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这 套 书该丛书展现中国十二生肖民俗文化与知识。作者在这套丛书中讲述了十二生肖的来源、生肖属相与人生运势、生肖动物的特点等;趣谈与十二生肖相关的民俗风情、文学艺术、祭祀占卜等;此外还搜集整理编写出生肖词语谚语、俗语歇后语、楹联谜语、名言警句、诗词歌赋、小说散文、寓言故事、智慧故事、童话故事、民间故事、笑话幽默等。书中还有侧重地穿插选介了外国与中国十二生肖文化相关的轶闻趣事。鼠咬天开 BlurbThis series of booklets is intended to give a briefaccount of how China s folk culture and learning aboutthe names of the 12 symbolic animals associated with a12-year cycle used to denote the year of a person s birthhas come about.Dealt with in this series of booklets are the originsof the 12 symbolic animals,the fortune of a person asaugured by the animal-denoted year of birth as well asthe traits of these animals,the folkways,customs,literature and art,sacrifice offerings to gods or ancestorsand the practice of divination.In addition,the readercan find at hand symbolic animal-related terms,proverbs,old sayings,witty remarks,couplets and riddles,famousepigrams,verses,ditties,odes and songs,fiction andprose,fables,wisdom stories,fairy tales,folk tales,and jokes full of humor.In particular,the series is spicedwith some 12-symbolic-animal-culture-related anecdotes鼠咬天开 十二生肖日本前首相田中角荣在首次访问中国时,曾给周恩来总理出过一则谜语:“你们全国共有十二个,人人占一个,请问是什么?”周恩来总理听后大笑,脱口而出道:“十二生肖。”生肖,人们通常称之为“属相”,也叫“相属”,简而称之为“属”。其“生”,指“出生”;“肖”,指像、相似、类似之义。生肖通常指代表十二地支而用来纪年、纪月、纪日、纪时的十二种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。在原始时代,先民们在寒暑交替的循环往复中发现,丈量时光长短,天干需要地支为伴,日月相对,天地相应,并且用动物的活跃时间一一与之相匹配,生肖属年就此而生。据学者考证,有关生肖属相之说最早见于中国第一部诗歌总集诗经,最初形成于东汉,到南北朝时期,民间就开始普遍使用生肖。中国古代术数家将十二种动物与十二地支相鼠咬天开 配,即子为鼠,丑为牛,寅为虎,卯为兔,辰为龙,巳为蛇,午为马,未为羊,申为猴,酉为鸡,戌为狗,亥为猪。人生在某年,就肖某种动物,如:子年出生的肖鼠,丑年出生的肖牛,寅年出生的肖虎,卯年出生的肖兔,辰年出生的肖龙总称为“十二生肖”。由此可见,生肖在民间流传广,扎根深,生命强,影响大。中国传统生肖文化博大精深,源远流长。代表十二生肖的十二种动物与人们的日常生活息息相关,人人都会或多或少地关心与自己生肖有关的事物,具体表现在人情风俗、常规礼仪、宗教信仰、衣食住行的方方面面。自古以来,由群众创造并流传着大量脍炙人口的与十二生肖动物有关的成语、谚语、歇后语、俗语、俏皮话、名言、警句、诗句以及奇妙的神话故事和美丽的民间传说等。这些生动有趣的连珠妙语常常是人们根据某种生肖动物的生理特征、生活习性以及它所表现出的特点特性,通过运用夸张、比喻、拟人、对比等修辞手法,给以联想、引申,把它们含蓄而幽默地呈现在世人面前。它们或表现事象,或阐明哲理,或赞扬真善美,或鞭挞假恶丑,使人们在品味中受到启迪,得到教益。有些生肖谚语、歇后语鼠咬天开 和故事反映了一定的历史事实,我们应该用历史的辩证方法去看待它,剔除糟粕,取其精华,更好地运用它。这套十二生肖民俗文化丛书的主要内容包括生肖名片、生肖讲坛、生肖语典、生肖诗词歌谣、生肖故事、生肖名人榜等。全书选收了中小学课本中常见的生肖妙语、成语,还包括整理自编的少数生僻的生肖成语或嵌生肖名成语,部分生肖楹联、俏皮话、民间故事等。全书寓知识性、文化性、故事性于一体,熔趣味性、通俗性、可读性于一炉。它不仅可以作为工具书随时翻查,成为读者益智的好伙伴,让读者能轻松地掌握和丰富与自己生肖有关的各种知识,借他山之石,励志奋斗,还可以作为收藏资料,为鉴赏研究传统民俗文化与民间语言艺术提供方便。同时,也为想了解中国十二生肖文化与民俗的外国人、汉学家提供了一个内容丰富通俗易懂的好读本。余寿军年夏鼠咬天开 生肖导语鼠在十二生肖中位居第一,与十二地支配属“子”。鼠具有灵性,能飞、能跑、能穴、能攀、能泳。传说它把天咬开,为人类偷日月、盗火种、教人耕种,是开天辟地的英雄。它是光明的使者,生命繁衍的象征。现在,民俗鼠文化已逐渐演变发展为祈求“福、禄、寿、喜、财”的吉祥文化。Introductory Remarks on the RatRanking the first in the 12 symbolic animals,the Rat correspondsto“zi”of the 12 Earthly Branches.According to legend,the Rat was intelligent and able tofly,run,burrow holes,climb and swim.He bravely gnawsheaven asunder to steal the sun,the moon,and fire from thegods and gives them to humans.As a hero that creates heavenand earth,he teaches farming while maintaining his image as amessenger of the light and a symbol of unending life.Nowadays,the Rat culture in China s folklore has gradually evolved into aculture of praying for“Happiness,Reward,Longevity,Joys,生肖名片12-symbolic-animal cards生肖讲坛12-symbolic-animal forum生肖The rat and the 12 symbolic animals民俗The rat and China s folkways文化Remarks on the folk culture of the rat文学艺术The rat and literature and art生肖语典A glossary of the 12 symbolic animals词语Rat terms成语Rat idioms谚语俗语Proverbs and common sayings about rat歇后语俏皮话Witty remarks about rat名言警句诗句Famous epigrams about rat楹联Rat couplets鼠咬天开 谜语Rat riddles绕口令Rat tongue twisters生肖诗词歌谣Verses,ditties,odes,and songs about the 12 symbolic animals诗词歌赋Verses,ditties,odes and songs儿歌童谣Folk songs and nursery rhymes生肖故事Stories about the 12 symbolic animals寓言故事Fables成语故事Proverbial stories哲理智慧故事Philosophy and wisdom童话故事Fairy tales民间故事Folk tales楹联故事Couplet stories笑话幽默Jokes and humor趣闻轶事Anecdotes生肖名人榜A list of 12-symbolic-animal celebrities后记Epilogue鼠咬天开 鼠 年year of the Rat 鼠咬天开生肖名片生肖名片生肖名片12-symbolic-animal cards十二生肖真有趣(儿歌)十二生肖真有趣,小小老鼠排第一,大牛后面是老虎,兔子跳呀龙飞舞,长蛇爬呀马羊追,猴子瘦呀公鸡肥,小狗小狗汪汪叫,小猪小猪快快跑。The12SymbolicAnimalsAreRealFun(A Nursery Rhyme)The 12 symbolic animals are real fun,生肖名片十二生肖真有趣 鼠咬天开于平任凭 绘The little rat is elected No.1,Next comes the big ox followed by the tiger,The hares seen to leap and the dragon to hover.The horse and sheep are after the crawling snake,Thin is the monkey,the fat cock in its wake.Bowwow,bowwow,the dog barks and barks,Cheering the hog on with his bark.鼠咬天开2500 年属相鼠纪年公元前属相鼠纪年:441 429 417 405 393 381 369 357 345 333 321 309297 285 273 261 249 237 225 213 201 189 177 165 153 141129 117 105 93 81 69 57 45 33 21 9公元属相鼠纪年:4 16 28 40 52 64 76 88 100 112 124 136 148 160 172184 196 208 220 232 244 256 268 280 292 304 316 328 340352 364 376 388 400 412 424 436 448 460 472 484 496 508520 532 544 556 568 580 592 604 616 628 640 652 664 676688 700 712 724 736 748 760 772 784 796 808 820 832 844856 868 880 892 904 916 928 940 952 964 976 988 1000 10121024 1036 1048 1060 1072 1084 1096 1108 1120 1132 11441156 1168 1180 1192 1204 1216 1228 1240 1252 1264 12761288 1300 1312 1324 1336 1348 1360 1372 1384 1396 14081420 1432 1444 1456 1468 1480 1492 1504 1516 1528 15401552