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中国 西南地区 锤菌属两新种 英文 杨祝良
Research paper 研究论文 22 January 2023,42(1):179-186 菌物学报 Mycosystema ISSN1672-6472 CN11-5180/Q Doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.220412 This paper is dedicated to Academician Prof.LI Y,on the occasion of his 80th birthday.This work was supported by the Yunnan Ten-Thousand-Talents Plan Yunling Scholar Project.*Corresponding author.E-mail: Received:2022-10-18;Accepted:2022-10-20 Copyright 2023 Institute of Microbiology,CAS.All rights reserved.| Http:/journals- Tel:+86-10-64807521 菌物学报 179 杨祝良 中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员,全国先进工作者、全国五一劳动奖章、戴芳澜杰出成就奖获得者。现任中科院东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室主任,任云南省真菌多样性与绿色发展重点实验室主任,主要从事真菌多样性进化与资源利用研究。采自中国西南地区的地锤菌属两新种 杨祝良1,2*1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室,云南 昆明 650201 2 云南省真菌多样性与绿色发展重点实验室,云南 昆明 650201 摘 要:基于形态特征和此前发表的 DNA 序列数据,本文报道了地锤菌属 Cudonia 的 2 个新种,它们采自中国东喜马拉雅和横断山的亚高山地区。棒状地锤菌 C.claviformis 具子实层的部分鲜黄色、棒状,菌柄污白色至淡褐色、光滑。鳞柄地锤菌 C.furfuracea 具子实层的部分头状、鲜黄色,菌柄被污白色至淡褐色糠麸状鳞片。两种真菌都生长于杜鹃和柳树组成的矮灌丛下苔藓丛中。关键词:地锤菌科;形态学;新分类单元;斑痣盘菌目;系统学 引用本文 杨祝良,2023.采自中国西南地区的地锤菌属两新种.菌物学报,42(1):179-186 Yang ZL,2023.Two new species of Cudonia(Rhytismatales)from southwestern China.Mycosystema,42(1):179-186 Two new species of Cudonia(Rhytismatales)from southwestern China YANG Zhuliang1,2*1 CAS Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia,Kunming Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming 650201,Yunnan,China 2 Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development,Kunming 650201,Yunnan,China Abstract:Two new species of Cudonia found from the subalpine regions of the eastern Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains were described and illustrated based on morphological features and previously published DNA sequence data.Cudonia claviformis has a bright yellow,clavate YANG Zhuliang/Two new species of Cudonia(Rhytismatales)from southwestern China 研究论文 菌物学报 180 ascigerous portion and a whitish to brownish,glabrous stipe,while C.furfuracea has a bright yellow,capitate ascigerous head often covered with a well-developed brownish membrane,a dirty white to brownish,furfuraceous stipe.Both species were associated with mosses under dwarf shrubs of Rhododendron and Salix.Keywords:Cudoniaceae;morphology;new taxa;Rhytismatales;systematics The genus Cudonia Fr.was traditionally arranged in the family Geoglossaceae(Durand 1908;Corner 1929,1930;Mains 1940,1955;Imai 1941;Maas Geesteranus 1964)or in the Leotiaceae(Korf 1973)based on morphology.Nannfeldt(1942)suggested that Cudonia and Spathularia Pers.share characters with the members of Phacidiaceae(including Rhytisma Fr.,now a member of Rhytismataceae,Rhytismatales).The relationship between Cudonia and Spathularia was then confirmed by molecular studies(Gargas et al.1995;Platt&Spatafora 2000;Gernandt et al.2001;Lutzoni et al.2001).Phylogenetic analyses showed that Cudonia,and Spathularia including Spathulariopsis Maas Geest.form a strongly supported monophyletic clade within the Rhytismatales(Pfister&Kimbrough 2001;Wang et al.2002,2006,2007,2009;Ge et al.2014).In contrast with most members of Rhytismatales forming ascomata immersed within the host tissue,the ascomata of Cudonia and Spathularia develop on soil or among mosses and form erect ascomata(Wang et al.2009).The hymenia are covered by a stromatic membrane at early stages of development(Nannfeldt 1942;Wang et al.2002).This layer is a developmental character that unites Cudonia,Spathularia,and members of Rhytismataceae,as suggested by Nannfeldt(1942)and Wang et al.(2002).Other Rhytismatales-like features of Cudonia and Spathularia are ascospores with gelatinous sheaths and simple asci lacking an amyloid pore(Wang et al.2002,2007).About ten species in Cudonia,ten species in Spathularia(including Spathulariopsis)have been recognized(Kirk et al.2008).Several species of the genera were reported from China(Zhuang 1998a,1998b,2001,2005).However,many species are still undescribed(Ge et al.2014;Zheng et al.2020).During the study of macrofungi in southwestern China,the authors uncovered two unusual and undescribed species of Cudonia from the eastern Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains region,one of the worlds hotspots of biodiversity(Mittermeier et al.2005;Yang 2005).They are described and illustrated herein.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS Macromorphological descriptions are based on field notes,field line drawings and color slides.Color codes of the form“3A4”are from Kornerup&Wanscher(1981).Microscopic studies were based on dried herbarium material.Sections cut with a new razor blade under a stereomicroscope and gently squashed tissues were studied.Measurements,and illustrations of spores were usually made under cotton-blue-lactic-acid using bright field and phase contrast optics of a compound microscope(Zeiss Axioskop 40).For studies of hymenium,stromatic layer and trama of ascoma,sections were mounted in 3%KOH.Melzers reagent was used to test the ascus apex iodine reaction.The materials are deposited at the Herbarium of Cryptogams,Kunming Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences(KUN-HKAS).Information on DNA sequences generated 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