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IEC 60034 18 22 2000
NORMECEIINTERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL60034-18-22STANDARDDeuxiame 6ditionSecond edition2000-06Machines electriques tournantes-Partie 18-22:Evaluation fonctionnelle des systemes disolation-Procedures dessai pour enroulements a filsClassification des modifications et dessubstitutions de composants disolationRotating electrical machinesPat18-22:Functional evaluation of insulation systems-Test procedures for wire-wound windings-Classification of changes and insulationcomponent substitutionsIEC 2001 Droits de reproduction reserves-Copyright-all rights reservedAucune partle de ce:te publlcalon ne pout etre reproduate nlNo psrt of this putllcaon may te produsad or utllzed inute aous quelque forma cun c aoit et par aupun prooddd.any form ar by any means,alectranle cr mechanical.eco qve cu mecanique.y compnis ls photocopie et lesmicrolilms,sans Iapcord de red touroE2nn、mot pemison nIntemational Electrotechnical Commisslon3.rue de Varembe Geneva.SwitzerlandTelelax+41 22 919 0300e-mail:inmaikdiec.chEC web site http:/www.iec.chCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleCODE PRIXInternational Electrotechnical CommissionPRICE CODENPWEt6wfe特we,aF心a,特urf cntslogueCopyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon May0611:11:472002-2-60034-18-22CEI:2001SOMMAIREAVANT-PROPOS.4INTRODUCTION.81 Domaine dapplication102 References normatives.3 Principes directeurs generaux.103.1 Composants disolation de categorie.103.2 Composants disolation de categorie.123.3 Dfinition de Iidentite generique.24 Documentation.5 Procedures generales de substitution.46 Catgorie de substitution de composant.46.1 Substitution de composant de categorie I.146.2 Substitution de composant de categorie ll187 Procedure dessai avec tube scelle.187.1 Generalites.187.2 Materiel dessai207.3 Preparation de lechantillon20207.5 Preparation des tubes227.6 Conditionnement thermique.227.7 Procedure douverture.247.8 Evaluation des echantillons.247.9 Condition requise.24Figure 1-Appareil dessai.26Tableau 1-Methodes dessai de vieillissement thermique pour les vernis.16Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon May 06 11:11:47 200260034-18-221EC:2001-3-CONTENTSFOREWORD.INTRODUCTION.91Scope.112 Normative references.113 General guidelines.113.1 Category I insulation components.113.2 Category ll insulation components.133.3 Definition of generic identity.135General substitution procedures156 Component substitution category.156.1 Category Icomponent substitution.156.2 Category lI component substitution.197 Sealed tube test procedure.197.1G neral.197.2 Test7.3 Sample preparation217.4 Contents of tubes.217.5 Preparation of tubes.237.6 Thermal conditioning.237.7Opening procedure.257.87.9Requirement.25Figure 1-Test apparatus.27Table 1-Thermal ageing test methods for varnish.417Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon May0611:11:472002-4-60034-18-22CEl:2001COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALEMACHINES ELECTRIQUES TOURNANTESPartie 18-22:Evaluation fonctionnelle des systemes disolation-Procedures dessai pour enroulements a fils-Classification des modifications et des substitutionsde composants disolationAVANT-PROPOS1)L题CEI(Commission lectrotechniqueInternalionale)est une organisalion mondiale decomposee de Iensemble des comites electrotechniques nationaux(Comites nationaux de la CEl).La CEl apour objet de favoriser la cooperation internationale pour toutes les questions de normalisation dans lesdomalnes de lslectriclt6 et de l6lectronique.A cet effet,la CEl,entre autres acthites,publle des NormesInternationales.Leur elaboration est confiee a des comites detudes,aux travaux desquels tout Comite natlonalInteresse par le sujet tralte peut partiinternationales.gouverementsleset nongouvemementales,en liaison avec la CEl.participent 6galement aux travaux.La CEI collabore otroitementavec IOrganisation Internationale de Normalisation(ISO).selon des conditions fixeus par accord entre lesdoux organisations.2)Les decisions ou accords officiels de la CEIchnrepresentdu posslble,un accord internatlonal sur les sulets etudes.tn donns oue les Comiteedans la mesunatlonaux interess6ssont representes dans chaque comlte detudes.3)Les documents produits se presentent sous la forme de recommandalions internationales.lls sont publiesnotochniquos,rapports lechniques ou guides t agrcomme tels par lesComiles nationaux.4)Dans le but dencourager Iunification internationale,les Comites nationaux de la CEl sengagent appliquer defacon transparente,dans toute la mesure possible,les Normes internationales de la CEl dans leurs normesnationales et regionales.Toute divergenentre la nomme de la CEl et la norme nationale ou regionalecorrespondante doit etre indiquee en termes clairs dans cette derniere.5)La CEI na flx6 aucune procedure concernant le marquage comme Indlcation dapprobalion et sa responsabllit6nest pas engagee quand un materiel est declare conforme Iune de ses normes.6)Lattontion est attiree sur lo fait que cortains dos 616ments de la prosonte Norme internationale pouvent faireIobjet de droits de propriete intellecluelle ou de droits analoyues.La CEl ne saurail etre tenue pourresponsable de ne pas avoir identifie de tols droits de propriete et de ne pas avoir signale leur existenceLa Norme internationale CEl 60034-18-22 a ete etablie par le comite detudes 2 de la CEl:Machines tournantes.Cette deuxieme edition annule et remplace la premiere edition publiee en 1996 dont elleconstitue une revision technique.Cette version bilingue(2001-04)remplace la version monolingue anglaise.Le texte anglais de cette norme est base sur les documents 2/1088/FDIS et 2/1096/RVD.Le rapport de vote 2/1096/RVD donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti aIapprobation de cette norme.La version francaise de cette nomme na pas ete soumise au vote.Cette publication a ete redigee selon les Directives ISO/CEl,Partie 3.Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon May0611:11:47200260034-18-221EC:2001-5-INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSIONROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINESPart 18-22:Functional evaluation of insulation systems-Test procedures for wire-wound windings-Classification of changesand insulation component substitutionsFOREWORD1)The IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission)is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees(IEC National Committees).The object of the IEC is to promoteinternational co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields.Tothis end and in addition to other activities,the IEC publlshes International Standards.Thelr preparation isentrusted to technical committees:any IEC Natlonal Committee interested in the sublect dealt with mayin this preparatory work.InternatlonagovernmenI andnon-governmentalwith the IEC also participate in this preparation.The IECcollaborates closely with the InternationalOrganization for Standardization(ISO)in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between thetwo organizations.2)The formmal decisions or agreements of the IECmaarly as possible,International consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since aach technical committee has representationfrom all Interested National Commlttees.3)The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formstandads.chnicalspecifications.technicalreportsor guides and theyareaccepted by the NationalCommittees in that sense.4)In order to promote international unification,IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards.Anydivergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearlyindicated in the latter.5)The IEC provldes no marking procedure to indicate Its approval and cannot be rendered responslble for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6)Attontion is drawn to the possibility thet some of tho this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights.The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Standard IEC 60034-18-22 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 2:Rotating machinery.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1996 of which itconstitutes a technical revision.This bilingual version(2001-04)replaces the English version.The text of this standard is based on the following documents:FDISReport on voting2/1088/FD1S2I1096/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table.This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives,Part 3.Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionMon May0611:11:472002

