NOR MEINT ER NAT IONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALST ANDARD60061-3Edition 3.312003-10Culots de lampes et douilles ainsi que calibrespour le contrle de linterchangeabilitet de la scurit Partie 3:CalibresLamp caps and holders together withgauges for the control of interchangeabilityand safet y Part 3:Gauges IEC 2003 Droits de reproduct ion rserv s Copy r ight -all rights reserv edInt ernat ional Elect r otechnical Commission,3,r ue de Var emb,PO Box 131,CH-1211 Geneva 20,Sw itzerlandTelephone:+41 22 919 02 11 Telefax:+41 22 919 03 00 Commission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical CommissionNORME INT ER NATIONALE CEIIECINTER NATIONAL STANDAR D 60061-3Edition 3.31Culots de lampes et douilles ainsi que calibres pour le cont rle de lint erchangeabilit et de la scurit Part ie 3:Calibres Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for t he control of interchangeability and safety Part 3:Gauges Modifie selon les Complment s:Amended in accordance with Supplements:A(1970),B(1971),C(1971),D(1972),E(1972),F(1975),G(1977),H(1980),J(1983),K(1987),L(1989),M(1992),N(1994),P(1994),Q(1995),R(1996),S(1996),T(1996),U(1997),et/and les amendements/amendments 20(1998),21(1999),22(1999),23(2000),24(2001),25(2001),26(2001),27(2002),28(2002),29(2002),30(2003)et/and 31(2003)IEC 2003 Droits de reproduction rserv s Copy r ight-all right s reser ved Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque f orme que ce soit et par aucun procd,lectronique ou mcanique,y compris la photo-copie et les microfilms,sans laccord crit de lditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any f orm or by any means,electronic or mechanical,including photocopying and microfilm,without permission in writing from the publisher.Int ernat ional Elect rot echnical Commission,3,rue de Var emb,PO Box 131,CH-1211 Geneva 20,Sw itz erlandTelephone:+41 22 919 02 11 Telefax:+41 22 919 03 00 CODE PRIXPRICE CODEPour prix,voir c atalogue en vigueurFor pric e,see c urrent catalogueXM2003-1060061-3 CEI/IEC:2003 INTRODUCTION La pr sente v ersion consolide de la CEI 60061-3 est issue de la t r oisime dit ion(1969)de ses complments A(1970),B(1971),C(1971),D(1972),E(1972),F(1975),G(1977),H(1980),J(1983),K(1987),L(1989),M(1992),N(1994),P(1994),Q(1995),R(1996),S(1996),T(1996),U(1997)et de ses amendement s 20(1998),21(1999),22(1999),23(2000),24(2001),25(2001),26(2001),27(2002),28(2002),29(2002),30(2003)et 31(2003)Elle por t e le numr o ddition 3.31.Le comit a dcid que le contenu de cet te publication ne ser a pas modifi av ant 2004-04.A cette date,la publicat ion sera r econduit e;suppr ime;r emplace par une dit ion r v ise,ou amende._ INTRODUCTION This consolidat ed v er sion of IEC 60061-3 is based on t he t hir d edition(1969)and its supplements A(1970),B(1971),C(1971),D(1972),E(1972),F(1975),G(1977),H(1980),J(1983),K(1987),L(1989),M(1992),N(1994),P(1994),Q(1995),R(1996),S(1996),T(1996),U(1997)and amendment s 20(1998),21(1999),22(1999),23(2000),24(2001),25(2001),26(2001),27(2002),28(2002),29(2002),30(2003)and 31(2003).It bear s t he edition number 3.31.The committee has decided that t he contents of this publication w ill r emain unchanged unt il 2004-04.A t t his date,the publication w ill be r econfir med;w ithdr awn;r eplaced by a r ev ised edition,or amended._ 60061-3 A mend.31 CEI/IEC:2003 CONT ENTS BY DESIGNATION(Caps/bases)SOMMAIR E PAR DESIGNAT ION(Culots/socles)IEC 60061-3 CEI 60061-3 GAUGES FOR LAMP CAPS AND BASES CALIBRES POUR CULOTS ET SOCLES DE LAMPES Page 1/4 BA9,B15,BA15&B22 Go/Entre 7006-11-8 BA9,B15,B22&BY22d Not Go/Nentre pas 7006-10-8 BAX9s&BAY9s Go/Entre 7006-9-1 B15d,B22d&BY22d Insertion 7006-4A-2 B15d&B22d Retention/Retenue 7006-4B-1 BA15,BAU15,BAW15,BAY15&BAZ15 Retention/Retenue 7006-14-2 BA15&BAY15d Dimension B 7006-14B-1 BA15s-3 Go/Entre 7006-11E-1 BAU15,BAW15&BAZ15 Dimension B 7006-11D-2 BAU15s Go/Entre 7006-19A-1 BAW15 Go/Entre 7006-11F-1 BAY15 Go/Entre 7006-11B-2 BAY15 Go for dimension Pmax./Entre pour dimension Pmax.7006-14C-2 BAZ15d Go/Entre 7006-11C-1 BA20 Go/Entre 7006-2-3 BA21-3(120)Go/Entre 7006-17-4 B22d-3(90/135)25x26 Go/Entre 7006-19-2 B22d Acceptance/Acceptation 7006-3-1 BY22d Go/Entre 7006-17A-1 E5 Go/Entre 7006-25D-1 E5 Not Go/Nentre pas 7006-25E-1 E10 Go/Entre 7006-27A-2 E10&EY10 Not Go/Nentre pas 7006-28E-1 EP10 Not Go/Nentre pas 7006-28-7 EP10 Go/Entre 7006-37-1 EY10 Go/Entre 7006-7-1 E11 Go/Entre 7006-6-1 E12 Go/Entre 7006-27H-1 E12 Additional Go/Entre additionnel 7006-27J-1 E12 Not Go/Nentre pas 7006-28C-1 E12 Contact-making/Ralit du contact 7006-32-1 E14 Go/Entre 7006-27F-1 E14 Go for dimension S1/Entre pour dimension S1 7006-27G-1 E14 Not Go/Nentre pas 7006-28B-1 E14 Contact-making/Ralit du contact 7006-54-2 E14 Protection against accidental contact/Protection contre les contacts accidentels 7006-55-2 E17 Go/Entre 7006-27K-1 E17 Not Go/Nentre pas 7006-28F-1 E17 Contact-making/Ralit du contact 700