IoT 2020:Smart and secure IoT platformWhite Paper3Internet of Things(IoT)market forecasts show that IoT is already making an impact on the global economy.While estimates of the economic impact during the next five to ten years vary slightly(IDC estimates USD 1,7 trillion in 2020 1,Gartner sees a benefit of USD 2 trillion by that time 2,and McKinsey predicts growth of USD 4 trillion to USD 11 trillion by 2025 3),there seems to be a consensus that the impact of IoT technologies is substantial and growing.Although a significant impact already exists,Gartner notes that both IoT and the business models associated with it are immature at this point 2,hence the huge transformation that the economy and maybe even society as a whole will face from the Internet of Things is still to come.This IEC White Paper provides an outlook on what the next big step in IoT the development of smart and secure IoT platforms could involve.These platforms offer significant improvements in capabilities in the field of security and bridge the gaps between different existing IoT platforms,which usually consist of“legacy”systems that have not been designed for IoT purposes.Gartner predicts that by 2020,80%of all IoT projects will have failed at the implementation stage due to improper methods of data collection 4.Hence,one of the main objectives of the smart and secure IoT platform is to serve as a“platform of platforms”.After providing an overview of where IoT currently stands,with a particular focus on IoT system design as well as architecture patterns,the limitations and deficiencies of the current IoT framework are similarly identified in this White Paper.Such limitations and deficiencies involve topics such as security,interoperability and scalability.To derive capabilities and requirements for the next-generation smart and secure IoT platform,several use cases from the industry,public and customer domains are investigated.Based on these use cases and their different focus areas,the capabilities and requirements for smart and secure IoT platforms are deduced.Subsequently,next-generation enabling technologies for smart and secure IoT platforms are discussed,with a strong focus on platform-level technologies in the field of connectivity,processing and security.Bringing the ambitious visions connected with the Internet of Things to fruition will require significant efforts in standardization e.g.development of initiatives to enable interoperability thus this White Paper presents a desired future IoT standardization ecosystem environment to address those needs.This White Paper concludes by formulating recommendations both of a general nature as well as specifically addressed to the IEC and its committees.The principal recommendations proposed for the IEC include:Taking the lead in establishing an IoT standardization ecosystem environment with IEC exercizing a key role.Assigning tasks to the ISO/IEC JTC 1 leadership concerning key IoT standardization activities.Working more closely with government entities to increase their level of participation and to identify the related requirements and concerns to be addressed by IEC deliverables.Executive summary4Executive summaryAcknowledgmentsThis White Paper has been prepared by the IoT 2020 project team in the IEC Market Strategy Board(MSB),with a major contribution from the project leader,SAP and project partner,Fraunhofer AISEC.The project team met four times November 2015(Walldorf,DE),January 2016(Munich,DE),March 2016(Tokyo,JP)and May 2016(Walldorf,DE)and held a number of online conference calls.The project team includes:Mr.Bernd Leukert,SAP,MSB Member,Project DirectorDr.Dr.Timo Kubach,SAP,Project ManagerDr.Claudia Eckert,Fraunhofer AISEC,Project PartnerDr.Kazuhiko Tsutsumi,Mitsubishi Electric,MSB MemberMr.Mark Crawford,SAPMs.Nina Vayssiere,SAPMr.Ebin Thomas Kandathil,SAPDr.Uwe Kubach,SAPMr.Anirban Majumdar,SAPMr.Alan Southall,SAPMr.Fabian Biegel,SAPMs.Krista Grothoff,Fraunhofer AISECMr.Mario Hoffmann,Fraunhofer AISECMr.Philipp Stephanow,Fraunhofer AISECDr.Seisuke Kano,AISTDr.Hiroyuki Sawada,AISTDr.Kai Cui,HaierDr.Daisuke Matsubara,HitachiDr.Motonobu Saito,HitachiMr.Tadashi Kaji,HitachiDr.Yun Chao Hu,Huawei TechnologiesMr.Xiangqun Liu,Huawei TechnologiesDr.Jijun Luo,Huawei TechnologiesMr.Ulrich Graf,Huawei TechnologiesDr.Sadayuki Watanabe,METIDr.Tetsushi Matsuda,Mitsubishi ElectricMr.Noritaka Okuda,Mitsubishi ElectricDr.Yasunori Mochizuki,NEC CorporationDr.Ernoe Kovacs,NEC CorporationDr.Grkan Solmaz,NEC CorporationMr.Hiroshi Takechi,NEC CorporationDr.Akihisa Ushirokawa,NEC CorporationDr.Fang-Jing Wu,NEC CorporationMr.Peter Lanctot,IEC,MSB Secretary5List of abbreviations 9Glossary 15Section 1 Introduction 171.1 Background 171.2 Moving forward 181.3 Scope 191.4 Structure of this White Paper 19Section 2 Todays IoT 212.1 IoT components 212.1.1 Physical device 212.1.2 Edge 212.1.3 Platform 222.2 IoT system design 232.2.1 ISO/IEC 30141,Internet of Things Reference Architecture(IoT RA)232.2.2 ITU-T Y.2060 242.2.3 IIC IIRA 252.2.4 RAMI 4.0 262.2.5 IoT-A ARM 272.2.6 AIOTI-reference architecture 272.3 Architecture patterns 282.3.1 Three-tier architecture 292.3.2 Gateway-mediated edge connectivity and management 302.3.3 Edge-to-cloud 302.3.4 Multi-tier data storage 302.3.5 Distributed analytics 302.3.6 Lambda architecture 312.4 Characteristic features of IoT 312.4.1 Data correlation and information retrieval 312.4.2 Communication 322.4.3 Integration and interoperation 322.4.4 Security,privacy and trust 32Table of contents6Table of contentsSection 3 Limitations and deficiencies in todays IoT 353.1 Security,trust,privacy and identity management 353.1.1 Trust 363.1.2 Privacy 363.1.3 Identity management 363.2 Safety 373.3 Integrability,interoperability and composability 373.3.1 Integrability 373.3.2 Interoperability 383.3.3 Composability 393.4 Resiliency 393.5 Data collection,management and ownership 403.6 Advanced analytics and advanced data processing 403.7 Virtualization 413.8 Scalability 413.9 Regulation 41Section 4 Use cases for next-generation smart and secure IoT platforms 434.1 Industrial domain:business continuity management for production lines 444.2 Public domain:Smart Cities 474.3 Customer domain:improved journey experience in public transport for passengers with special needs 49Section 5 Capabilities and requirements for smart and secure IoT platforms 515.1 General qualities of future IoT systems 515.2 Core capabilities and requirements 535.2.1 Connectivity 535.2.2 Processing 545.2.3 Memory 575.2.4 Sensing 585.2.5 Actions 595.2.6 Security 62Section 6 Next-generation enabling technologies for smart and secure IoT platforms 696.1 Connectivity 706.1.1 Transport layer protocol for the next-generation satellite connections (higher bandwidth,high latency)707Table of contents6.1.2 Next-generation communication systems 706.1.3 Low power wireless access networks(LPWAN)716.1.4 Mapping to use cases 736.2 Processing 736.2.1 System configuration and dynamic composition 736.2.2 Data contextualization 736.2.3 Autonomous data exchange 746.2.4 Sensor fusion technology 756.2.5 Machine learning 766.2.6 Virtualization 766.2.7 Mapping to use cases 776.3 Memory 776.3.1 Digital product memory 776.3.2 Mapping to use cases 786.4 Sensing 786.4.1 Ultra-precise location technology 786.4.2 Mapping to use cases 786.5 Actions 796.5.1 Augmented reality 796.5.2 Virtual reality 796.5.3 Tactile internet 796.5.4 Mapping to use cases 806.6 Security 806.6.1 Elemental security technologies 806.6.2 Security as a service 846.6.3 Identity management 846.6.4 Mapping to use cases 85Section 7 Standards 877.1 Environment 877.1.1 Current IoT standardization environment 877.1.2 Desired future IoT standardization ecosystem environment 887.2 Standards requirements 897.2.1 Mapping to use cases 91Section 8 Recommendations 938.1 General recommendations 938.2 Recommendations addressed to the IEC and its committees 938Table of contentsAnnexes Use cases 95Annex A Business continuity management(BCM)95Annex B Anomaly detection system for advanced maintenance services 103Annex C Collaborative supply chain management(SCM)113Annex D Predictive maintenance and service 121Annex E A Smart City with a smart and secure IoT platform 133Annex F Social sensors 143Annex G Improvement of journey experience in public transport for passengers including those with special needs 151Annex H Connected cars 159Annex I WISE Skiing 173Annex J Home device smart factory 183Bibliography 19195G 5th generation cellular accessACE authentication and authorization for constrained environmentsADECP autonomous data exchange control profileAPI application programming interfaceARM architectural reference modelASE asymmetric searchable encryptionBCM business continuity managementCACC cooperative adaptive cruise controlCAGR compound annual growth rateCAM cooperative awareness messageCMMI capability maturity model integrationCoAP constrained application protocolCOP common operational pictureCPS cyber physical systemCRISP-DM cross industry standard process for data miningCRM customer relationship managementCT communication technologyDENM decentralized environmental notification messageDevOps development and operationsDPM digital product memoryeMTC enhancements for machine type communicationsERP enterprise resource planningFCW forward collision warningGPS global positioning systemGSM global system for mobile communicationsHSM hardware security moduleHSPA high speed packet accessHTTP hypertext transfer protocolList of abbreviationsTechnical and scientific terms10List of abbreviationsHV host vehicleHW hardwareI/O input/outputIaaS infrastructure as a serviceIAM identity and access managementICT information and communications technologyIIRA industrial internet reference architectureIM identity managementIMT-Advanced international mobile telecommunications-advancedIoT Internet of ThingsIoT-A Internet of Things architectureIoT RA Internet of Things reference architectureIP internet protocolIRI internationalized resource identifierIT information technologyLAN local area networkLPWAN low power wireless access networkLTE long term evolutionM2M machine to machineMBB mobile broadbandMES manufacturing execution systemMoU memorandum of understandingMQTT message queuing telemetry transportNB-IoT narrowband Internet of ThingsNFC near field communicationNGSI next generation service interfaceOEM original equipment manufacturerOIDC OpenID ConnectOODA observe-orient-decide-actOPC object linking and embedding for process controlOpenIOC open indicators of compromise11List of abbreviationsOSS open source softwareOT operational technologyOWL web ontology languagePaaS platform as a servicePDCA plan-do-check-actPIR private information retrievalPKI public key infrastructurePLC programmable logic controllerPLM product lifecycle managementPOS point of saleProSe proximity servicePUF physical unclonable functionQC quality controlQoS quality of serviceRAMI 4.0 reference architectural model industrie 4.0RAT radio access technologyRDF resource description frameworkREST representational state transferREST API RESTful application programming interfaceRFID radio frequency identificationROI return on investmentRSU roadside unitRV remote vehicleSAML security assertion markup languageSC subcommitteeSCIM system for cross-domain identity managementSCM supply chain managementSDN software defined networkingSDO standards developing organizationSDP software defined perimeterSLA service level agreementSMG semantic mediation gatewaySSE symmetric searchable encryptionSSO single sign-onSTIX structured threat information expressionSW softwareTAXII trusted automated exchange of indicator informationTCP transmission control protocolTLS transport layer securityTPM trusted platform moduleTSP trust,security and privacyUML unified modeling languageUWB ultra widebandVPN virtual private networkWAN wide area networkWG working groupWoT web of trust3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership ProjectAIOTI Alliance for Internet of Things InnovationAISEC Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated SecurityAIST Advanced Industrial Science and TechnologyBITKOM German Federal Association for Information Technology,Telecommunications and New MediaBMWi German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and EnergyCSA Cloud Security AllianceIDC International Data CorporationIEC International Electrotechnical CommissionIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIETF Internet Engineering Task ForceIIC Industrial Internet ConsortiumISO International Organization for StandardizationOrganizations,institutions and companiesList of abbreviations1213List of abbreviationsISO/IEC JTC 1 Joint Technical Committee 1 of ISO and IECITU International Telecommunication UnionITU-R ITU Radiocommunication SectorITU-T ITU Telecommunication Standardization SectorMETI Japanese Ministry of Economy,Trade and IndustryMIT Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMSB Market Strategy Board(of the IEC)NGMN Next Generation Mobile Networks AllianceNIST National Institute of Standards and TechnologyOMA Open Mobile AllianceSMB Standardization Management Board(of the IEC)VDMA German Mechanical Engineering Industry AssociationW3C World Wide Web ConsortiumWRC ITU-R World Radiocommunication ConferencesZVEI German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association15Glossarybrownfield approachbusiness solutions approach to specific problem areas involving the development and deployment of new software systems in the immediate presence of existing(legacy)software applications/systemsCloud Foundry approachan open source cloud computing platform as a service(PaaS)cyber physical system CPS1.hybrid networked cyber and engineered physical elements co-designed to create adaptive and predictive systems for enhanced performance Source:National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)2.engineered systems that are built from and depend upon the synergy of computational and physical components Source:National Science Foundationedgeaspect comprising the operational domain of the overall IoT systemNOTE The edge typically consists of sensors,controllers,actuators,tag and tag readers,communication components,gateways and the physical devices themselves.gateway-mediated edgedevice that aggregates data flows and connections from all the endnodesHadoopopen-source software framework for distributed storage and distributed processing of very large data sets on computer clusters built from commodity hardwareLambda architecturedata-processing architecture designed to handle massive quantities of data by taking advantage of both batch-and stream-processing methodssemantic interoperabilityability of computer systems to exchange data with unambiguous,shared meaning5G fifth generation mobile networksproposed next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the current 4G/IMT-Advanced standards17Section 1Introduction Much has been written about the rapidly emerging,disruptive impact being detected on every aspect of