IEC 61 158-2(Third edition-2003)Digital data communications for measurement and control-Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems-Part 2:Physical layer specification and service definition IEC 61 158-4(Third edition-2003)Digital data communications for measurement and control-Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems-Part 4:Data link protocol specification IEC 61 158-5(Third edition-2003)Digital data communications for measurement and control-Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems-Part 5:Application layer service definition IEC 61 158-6(Third edition-2003)Digital data communications for measurement and control-Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems-Part 6:Application layer protocol specification IEC 61784-1(First edition-2003)Digital data communications for measurement and control-Part 1:Profile sets for continuous and discrete manufacturing relative to fieldbus use in industrial control systems CORRIGENDUM 1 IEC 61 158-2:Page 137 Replace,in 11.3.3(Rule 8 c),Error!I MDmax by l(Z-Zfr)/(Z+Zfr)I I MDmax.Page 152 Replace,in 12.3.3(Rule 8 c),Error!I 0,2 by l(Z-Zfr)/(Z+Zfr)l I 0,2.Page 170 Replace,in 13.3.3(Rule 8 c),Error!I 0,2 by l(Z-Z,)/(Z+Z,)l I 0,2.July 2004 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Technip Abu Dabhi/5931917101 Not for Resale,02/22/2006 23:25:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2-Page 181 Replace,in 14.3.3(Rule 8 c),Error!I 0,2 by l(Z-Z,)/(Z+Z,)l I 0,2.Page 229 Replace,in 21.3.3(Rule 8 c),Error!I 0,2 by l(Z-Z,)/(Z+Z,)l I 0,2.Page 234 Replace,in 21.8.8,See O bySee 12.8.8.IEC 61 158-4:Page 86 Replace,in 5.1.1,in equation 5,Error!by I x+1 I xn-k+I Page 110 Replace,in,in paragraph framing-overhead,.where period=Error!by I.where period=-I 1 Page 251 Replace,in b),.then the duration of this timer should be Error!;otherwise the duration should be Error!.by.then the duration of this timer should be Vc(N P).MCD-C RS V(NRC)+l;otherwise the duration should be V(NRC)+l 60 s.u,Page 279 Replace,in b),.then the duration of this timer should be;otherwise the duration should be Error!.by.then the duration of this timer should be;otherwise the duration Vc(N P).MCD-CRS V(NRC)+l 60 s u,should be V(NRC)+l.Page 280 Replace,in,secondparagraph,.between 25%and 50%of Error!;otherwise the duration should be between 25%and 50%of Error!.by.between 25%and 50%of Vc(NP).MCD-D 60 s ii V(NRC)+P;otherwise the duration should be between 25%and 50%of V(NRC)+2.July 2004 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Technip Abu Dabhi/5931917101 Not for Resale,02/22/2006 23:25:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3-Page 281 Replace,in,second indent,.between 25%and 50%of Error!;otherwise the duration should be between 25%and 50%of Error!.by.between 25%and 50%of Vc(N P).MCD-D 60 c ii V(NRC)+P;otherwise the duration should be between 25%and 50%of V(NRC)+2.Replace,in,secondparagraph,.between 25%and 50%of Error!;otherwise the duration should be between 25%and 50%of Error!.by.between 25%and 50%of Vc(N P).MCD-D 60 c ii V(NRC)+P;otherwise the duration should be between 25%and 50%of V(NRC)+2.Page 282 Replace,in,secondparagraph,.between 70%and 95%of Error!;otherwise the duration should be between 70%and 95%of Error!.by.between 70%and 95%of;otherwise the duration should be between 70%and 95%of V(NRC)+2.Vc(N P).MCD-CRS 60s ii V(NRC)+P Page 286 Replace,in c),.this timer should be Error!;otherwise the duration should be Error!.by.this timer should be Vc(N P).MC D-CRS 60s ii V(NRC)+l;otherwise the duration should be V(NRC)+l.Page 287 Replace,in b),.this timer should be Error!;otherwise,the duration should be Error!.by.this timer should be Vc(N P).MC D-CRS 60s ii V(NRC)+l;otherwise,the duration should be V(NRC)+l.Page 299 Replace,in b),.this timer should be Error!;otherwise the duration should be Error!.by.this timer should be V(NRC)+l PU(MCD);otherwise the duration should be V(NRC)+l.60 c ii Page 301 Replace,in a),in equation(20),I+Error!)by I+y)l.Page 400 Replace,in 12.6.3 a),fifth paragraph,.at most Error!ms for Basic and Link Master DLEs,and Error!ms most qms for Basic and Link Master DLEs,and?gms for.1 1 Page 442 Replace,in 15.2,in the note following the sixth paragraph,The calculation of slot time is specified in O.byThe calculation of slot time is specified in 18.2.July 2004 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=Technip Abu Dabhi/5931917101 Not for Resale,02/22/2006 23:25:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4-Page 462 Replace,in 16.4.3,note 1,Subclause O by Subclause 18.2.Replace,in 16.4.3,note 2,Subclause O by Subclause 18.2.Replace,in 16.4.3,note 3,Subclause O by Subclause 18.2.Page 590 Replace,in 20.5.2,equation(25),