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2022 DFA 设计 表彰 亚洲 卓越 杰出人物
DFA AWARDS 2022:CELEBRATING DESIGN EXCELLENCE AND MASTER MINDS IN ASIA2022 年 DFA 设计奖:表彰亚洲卓越设计与杰出人物Launched by the Hong Kong Design Centre(HKDC)in 2003,with Create Hong Kong(CreateHK)of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the lead sponsor,the DFA Awards underpins the role of designers in society,celebrates design leadership and exemplary designs and projects with impact in Asia,as well as recognises the rising force of emerging Hong Kong designers via its five major award programmes.On November 29th,the DFA Awards held its annual award presentation ceremony to honour all of the DFA Awards 2022 winners at the Hong Kong Palace Museum.Among the five major programmes under DFA Awards,the three master designer awards,which are regarded as the highest distinction in the Asian design industry,have always attracted much attention.In 2022,the three awards were conferred to Katsumi ASABA,Founder of Katsumi ASABA Design Studio,winner of DFA Lifetime Achievement Award(DFA LAA);Muneaki MASUDA,President and CEO of Culture Convenience Club Co.,Ltd,winner of DFA Design Leadership Award(DFA DLA);and GUO Pei,Founder of Rose Studio,winner of DFA Worlds Outstanding Chinese Designer(DFA WOCD).The three leading awards recognise their unique design and business philosophy,as well as their outstanding contributions to the Asia region.In 2022,the DFA Design for Asia Awards(DFA DFAA)showcasing Asian perspectives and values by different design disciplines were conferred to 195 projects,including 9 Grand awards,21 Gold awards and 165 Silver,Bronze and Merit awards winners.In addition,16 awardees of the DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award(DFA HKYDTA)were also recognised.For this issue,Package&Design selected some award-winning works from the DFA Awards 2022 to share with our readers.“DFA设计奖”由香港设计中心主办、由香港特别行政区政府“创意香港”办公室作为主要赞助机构。自2003年成立至今,“DFA设计奖”一直通过五大奖项计划DFA亚洲设计终身成就奖(DFA LAA)、DFA设计领袖奖(DFA DLA)、DFA世界杰出华人设计师(DFA WOCD)、DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖(DFA)和DFA香港青年设计才俊奖(DFA HKYDTA)表彰为亚洲区做出重要贡献的杰出设计领袖和在亚洲区域内具有影响力的优秀设计项目,同时嘉许香港的青年设计才俊。2022年11月29日,“DFA设计奖”在香港故宫文化博物馆举行了年度颁奖典礼,嘉奖了2022年DFA设计奖的所有得奖者。2022年DFA亚洲设计终身成就奖、DFA设计领袖奖、DFA世界杰出华人设计师在DFA五大奖项计划中,被誉为亚洲设计界最高殊荣的DFA三大亚洲设计师奖一向备受瞩目。2022年,“DFA亚洲设计终身成就奖”特别授予浅叶克己(浅叶克己设计工作室创办人),“DFA设计领袖奖”特别授予增田宗昭(日本文化便利俱乐部有限公司董事长兼行政总裁),“DFA世界杰出华人设计师”特别授予郭培(中国时装设计师、玫瑰坊创办人)。三大奖项表彰了三位杰出人物别具一格的设计与经营哲学,以及他们在亚洲区内做出的杰出贡献。2022年DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖“DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖”旨在嘉许各种各样体现亚洲美学和文化、为亚洲设计并在亚洲具影响力、能创造潮流、突破传统框架、对未来设计的发展和方向具有启发性的设计作品。2022年,DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖继续秉持以人为本的设计宗旨,进行了奖项的更新,在原有的四个类别传讯设计、服饰设计、产品与工业设计、空间设计的基础上,增设数码及动态设计、服务及体验设计两个全新类别,以顺应瞬息万变的数字化趋势,让更多亚洲多元的优秀设计有机会参与此盛事,获得广泛的认可。2022年,DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖的国际评审团由来自不同领域的资深环球设计专家组成,经过多轮审议,共评选出195件获奖作品,分别授予9个大奖、21个金奖及165个银、铜和优异奖。其中,中国内地(65件作品获奖)、中国香港(49件作品获奖)和日本(44件作品获奖)的参赛者获奖数量最多。2022年DFA香港青年设计才俊奖“DFA香港青年设计才俊奖”旨在表扬及培育有潜质的香港新晋设计师,提供高达港币50万元的财政赞助,帮助获奖者远赴海外工作或进修。2022年,16位香港年轻设计师获颁“DFA香港青年设计才俊奖”,当中的13位获得财政资助,前往海外深造或工作。香港设计中心主席严志明教授在2022年DFA设计奖颁奖典礼上致欢迎辞时指出:“2022年是香港设计中心成立20周年。过去20年来,香港设计中心持续推广并嘉许本地设计,推出了奠基性的平台促进中国香港和亚洲的创意产业发展。未来我们将继续与设计界及大众携手,共同建设可持续的美好社区,巩固香港在亚洲领先的国际设计中心地位。”本期 包装&设计特别甄选了2022年DFA设计奖的部分获奖作品,与读者分享。7Package&Design6 Package&Design 7Package&DesignDFA AWARDS 2022:CELEBRATING DESIGN EXCELLENCE AND MASTER MINDS IN ASIA2022 年 DFA 设计奖:表彰亚洲卓越设计与杰出人物Launched by the Hong Kong Design Centre(HKDC)in 2003,with Create Hong Kong(CreateHK)of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the lead sponsor,the DFA Awards underpins the role of designers in society,celebrates design leadership and exemplary designs and projects with impact in Asia,as well as recognises the rising force of emerging Hong Kong designers via its five major award programmes.On November 29th,the DFA Awards held its annual award presentation ceremony to honour all of the DFA Awards 2022 winners at the Hong Kong Palace Museum.Among the five major programmes under DFA Awards,the three master designer awards,which are regarded as the highest distinction in the Asian design industry,have always attracted much attention.In 2022,the three awards were conferred to Katsumi ASABA,Founder of Katsumi ASABA Design Studio,winner of DFA Lifetime Achievement Award(DFA LAA);Muneaki MASUDA,President and CEO of Culture Convenience Club Co.,Ltd,winner of DFA Design Leadership Award(DFA DLA);and GUO Pei,Founder of Rose Studio,winner of DFA Worlds Outstanding Chinese Designer(DFA WOCD).The three leading awards recognise their unique design and business philosophy,as well as their outstanding contributions to the Asia region.In 2022,the DFA Design for Asia Awards(DFA DFAA)showcasing Asian perspectives and values by different design disciplines were conferred to 195 projects,including 9 Grand awards,21 Gold awards and 165 Silver,Bronze and Merit awards winners.In addition,16 awardees of the DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award(DFA HKYDTA)were also recognised.For this issue,Package&Design selected some award-winning works from the DFA Awards 2022 to share with our readers.“DFA设计奖”由香港设计中心主办、由香港特别行政区政府“创意香港”办公室作为主要赞助机构。自2003年成立至

