Harvard Business Review - 2021.04,03.pdf






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Harvard Business Review 2021.04 03 2021.04 03
114 Designing the Hybrid Office70 How Venture Capitalists Make Decisions 39 What Leaders Can Do to Drive SalesHBR.ORG MarchApril2021How to Change Anyones MindA more practical approach to Opt ions shown.2020 LexusTHE HUMAN STANDARDAdj ust s t he t emperat ure bef ore you even real ize you re col d.Seven dif f erent massage set t ings t o give you one moment of peace.Gives you more t han a gl impseprepares you f or what s ahead.ENGINEERED TO A HIGHER STANDARDCLIMATE CONCIERGESHIATSU MASSAGEHEAD-UP DISPLAYl H E N E W L S T H E G R E A T E S T E X P R E S S IO N O F L E X U SMar chApr i l 202139SPOTLIGHT HOW LEADERS CAN DRIVE SALES40 SALESWhen CEOs Mak e Sales CallsHow top-management involvement in B2B relationships can driveor killdealsNo e l C a p o n a n d C h r isto p h S e n n48SALESHow to Shift from Selling Products to Selling ServicesIt takes different skills and a different focus.Do ug J.C h un g52SALESSelling After the CrisisSenior executives must understand how dramatically the process needs to change.Fr a n k V.C e sp e d e sCo n t e n t sIl l u s t rat i on b y THOMAS HEINZCO V E R P H O T O G R A P HPeter Dazeley/Getty ImagesH A ND LE T T E R INGLeigh WellsHarvard Business ReviewMarchApri l 20215MarchApril 202198MANAGING ORGANIZATIONSWhat Professional Service Firms Must Do to ThriveThey have to tightly align their practices and clients.Ash ish Na n d a a n d Da s Na r a ya n d a s10 8SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYManage the Suppliers That Could Harm Your BrandKnow when to avoid,engage,or drop them.Jo d i L.S h o r t a n d Mich a e l W.To ffe l114ORGANIZATIONAL CULTUREDesigning the Hybrid OfficeFrom workplace to“culture space”An n e-La ur e Fa ya r d,Jo h n We e ks,a n d Ma h we sh Kh a n124SUSTAINABILITYIt Will Need to Be the Most Amazing Thing Humankind Has Ever Done.”A conversation with Microsoft cofounder and philanthropist Bill Gates59FEATURES60 LEADING TEAMSFor an Agile Transformation,Choose the Right PeopleIdentify your“hidden stars”and other vital players.Ro b C r o ss,He id i K.Ga r d n e r,a n d Al ia C r o cke r70 ENTREPRENEURSHIPHow Venture Capitalists Mak e DecisionsAn inside look at an opaque process Pa ul Go mp e r s e t a l.80 LEADERSHIPAre You Really Listening?Senior leaders can become insulated from early signs of danger and opportunity.Heres how to overcome that.Ad a m Br ya n t a n d Ke vin S h a r e r88HUMAN RESOURCESTurn Departing Employees into Loyal AlumniA holistic approach to offboardingAl iso n M.Da ch n e r a n d Er in E.Ma ka r iusPhot ograph b y TODD ANTONY60“6Harvard Business ReviewMarchApri l 2021The Kel l ogg Executi ve MBA Program i s desi gned for executi ve worki ng professi onal s,wi th two pri me U.S.l ocati ons and mul ti pl e schedul es to sui t your busy l i festyl e.Whether you choose to attend cl ass twi ce a month i n Chi cago or once a month i n Mi ami,you l l recei ve the same worl d-cl ass educati on,l earn from Kel l ogg s l eadi ng facul ty,j oi n the same presti gi ous network and earn your MBA i n two years.Di scover what a Kel l ogg Executi ve MBA can do for you.kell.gg/EMBAUNLOCK YOUR FULL POTENTIALKELLOGG EXECUTIVE MBA CHICAGO|MIAMIIDEA WATCHNe w R e s e a r c h a n d Eme r gi n g I n s i gh t sDEPARTMENTS10 FROM THE EDITOR12CONTRIBUTORS144 EXECUTIVE SUMMARIESEXPERIENCEAd vi c e a n d I n s pi r a t i on17131MarchApril 202117HUMAN RESOURCESReengineering the Recruitment ProcessPLUS Networking without dread,bankruptcy in the time of Covid,and more30 DEFEND YOUR RESEARCHMocking Can Help an Initiative SucceedThe unexpected upside of humor32HOW WE DID ITThe Former and Current Chairs of Mastercard on Executing a Strategic CEO SuccessionFrom the very first day of the new CEOs tenure,planning for his successor was in the air.Rich a r d Ha yth o r n th wa ite a n d Aja y Ba n ga131MANAGING YOURSELFPersuading the UnpersuadableLessons from scienceand the people who were able to sway Steve JobsAd a m Gr a n tDa vid V in tin er (Ha ythor n thwa ite);Ma cken zie Str oh(Ba n ga)136CASE STUDYProtect Your Company or Your Cousin?A manager gets inside information that could affect the future of her firm.Jo se p h L.Ba d a r a cco142SYNTHESISWhat Do We Lik e About WFH?Evaluating the pros and consVa sun d h a r a S a wh n e y148LIFES WORKTakashi Murakami“The imminent CEO succession was our focus.but we also discussed the next onebefore Ajay even had the job.”RICHARD HAYTHORNTHWAITE AND AJAY BANGA32We r e pr oud t h a t t h e pa pe r w e us e i n our pr i n t ma ga zi n e i s c e r t i fie d un d e r t h e Sus t a i n a ble For e s t r y I n i t i a t i ve pr ogr a m,me a n i n g t h a t i t c ome s fr om r e s pon s i bly ma n a ge d s our c e s a n d i s a r e n e w a ble r e s our c e.8Harvard Business ReviewMarchApri l 2021How to T ell a Know-It-All Hes WrongIN 2007,when I was an edi tor at Ti me magazi ne,Steve Jobs vi si ted our office to gi ve us a peek at Apple s newest gadget:the i Phone.We passed the devi ce around the conference table carefully,as i f i t were a 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