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2022 江苏省 无锡市 中考 英语
试卷第 1页,共 12页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订 线 绝绝密密启启用用前前2 20 02 22 2 年年江江苏苏省省无无锡锡市市中中考考英英语语真真题题试试卷卷副副标标题题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100 分钟;命题人:xxx题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第第 I I 卷卷(选选择择题题)请点击修改第 I 卷的文字说明评卷人得分一一、单单项项选选择择1Our English teacher came into the classroom _ a smile on her face.AinBoverCwithDagainst2 _ did the online concert begin?You didnt miss anything.It has just begun.AWhenBWhereCWhatDWhy3Oh,she smiles!She nods!She understands!Weve got _ dog in the world.Aa clevererBthe cleverestCa shyerDthe shyest4Coffee or tea,Frank?Coffee,please.To get relaxed,_ is better than a cup of coffee.AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything5We should learn some basic life skills since we _ depend on ourselves some day.AcanBcantCmustDmustnt6Dad,whats for dinner?It _ nice!Im cooking chicken soup.AtastesBsmellsClooksDfeels7The chief engineer announced that they _ a space lab on the space station aroundthe end of 2022.Ahave builtBhad builtCwill buildDwould build8Julie was playing the piano every time I saw her.You know _.试卷第 2页,共 12页 外 装 订 线 请不要在装订线内答题Aevery dog has its dayBmany hands make light workCpractice makes perfectDthe early bird catches the worm9You will not get the special gift _ you finish all the tasks.AafterBbecauseCwhileDunless10 There will be a robot on show in our school next week.Really?I wonder _.Awhat it likesBwhat it is likeCwhat does it likeDwhat is it like11 Cindy,can I look at your notebook?It looks special.Sorry.I usually write down something _ in it.AperfectBpracticalCpleasantDprivate12UNICEF,part of the United Nations,_ in Europe in 1946 after World War II.Aset upBwas set upCtook upDwas taken up13Does the colour red represent good things in Chinese culture?Yes.But writing ones name in red is not good,and we usually _ it.AavoidBadviseCallowDaccept14How about going to the library this afternoon?_ Reading is my therapy.AAre you kidding?BYou got me there.CDont you know?DYou read my mind.评卷人得分二二、完完形形填填空空On the first morning of a new term,Jared remembered the things he didnt like aboutschool:Jessica,maths and reading aloud.Jared _15_ to stay at home,but his mom sent him anyway.He had to sit next toJessica.At reading time,Mrs.Thomas asked Jared to read.Reading aloud always made Jared_16_.As he picked up the book,his hands shook.“He cant read,”Jessica said.“I didntcall on you,did I?”asked Mrs.Thomas.Jared made a _17_.During the break time,Jessica whispered to him,“When Mom brings my cute kittens(小试卷第 3页,共 12页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订 线 猫)to school for show-and-tell,dont even think about _18_ them.”The four kittens arrived in a box covered with a piece of screen.Everyone except Jaredheld them.When Jared picked up his pen from the floor,he looked into the box,saying,“Stupid kittens.”After show-and-tell,the children took out their maths books.Then Philip said,“Hey,where are the kittens?”The box was _19_.“Oh no!”Jessica cried and told Mrs.Thomas.“Jared said they were stupid.”“I didnt _20_ it.”Jareds face turned red.“Look at the radiator(散热器)!”Angela said.Tiny grey paws pushed out from under theradiator cover.Alex yelled,“Kitten!”But the kitten disappeared at once.The bell rang,and the class went out for a break.When Jared passed the empty box,hesaw kitten treats.He then had a(n)_21_.He threw the treats on the floor.Akitten cameout.Jared waited until it was eating.Then another.Soon the other kittens were eating.Jaredgently put them in the box.Mrs.Thomas put a book on the screen so they couldnt run_22_ again.“Class,Jared helped the kittens out,”Mrs.Thomas announced.Everyone _23_.“Thanks,”whispered Jessica.“Youre the greatest.”Jared was so _24_ that when he read,his hands didnt shake.That day,Jared felt thenew term might not be so bad.15AagreedBwantedCmanagedDhappened16AtiredBangryCboredDnervous17AfaceBjokeCmistakeDdecision18AtakingBtouchingCcatchingDcarrying19AstolenBdirtyCbrokenDempty20AsayBmakeCmeanDknow21AideaBanswerCrestDguess22AawayBforwardCbackDupwards试卷第 4页,共 12页 外 装 订 线 请不要在装订线内答题23AdoubtedBcheeredCregrettedDcomplained24AbraveBstressedChappyDsurprised评卷人得分三三、阅阅读读单单选选25The picture above is _.Aa posterBa noticeCa storyDa report26If Bob takes the tour with his parents,they will pay _.A$50B$100C$150D$20027On November 1st the tourists will start the tour at _.ABalinghai BeachBCoral GardenCCrocodile and Bulabog BeachDPuka BeachStudying is not always the most interesting task within your day,but it is a necessary one.Even though it is required,everyone has got bored at one time or another while studying.Although this is a common problem,here are some tips for you to keep boredom away whileyou are studying.Find a suitable place to study.试卷第 5页,共 12页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订 线 Make sure you are in a place that is free of distraction(分心).Distractions will actuallycause you to become more bored because you are reminded of the things you could be doingother than studying.Make aplan.Plan first.List what you need to get completed and how long you need to complete it.Ifyou know when you can

