IEC 46b 87484489100438527466TEC1987516.2 Radio interference voltage(RIV)testsIEC Publication 694 is not applicable.6.3 Temperature-rise testsRefer to Sub-clause 6.3 of IEC Publication 694 with the addition of the followingsupplement:Where the design provides alternative components or arrangements,the test shall beperformed with those components or arrangements for which the most severe conditionsare obtained.The representative functional unit shall be mounted approximately as innormal service,including all normal enclosures of any part and with the covers anddoors closed.The tests shall be made normally with the rated number of phases and the ratednormal current flowing from one end of the length of busbars to the terminals providedfor the connection of cables.When testing individual functional units,the neighbouring units should carry thecurrents which produce the power loss corresponding to the rated conditions.It isadmissible to simulate equivalent conditions by means of heaters or heat insulation,ifthe test cannot be performed under actual conditions.The temperature rises of the different components shall be referred to the ambient airtemperature outside the enclosure and shall not exeeed the values specified for them inthe relevant standards.6.4Measurement of the resistance of the main circuitRefer to Sub-clause 6.4 of IEC Publication 694.6.5 Short-time and peak withstand current testsRefer to Sub-clause 6.5 of IEC Publication 694 with the addition of the following.supplement:6.5.101 Tests on main circuitsMain circuits in insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be tested to verifytheir capability to withstand the rated short-time and peak withstand current under theintended conditions of installation and use,i.e.they shall be tested as installedin theswitchgear with all components influencing the performance or modifying the short-circuitcurrent.The short-circuit current tests should preferably be carried out three-phase.The r.m.s.value of the short-circuit current during the test shall be obtained by applying the ratedshort-time withstand current to the main circuit of the switchgear.Short and direct connections between circuits having a high short-circuit current andcurrent-limiting devices may be tested with a reduced short-circuit current.Copyright por International Electrotechnical Commissionon Jun 16 16:41:42 2003IEC 4668748448910043853952466CEI 1987A lexception-des dispositifs de protection destines a limiter Iintensit et la dure ducourant de court-circuit,il y a veiller ce quaucun dispositif de protcction nefonctionne.Les transformateurs de declencheurs ventuels sont installes,comme dans les conditions normales dexploitation,.en empechant toutefois lefonctionnement des declencheurs.Les fusibles limiteurs de courant eventuels sont munis des elements de remplacementayant le plus grand courant assigne specifi.Apres Iessai,les matriels ou les conducteurs intrieurs de lenveloppe ne doiventaccuser ni deformation ni deterioration nuisible au bon fonctionnement des circuitsprincipaux et en particulier les proprites isolantes de lenveloppe isolante doiventdemeurer intactes.II peut etre possible de detecter la prsence de fissures dans Iisolationdes composants enrobs disolant en effectuant un essai de dcharges partielles(voirparagraphe 6.1.9).6.5.102 Essais des circuits de terreLes conducteurs de terre,les connexions de terre et les appareils de mise a la terre delappareillage sous enveloppe isolante sont soumis a des essais en vue de verifier leurtenue au courant de courte dure et a la valeur de crete du courant admissibles assignesdans les conditions de mise a la terre du neutre du rseau,cest-a-dire quils sont essayesselon leur disposition dans lappareillage avec tous les matriels qui peuvent influer surleur comportement ou modifier le courant de court-circuit.Il est recommand deffectuer de preference les essais des appareils de mise a la terreen triphase.Sil existe des parties amovibles avec des parties mises a la terre,leurs connexions deterre sont essayees dans les conditions correspondant au defaut de terre.Le courant dudefaut de terre circule entre le conducteur de terre et les parties mises a la terre de lapartie amovible.La connexion de terre entre deux parties amovibles,sil y en a une,estegalement essayee.Une certaine deformation et deterioration du conducteur de terre,des connexions deterre ou des apparcils de mise a la tcrre cst.acceptable apres Icssai,mais la continuitedu circuitdoit etre maintenue.6.101 Verification des pouvoirs de fermeture et de coupureEnvue de vrifier leurs pouvoirs de fermeture et de coupure assigns,les appareils deconncxion faisant partic du circuit principal de lappareillage sous enveloppe isolante sontessayes conformement aux normesdont ils relevent et dans les conditions propresdinstallation et demploi,cest-a-dire quils sont essays selon leur disposition normaledans Iappareillage avec tous les materiels dont la disposition peut influer sur leurcomportement,tels que connexions,supports,dispositifs dchappement,etc.Note.-Lors de Pexamen des matriels associs susceptibles dinfluer sur le comportement,il est recommande deporter uneattention particuliere aux efforts mcaniques dus au court-circuit,a Ichappement desparticules produites par Iarc,la possibilit de decharges disruptives,etc.Il est toutefois reconnu quelinfluence de ces facteurs est tout a fait negligeable dans certains cas.6.102 Essais de fonctionnement mecaniqueCopyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon Jun 16 16:41:44 2003IEC 46b 87484489100438540466IEC198753With the exception of protective devices which limit the value and the duration of theshort-circuit current,it is necessary to ensure that no protective device operates.Currenttransformers and tripping devices which may be present shall be installed as in normalservice,but with the release made inoperative.Current-limiting fuses,if any,shall be provided with fuse-links having the maximumrated current specified.After the test no deformation or damage to components or conductors within theenclosure which may impair satisfactory operation of the main circuits shall have beensustained and the insulating properties of the insulation enclosure shall in particular beunimpaired.It may be possible to detect the presence of cracks in the insulation ofinsulation-embedded components by performing a partial discharge test(see Sub-clause6.1.9).6.5.102 Tests on earthing circuitsEarthing conductors,earthing connections and earthing deyices of insulation-enclosedswitchgear and controlgear shall be tested to verify their capability to withstand the ratedshort-time and peak withstand current under the neutral earthing condition of the system,i.e.they shall be tested as installed in the switchgear with all components influencing theperformance or modifying the short-circuit current.The short-circuit current tests with earthing devices should preferably be carried out ina three-phase test circuit.When there are removable parts with earthed parts,their earthing connections shall betested under earth fault conditions.The earth fault current shall flow between thecarthing conductor and the earthed parts of the removable part.The earthing connectionbetween two removable parts,if any,shall also be tested.After the test some deformation and degradation of the earthing conductor,earthingconnections or earthing devices is permissible,but the continuity of the circuit shall bepreserved.6.101 Verification of making and breaking capacitiesSwitching devices forming part of the main circuit of insulation-enclosed switchgearand controlgear shall be tested to verify their rated making and breaking capacitiesaccording to the relevant standards and under the proper conditions of installation anduse,i.e.they shall be tested as normally installed in the switchgear with all componentsthe arrangement of which may influence the performance,such as connections,supports,provisions for venting,ctc.Note.-In determining which assoclated components are likely to influence the performance,special attentionshould be given to mechanical forces due to the short circuit,the venting of are products,the possibilityof disruptive discharges,etc.It is recognized that,in some cases,such influences may be quite negligible.6.102 Mechanical operation testsCopyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon Jun 16 16:41:46 2003IEC 46b8748448910043855254466CEI 19876.102.1 Appareils de connexion et parties amoviblesLes appareils de connexion sont manoeuvres 50 fois,et les parties amoviblesembroches 25 fois et dbrochcs 25 fois,pour vrifier.le bon fonctionnement deIequipement.6.102.2VerrouillagesLes verrouillages sont places dans la position prevue pour empcher la manceuvre desappareils de connexion et lembrochage ou le debrochage des parties amovibles.Lesappareils de connexion doivent subir 50 tentatives de manouvre et les partics amovibles25 tentatives dembrochage et 25 tentatives de debrochage.Pendant ces essais,onnapplique que,leffort de maneuvre normal et on ne se livre a aucun rglage sur lesappareils de connexion,les partics amovibles ou les verrouillages.Les verrouillages sont consideres comme satisfaisants si a)on ne peut pas maneuvrer les appareils de connexion;b)on ne peut ni embrocher ni debrocher les parties amovibles;c)les appareils de connexion,les parties amovibles et les verrouillages restent en bontat de leffort neccssairc a leur mancuvre est pratiquement lememe avant et apres les essais.6.103 Verification du degre de protectionLes essais sont effectues suivant les spcifications de Iarticle 7 de la Publication 529de la CEI pour le premier chiffre caracteristique correspondant.On verifie que les instruments dessai selon le tableau III ne peuvent:-ni causer un abaissement de la rigidit dilectrique ducircuit principal au-dessous duniveau disolement assigne;-ni toucher les parties en mouvement a Iintericur de Ienveloppe;-en outre,dans le cas de IP2X,la sphere rigide spcifiee ne passe pas a travers lesouvertures de lenveloppe.Cependant,lessai ne doit tre fait que sil existe des doutes sur la conformit avec cesexigences.TABLEAU IIIDegre de protectionInstruments dcssaiIP2XDoigt depreuve metallique normalise et sphere rigile de 12+s mm dediametreIP3XFil dacier rigide de 2,5 mm de diametreIP4XFil dacier rigide de 1,04s mm de diametre6.104 Mesurage des courants de fuite.Pour vrifier la conformit auxexigences du point c)du paragraphe 5.103.3 le circultprincipal de lappareillage sous enveloppe isolante est connect,au choix du constructeur,Copyright por international Electrotechnical CommissionMon Jun 16 16:41:48 2003IEC 4bb8748448910043856466IEC 1987556.102.1 Switching devices and removable partsSwitching devices shall be operated 50 times and removable parts inserted 25 timesand withdrawn 25 times to verify satisfactory operation of the equipment.6.102.2 InterlocksThe interlocks shall be set in the position intended to prevent the operation of theswitching devices and the insertion or withdrawal of removable parts.Fifty attempts shallbe made to operate the switching devices and 25 attompts shall be made to insert and25 attempts to withdraw the removable parts.During these tests only normal operatingforce shall be employed and no adjustment shall be made to the switching devices,removable parts or interlocks.The interlocks are considered satisfactory,ifa)the switching devices cannot be operated;b)the insertion and withdrawal of the removable parts is prevented;c)the switching devices,removable parts and the interlocks are in proper working orderand the effort to operate them is practically the same before and after the tests.6.103 Verification of the degree of protectionThe tests shall be performed in accordance with the specifications in Clause 7 of IECPublication 529 for the appropriate first characteristic numeral.It shall be verified that the test instruments according to Table III cannot either:-cause a lowering of the dielectric strength of the main circuit below the ratedinsulation level,or-touch moving parts inside the enclosure,-and in the case of IP2X,the specified rigid sphere does not pass through openings inthe enclosure.However,the test shall be made only if there are doubts on compliance with theserequirements.TABLE IIIDegree of protectionTest instrumentsIP2XStandard metal test finger and rigid sphere of 12 mm diameterIP3XStraight rigid steel wire of 2.5+mm diameterIP4XStraight rigid steel wire of 1.0 mm diameter6.104 Measurement of leakage currentsIn order to check compliance with the requirement of item c)of Sub-clause 5.103.3,the main circuit of the insulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall,at theCopyright por International Electrotechnical Commissionon Jun 16 16:41:50 2003