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NORMEINTERNA TIONA L EC E II E CINTERNA TIONA LSTA NDA RD6 0 8 4 9D e u xi me ditionS e c on d e ditio n19 9 8-0 2Sy stmes lectroacoustiques pour servicesde secoursSound sy stems for emergency purposesNu mro de rfrenc eR eferenc e nu mb erCEI/IEC 6 08 49:19 98Copyrigh t In tern a tion al Electro tech nica l Co mmission Numros des publicationsDep u is le 1er janvier 1997,les p u b lications de la CEIsont nu mrotes p artir de 6 0000.Publications consolidesLes versions consolides de certaines p u b lications dela CEI incorp orant les amendements sont disp onib les.P ar exemp le,les nu mros ddition 1.0,1.1 et 1.2indiq u ent resp ectivement la p u b lication de b ase,lap u b lication de b ase incorp orant lamendement 1,et lap u b lication de b ase incorp orant les amendements 1e t 2.Validit de la prsente publicationLe contenu techniq u e des p u b lications de la CEI estconstamment revu p ar la CEI afin q u il reflte ltatactu el de la techniq u e.Des renseignements relatifs la date dereconfirmation de la p u b lication sont disp onib les dansle Catalogu e de la C EI.Le s ren se ign eme n ts relatifs c es r visio n s,lta blis-seme n t de s ditio n s rvise s e t a u x a me n deme n tsp e u ven t tre o b te n u s a u pr s de s Co mits n a tio n a u x dela C EI e t da n s les do cu men ts ci-de sso u s:Bulletin de la CEIAnnuaire de la CEIAccs en ligne*Catalogue des publications de la CEIP u b li annu ellement et mis jou r rgu lirement(Accs en ligne)*Terminologie,symboles graphiqueset littrauxEn ce q u i concerne la terminologie gnrale,le lecteu rse rep ortera la CEI 6 0050:Vocab ulaire Ele ctro-tec hniq ue International(VEI).P ou r les symb oles grap hiq u es,les symb oles littrau xet les signes du sage g nral ap p rou vs p ar la CEI,lelecteu r consu ltera la C EI 6 0027:S ym b oles littraux utiliser en lectrotec hniq ue,la C EI 6 0417:Sym b o le sgrap hiq ues utilisab les sur le m atriel.Index,relev etc om p ilation des feuilles individuelles,e t la C EI 6 06 17:Sym boles grap hiq ues p our schm as.Publications de la CEI tablies par le mme comit dtudesLattention du lecteu r est attire su r les listes figu rant la fin de cette p u b lication,q u i nu mrent lesp u b lications de la CEI p rp ares p ar le comitdtu des q u i a tab li la p rsente p u b lication.*Voir adresse site web su r la p age de titre.NumberingAs from 1 Janu ary 1997 all IEC p u b lications areissu ed with a designation in the 6 0000 series.Consolidated publicationsConsolidated versions of some IEC p u b licationsinclu ding amendments are availab le.For examp le,edition nu mb ers 1.0,1.1 and 1.2 refer,resp ectively,tothe b ase p u b lication,the b ase p u b licationincorp orating amendment 1 and the b ase p u b licationincorp orating amendments 1 and 2.Validity of this publicationThe technical content of IEC p u b lications is kep t u nderconstant review b y the IEC,thu s ensu ring that thecontent reflects cu rrent technology.Information relating to the date of the reconfirmation ofthe p u b lication is availab le in the IEC catalogu e.Information on the revision work,the issu e of revisededitions and amendments may b e ob tained fromIEC National C ommittees and from the followingIEC sou rces:IEC BulletinIEC YearbookOn-line access*Catalogue of IEC publicationsP u b lished yearly with regu lar u p dates(On-line access)*Terminology,graphical and lettersymbolsFor general terminology,readers are referred toIEC 6 0050:International Electrotechnic al Vocab ulary(IEV).For grap hical symb ols,and letter symb ols and signsap p roved b y the IEC for general u se,readers arereferred to p u b lications IEC 6 0027:Letter sym b ols tob e used in elec tric al tec hnology,IEC 60 4 17:G rap h icalsym bols for u se o n equ ip men t.In de x,surve y an dco m pilatio n of th e sin gle sh eets a n d IEC 6 06 17:G rap hic al sym b ols for diagram s.IEC publications prepared by the same technical committeeThe attention of readers is drawn to the end p ages ofthis p u b lication which list the IEC p u b lications issu edb y the technical committee which has p rep ared thep resent p u b lication.*S ee web site address on title p age.Copyrigh t In tern a tion al Electro tech nica l Co mmission NORMEINTERNA TIONA L EC E II ECINTERNA TIONA LSTA NDA RD6 0 8 4 9D e uxi me ditio nS e c o n d e dition19 9 8-0 2Sy stmes lectroacoustiques pour servicesde secoursSound sy stems for emergency purposes Commission Electrotechniq u e Internationale I nt ernat ional E lec trotec hnic al C ommissionPou r p rix,vo ir ca ta lo gu e en vigu eurFor p rice,s ee current ca ta lo gu e IEC 1998 Droits de rep rodu c tion rservs C op yright-all rig hts rese rvedAu cu ne p artie de c ette p u b lication ne p eu t tre rep rodu ite niu tilise sou s q u elq u e form e q u e c e soit et p ar au cu np roc d,le ctroniq u e ou m c aniq u e,y c om p ris la p hoto-c op ie et les m icrofilm s,sans lac c ord crit de lditeur.No p art of this p u b lic ation m ay b e rep rodu c ed or u tiliz ed inany form or b y an