净水技术 2023,42(2):93-102Water Purification Technology刘世杰,赵凯杰,李宏辞.农村生活污水处理的脉冲生物滤池工艺改良与调试J.净水技术,2023,42(2):93-102.LIU S J,ZHAO K J,LI H C.Improvement and commissioning of pulsed biofilter process for rural domestic wastewater treatmentJ.Water Purification Technology,2023,42(2):93-102.农村生活污水处理的脉冲生物滤池工艺改良与调试刘世杰,赵凯杰,李宏辞(东南大学能源与环境学院,江苏南京 210018)摘 要 脉冲生物滤池在江苏省农村生活污水处理中有着广泛的应用,但脉冲水箱故障导致生物滤池水力负荷过大是运维过程中普遍存在的问题。为此,本研究尝试取消脉冲水箱,通过时间控制开关和流量控制模块联合控制水力负荷的方式对生物滤池进行了改良,开展了进水时间分别控制为 8、12、16、20 h 工作模式的现场调试对比研究。结果表明,在进水水质 CODCr、氨氮、TN、TP 质量浓度分别为 30156、14.285.0、21.496.0、0.977.50 mg/L 的情况下,相同容积负荷下改良型生物滤池在 12 h 工作模式下对 CODCr、氨氮、TP 的整体去除率最高,最高分别为 63.0%、87.4%、53.4%,在 16 h 工作模式下对 TN 的整体去除率最高,最高为 33.0%。12 h 工作模式下进水 CODCr、氨氮、TN 和 TP 的容积负荷分别在 0.30.5、0.05、0.06、0.005 kg/(m3 d)以内,可保证 CODCr、氨氮、TN、TP 去除率在 57.3%、65%、19.7%、43.8%以上,比原脉冲生物滤池平均去除率分别高 23.8%、36.5%、9.6%、28.8%。8、12、16 h 和 20 h 工作模式下,改良型生物滤池出水溶解氧平均质量浓度分别为 4.7、5.5、3.8 mg/L 和 3.1 mg/L,表明 12 h 工作模式下复氧效果最好,CODCr、氨氮去除率最高。同时对改良型生物滤池在 12 h 工作模式下,氨氮平均质量浓度为 50 mg/L 时,水力负荷与 CODCr、氨氮、TN 污染物去除率之间的关系进行了研究,结果表明水力负荷控制在 13 m3/(m2 d),CODCr、氨氮、TN 去除率分别可达到 62.4%、76.1%、20.7%以上。关键词 农村生活污水 脉冲生物滤池 改良与调试 时间控制模式 水力负荷中图分类号:X799文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-0177(2023)02-0093-10DOI:10.15890/ki.jsjs.2023.02.012收稿日期 2021-08-30基金项目 分散式农村生活污水潜流人工湿地建设标准研究作者简介 刘世杰(1996),男,硕士,主要从事水污染控制研究,E-mail:2045230269 。Improvement and Commissioning of Pulsed Biofilter Process for Rural Domestic Wastewater TreatmentLIU Shijie,ZHAO Kaijie,LI Hongci(College of Energy and Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing 210018,China)Abstract Pulsed biofilter has been widely used in rural domestic wastewater treatment in Jiangsu Province.However,the hydraulic load of biofilter caused by pulsed water tank failure is a common problem in its operation and maintenance.To solve this problem,this study attempted to cancel the pulsed water tank,and improved the biofilter by combining the time control switch and the flow control module to control the hydraulic load.The on-site commissioning and comparative study of the influent time of 8,12,16 h and 20 h were carried out.The results showed that when the concentrations of CODCr,ammonia nitrogen,TN and TP in the influent water were 30 156,14.2 85.0,21.4 96.0,0.97 7.50 mg/L,respectively,under the same volume load,the overall removal rates of CODCr,ammonia nitrogen and TP in the improved biofilter were the highest under the 12 h working mode,with the highest removal rates of 63.0%,87.4%,53.4%,respectively.Under the 16 h working mode,the overall removal rate of TN was the highest,with the highest removal rate of 33.0%.When the influent volume load of CODCr,ammonia nitrogen,TN and TP were within 0.30.5,0.05,0.06 kg/(m3 d)and 0.005 kg/(m3 d)under the 12 h working system;the removal rates of CODCr,ammonia nitrogen,TN and TP were above 57.3%,65%,19.7%and 43.8%,respectively,which were 23.8%,36.5%,9.6%and 28.8%higher than those of the original pulse biofilter,respectively.The average concentrations of dissolved oxygen were 4.7,5.5,3.8 mg/L and 3.1 mg/L at 8,3912,16 h and 20 h,respectively,which indicated that the effect of reoxygenation was the best and the removal rates of CODCr and ammonia nitrogen were the highest at 12 h.At the same time,the relationship between the hydraulic load and the removal rates of CODCr,ammonia nitrogen and TN was studied when the average concentration of ammonia nitrogen was 50 mg/L and the modified biofilter was operated for 12 h.The results showed that when the hydraulic load was controlled within 13 m3/(m2 d),the removal rates of CODCr,ammonia nitrogen and TN were more than 62.4%,76.1%and 20.7%,respectively.Keywords rural domestic wastewater pulsed biofilter improvement and commission time control mode hydraulic load 农村生活污水治理是实施乡村振兴战略的重要内容。脉冲生物滤池工艺因为其占地面积小、运维成本低、操作简洁等优点,在江苏省农村污水治理中被广泛采用1-3,但是处理效果不稳定。为此调研了南京市高淳区采用该工艺的 475 个农村污水处理站点,发现常见的问题是脉冲生物滤池顶部的脉冲水箱损坏,导致运行过程中水力负荷高,出水不能稳定达标。过去 10 年国内外多个学者对生物滤池进行优化研究4-8,如田昕茹等9通过三级串联分层生物滤池 降 解 模 拟 生 活 污 水,有 机 负 荷 为 0.328 0.392 kg/(m3 d),组合工艺处理效果最佳;金秋等1通过将脉冲滴滤池分为两层从而提高组合工艺处理效率;张文宁10研究发现,使用浮石填料的生物滴滤池在水力负荷为 0.85 m3/(m2d)时,对化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)去除率分别能达到 83.04%、79.68%、45.6%和38.4%;Vianna 等11用丝瓜果皮做脉冲生物滤池填料,发现比传统的填料上生物膜更加丰富,处理效率更高;张国珍等12利用一体化 ABR-生物滴滤池,在滤池前通过 ABR 反应器削减负荷,研究表明水力负荷为 1.75 m3/(m2d)时,对各种污染物去除效果最好;Diez-montero 等13对生物滤池工艺进行改造,在其前增加了厌氧和缺氧反应器,有效降低系统出水 TN 浓度;也有学者14研究了使用生物炭屑两相生物滴滤塔处理高氮磷废水,TP 去除率达到 68%。上述改进都取得了一定效果,由此可见,水力负荷是生物滤池的重要运行参数。为此,本研究提出取消脉冲水箱,并采用时间控制开关和流量控制模块联合控制水力负荷的改良型生物滤池的方案,依托高淳区某自然村村站点进行改良和现场调试对比研究。该村站点建成于 2015 年,设计处理水量为20 m3/d。1 试验材料与方法1.1 试验装置图 1 为站点原(未改良)脉冲生物滤池与改良型生物滤池示意图。脉冲水箱的蓄水和集中布水使原脉冲生物滤池水力负荷达到 13.5 m3/(m2d)。现将原生物滤池顶端的脉冲水箱拆除,使生物滤池进水直接通过穿孔布水管向填料表面均匀布水,有效缓解水力冲击负荷,脉冲水箱如图 2 所示。图 1(a)原脉冲生物滤池与(b)改良型生物滤池示意图Fig.1 Schematic Diagram of(a)Original Pulsed Biofilter and(b)Improved Biofilter 图 3图 4 为改良型生物滤池及配件的实物图。该滤池中填料实际有效面积为 6.43 m2,高度为 2 m,填料体积为 10.86 m3。实际环境下该处理站点可调控的措施有限。安装组合泄水开关(流量控制模块),如图 3 所示,通过调节该开关,控制滤池进水流量,从而降低水力负荷。采用时间控制开关控制水泵提水频率代替脉冲水箱,来调整滤池布水周期,分别对时间控制开关设置 8、12、16 h 和 20 h 工49刘世杰,赵凯杰,李宏辞.农村生活污水处理的脉冲生物滤池工艺改良与调试Vol.42,No.2,2023图 2 脉冲水箱Fig.2