NORME?CEIINTERNATIONALE?IECINTERNATIONAL?60390STAN DARD?1972AMENDEMENT 1AMENDMENT 11976-03Amendement 1Dimensions des terminaisons des axesde composants lectroniques pourcommande manuelleAmendment 1Dimensions of spindle ends for manually operatedelectronic components IEC 1976 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright-all rights reservedInternational Electrotechnical Commission?3,rue de Varemb Geneva,SwitzerlandTelefax:+41 22 919 0300? web site http:/www.iec.chCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical CommissionMerKayriapomiaR 3neKrporexHHVecKaa HonnHccHf1?CODE PRIXPRICE CODEPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price,see current catalogueIECALICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.A0,0028A(in)004/76(mm)0,07(in)0,0028-2-Pages 20 et/and 21Remplacer la figure 7 et les dimensions recommandes pour les axes double mplat par ce qui suit:Replace Figure 7 and the recommended dimensions for double flatted spindles by the following:FIG.7.-Axe double mplat.Double flatted spindle.(Dimensions en millimtres)(All dimensions in millimetres)Dimension ADimension B(voir note 3)(see Note 3)Dimension CDimension D(voir note 4)(see Note 4)Dimension EDimension FExcutioncouranteGeneralExcutionde prcisionPrecision8 0,530,0759 min-+o+o4-0,0754-0,03100,53,2=0,0754 005M 2,5 x 0,454 min12,5 0,5160,54-0,o7s4+0,5M 2,5 x 0,454 min200,525 0,5+06-0,075+6-0,0332 0,54,8-1133,1 6 minM 3 x 0,505 min40 14,8 _016min-(Dimensions,sauf E,en inches)(All dimensions,except E,in inches)Dimension ADimension B(voir note 3)(see Note 3)Dimension CDimension D(voir note 4)(see Note 4)Dimension E(mm)Dimension FExcutioncouranteExcutionde prcisionPrecision0,3150,020,118-0,0030,354 min-0,158+0,0030,158+0,00120,394 0,020,126-0,0030,158+002M 2,5 x 0,450,158 min0,492 0,020,630 0,020,158+min0,7870,020,158_ 0,0030.02M 2,50,45x0,158 0,984 0,020,2360,0030,2361 0,000121,2601,5750,02 0,040,189-00040,236 minM 3 x 0,500,197 min0,189-0,0040,236 min-Notes 1.-Toutes les dimensions comprennent le traitement de finition.2.-Chanfrein 400/500 ou arrondi sur une hauteur comprise entre 5%et 10%de la dimension A.3.-La dimension B peut tre de 6 0,5 mm(0,236 f 0,020 in)pour les condensateurs variables.4.-Le terme min peut galement signifier que laxe prsente deux mplats sur toute sa longueur.Notes 1.-All dimensions include finish requirements.2.-Chamfer at 40750 or a radius for a depth of between 5%and 10%of dimension A.3.-Dimension B may be 6 0.5 mm(0.236 0.020 in)for variable capacitors.4.-The expression min can also mean that the spindle is flat along its whole length.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.