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IEC_61050 1991 _amd1 1994 _scan
NORMEINTERNATIONALEINTERNATIONALSTAN DARDCEIIEC610501991AMENDEMENT 1AMENDMENT 11994-06Amendement 1Transformateurs pour lampes tubulaires dcharge ayant une tension secondaire vide suprieure 1000 V(couramment appels transformateurs-non)Prescriptions gnrales et de scuritAmendment 1Transformers for tubular discharge lamps havinga no-load output voltage exceeding 1000 V(generally called neon-transformers)General and safety requirements IEC 1994 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright-all rights reservedInternational Electrotechnical Commission?3,rue de Varemb Geneva,SwitzerlandTelefax:+41 22 919 0300?e-mail:inmailiec.ch?IEC web site http:/www.iec.ch?Commission Electrotechnique Internationale?CODE PRIX?International Electrotechnical Commission?PRICE CODEMemulyHapoiman GneKTpoTexHH4ecKan HOMHCCHR?Pour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price,see current catalogueIECLICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.DIS34C(BC)254Rapport de vote34C(BC)273-2-?1050 amend.1 CEI:1994AVANT-PROPOSLe prsent amendement a t tabli par le sous-comit 34C:Appareils auxiliaires pourlampes dcharge,du comit dtudes 34 de la CEI:Lampes et quipements associs.Le texte de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants:Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le voteayant abouti lapprobation de cet amendement.Page 2SOMMAIREAjouter:Annexe D-Systmes utiliss au Japon et en Amrique du Nord.Aprs la page 70,ajouter ce qui suit:Annexe D(normative)Systmes utiliss au Japon et en Amrique du NordD.8 Caractristiques lectriquesD.8.4 La valeur du courant de court-circuit des transformateurs individuels doit tre entrela valeur marque et la valeur marque+10%.D.10 EchauffementD.10.3 Conditions de fonctionnementPour les transformateurs protgs contre les courts-circuits(voir 2.5),lessaidchauffement dans les conditions normales de fonctionnement doit tre effectu avec lesecondaire du transformateur en essai mis en court-circuit.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.DIS34C(CO)254Report on voting34C(CO)2731050 Amend.1 IEC:1994?3 FOREWORDThis amendment has been prepared by sub-committee 34C:Auxiliaries for dischargelamps,of IEC technical committee 34:Lamps and related equipment.The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in thereport on voting indicated in the above table.Page 3CONTENTSAdd:Annex D Systems used in Japan and North AmericaAfter page 71,add the following:Annex D(normative)Systems used in Japan and North AmericaD.8 Electrical characteristicsD.8.4 The value of the short-circuit current of individual transformers shall be within+10%of the marked value.D.10 HeatingD.10.3 Operating conditionsFor short-circuit proof transformers(see 2.5),the heating test for normal operation shallbe carried out with the secondary of the transformer under test being short-circuited.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.-4-?1050 amend.1 CEI:1994D.15 Rsistance disolement et rigidit dilectrique?D.15.3?Essai de rigidit dilectrique par tension appliqueEn ce qui concerne les transformateurs dont les enroulements secondaires ne sont pasmis la terre,la tension dessai est gale 1,5 fois la tension de sortie vide nominale.D.16 Construction?D.16.2?Au Japon,la mise la terre de lenroulement secondaire nest pas autorise;enAmrique du Nord,elle est optionnelle.D.16.5.4 Au Japon,les enveloppes non mtalliques ne sont pas autorises.D.17 Raccordement des conducteursD.17.1 Au Japon,aucune borne nest autorise pour les enroulements secondaires.D.17.5 Au Japon,des fils de connexion spciaux sont prescrits.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.1050 Amend.1 I EC:1994?-5-D.15 Insulation resistance and electric strengthD.15.3 Electric strength test through applied voltageFor transformers whose output windings are not earthed,the test voltage is equal to1,5 times the rated no-load output voltage.D.16 ConstructionD.16.2 In Japan,the earthing of the output winding is not permitted;in North America,it is optional.D.16.5.4 In Japan,the non-metallic enclosures are not permitted.D.17 Connection of conductorsD.17.1 In Japan,no terminals are permitted for the output windings.D.17.5 In Japan,special connecting leads are prescribed.LICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.ICS 29.140.30Typeset and printed by the IEC Central OfficeGENEVA,SWITZERLANDLICENSED TO MECON Limited.-RANCHI/BANGALOREFOR INTERNAL USE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY,SUPPLIED BY BOOK SUPPLY BUREAU.

