NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60264-2-11989AMENDEMENT 1AMENDMENT 12003-07Amendement 1Conditionnement des fils de bobinage Partie 2-1:Bobines de livraison ft de forme cylindrique Dimensions de baseAmendment 1Packaging of winding wires Part 2-1:Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools Basic dimensionsPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price,see current catalogue IEC 2003 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright-all rights reservedInternational Electrotechnical Commission,3,rue de Varemb,PO Box 131,CH-1211 Geneva 20,SwitzerlandTelephone:+41 22 919 02 11 Telefax:+41 22 919 03 00 Web:www.iec.chCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission DCODE PRIXPRICE CODELICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.2 60264-2-1 Amend.1 CEI:2003AVANT-PROPOSLe prsent amendement a t tabli par le comit dtudes 55 de la CEI:Fils de bobinage.Le texte de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants:FDISRapport de vote55/830/FDIS55/841/RVDLe rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayantabouti lapprobation de cet amendement.Le comit a dcid que le contenu de la publication de base et de ses amendements ne serapas modifi avant 2003.A cette date,la publication serareconduite;supprime;remplace par une dition rvise,ouamende._Page 4INTRODUCTIONRemplacer le texte existant par ce qui suit:La prsente Norme Internationale constitue lun des lments dune srie traitant des filsisols utiliss dans les enroulements des appareils lectriques.Cette srie comporte troisgroupes dfinissant respectivement ce qui suit:1)Fils de bobinage Mthodes dessai(CEI 60851)2)Spcifications pour types particuliers de fils de bobinage(CEI 60317)3)Conditionnement de fils de bobinage(CEI 60264)LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.60264-2-1 Amend.1 IEC:2003 3 FOREWORDThis amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 55:Winding wires.The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:FDISReport on voting55/830/FDIS55/841/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the reporton voting indicated in the above table.The committee has decided that the contents of the base publication and its amendments willremain unchanged until 2003.At this date,the publication will bereconfirmed;withdrawn;replaced by a revised edition,oramended._Page 5INTRODUCTIONReplace the existing text by the following:This International Standard is one of a series that deals with insulated wires used for windingin electrical equipment.The series comprises three groups describing1)Winding wires Test methods(IEC 60851)2)Specifications for particular types of winding wires(IEC 60317)3)Packaging of winding wires(IEC 60264)LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.4 60264-2-1 Amend.1 CEI:2003Page 6Remplacer le Tableau 1 existant par le nouveau Tableau 1 suivant:Tableau 1 Dimensions et tolrances des bobines de livraison ft de forme cylindriqueDimensionsmmd3bL2Typedebobined1d2Nom.Tol.d4d5cd6aL1Nom.Tol.aat1Min.zye1r405063405063253240111111+0,15+0,15+0,15151515-1,51,52505063383849+0,10+0,15+0,150,750,751,01416180,40,40,40,080,100,15-111,68010012580100125506380161616+0,20+0,20+0,20242424777223801001256480100+0,15+0,20+0,201,01,01,52022250,60,60,60,150,200,20202020223160200250160200250100125160222222+0,20+0,20+0,20343434131313334160200200128160160+0,20+0,30+0,401,51,52,02832360,60,61,00,300,300,403232323453555007101 0003555007101 00022431550080036365151+0,50+0,50+0,50+0,5060608080262626265101526200250250250160180180180+0,40+0,50+0,80+1,002,55,07,513404045501,21,62,03,00,50,71,01,580801401405566aDes bobines sans trous peuvent tre commandes aprs accord entre le fournisseur et lacheteur.Si lalsage d6 estrequis,la quantit et la position de cet alsage doivent tre convenus.bPour les types de bobines 250 et 710,un alsage d3 de(36 05,0+mm)peut tre utilis aprs accord entre le fournisseuret lacheteur.cNombre dalsages d5 pour les types de bobines K 80 et K 100:au minimum 1 alsage par ct.Nombre dalsages d5 pour les types de bobines K 125:au minimum 2 alsages par ct.Pour les types de bobines K 80 et K 100,lalsage d5 nest pas tenu de transpercer.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.60264-2-1 Amend.1 IEC:2003 5 Page 7Replace the existing Table 1 by the following new Table 1:Table 1 Dimensions and tolerances for cylindrical barrelled delivery spoolsDimensionsmmd3bL2Spooltyped1d2Nom.Tol.d4d5cd6aL1Nom.Tol.a at1Min.zye1r405063405063253240111111+0,15+0,15+0,151515151,51,52505063383849+0,10+0,15+0,150,750,751,01416180,40,40,40,080,100,15111,68010012580100125506380161616+0,20+0,20+0,20242424777223801001256480100+0,15+0,20+0,201,01,01,52022250,60,60,60,150,200,2020202022316020025