PET/CT在淋巴瘤中的应用(yngyng),复旦大学(f dn d xu)附属肿瘤医院肿瘤内科 郭 晔,第一页,共五十六页。,指南(zhnn)更新,JCO 2007;25:579-586,JCO 2014;32:3048-3058,第二页,共五十六页。,新的淋巴瘤分期(fn q),JCO 2014;32:3059-3067,第三页,共五十六页。,内容(nirng),背景介绍PET/CT用于淋巴瘤的分期评估(pn)PET/CT用于淋巴瘤治疗后评估PET/CT用于淋巴瘤治疗中期评估,第四页,共五十六页。,背景(bijng)知识,PET:正电子发射型计算机断层显象,是以人体解剖结构为基础,利用正电子核素标记药物的示踪作用,显示人体内物质代谢,细胞增殖,血流灌注及脏器功能状态(zhungti)。缺点是不能准确测量肿瘤大小CT:显示人体解剖结构及形态学改变,有较强的空间分辨率PET/CT:PET和CT图像同机融合,一次成象获得全身PET和CT的图象,将功能影象与解剖形态学优化组合,两者结合取长补短,第五页,共五十六页。,18FDG在肿瘤(zhngli)细胞中的摄取,第六页,共五十六页。,FDG在常见(chn jin)淋巴瘤中的摄取,第七页,共五十六页。,进行(jnxng)FDG-PET的要求,Juweid ME,et al.J Clin Oncol 2007;25:571-578.,第八页,共五十六页。,PET图像(t xin)的解读标准(视觉判断法),Juweid ME,et al.J Clin Oncol 2007;25:571-578.,第九页,共五十六页。,5分类法(Deauville 标准(biozhn),Barrington S,et al.J Clin Oncol 2014;32:3048,第十页,共五十六页。,举例(j l):治疗前,第十一页,共五十六页。,治疗(zhlio)后:1分,Example of score 1:complete metabolic response with no uptake in normal-size lymph nodes at site of initial disease in left neck(arrow).,第十二页,共五十六页。,举例(j l):治疗前,第十三页,共五十六页。,治疗(zhlio)后:2分,Example of score 2:residual uptake of intensity mediastinal blood pool in lymph nodes in left axilla(arrow).Maximum standardized uptake value(SUVmax)in lymph nodes was 1.2;SUVmax in mediastinal blood pool was 1.7.,第十四页,共五十六页。,举例(j l):治疗前,第十五页,共五十六页。,治疗(zhlio)后:3分,Example of score 3:residual uptake of intensity mediastinal blood pool but liver in residual mediastinal mass(arrow).Maximum standardized uptake value(SUVmax)in mass was 1.7;SUVmax in liver was 2.2.,第十六页,共五十六页。,举例(j l):治疗前,第十七页,共五十六页。,治疗(zhlio)后:4分,Example of score 4:residual uptake of intensity liver in residual mediastinal mass(arrow).Maximum standardized uptake value(SUVmax)in mass was 4.5;SUVmax in liver was 3.2.,第十八页,共五十六页。,举例(j l):治疗前,第十九页,共五十六页。,治疗(zhlio)后:5分,Example of score 5:residual uptake in mediastinum with intensity markedly higher than normal liver.Maximum standardized uptake value(SUVmax)in mass was 13.0;SUVmax in liver was 2.3.,第二十页,共五十六页。,新的指南推荐(tujin)级别,Experts in nuclear medicine and radiology applied to lymphoma undertook a literature review and shared knowledge about research in progress.Recommendations were formulated as follows:Based on established current knowledge(type 1)To identify emerging applications(type 2)To highlight key areas requiring further research(type 3),Barrington S,et al.J Clin Oncol 2014;32:3048,第二十一页,共五十六页。,肿瘤缓解(hun ji)术语,CTCR:complete responseCRu:complete response unconfirmedPR:partial responseSD:stable diseasePD:progressive disease,PET/CTCMR:complete metabolic responsePMR:partial metabolic responseNMR:no metabolic responsePMR:progressive metabolic disease,Cheson BD,et al.J Clin Oncol 1999;17:1244.,Cheson BD,et al.J Clin Oncol 2014;32:3059,第二十二页,共五十六页。,Interpretation of PET-CT scans,Staging of FDG-avid lymphomas is recommended using visual assessment,with PET-CT images scaled to fixed SUV display and color table;focal uptakein HL and aggressive NHL is sensitive for bone marrow involvement and may obviate need for biopsy;MRI is modality of choice for suspected CNS lymphoma(type 1)Five-point scale is recommended for reporting PET-CT;results should be interpreted in context of anticipated prognosis,clinical findings,and othermarkers of response;scores 1 and 2 represent CMR;score 3 also probably represents CMR in patients receiving standard treatment(type 1)Score 4 or 5 with reduced uptake from baseline likely represents partial metabolic response,but at end of treatment represents residual metabolicdisease;increase in FDG uptake to score 5,score 5 with no decrease in uptake,and new FDG-avid foci consistent with lymphoma represent treatment failure and/or progression(type 2),Barrington S,et al.J Clin Oncol 2014;32:3048,第二十三页,共五十六页。,PET结果假阳性产生(chnshng)的原因,化疗/放疗后的坏死/炎症反应化疗间隔:至少3周(最佳6-8周)放疗间隔:8-12周造血因子的骨髓刺激增生(zngshng)的胸腺组织某些摄取FDG的良性疾病免疫细胞的影响不规范的操作和图像的解读,第二十四页,共五十六页。,内容(nirng),背景介绍(jisho)PET/CT用于淋巴瘤的分期评估PET/CT用于淋巴瘤治疗后评估PET/CT用于淋巴瘤治疗中期评估,第二十五页,共五十六页。,传统CT分期评估(pn)的缺点,仅根据病变/淋巴结的形态和大小决定(judng)临床意义对于结外病变的判断能力不足评估能力受扫描区域或部位的限制需要增强扫描,无法用于碘过敏的患者,第二十六页,共五十六页。,PET与CT用于分期评估(pn)的比较,第二十七页,共五十六页。,PET分期评估(pn)的结果,第二十八页,共五十六页。,Role of PET-CT for staging,PET-CT should be used for staging in clinical practice and clinical trials but is not routinely recommended in lymphomas with low FDG avidity;PET-CT may be used to select best site to biopsy(type 1)Contrast-enhanced CT when used at staging or restaging should ideally occur during single visit combined with PET-CT,if not already performed;baseline findings will determine whether contrast-enhanced PET-CT or lower-dose unenhanced PET-CT will suffice for additional imaging examinations(type 2)Bulk remains an important prognostic factor in some lymphomas;volumetric measurement of tumor bulk and total tumor burden,including methods combining metabolic activity and anatomical size or volume,should be explored as potential prognosticators(type 3),Barrington S,et al.J Clin Oncol 2014;32:3048,第二十九页,共五十六页。,内容(nirng),背景介绍PET/CT用于淋巴瘤的分期评估(pn)PET/CT用于淋巴瘤治疗后评估PET/CT用于淋巴瘤治疗中期评估,第三十页,共五十六页。,基于(jy)CT的IWG标准,1999年IWG制定了淋巴