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Unit car4900 免费 资料
添加微信:car4900,免费领小学资料 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? 知识速递 1.重点单词和短语 mine: / maɪn / 我的 yours: / jɔːz / 你(们)的 his: / hɪz / 他的 hers: / hɜːz / 她的 theirs: / ðeəz / 他们的;她们的;它的 ours: / aʊəz / 我们的 climbing: / 'klaɪmɪŋ / (正在)攀登;攀爬 eating: / 'iːtɪŋ / (正在)吃 playing: / 'pleɪɪŋ / (正在)玩耍 jumping: / 'dʒʌmpɪŋ / (正在)跳 drinking: / 'drɪŋkɪŋ / (正在)喝(水) sleeping: / 'sliːpɪŋ / (正在)睡觉 each: / iːtʃ / 每一;各个 other: / 'ʌðə(r) / 其他 each other: 相互 excited: / ɪk'saɪtɪd / 兴奋的;激动的 like: / laɪk / 像……那样 2. 语法回顾 a. 重点单词:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping, each other, excited, like. b. 询问这是/那是谁的…?:Whose …is this/that? 例:① ––Whose dog is this? (这是谁的狗?) ––It’s mine. (它是我的狗。) ② ––Whose carrots are these?(这些胡萝卜是谁的?) ––The carrots are theirs. (胡萝卜是他们它们的。) ③ ––Whose books are these? (这些书是谁的?) ––They are Mike’s. (它们是Mike的。) 练一练: ( ) ––_______ book is this? ––It is ______. A. Whose, Mike B. What, Mike’s C. Whose, Mike’s c. 表达某样东西是某人的:It is your dog. =The dog is yours. 例:① This is my book.=This book is mine.(这本书是我的。) ② These are her pictures.=These pictures are hers. (这些图片是她的。) ③ This is John’s desk.=This desk is John’s. (这张书桌是John的。) his dog=his her dog=hers their dog=theirs my dog=mine Zoom’s dog=Zoom’s dog 练一练: ( ) ––Whose computer is it? ––It is _________. A. my B. his C. her d. 询问某物在哪里:Where is/ are …….? 回答:It is/They are in/ on/ above/ beside/ in front of …….. 例:① ––Where is Fido? (Fido在哪里?) ––He’s in the kitchen. (他在厨房里。) ② ––Where are my keys? (我的钥匙在哪里?) ––They are on the table. (它们在桌子上。) ③ ––Where is the bike? (自行车在哪里?) ––It’s in front of the house. (它在屋子的前面。) 练一练: ( ) ––Where _____ your pants? ––They are on my bed. A. are B. am C. is e. 询问某人某物正在做什么吗?:Is he drinking water? 例:① ––Is he drinking water? (他在喝水吗?) ––No, he isn’t. (不,他不是。) ② ––Are they playing basketball? (他们是在打篮球吗?) ––yes, they are. (是的,他们在打篮球。) ③ ––Is Amy watching TV? (Amy是在看电视吗?) ––No, she is doing homework. (不,她在做作业。) 练一练: ( ) ––_____ your brother playing computer games? ––Yes, __________. A. Are, she is B. Are, he is C. Is, he is f. 表示某人某物正在做某事:Chen Jie is running with her father. 例:① John is playing with his dog. (John在和他的狗玩耍。) ② They are playing under the tree. (他们在树底下玩耍。) ③ Amy is listening to music in the bedroom.(Amy在卧室里听音乐。) 练一练: ( ) They are _________ in the park. A. play B. playing C. plays 3.语法操练 (1)选择题。 ( ) 1. There _____ two desks, three chairs and a blackboard in the classroom. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 2. ––Where is the clock? ––It’s _______ on the wall. A. in B. on C. under (2)选词填空。 1. There are many______ (car, cars) on the street. 2. ––_______ (Where, where’s, Where’s) the cat? ––It’s under the bed. (3)选词填空。 1. T________ is a plant in the living room. 2. ––Where is the bike? ––It’s in f_______ of the house. 4.重难点突破 b. 询问这是/那是谁的…?:Whose …is this/that? 例题精讲:( ) Chen Jie: ________ bike is this? Sarah: It’s Oliver’s. A. Which B. Who C. Whose 陈洁看见一辆漂亮的自行车想知道是谁的,她问Sarah的时候应该用“谁的”来提问,那么我们再看看选项A,B,C,只有选项C是符合原意的,因此选项C是正确的。 1. 选词填空。 Whose _______ (pen, pens) are these? 2. 改错,在错误的地方下划线并改正到括号内。 Whose clock are this? ( ) 3. 选择题。 ________ books are these? A. When B. What C. Whose D. What c. 表达某样东西是某人的:It is your dog. =The dog is yours. 例题精讲:( ) ––Amy: Whose cat is it? ––Chen Jie: It is ________. A. my B. mine C. Mike Amy见到一只可爱的小猫,但是不知道是谁的。她问陈洁“这只猫是谁的?”,陈洁回答应该是“某人的”,我们看看答案中只有A,B有“某人的”的意思,所以排除C。再看看之前学过的等式:my dog=mine,所以这里也应该是:my cat=mine。但是陈洁的答案里没有“cat”,所以不能选A,所以B是正确的。 1. 选词填空。 –– What are ______ (my, mine) books? ––This is _______ (my, mine) bag, it isn’t ________ (your, yours). 2. 判断句子的正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。 ––Where’s mine plant? ––It’s in the bedroom. ( ) ––Where’s Mike’s schoolbag? ––It is under his bed. ( ) 3. 选择题。 ( ) ––Whose photos are these? ––They are ______. A. his B. their C. her d. 询问某人某物正在做什么吗?:Is he drinking water? 例题精讲:( ) Wu Binbin: _______ Mike singing? Chen Jie: Yes, he______. A. Is, is B. Does, does C. Can, can 从吴斌斌的问句里面我们看到“singing”,sing加了ing表示正在唱歌,所以他问的应该是“Mike正在唱歌吗?”。那么也只能用be(is, am, are)来提问,因为Mike是第三人称单数,所以只能用“is”来提问,且用“is”提问也要用“is”来回答,所以选项A是正确的。 1. 选词填空。 –– Are they _______ (read, reading) books? –– _______ (Is, Are) your sister singing? 2. 判断句子的正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。 ––Is he playing basketball? ––Yes, he does. ( ) 3. 根据答句写出问句。 ––______________________? ––Yes, she is eating. e. 表示某人某物正在做某事:Chen Jie is running with her father. 例题精讲:( ) Sarah is ________ with her mother in the park. A. runs B. runing C. running Sarah和她妈妈今天去了公园,从选项可以看出来她们一起去公园跑步。因为有be动词“is”,所以应该是Sarah正在跑步,那么“run”应该在后面加上“ing”,所以排除A。但是我们要注意的是“run”加“ing”时要双写“n”再加“ing”,所以选项C正确。 1. 选词填空。 ––They are_______ (cleaning, cleanning) the classroom. 2. 判断句子的正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。 My sister playing the piano. ( ) 3. 找出句子中错误的地方下划线并将正确答案写到括号内。 Mike’s sister is has an English class. ( ) 练兵场 (1)选出词义不同类的单词,把其编号填在括号内。 ( ) 1. A. bedroom B. living room C. study D. clock ( ) 2. A. milk B. juice C. tea D. bread ( ) 3. A. in B. photo C. on D. under ( ) 4. A. sandwich B. cake C. above D. bread ( ) 5. A. desk B. chair C. bed D. room ( ) 6. A. small B. funny C. strict D. quiet (2)根据所给单词填空。 have has there is there are 1. ____________ a bed, a desk and a chair in the room. 2. I _______________ two pens in my pencil-case. 3. We ____________ four new rooms. 4. _______________ blue bikes in the picture. 5. _______________ an apple and a pear on the plate. 6. My mother ______________ a new bike. 7. She _______________ long hair and big eyes. 8. ________________ many flowers in the park. (3)根据首字母提示填入所缺单词,使句子通顺合理。 1. There is a water b________ on the t__________. 2. ––Is t________ a clock on the wall? ––Yes, there is. 3. ––W __________ the bike? ––It’s in front of the house. 4. ––What’s in the classroom? ––Many d________ and c___________. 5. Are there any p__________ near the book? 6. There aren’t a ____________ bags in the room. (4)连词成句。 1. sweet, where, the, are, cakes (?) __________________________________ 2. the, the, ball, under, bag, is, yellow (.) ___________________________________ 3. play, can, he, sports, (?) ________________________________________ 4. is, some, in, there, milk, the, box (.) ______________________________________ 5. any, are, there, are, trees, in, park, the (?) _________________________________ (5) 问答配对,把其对应答句的编号填在相应的括号内。 ( ) 1. What can you see in the room? A. Yes, I can. ( ) 2. What’s in the room? B. There is a table. ( ) 3. Where is the bike? C. I can see a picture. ( ) 4. Can you draw cartoons? D. Yes, there is. ( ) 5. Is there a bottle here? E. It’s near the ball. (6)把错误部分的编号填在括号内,正确答案写在横线上。 ( ) 1. _______________ There is some milks in the bottle. A B C ( ) 2. _______________ Are there a clock on the wall? A B C ( ) 3. _______________ What in the classroom? A B C ( ) 4. _______________ There is some new bags. A B C ( ) 5. _______________ There is an big apple in front of the chicken. A B C ( ) 6. _______________ They is new students A B C (7)阅读理解,根据短文内容回答问题。 I’m Miss Lin. I teach English in a school. There are four teachers in our office. We are good friends. There are four desks and a sofa in our office. There is a blackboard on the wall. We write something important there. Beside the desk, there are plants. The plants are green and pretty. Sometimes we can have a rest on the sofa. We all like our office. 1. How many teachers are there in their office? ___________________________________________________ 2. Are there four desks in the office? ___________________________________________________ 3. Is there a blackboard in the office? _____________________________________________________ 4. What are the plants like? ______________________________________________________ (8)英语小作文。介绍自己的房间。六个句子左右。 练兵场答案 (1)1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A (2)1. There is 2. have 3. have 4. There are 5. There is 6. has 7. has 8. There are (3)1. bottle, table 2. there 3. where’s 4. desks, chairs 5. pictures 6. any (4)1. Where are the sweet cakes? 2. The yellow ball is under the bag. 3. Can he play sports? 4. There is some milk in the box. (5)1. C 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. D (6)1. B milk 2. A Is 3. A What’s 4. B are 5. B a 6. B are (7)1. There are four teachers in their office. 2. Yes, there are. 3. Yes, there is. 4. The plants are green and pretty. (8)略 添加微信:car4900,免费领小学资料最全小学资料,公众号:小学捡知识

