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老朋友 重庆 合作
多国老朋友重庆话合作Old Friends from Multiple Countries in Chongqing for Further Exchanges and Cooperation千里逢迎,高朋满座。2月16日,中国欧盟商会主席伍德克、澳大利亚驻华大使傅关汉、墨西哥驻华大使施雅德来渝访问,受到热烈欢迎和热情接待。他们都是重庆的老朋友,在重庆内陆开放高地建设的征程中,发挥着重要作用,扮演着重要角色。欧盟:重庆第二大贸易伙伴多年前,惠普等笔电品牌在重庆落户,产品要运往欧盟市场,物流是个大难题。重庆创造性地开辟了一条由内陆直达欧洲腹地的国际铁路物流大通道中欧班列(渝新欧)。得益于便利的通道,此后重庆与欧盟的商贸往来日益频繁。数We extend a warm welcome to all our friends from afar.On February 16,Joerg Wuttke,the President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China,Graham Fletcher,the Australian Ambassador to China,and Jess Seade,the Mexican Ambassador to China,visited Chongqing and received cordial welcome.As old friends of Chongqing,they all play an important role in advancing Chongqing on its journey of pioneering the opening-up in inland China.European Union:The Second Largest Trading Partner of ChongqingMany years ago,HP and other laptop brands settled in Chongqing,while a major logistical problem was shipping their products to the EU market.Chongqing made a pioneering effort to open up an international logistics corridor of railway from inland China to EuropeChina-Europe Railway Express(Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe International Railway).The business and trade exchanges between Chongqing and the EU have since become closer thanks to the great convenience provided by the corridor.In 2022,the total imports and exports between Chongqing and the EU reached RMB124.75 Politics&Economy/政经2021年9月25日,重庆市市长国际经济顾问团会议第十六届年会以“线上+线下”方式举行。图片/市商务委提供26 The World and Chongqing 中西部国际交往中心建设Building the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China据显示,2022年重庆与欧盟进出口总额1247.58亿元,欧盟成为重庆第二大贸易伙伴。“欧盟很多跨国企业非常重视重庆,不少已经在重庆投资落户。”市商务委相关负责人说,比如巴斯夫、西门子等全球知名企业都在重庆有投资,巴斯夫还在长寿区设立了巴斯夫聚氨酯(重庆)有限公司。有的欧盟企业不仅在重庆投资布局,还为重庆经济发展建言献策。比如苏伊士集团原主席兼首席执行官梅斯特雷向重庆市政府建议,希望重庆能够成立市长国际经济顾问团,吸收更多来自全球企业的发展经验。重庆果断采纳了这一建议,重庆市市长国际经济顾问团会议应运而生。如今,它已持续十余年,成为重庆与跨国公司、世界500强等企业学习沟通共促发展的重要平台。重庆与欧盟还不定期举行经贸恳谈会。市商务委相关负责人介绍,比如2021年双方通过线上举行了恳谈会,中国欧盟商会近40家会员企业参加。澳大利亚:与渝交流文旅、经贸和投资今年2月,重庆市文化旅游委、澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆、澳大利亚旅游局签署关于促进文化和旅billion,and the EU became Chongqings second largest trading partner.“Many multinational enterprises from the EU attach great importance to Chongqing,and many have already invested and settled in Chongqing,”said the relevant official of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce.Global well-known enterprises like BASF and Siemens have all invested in Chongqing.BASF also set up the BASF Polyurethane(Chongqing)Co.,LTD in the Changshou District.Some EU companies not only invest in Chongqing,but also contribute advice on Chongqings economic development.For example,the former Chairman and CEO of Suez,Mr.Mestrallet,suggested to the Chongqing Municipal Government that a mayors international economic advisory council should be set up to draw on the experience in economic growth from various global enterprises.The Chongqing Municipal Government decisively took the advice,and established the Chongqing Mayors International Economic Advisory Council.Now it has convened conferences for more than ten years and grown into an important platform where Chongqing,multinational companies,the World Top 500 corporations and other companies learn from each other to promote common development.Chongqing and the EU also hold economic and trade talks on an irregular basis.The relevant official of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce said that the two sides held an online talk in 2021,in which nearly 40 member companies of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China participated.Australia:Advancing Exchanges with Chongqing in the Fields of Culture and Tourism,Trade and InvestmentIn February this year,Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development,Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu and Tourism 2023年2月15日,澳大利亚驻华大使傅关汉访渝招待会举行。The World and Chongqing 27游的合作备忘录,三方拟每年共同举办“渝见澳洲”少年推介官选拔活动及文旅行业培训活动,实现两地旅游交流和文化交往常态化。“重庆与澳大利亚文旅资源丰富,且具有很强的互补性,互为彼此重要旅游目的地和客源地。”市文化旅游委副主任秦定波表示,这次三方签约将开启重庆和澳大利亚文旅交流合作的新篇章。双方在文旅方面的合作还有不少,比如重庆在澳大利亚挂牌成立“重庆文化旅游悉尼推广中心”,在澳大利亚举办“美丽中国山水之城美丽之地”重庆文化旅游推介会。经贸合作方面,2022年重庆与澳大利亚进出口总额202.9亿元,增长14.3%,是重庆第十大进出口国家或地区。相互直接投资方面,澳大利亚伊士顿电梯集团在重庆设立了重庆伊士顿电梯有限责任公司。该公司60米高的电梯实验塔,已成为南岸区茶园的标志性建筑之一。中冶赛迪为澳大利亚怀阿拉1000万吨钢厂项目提供规划、设计、咨询等服务。该项目将采用低碳和绿色能源工艺,打造面向未来的绿色智能高效的钢铁制造基地。墨西哥:重庆在拉美地区最大贸易合作伙伴2022年7月在渝举办的第四届西洽会上,墨西哥代表团堪称阵容强大墨西哥参议长桑切斯在开幕式上视频致辞,墨西哥驻华大使施雅德率团来渝参会,中国墨西哥商会组织20多家墨西哥企业组团来渝参展参会,举办墨西哥国家馆开馆仪式、中国(重庆)墨西哥投资贸易洽谈会、中国墨西哥商会重庆办公室揭牌等系列活动这次大会,墨西哥是主宾国。“主宾国可看作展会的第二个 东道主,墨西哥愿意担任第四届西洽会的主宾国,也是因为墨西哥与重庆一直来往密切。”市商务委相关负责人说。据了解,2022年重庆与墨西哥进出口总额136.4亿元,增长6.2%。目前,墨西哥是重庆在拉美地区最Australia(the Australian Governments tourism agency)signed the MoU on the Promotion of Culture and Tourism.The three parties planned to jointly hold the“Chongqing Meets Australia”youth promotion officer competition and training programs for talents in the cultural tourism industry every year,with a view to promoting cultural tourism exchanges between Chongqing and Australia on a regular basis.“Chongqing and Australia have rich cultural tourism resources,and are highly complementary,each being an impo

