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Reference numberISO/IEC 17342:2004(E)ISO/IEC 2004 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC17342First edition2004-07-15Information technology 80 mm(1,46 Gbytes per side)and 120 mm(4,70 Gbytes per side)DVD re-recordable disk(DVD-RW)Technologies de linformation Disque DVD renregistrable(DVD-RW)de 80 mm(1,46 Go par face)et 120 mm(4,70 Go par face)ISO/IEC 17342:2004(E)PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces.In accordance with Adobes licensing policy,this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing.In downloading this file,parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy.The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file;the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing.Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies.In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found,please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.ISO/IEC 2004 All rights reserved.Unless otherwise specified,no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical,including photocopying and microfilm,without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel.+41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO/IEC 2004 All rights reserved ISO/IEC 17342:2004(E)ISO/IEC 2004 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Foreword.vii Section 1 -General.1 1 Scope.1 2 Conformance.1 2.1 Optical Disk.1 2.2 Generating system.1 2.3 Receiving system.2 3 Normative references.2 4 Terms and definitions.2 5 Conventions and notations.4 5.1 Representation of numbers.4 5.2 Names.5 6 Acronyms.5 7 General description of the disk.6 8 General requirement.7 8.1 Environments.7 8.1.1 Test environment.7 8.1.2 Operating environment.7 8.1.3 Storage environment.7 8.1.4 Transportation.8 8.2 Safety requirements.8 8.3 Flammability.8 9 Reference measurement devices.8 9.1 Pick-Up Head(PUH).8 9.1.1 PUH for measuring recorded disks.8 9.1.2 PUH for measuring unrecorded disks.9 9.2 Measurement conditions.11 9.2.1 Recorded and unrecorded disk.11 9.2.2 Recorded disk.11 9.2.3 Unrecorded disk.11 9.3 Normalized servo transfer function.11 9.4 Reference servo for axial tracking.11 9.5 Reference servo for radial tracking.12 Section 2 -Dimensional,mechanical and physical characteristics of the disk.13 10 Dimensional characteristics(figures 6,7 and 8).13 10.1 Overall dimensions(figure 6).15 10.2 First transition area(figure 6).15 10.3 Second transition area(figure 6).15 10.4 Clamping Zone(figure 6).16 10.5 Third transition area(figure 6).16 10.6 R-Information Zone(figure 6).16 10.6.1 Sub-divisions of the R-Information Zone.16 10.7 Information Zone(figure 6).16 10.7.1 Sub-divisions of the Information zone.16 10.8 Track geometry.17 10.9 Channel bit length.17 ISO/IEC 17342:2004(E)iv ISO/IEC 2004 All rights reserved 10.10 Rim area(figure 7).17 10.11 Remark on tolerances.18 10.12 Label.18 11 Mechanical parameters.18 11.1 Mass.18 11.2 Moment of inertia.18 11.3 Dynamic imbalance.18 11.4 Sense of rotation.19 11.5 Runout.19 11.5.1 Axial runout.19 11.5.2 Radial runout.19 12 Optical parameters.19 12.1 Recorded and unrecorded disk parameters.19 12.1.1 Index of refraction.19 12.1.2 Thickness of the transparent substrate.19 12.1.3 Angular deviation.20 12.1.4 Birefringence of the transparent substrate.20 12.2 Recorded disk reflectivity.20 12.3 Unrecorded disk parameters.21 12.3.1 Polarity of reflectivity modulation.21 12.3.2 Recording power sensitivity variation.21 Section 3 -Operational signals.21 13 Operational signals for recorded disk.21 13.1 Measurement conditions.21 13.2 Read conditions.21 13.3 Recorded disk high frequency(HF)signals.21 13.3.1 Modulated amplitude(figure 10).21 13.3.2 Signal asymmetry.22 13.3.3 Cross-track signal.22 13.4 Quality of signals.22 13.4.1 Jitter.22 13.4.2 Random errors.22 13.4.3 Defects.22 13.5 Servo signals.23 13.5.1 Differential phase tracking error signal.23 13.5.2 Tangential push-pull signal.23 13.6 Groove wobble signal.25 14 Operational signals for the unrecorded disk.26 14.1 Measurement conditions.26 14.2 Recording conditions.26 14.3 Basic write strategy for media testing.26 14.4 Servo signals.27 14.4.1 Radial push-pull tracking error signal.27 14.4.2 Defects.28 14.5 Addressing signals.28 14.5.1 Land Pre-Pit signal.29 14.5.2 Groove wobble signal.30 14.5.3 Relation in phase between wobble and Land Pre-Pit.31 15 Operational signals for Embossed Zone.32 15.1 Operational signals from the Control data blocks.32 15.1.1 Measurement conditions.32 15.1

