including qualification Test Plan,testtion under a wide range of operating conditions.Pe-results,and inspections.Any specific limitations thatrestrict qualification shall be stated.riodic inservice testing prescribed by the ASME Code,Section XI,may provide assurance that aging does5.1.4.2 The Functional Qualification Report shallnot unacceptably affect valve assembly operabilitycontain a summary of the parameters established byduring normal plant service conditions.the functional qualification testing and analysis.EachFunctional Qualification Report shall be certified to5.1.3 Inspectionbe correct and complete and to be in compliancewith this Standard,by one or more Registered Pro- Inspections of the test valve assemblyshall be performed prior to and upon completion offessional Engineers representing the organization re-sponsible for the functional qualification.Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical EngineersWed Aug3009:45:122000ANs1B16.41-1983AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD5.2 Qualification of Candidate Valve Assemblies5.2.3 ReportsQualification of a candidate valve in accordanceThe Functional Qualification Report for a quali-with this Standard is based on the individual testfied candidate valve assembly shall contain the fol-conditions for the parent valve and the guidance forlowing,as applicable:qualification of candidate valve assemblies given in(a)a summary of the functional parameters;Annex J.Any use of Annex J for qualification of a(b)the Test Plan;candidate valve for a specific application in a nuclear(c)test results;power plant shall be the responsibility of the plant(d)inspection reports for the parent valve assem-owner or his designee.It is the objective of the fol-bly(assemblies)and for the candidate valve assembly;lowing qualification requirements to verify that the(e)an explanation of how conformance with thecandidate valve will perform its intended functionrequirements of is achieved,including expla-and that it qualifies for the operating conditionsnation of all items treated as not applicable;andshown in the Functional Qualification Report.(f)the analyses used to show that the candidatevalve assembly satisfies the requirements of this5.2.1 RequirementsStandard for design similarity with the parent valveassembly.A candidate valve assembly shall satisfy the func-Each Functional Qualification Report shall betional qualification requirements specified in 5.1.certified to becorrect and complete,and to be inThis may be accomplished by similarity analysis orcompliance with this Standard,by one or more Reg-by a combination of testing and similarity analysesistered Professional Engineers representing the or-in accordance with Annex J.The testing or analysisganization responsible for the functional qualifica-shall show that the qualification of the parent valvetionassembly constitutes a valid basis for conclusion thatthe design of the candidate valve assembly is of at least6 APPLICATION REPORTequivalent adequacy for its intended function.The suitability of a valve assembly that has beenqualified in accordance.with this Standard to meetthe requirements of a Functional Specification for a5.2.2 Candidate Valve Testingspeciflc application shall be documented in an Appli-cation Report.The Application Report shall be cer-Any testing that is required for candidate valvetified to be correct and complete,and to be in com-qualification shall be performed in accordance withpliance with this Standard,by one or more Regis-the appropriate Annex(A through of this Standard.tered Professional Engineers.Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical EngineersWed Aug3009:45:132000